Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of
Offenders Bill
Date introduced to first House
Date introduced to second House
Current Bill Number
Previous Reports
| 21 June 2011
3 November 2011
HL Bill 109
1.1 The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill
was introduced in the House of Commons on 21 June 2011 and brought
from the House of Commons to the House of Lords on 3 November
2011.[1] Lord McNally,
Minister of State at the Ministry of Justice, has certified that,
in his view, the Bill is compatible with Convention rights. The
Bill received its Second Reading in the Lords on 21 November and
its Committee stage is scheduled to begin on 20 December.
1.2 We wrote to the Lord Chancellor and Secretary
of State for Justice on 11 October 2011 asking for further information
on a number of specific issues raised by the Bill.[2]
The Secretary of State replied by letter dated 31 October 2011.[3]
We publish this exchange of correspondence with this Report. We
are grateful to have received submissions about the human rights
compatibility of the Bill from the Corporate Responsibility Coalition,
the Law Society, Leigh Day and Co., Pol Yates and Southall Black
Sisters. All submissions received are published on our website,[4]
and where relevant to the issues we consider to be significant
we refer to them below.
1.3 The unusually large number of peers who spoke
at Second Reading indicates the contentiousness of some of the
Bill's provisions. This Report concentrates on the significant
human rights issues which are most likely to be debated during
the Bill's passage through the Lords, in light of the debate at
Second Reading.
Information provided by the Department
1.4 The Bill raises a number of significant human
rights issues. However, the Department declined to provide a Human
Rights Memorandum. Members of the Bill team made themselves available
to meet with our staff to identify the most significant human
rights issues, and provided a short memorandum containing some
further information in relation to some of the issues discussed
at that meeting. We are grateful to officials for their assistance
with our scrutiny of this Bill but we expressed our disappointment
at the lack of a detailed human rights memorandum in our letter
to the Minister. The Minister responded that the decision not
to provide such a memorandum was not intended as a slight to the
Committee or its members, but he and his officials took the view
that the main human rights issues are covered by the Explanatory
Notes published on introduction.
1.5 The Explanatory Notes to the Bill set out the
Government's view of the Bill's compatibility with the ECHR.[5]
The explanation in the Notes is indeed quite full in parts and
contains extensive reference to relevant ECHR case-law, and we
are grateful for this. However, in relation to some human rights
issues they contain mere assertion and there are some significant
human rights issues (for example the availability of legal aid
to victims of domestic violence and to individuals in police custody)
which are not addressed at all in the ECHR section of the Explanatory
1.6 We are grateful
to the Department for the thoroughness of the analysis of some
of the human rights issues raised by the Bill in the Explanatory
Notes. However, we remind the Government, as we did in our recent
Report on the Welfare Reform Bill, of the examples of best practice
by those departments which have provided us during this Session
with a comprehensive human rights memorandum on or shortly after
a Bill's publication, going well beyond what is normally covered
in the ECHR section of the Explanatory Notes to a Bill and covering
other relevant human rights standards as well as the ECHR. Receipt
of such a memorandum remains our expectation. We also remind the
Government that the provision of such detailed information to
Parliament facilitates thorough parliamentary scrutiny of the
human rights compatibility of Bills, which in turn makes it more
likely that laws will withstand subsequent judicial scrutiny.
1.7 Significant amendments to the Bill were introduced
by the Government during the Bill's passage through the Commons,
including some at Report stage. These include amendments with
clear human rights implications, such as those concerning indeterminate
sentences. Although the Explanatory Notes to the Bill which were
published when it was introduced in the Lords address the human
rights implications of these amendments, no human rights memorandum
was received from the Government in respect of these amendments
to the Bill when they were introduced in the Commons. We
remind the Government that we expect to receive a human rights
memorandum when it tables amendments with significant human rights
implications to a Bill after its introduction, preferably at the
time those amendments are introduced.
1.8 The impact assessments which accompany the Bill
have been criticised during its passage for two main reasons.
