The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Changing Perspectives

  Changing Perspectives wants the Government to ratify the UN Convention for People with Disabilities without reservations and interpretive declarations. We believe that all the articles are equally important and need full implementation in order to uphold the spirit of the UN Convention. We appreciate that amending existing legislation, policies and practises in order that they are compatible with the UN Convention for People with Disabilities cannot immediately happen. But the Convention emphasises the state's need for a progressive realisation of such human rights. A similar approach taken with the Government's commitment in the Improving Life Chances of Disabled People by 2025 whereby policies are gradually being introduced such as individualised budgets, an overhaul of the benefit system and alike. Eradicating inequality can only be achieved if disabled peoples human and civil rights are fully enforceable.

  We urge the Government to ratify the Convention to ensure that disabled peoples human rights are universally protected regardless who they are and where they live.

  Changing Perspectives is an organisation which provides training and consultancy services and campaigns with disabled people for full enforceable civil and human rights.

  Changing Perspectives is a member of United Nations Convention Campaign Coalition and fully supports their position.

3 November 2008

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