1 Introduction
Policy Background
1. The law governing defamation is crucial to the
proper functioning of any democratic society. It represents the
dividing line between two established and powerful rights: freedom
of expression on the one side; the right to reputation on the
other.[1] Any slight shift
in the balance between these two competing rights and the procedures
governing our legal system can have far-reaching consequences
for the way in which we conduct public debate.
2. In essence, the law exists to provide a means
of redress for someone whose reputation has suffered unjustifiable
harm by the publication of defamatory information. There is no
statutory definition of what is 'defamatory', nor is one provided
by the draft Defamation Bill that this Committee has been established
to consider. The courts generally treat a statement as defamatory
when it "lowers a person in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally".[2]
There are two types of defamation: libel, when the defamatory
statement is in writing;[3]
and slander, when it is spoken.[4]
Both individuals and organisations (with some exceptions) can
begin defamation proceedings. Someone accused of defaming another
person has a variety of defences available, a number of which
are discussed in this Report.
3. Defamation is substantially governed by the common
law. Statutory intervention has been rare: the last Act exclusively
concerned with defamation was passed in 1996. This followed a
review of some aspects of defamation law by the Committee chaired
by Sir Brian Neill and updated a previous statute dating from
1952. There was a comprehensive review of defamation law in 1975
by the Committee chaired by Mr Justice Faulks. Its report covered
many of the issues in the Government's current consultation but
none of the recommendations were implemented by the Government
of the day.
4. Recent years have seen increasing levels of concern
expressed about the law relating to defamation, both outside and
inside Parliament. A wide range of interest groups, including
publishers, journalists and scientists, have joined forces in
the Libel Reform Campaign to lobby for reform. Debate has also
expanded in legal and academic circles, prompting a number of
Government reviews. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) conducted a
consultation on reducing costs in defamation proceedings in 2009,
which led to some limited changes and the establishment of pilot
schemes on reducing costs.[5]
It also conducted a separate consultation on the single publication
rule. The Master of the Rolls established a review of civil litigation
costs in 2009 (the Jackson Review), the conclusions of which were
then subject to Government consultation. The MoJ set up a Libel
Working Group in March 2010 to explore specific issues such as
libel tourism and a public interest defence. Most of the proposals
of the Jackson Review were accepted by the Government and are
awaiting implementation.[6]
The Libel Working Group did not always find a consensual view
but its work served to inform the Government's thinking on the
draft Bill.
5. Inside Parliament, the Culture, Media and Sport
Select Committee identified in March 2010 a number of problems
with the operation of existing defamation law in the context of
a wider look at press standards.[7]
At the 2010 general election all three major political parties
expressed support for reforming libel laws. The Coalition Agreement
undertook a review of these laws to "protect freedom of speech".[8]
Perhaps the most significant driver of reform was the Defamation
Bill introduced by Lord Lester of Herne Hill in May 2010. He neatly
summed up the main criticisms of the current law as follows:
Our law suffers from the twin vices of uncertainty
and overbreadth. The litigation that it engenders is costly and
often protracted. It has a severe chilling effect on the freedom
of expression not only of powerful newspapers and broadcasters,
but also of regional newspapers, NGOs and citizen critics, as
well as of scientific discourse. That chilling effect leads to
self censorship. It impairs the communication of public information
about matters of legitimate public interest and concern.[9]
Lord Lester is a distinguished human rights lawyer
who has been active in the field of libel law for many years.
His Bill forms the basis of much of the Government's own draft
Bill, although the two Bills adopt different approaches on some
issues, such as the treatment of corporations. The evidence we
have received from Lord Lester has greatly informed our own consideration
of the draft Bill and we are extremely grateful for his thoughtful
contributions to our work.
6. The Government's draft Bill was published in a
consultation document on 15 March 2011. It is a response to the
reviews referred to above and an attempt to achieve the right
balance between freedom of speech and the protection of reputation.[10]
As well as inviting comment on the relatively short draft Bill,
the consultation document also raises a number of other issues
which may be covered in the final Bill presented to Parliament.
These include proposed procedural reforms aimed at reducing the
length and cost of libel actions; questions relating to the ability
of organisations to sue for libel; and the application of the
law in the modern online environment. In summary, the operation
of the civil law, including defamation claims, has been much reviewed
in recent years, often at the Government's instigation, leading
to some concern that there has been review at the expense of action.
The publication of the draft Bill represents a welcome indication
that long overdue legislation is finally to be delivered. We hope
that this intention is realised.