First, they have been criticised for failing properly to assess
the extent of the likely impact of the changes to legal aid on
various groups of vulnerable people, such as the disabled, welfare
claimants, refugees and asylum seekers, women, children and minority
groups. Second they have been criticised for failing to take into
account the likely cost to the justice system of the expected
increase in the numbers of litigants in person as a result of
the changes to the scope of legal aid contained in the Bill.
Senior judges, including members of the UK Supreme Court, have
voiced these concerns. We
hope the Government will make clear during the Bill's passage
through the House of Lords their assessment of the likely increase
in the number of litigants in person and the associated cost to
the public purse arising from the lengthier proceedings likely
to result.
The human rights engaged by the
1.9 The Bill's provisions on legal aid[6]
and litigation funding[7]
directly engage the right of effective access to justice.
The right of effective access to court is recognised as a fundamental
human right by the common law,[8]
the European Convention on Human Rights,[9]
the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights[10]
and other international human rights treaties to which the UK
is a party.[11]
1.10 Access to legal advice for those with insufficient
resources for their right of access to court to be effective is
also recognised as being implicit in the right of access to justice
by both the common law[12]
and the ECHR.[13] In
Airey v Ireland, the European Court of Human Rights held
that an indigent wife, who had been refused legal aid to bring
proceedings in the High Court for an order of judicial separation,
was entitled to legal aid in order for her right of access to
the court to be effective. This is not a right to legal aid in
all cases, but only when such assistance is "indispensable
for an effective access to court." In that case it was indispensable
because of the complexity of the proceedings, the need to examine
expert witnesses and the emotional involvement of the parties.
Entitlement to legal assistance under Article 6(1) ECHR will always
depend on the facts: in particular, the importance of what is
at stake for the individual, the complexity of the relevant law
and procedure and the individual's capacity to represent him or
herself effectively.[14]
1.11 The right to legal aid is explicitly recognised
in the EU Charter: "Legal aid shall be made available to
those who lack sufficient resources in so far as such aid is necessary
to ensure effective access to justice." The House of Lords
Constitution Committee recently published a Report on the legal
aid provisions in the Bill in which it pointed out that "access
to justice is a constitutional principle."[15]
1.12 The right to a fair hearing before an independent
and impartial court or tribunal is also recognised to include
the right to "equality of arms": the right to present
one's case to a court or tribunal under conditions that do not
place one at a substantial disadvantage compared to the other
party to the litigation.
1.13 The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for
Justice, in the course of debates on the Bill, has accepted that
"access to justice for the protection of fundamental rights
is vital for a democratic societysomething on which I will
not compromise."[16]
However, the Government also has a responsibility to ensure that
effective access to justice is "cost-effective access to
justice". In the Government's view the legal aid budget has
grown too large and is unsustainable and therefore requires refocusing.
The priority, it says, must be those cases where life or liberty
are at stake or there is a direct or immediate risk of homelessness:
fundamental issues such as safety or liberty must take precedence
over financial issues.
1.14 Other parts of the Bill, in particular those
concerning sentencing and punishment of offenders, engage different
human rights which are identified below.
Significant human rights issues
(a) Independence of the Director of Legal Aid
Case Work
1.15 Under the current legal framework (the Access
to Justice Act 1999), the administration of the criminal and civil
legal aid schemes in England and Wales is the responsibility of
the Legal Services Commission ("the LSC"), a non-departmental
public body. The Bill abolishes the LSC and transfers to the Lord
Chancellor the day-to-day administration of legal aid. In practice
this function will be carried out by civil servants in an executive
agency of the Ministry of Justice. The Lord Chancellor is placed
under a duty to secure that legal aid is made available in accordance
with the provisions in the Bill.[17]
Decisions on legal aid in individual cases will be taken by a
civil servant designated by the Lord Chancellor as the "Director
of Legal Aid Casework".
1.16 Under the Bill, the Lord Chancellor has the
power to issue guidance and directions to the Director of Legal
Aid Case Work about the carrying out of the Director's functions,
and the Director is under a duty to comply with the directions
and to have regard to the guidance.[18]
Although the Bill expressly prevents such guidance and directions
from being issued in relation to individual cases,[19]
there is nothing in the Bill to prevent the Lord Chancellor from
issuing such guidance or directions in relation to categories
of cases, for example, judicial review, in which the Government
clearly has a direct interest.
