Letter from Rehabilitation International
On behalf of RI, a global and diverse network
of over 1,000 disability-related organizations in nearly 100 countries
working together to implement the rights and inclusion of persons
with disabilities, we thank your Government for its support of
the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
RI urges your Government to uphold its commitment
to this treaty by adopting the CRPD and its Optional Protocol
as a matter of priority and without reservations or declarations.
Indeed, the call for a UN Disability Rights Convention began in
London in 1999, under the leadership of The Rt Hon Lord Morris
of Manchester, when the Charter for the Third Millennium was adopted
at the RI World Congress.
The UK government must continue its leadership
by ratifying and implementing the CRPD and its Protocol without
any reservations, living up to its commitment to upholding disability
13 November 2008