Our approach to the draft Bill
7. We wanted to consider the additional issues raised
in the consultation as well as the draft Bill itself. In view
of their complexity, we sought and obtained from Parliament an
extension to our original timetable in order to do so.[11]
We listened to views from a wide range of interested parties.
In response to our call for evidence, we received 66 written submissions;
we also had access to the submissions made to the Government's
own consultation exercise. Over a number of weeks we took evidence
from many witnesses, including newspaper journalists and editors;
writers and publishers; libel lawyers; academics and interest
groups; current and former Government law officers; Lord Lester
of Herne Hill; the Lord Chancellor, the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke,
and the Minister with responsibility for the Bill, the Rt Hon
Lord McNally; the Master of the Rolls, Lord Neuberger and the
Judge in charge of the jury and non-jury lists, Mr Justice Tugendhat.[12]
We are extremely grateful to all those who took the time to give
evidence to us, which we have considered very carefully. In the
interests of producing a succinct and easily-read report, we have
not sought to quote and dissect the evidence in great detail,
but instead refer the reader to the submissions themselves, which
are published separately, to see the relevant arguments in full.[13]
We would also wish to place on record our thanks to the staff
from both Houses who have served this Committee, Chris Shaw, Kate
Meanwell, Simon Fuller and Rob Dinsdale; and also our appointed
specialist adviser, Mr Andrew Caldecott QC, for the support they
provided to our consideration of the draft Bill.
8. A huge range of opinions and suggestions for reform
were made to us in the course of our work, from which a number
of ideas and concerns recurred consistently. Many of these ideas
overlapped and complemented each other; sometimes they pulled
in opposite directions. Perhaps the broadest consensus formed
around the need to reduce the cost of libel litigation.
9. The cost of civil litigation generally tends to
be high, but libel proceedings are particularly expensive. One
study has shown that the cost of action in England is 140 times
that of the average in other European countries.[14]
The complexity of the law and lack of clarity over its interpretation
in the courts were identified as strong contributory factors to
the high costs. Much time and money can be devoted to complex
legal arguments over the meaning of words and the available defences.
We heard that there is too much scope for the use of delaying
tactics and that the procedures for speedy resolution are not
strong enough.
10. It became apparent from the evidence we received
that the key to reducing costs lies not only in reform of the
law but, more significantly, in changes to the way it operates
in practice.[15] New
mechanisms and streamlined procedures are required to enable parties
to settle disputes more quickly and therefore cheaply. Without
procedural reforms, any changes made by the Bill will have little
impact on the problems that have been identified with defamation
law. There was widespread agreement too that a rapid public correction,
explanation or apology is often the remedy most valued by the
claimant, and generally preferable to a lengthy legal case and
consequent financial compensation, which too frequently would
not meet the total costs of legal action. There was general support
for the promotion of quick and proper apologies. It was also emphasised
that nothing should threaten the right, guaranteed under the European
Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), for seriously defamed individuals
to seek redress from the courts if they choose.[16]
11. We received strong evidence that the combination
of the high costs of legal action and uncertainty over the outcome
of libel claims had led to a degree of defensive self-censorship,
particularly by journalists, authors and scientists. The fact
that some witnesses were only prepared to tell us their experiences
on a confidential basis illustrates the extent to which people
can feel intimidated. Furthermore, it was argued that the way
in which the libel laws are used by some, particularly wealthy
individuals and well-resourced businesses, serves to inhibit legitimate
comment and, more fundamentally, undermines the right to freedom
of speech.[17] We were
persuaded that this financial inequality has allowed the wealthy
to use bullying tactics in threatening costly legal action in
disproportionate responses to innocuous or legitimate criticism.
These are the components of the 'chilling effect', which our defamation
laws sustain.
12. Witnesses argued that the public interest is
not being well served if legitimate material is being withheld
from publication for fear of legal action and its attendant costs.
The public interest is itself a key theme in the evidence we received.
Defamation laws should encourage responsible journalism in the
public interest and should equally encourage publishers to pre-notify
those they intend to criticise, but this raises key questions
around the definition of responsible journalism: how far should
journalists be required to go to establish what is printed is
true, and what are the remedies if it is not? For many, the overriding
public interest lies in establishing the truth, or at least in
the wide dissemination of accurate information on issues of public
interest. This requires adequate protection to allow uninhibited
participation in scientific and other debate. Others argued that
regard for the truth also requires strong and effective remedies
to deter libellous statements, in recognition of the immense difficultyperhaps
impossibilityof restoring reputation, once damaged.