1.17 There has been widespread concern about the
lack of institutional independence of the proposed Director of
Legal Aid Case Work from the Government, and the amount of control
that this gives the Government over the administration of the
legal aid scheme. The Law Society, for example, argues that "a
gatekeeper who is answerable to the Secretary of State does not
have sufficient impartiality to enable their decisions as to the
grant of legal aid to comply with Article 6 ECHR".[20]
1.18 We therefore asked the Government whether the
Director of Legal Aid Case Work provided for in the Bill will
be as independent from the Secretary of State as the Legal Services
Commission which the Director replaces and, if not, how the Government
propose to ensure that the Director can avoid the appearance of
a conflict of interest when making determinations about whether
an individual qualifies for legal aid.
1.19 The Government says that the Bill contains a
number of measures to guarantee the independence of the Director
in relation to individual funding decisions. The Director, although
a civil servant, will be appointed on merit through a fair and
open competition process, and will hold an independent statutory
office. The Lord Chancellor is specifically prevented from issuing
directions or guidance to the Director in relation to individual
cases, and directions or guidance issued by the Lord Chancellor
will be transparent as they are required to be published. The
independence of the Director is also said to be supported by practical
arrangements which will preserve the independence and impartiality
of the Director's decision-making and ensure they are free from
any political interference: for example, it is anticipated that
the Director will report to the Permanent Secretary (not the Lord
Chancellor) and be provided with civil servants who, when exercising
functions delegated to them by the Director, would be accountable
to the Director not to the Lord Chancellor.
1.20 As for the potential for a conflict of interest
in judicial review cases, the Government points out that its policy
has consistently been that proceedings where the litigant is seeking
to hold the state to account by judicial review are important
and should be retained within the scope of civil legal aid. The
Director would be required to determine whether an individual
qualifies for funding for a judicial review in accordance with
the provisions in the Bill and applying the relevant financial
eligibility and merits criteria, and in line with any published
guidance and directions. The Government therefore considers that
the proposed arrangements to ensure the independence and impartiality
of the Director will prevent any appearance of a conflict of interest
1.21 We do not find the Government's reasoning persuasive.
Civil servants are bound by the Civil Service Code which sets
out the constitutional framework within which they work. Civil
servants owe their loyalty to the duly constituted Government
and are usually accountable to the Minister responsible for their
Department. Even if the Director reports to the Permanent Secretary
in the Ministry of Justice (as the Government anticipates), the
Permanent Secretary is responsible to the Lord Chancellor and
the line of management accountability does not therefore secure
institutional independence from the Government. The same consideration
applies to the Ministry of Justice civil servants who will be
provided to the Director: even if accountable to the Director
when exercising functions delegated to them by the Director, they
are ultimately accountable to the Lord Chancellor, and moreover
remain directly accountable to the Minister in respect of all
their other functions as civil servants.
1.22 We are
not satisfied that the Bill provides sufficient institutional
guarantees of the independence of the proposed Director of Legal
Aid Case Work to prevent any appearance of a conflict of interest
arising when making decisions about the availability of legal
aid to challenge decisions of the Government.
(b) Independent right of appeal against determinations
1.23 Notwithstanding concerns about the lack of institutional
independence of the Ministry of Justice civil servant who will
be responsible for administering the legal aid scheme, the Bill
does not contain any right of appeal to an independent body against
a determination by the Director of whether a person qualifies
for legal aid. It provides a regulation-making power which "may"
be used to make provision for appeals to a court, tribunal or
other person against determinations of eligibility, but there
is no requirement that there be such an appeal mechanism.[21]
1.24 The Government's view in the Explanatory Notes
to the Bill and its response to our letter is that there is no
incompatibility with the right of access to court in Article 6(1)
ECHR because a decision whether a person qualifies for legal aid
is not in itself a determination of that person's civil rights
and obligations within the meaning of Article 6(1).[22]
Alternatively, even if Article 6 applies, the Government believes
that there is no incompatibility because the Director is sufficiently
independent and, even if not sufficiently independent for Article
6 purposes, the availability of judicial review will be sufficient
to remedy any lack of independence in the initial decision-making
1.25 The Government's argument, that a decision whether
a person qualifies for legal aid is not itself a determination
of civil rights to which Article 6 applies, does not mean that
Article 6 is irrelevant to assessing the compatibility of this
part of the Bill. Most of the areas of law which the Bill takes
out of the scope of civil legal aid concern rights which are "civil
rights" within the meaning of Article 6(1) ECHR (for example,
clinical negligence, consumer and general contract, debt, tort
claims, welfare benefits). The removal of the availability of
legal aid from these areas of law therefore engages the right
of access to court in the determination of those rights, and raises
the question whether that right is practically effective in the
absence of a legal aid regime capable of facilitating such access
for those who do not have sufficient resources to avail themselves
of their right of access without assistance.
