Draft Detention of Terrorist Suspects (Temporary Extension) Bills - Joint Committee on the Draft Detention of Terrorist Suspects (Temporary Extension) Bills Contents


The Members of the Joint Committee that conducted this inquiry were:

Lord Armstrong of Ilminster (Chairman)

Lord Davies of Stamford

Lord Faulks

Lord Freeman

Lord Goodhart

Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke

Tony Baldry MP (Banbury)

Rt Hon Sir Menzies Campbell MP (North East Fife)

Rt Hon Paul Goggins MP (Wythenshawe and Sale East)

Rt Hon Mr Greg Knight MP (East Yorkshire)

Rt Hon Alun Michael MP (Cardiff South and Penarth)

Mr Robert Syms MP (Poole)

Professor David Feldman, Rouse Ball Professor of English Law at the University of Cambridge, was Specialist Adviser for this inquiry.

Declaration of Interests

The following interests were declared:

Lord Armstrong of Ilminster

Permanent under Secretary of State, Home Office, 1977-79

No other relevant interests have been declared

Professor David Feldman QC, MA, DCL, FBA, FRSA, Specialist Adviser

Employments and Offices:

University of Cambridge: Rouse Ball Professor of English Law (full-time), teaching and conducting research in fields within the Committee's remit.

Downing College, Cambridge: Fellow in Law (unremunerated); Supervising undergraduates in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (hourly fee)

London School of Economics and Political Science: External Examiner in Law in public law and human rights subjects (annual fee)

The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn: Honorary Bencher

39 Essex Street, London: Academic Associate of Chambers (unremunerated)

Membership of associations and learned societies:

The British Academy: Fellow of the British Academy (unremunerated)

Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Commerce and Manufactures (RSA): fellow (unremunerated)

Society of Legal Scholars (the learned society of teachers and researchers in Law at higher-education institutions in the United Kingdom and Ireland): President (unremunerated)

Membership of other societies:


Relevant financial interests: None

A full list of Members' interests can be found in the Register of Lords' Interests: http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/standards-and-interests/register-of-interests and in the Register of Commons interests: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmregmem/contents.htm

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Prepared 23 June 2011