13. Another major theme running through the evidence
is the importance of the law being accessible to the ordinary
person in respect of exercising the right to free speech and protecting
their reputation. The potentially huge costs of libel claims make
it difficult for people of ordinary means to protect their reputations
or to defend themselves against defamation claims.[18]
Recent high profile cases concerning privacy injunctions seem
to suggest that the assertion of a right to privacy has become
the preserve of the wealthy alone. The right to reputation is
apparently heading in the same direction. Indeed, the overlap
between privacy and defamation was highlighted by many witnesses,
with the former often taking over from the latter as the preferred
means of legal action, notably for celebrities. This is in spite
of the clear distinction between an infringement of privacyrevealing
a truth which the claimant wishes to keep privateand defamationtelling
an untruth about the claimant that damages his or her reputation.
Public concern about press responsibility and standards has been
increased by ongoing revelations about the unacceptable conduct
of certain journalists and the quality of the Press Complaints
Commission's performance. We note that the Government's response
to the recent very public clash between a privacy injunction and
parliamentary privilege was to establish a committee to consider
these issues.[19]
This does not absolve the Government of its responsibility to
develop a coherent and principled vision for what should be the
interaction of the rights of privacy, reputation and freedom of
expression rather than finding itself buffeted by successive tabloid
or online revelations and controversial court decisions.
14. To help combat the chilling effect, and improve
accessibility, there were loud calls for greater clarity in the
law itself, and greater certainty in the way the courts apply
it. Yet there is another side to the accessibility concern. Some
argued that our libel laws make our courts too accessible
for libel claims. It was suggested that wealthy or high spending
foreign litigants had exploited our libel laws to pursue cases
with little relevance to this country. There were also concerns
that the law allows too many trivial cases to go to court. The
difference between the serious and the trivial is a vital one
in the context of defamation and is at the heart of our attempts
to reduce costs by improved procedures, which we explore in Chapter
15. The need for the law to keep pace with developments
in society was a further thread running through the evidence we
received. Many questioned the suitability of a law designed for
the written and spoken word in an age of a rapidly changing communication
culture. The internet has enabled all of us to have instant access
to an international audience from a country of our choosing. Social
networking sites have permitted instant global communication on
matters of everyday conversation. In their judgments, judges have
considered whether some such online communication should be regarded
more like conversation than the written word, in accordance with
which it would be treated as slander rather than libel.[20]
In some respects the online environment makes defamation more
damaging: whereas newspapers are quickly thrown away, online archives
will ensure that defamatory material will instantly be flagged
up on an internet search. Not only does this last until taken
down, it can be easily and instantly spread around the world.
One well-publicised accusation, even if subsequently found to
be untrue, can destroy a reputation.
16. In broad terms, we welcome the intentions behind
the draft Bill, but we believe it needs improvement in many areas
and that the Bill presented to Parliament will need to address
the wider concerns that we identify, some of which are raised
in the consultation document. In considering the draft Bill, we
have faced the challenge of reconciling the sometimes contradictory
strands of argument outlined above. To provide a coherent approach
for our examination of both the draft Bill and the issues raised
in the consultation document, we have settled upon four key principles,
which we believe will best meet the interests of the public. When
confronted by the many different options presented by the provisions
of the draft Bill and the evidence relating to them, we have wherever
possible been guided by one or more of the following four principles
in making our recommendations.
- Freedom of expression/protection
of reputation: some
aspects of current law and procedure should provide greater protection
to freedom of expression. This is a key foundation of any free
society. Reputation is established over years and the law needs
to provide due protection against unwarranted serious damage;
- Reducing costs: the
reduction in the extremely high costs of defamation proceedings
is essential to limiting the chilling effect and making access
to legal redress a possibility for the ordinary citizen. Early
resolution of disputes is not only key to achieving this, but
is desirable in its own rightin ensuring that unlawful
injury to reputation is remedied as soon as possible and that
claims do not succeed or fail merely on account of the prohibitive
cost of legal action. Courts should be the last rather than the
first resort;
- Accessibility: defamation
law must be made easier for the ordinary citizen to understand
and afford, whether they are defending their reputation or their
right to free speech; and
- Cultural change: defamation
law must adapt to modern communication culture, which can be instant,
global, anonymous, very damaging and potentially outside the reach
of the courts.
17. We have explored the main issues presented by
the draft provisions and reached conclusions which are, to the
greatest extent possible, in line with our core principles. But
we have not restricted ourselves to the draft Bill before us.
Where necessary, we have focussed on the consultation issues to
develop new proposals which we believe are in line with the Government's
objectives. Following our principle of accessibility, we have
tried to make this Report easily understandable to the layman;
the detailed impact of our recommendations on the draft Bill's
provisions we have collated in a separate section at the end of
Chapter 2. It is for the Government to revise the draft Bill
and we urge it to present a revised version before Parliament
without delay.