1.26 Assuming Article 6 to be relevant, the question
we have considered is whether the Government has demonstrated
that the Bill will not create a serious risk that its operation
will lead to breaches of that Article. The Government says that
it is "intended" that some but not all civil legal aid
decisions will be appealable to Independent Funding Adjudicators,
whose decisions in turn can be challenged by way of judicial review.
To the extent that there is not sufficient independence in the
initial decision-making process by the Director, the Government
argues, these arrangements will ensure that the decision making
will be fair and impartial and therefore compatible with Article
1.27 Convention case-law makes clear that there must
be sufficient guarantees against arbitrariness in the legal regime
governing determinations of entitlement to legal aid in order
for that regime to be compatible with Article 6.[24]
We note that the House of Lords Constitution Committee, in its
recent Report on the Bill, invited the House of Lords to consider
whether the Bill should be amended to provide that regulations
made under the Bill "must" make provision for appeals.
1.28 In the
absence of a right of appeal against determinations to an independent
court, tribunal or other body in all cases, and bearing in mind
the lack of independence of the Director, we are not satisfied
that sufficient guarantees exist against arbitrariness in the
system for determining individual eligibility for legal aid.
We recommend that the Bill be amended to require regulations to
be made making provision for appeals against decisions of the
Director to an independent court or tribunal.
(c) Exceptional funding
1.29 The state's responsibility under human rights
law to facilitate effective access to a court for the determination
of an individual's civil rights does not require the universal
provision of legal aid in respect of any disputes concerning civil
rights. However, it does require the state to ensure that such
aid is available to make such access possible for those with insufficient
resources in relation to legally complex disputes concerning matters
of fundamental importance.
1.30 The Bill makes provision for funding in exceptional
cases where the Director determines that it is necessary to make
legal services available to an individual because failure to do
so would be a breach of the individual's Convention rights or
of any rights of the individual to the provision of legal services
that are enforceable EU rights.[25]
1.31 We are
concerned about whether the Bill's provision for funding exceptional
cases is likely to make the right of access to justice practically
effective. In many of the areas of law which are no longer in
scope under the Bill, a decision on the availability of legal
services will be required swiftly in order for the right of access
to justice to be practically effective. We are not convinced that
the provision in the Bill to fund exceptional cases, including
where a failure to make the services available to a person would
be a breach of their Convention rights or EU rights, is a sufficient
guarantee that the new legal aid regime will not create a serious
risk that its operation will lead to breaches of Convention rights.
(d) Legal aid for victims of domestic violence
1.32 We received representations from Southall Black
Sisters expressing concern about the effect of the withdrawal
of legal aid in non-detention and non-asylum cases on victims
of domestic violence who have insecure immigration status. The
Government has accepted that "domestic violence immigration
rule" cases, where someone on a spousal visa whose relationship
has broken down because of domestic violence can apply for indefinite
leave to remain in the UK, are different from other immigration
cases because of the particular vulnerability of the victim and
the risk that without legal aid such victims will stay trapped
in abusive relationships for fear of jeopardising their immigration
status. We
welcome the Government's amendment of the Bill at Report stage
in the Commons to extend eligibility for legal aid to domestic
violence immigration rule cases, and the indication it has given
that it is looking at whether the scope of that amendment is sufficiently
wide or should be broader so as to cover, for example, EEA spouses
who are the victims of abuse.
