Legislative Scrutiny: (1) Superannuation Bill; (2) Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

4. Letter from the Chair of the Committee, to Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister, 13 October 2010

The Joint Committee on Human Rights is considering the compatibility of the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill with the requirements of human rights law.

The human rights issue which the Committee is considering is whether the parliamentary franchise, which is used to define the right to vote in the referendum, will have been amended by the time of the referendum so as to give effect to the decision of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v UK, that the blanket disqualification of prisoners from voting is in breach of the right to participate in free and fair elections in Article 3 Protocol 1 ECHR.

The Bill provides that a person is entitled to vote in the referendum if, on the date of the referendum, he or she would be entitled to vote in a parliamentary election.[89] The effect of defining entitlement to vote in the referendum by reference to the parliamentary franchise is that prisoners who are currently disqualified from voting in parliamentary elections by s. 3 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 will also be disqualified from voting in the referendum.

The blanket ban on prisoner voting in s. 3 of the 1983 Act was held to be incompatible with the right to participate in free and fair elections in Article 3 Protocol 1 ECHR by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in October 2005.[90] It has also been declared to be incompatible with Article 3 Protocol 1 by the Court of Session in Scotland.[91] On 15 September 2010 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted an interim resolution regretting the UK's failure to implement the judgment and calling on the UK to prioritise implementation of the judgment without any further delay.[92]

In the Government's view there is no incompatibility because the provision defining the franchise for the referendum does not engage Article 3 of Protocol 1. The basis for this view is that, according to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, referenda do not fall within the scope of Article 3 Protocol 1 because they are not "elections concerning the choice of the legislature". Article 3 Protocol 1 therefore does not guarantee the right to participate in a referendum. The Committee accepts, as a matter of ECHR case-law, that the definition of the franchise in a referendum does not engage Article 3 Protocol 1, for the reasons given in the Explanatory Notes: the right applies only to the election of the legislature.

However, the Committee is concerned about the Government, in effect, inviting Parliament to legislate by reference to a statutory provision which was found by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights to be incompatible with the European Convention more than five years ago, which has also been declared incompatible by a UK court, and which was recently the subject of an interim resolution by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, without having introduced any measure to remedy that incompatibility in the meantime, and in the absence of any attempt to justify the disqualification of prisoners from entitlement to vote in the referendum. The Bill defines the right to vote in the referendum by reference to the parliamentary franchise at a future date, namely the date of that referendum (5 May 2011). The Committee would like to know whether the parliamentary franchise at that date will have been amended to remove the incompatibility identified by the Grand Chamber in Hirst.

The Committee would be grateful if you could provide it with further information as to when the incompatibility identified by the Grand Chamber in Hirst v UK is going to be remedied.

I would be grateful if you could reply by 27 October 2010 and if an electronic copy of your reply, in Word, could be emailed to jchr@parliament.uk.

13 October 2010

89   Clause 2(1)(a). Back

90   Hirst v UK, App No. 74025/01 (6 October 2005). Back

91   William Smith v Electoral Registration Officer [2007] CSIH XA 33/04 (24 January 2007). Back

92   CM/ResDH(2009)160 (Annex to this Note). Back

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