Parliament and freedom of expression
18. In considering the balance between the rights
to freedom of expression and reputation, we recall that when Parliament
considered this balance in the context of the courts granting
injunctions against publication, it amended the Human Rights Act
1998 to require the courts to "have particular regard to
the importance of the Convention right to freedom of expression".[21]
We share the view that this provision has not had the effect in
practice that many in Parliament envisaged. The rulings of the
European Court of Human Rights have established that reputation
is protected under the Article 8 right to a private life, and
that this right should be given equal weight to the Article 10
right to freedom of expression when evaluating conflicts between
the two rights. We accept that judges here must act compatibly
with the European Convention on Human Rights and take into account
rulings from Strasbourg. However, we also note that it is the
application of defamation law in this country that appears to
international publishers the most likely threat to their freedom
of expression.[22] We
would like to see the expressed will of Parliament on freedom
of expression upheld, to the full extent that this is possible,
in cases where the competing rights are finely balanced.[23]
This matter will no doubt be given further consideration by the
Joint Committee on Privacy and Injunctions that was established
in July 2011 to examine, among other issues, the balance between
privacy and freedom of expression. We recommend that the Government
has particular regard to the importance of freedom of expression
when bringing forward this Bill and developing proposals in its
broader consideration of the law relating to privacy.
1 The right to freedom of expression has for many years
been recognised under the common law and is now protected by Article
10 of the European Convention on Human Rights; the right to reputation
is recognised as being encompassed within the right to a private
and family life under Article 8 of the Convention. Back
See, for example, Skuse v Granada Television Ltd [1996]
EMLR 278, per Sir Thomas Bingham MR at 286. Back
Or is so treated by statute: e.g. statements on radio or television. Back
A libel (or a slander) is an unlawful defamatory statement. Many
defamatory statements are lawful because they are protected by
the available defences. Back
Ministry of Justice, Controlling Costs in Defamation Proceedings,
CP4/09, February 2009. Back
See paras 88-89 for a discussion on the impact of these proposals
on defamation law. Back
Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Second Report of Session 2009-10,
Press Standards, Privacy and Libel, HC 364-I. Back
The Coalition: our programme for government, May 2010,
p 11. Back
Lord Lester of Herne Hill, "These disgraceful libel laws
must be torn up", The Times, 15 March 2011. Back
Ministry of Justice, Draft Defamation Bill Consultation,
Cm 8020, March 2011, Ministerial Foreword, p 3. Back
The Joint Committee was established on 31 March 2011 and asked
to report by 19 July. Both Houses subsequently agreed an extension
until 31 October. Back
A full list of witnesses is included at p74; a list of written
submissions is published in Appendix 2. Back
HC 930, Volumes II and III available at http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/draft-defamation-bill1/ Back
A Comparative Study of Costs in Defamation Proceedings Across
Europe by Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies University of Oxford, December
2008, p 3. Available at http://pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/sites/pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/files/defamationreport.pdf Back
See, for example, Professor Mullis and Dr Scott, Vol II, p120,
para 2. Back
This right is guaranteed by Article 6 of the European Convention
on Human Rights. Back
See, for example, Libel Reform Campaign, Vol II, p55-56; English
PEN, Vol II, p89-93; Mumsnet, Vol II, p258 and 259. Back
See, for example, the evidence submitted by Dr Wilmshurst, Vol
III, p22-26, paras 5(h) and 22. Back
A Joint Committee on Privacy and Injunctions was established in
July 2011 shortly after John Hemming MP used parliamentary privilege
to protect against his apparent breach of a court order requiring
anonymity. The Committee is to look at privacy, freedom of expression
and the public interest, as well as anonymity injunctions and
aspects of media regulation. It is to report by 29 February 2012. Back
Smith v ADVFN plc [2008] EWHC 1797 (QB); [2008] All ER (D) 335
(Jul), per Eady J. Back
Human Rights Act 1998, section 12 (4). Back
See Global Witness, Vol II, p254 and Q 390 [Harris] Back
Lord Nicholls, in the Court of Appeal judgment on the Reynolds
case [1998] 3 W.L.R. 862, said: "Matters which are obvious
in retrospect may have been far from clear in the heat of the
moment. Above all, the court should have particular regard to
the importance of freedom of expression.[...] The court should
be slow to conclude that a publication was not in the public interest
and, therefore, the public had no right to know, especially when
the information is in the field of political discussion. Any lingering
doubts should be resolved in favour of publication." Back