1.33 The Bill removes from the scope of legal aid
family law and private children law cases, but preserves legal
aid for victims of domestic violence.[26]
In its Green Paper on legal aid reform the Government recognised
that the state has a role to play in helping claimants to obtain
protection and consider that those in abusive relationships are
particularly vulnerable and need assistance in tackling their
situation. It therefore concluded that continued access to legal
aid was justified by a combination of the importance of the issue
and the characteristics of the litigants.
1.34 We welcome
the Government's intention of preserving legal aid for victims
of domestic violence. However, we are concerned about whether
the Bill, as currently drafted, gives practical effect to the
Government's intention, in view of three aspects of the Bill the
effect of which is likely, in practice, to restrict the availability
of legal aid for such victims.
1.35 First, the definition of domestic violence used
in the Bill is "physical or mental abuse, including sexual
abuse and abuse in the form of violence, neglect, maltreatment
and exploitation."[27]
This is narrower than the definition of domestic violence used
by the police, the CPS, the Government and practitioners in the
field, which is set out in ACPO Guidance: "any incident of
threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical,
sexual, financial or emotional) between adults, aged 18 and over,
who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless
of gender and sexuality."
1.36 Second, the list of the forms of evidence which
the Government intends to be acceptable for the purposes of establishing
whether the definition of domestic violence is satisfied is also
quite restrictive. It does not include, for example, the fact
that there are ongoing proceedings for a domestic violence order,
or forced marriage protection order, where an order has not yet
been made; nor does it include undertakings given to a court that
the person giving the undertaking will not approach the alleged
victim of the abuse. The Government's concern is that accepting
these indicators as evidence of domestic violence will lead to
false claims of domestic violence for the purposes of securing
legal aid. Critics of this approach, however, say that it fails
to understand the nature of domestic violence: in particular,
that it is a feature of this type of abuse that victims are generally
very reluctant to make allegations at all, rather than make false
1.37 Third, to qualify for legal aid the victim of
domestic violence must come forward within 12 months of the perpetrator
being convicted or an injunction being obtained against them.
This means, for example, that a victim of domestic violence who
remains at risk when their convicted partner comes out of prison
more than a year after their conviction will, under the Bill,
not be able to obtain legal aid to assist in protecting themselves
against the risk of further abuse.
1.38 In our
view the Bill as currently drafted will not achieve the Government's
laudable aim of continuing to ensure access to legal aid for victims
of domestic violence is practically effective. We recommend that
the Bill be amended by using the ACPO definition of domestic violence,
broadening the forms of evidence which are capable of establishing
that domestic violence has taken place, and removing the 12 months
time limit on eligibility.
(e) Legal advice and assistance in the police
1.39 Currently, initial advice and assistance for
an individual who has been arrested and is being held in custody
at a police station is an automatic entitlement which is not means-tested.[28]
The Bill provides that initial advice and assistance are to be
available at a police station "if the Director has determined
that the individual qualifies for advice and assistance".[29]
It gives the Lord Chancellor the power to make regulations which
would require the Director to apply the provisions about means-testing
found elsewhere in the Bill.[30]
The Explanatory Notes explain that the provision provides the
flexibility to make such advice and assistance means-tested in
the future "if it is considered appropriate."[31]
1.40 We asked the Government whether it intends to
introduce means-testing for initial advice and assistance for
individuals in custody at the police station. The Government's
response to our letter, and its position in Public Bill Committee,
was that it has no current plans to introduce means-testing in
this area, but the provisions in the Bill provide the flexibility
to do so by regulation in the future. It points out that other
countries do means-test police station advice: in Ireland, for
example, it is only available to persons who are in receipt of
social welfare payments or whose earnings are below a certain
threshold, while in Scotland it is available to all but subject
to a financial contribution by those who can afford to do so.
PACE Code C would have to be amended if means-testing were introduced,
and any future decision to implement means-testing for police
station advice and assistance, the Government promises, would
therefore be "subject to full consultation."[32]
1.41 The availability of publicly funded advice and
assistance at a police station is an important part of the legal
framework ensuring that the UK satisfies its obligation in Article
6(3)(c) ECHR to ensure that everyone charged with a criminal offence
has practical and effective access to free legal assistance. As
the House of Lords Constitution Committee has pointed out in its
recent Report on the Bill,[33]
the statutory right of a person arrested and held in custody at
a police station to consult a solicitor privately at any time
has been judicially recognised to be "one of the most important
and fundamental rights of a citizen", and the Supreme Court
recently acknowledged the importance of that advice being free.
1.42 The danger of introducing means-testing is that
it might lead to the right to legal advice being undermined in
practice, or rendered ineffective in some cases, because the urgency
of the need for legal advice in such circumstances makes it unlikely
that there is time to conduct a proper means test before advice
is made available. Indeed, this is implicitly acknowledged elsewhere
in the Government's response to our letter, where the absence
of a review and appeal system in relation to initial advice and
assistance for individuals in custody is justified because "things
happen so quickly that it is not considered that a review and
appeal system would be able to be implemented in a way that would
have any meaningful effect."[34]
Indeed, this appears to be the experience of means-testing legal
advice in police stations in Scotland, where the uptake of advice
in police stations is around 25%, which is about half that in
England and Wales.[35]
The House of Lords Constitution Committee invited the House of
Lords to consider whether this provision in the Bill has the potential
to undermine in practice the right to free legal advice and should
therefore be amended to omit the part that would permit mean-testing.[36]
1.43 We are
concerned that the introduction of means-testing for legal advice
and assistance at the police station would hinder the effective
exercise of the right of access to legal advice by an arrested
and detained person. Bearing in mind the fact that the Government
says that it has no current intention to introduce means-testing
for advice and assistance at the police station, we recommend
that the Bill be amended to remove the power to introduce means-testing
by regulation and so ensure that the introduction of such a significant
change is contained in primary legislation and subjected to full
parliamentary scrutiny.
(a) Human rights claims against multinational
1.44 Leigh Day and the Corporate Responsibility Coalition
("CORE") have sent us written evidence arguing that
the measures in the Bill on litigation funding, and in particular
the removal of the recoverability of success fees, will make it
virtually impossible for the victims of human rights abuses committed
by transnational corporations overseas to bring cases against
those corporations in the UK (in cases such as the one against
Trafigura). The UN Special Representative on Business & Human
Rights has expressed his view that the changes to litigation funding
in the Bill could "constitute a significant barrier to legitimate
business-related human rights claims being brought before the
UK courts in situations where alternative sources of remedy are
1.45 The Government, however, claims that amendments
to the Bill are not necessary, because claims against multinational
companies could still be brought. The Government's concern is
to ensure that disproportionate costs are not incurred by defendants,
which is unfair because it produces pressure to settle cases where
the defendant is not in fact liable.
1.46 In our predecessor Committee's Report on Business
and Human Rights, that Committee recognised the importance of
effective legal remedies being available to individuals whose
human rights are breached by businesses.[37]
The right to an effective remedy is also an important strand in
Professor Ruggie's emerging international framework on business
and human rights. The Committee's inquiry received evidence that
existing costs rules and funding limitations already undermine
the ability of such victims to seek legal redress, and the Committee
urged the Government to consider that evidence in the context
of Lord Justice Jackson's Review of Civil Litigation Costs.
1.47 We are
concerned about the implications for access to justice if CFA
success fees and ATE insurance premiums are not to be recoverable
from the losing party in claims brought against multinational
companies by victims of alleged human rights abuses in developing
countries. We accept the pressing need for appropriate safeguards
against abuses, such as improper profiteering by lawyers and undue
pressure on defendants to settle claims for which they may not
be liable. We urge the Government to introduce amendments to the
Bill which strike this delicate balance.
(b) Clinical negligence and other claims
1.48 The Bill takes clinical negligence claims out
of the scope of legal aid and also removes the recoverability
of conditional fee agreement ("CFA") success fees and
After The Event ("ATE") insurance premiums from the
losing party in any civil proceedings.[38]
This is a complex and highly technical issue. We acknowledge that
CFAs are open to abuse and have led to a widely held perception
that lawyers rather than litigants are the main beneficiaries.
However we are also aware that CFAs have helped to create a market
for legal services which has made access to justice available
to those, such as the parents of Milly Dowler in their claim against
News International, who would not otherwise be able to afford
to take legal action.
1.49 We are
concerned that the combination of taking clinical negligence out
of the scope of legal aid and removing the recoverability of CFA
success fees and ATE premiums may undermine the right of effective
access to justice for the victims of such negligence. We are also
concerned about the impact of the Bill's CFA proposals on the
market for legal services in relation to other claims such as
the vindication of a good public reputation and respect for personal
privacy. We acknowledge the legitimacy of the Government's concerns
about the operation of CFA success fees and the need for effective
safeguards against abuse but we are concerned that under these
proposals the pendulum will swing too far in the direction of
restricting access to court for worthy claims. We are not aware
that any detailed modelling has been carried out of the effect
of these proposals on the market for legal services and we call
on the Government to make available to Parliament evidence of
the assessment it has made of the likely impact of the proposals
on the availability of legal services for different types of claim.
(a) Indeterminate sentences
1.50 In the Commons the Government introduced amendments
to the Bill which remove indeterminate sentences for public protection
("IPP sentences") and replace them with determinate
sentences.[39] There
has been considerable litigation concerning the compatibility
of IPP sentences with the right to liberty in Article 5 ECHR.
In practice, their operation has led to very large numbers of
prisoners who have served the determinate part of their sentences
remaining in prison because the resources have not been available
to enable them to take the courses they are required to take before
their release. However, the abolition of IPP sentences is prospective
only. It does not affect the many thousands of IPP prisoners who
have served the determinate part of their sentence but remain
in prison.
1.51 We welcome
the abolition of IPP sentences, which makes it less likely in
future that prisoners will be detained in breach of their right
to liberty under Article 5 ECHR, but consider that the Bill should
also address the pressing issue of current IPP prisoners who have
served the determinate part of their sentence.
(b) Foreign travel prohibition requirements
1.52 The Bill would give the courts power to impose
a prohibition on foreign travel as a requirement in a community
order or suspended sentence order. Courts can currently impose
curfews, residence requirements and exclusion requirements, but
not prohibitions on foreign travel. Prohibitions on foreign travel
are currently available in relation to offenders who have committed
or may commit offences abroad, such as football hooligans[40]
or drug traffickers.[41]
In the Bill as drafted, however, there is no link between the
availability of the power to impose a prohibition on foreign travel
and the nature of the offence.
1.53 There is a strong common law presumption that
a UK citizen is free to travel abroad. A special prerogative
writ, "ne exeat regno", is required to stop a person
leaving the country. The freedom of citizens to enter and leave
the country is an ancient right. The Magna Carta specifically
recognised, in Article 41, the right of merchants to be safe and
secure in leaving, entering, staying and travelling in England
to buy and sell, and Article 42 recognised a more general right
of non-merchants:
'It shall be lawful to any person, for the future,
to go out of our kingdom, and to return, safely and securely,
by land or by water, saving his allegiance to us, unless it be
in time of war, for some short space, for the common good of the
kingdom: excepting prisoners and outlaws, according to the laws
of the land, and of the people of the nation at war against us,
and Merchants who shall be treated as it is said above.'
As is often the case, this ancient common law right
is reflected in international human rights treaties to which the
UK is a party. Article 12(2) of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, for example, provides "everyone
shall be free to leave any country, including his own."
Interferences with this right can be justified, but only if they
are shown to be necessary and proportionate.
1.54 We asked the Government why this new power is
necessary and what evidence it relies on to demonstrate that necessity.
The Government's response to this question is that it will provide
"a useful new power" for courts to make use of where
they consider it would be an appropriate and proportionate response
to the offence.
1.55 The Government also asserts that the power to
impose such restrictions is compatible with the right to respect
for private and family life in Article 8 ECHR and the right to
property in Article 1 Protocol 1 ECHR because the power is conferred
on the court in pursuit of a legitimate aim and is proportionate
in achieving that aim. It relies on the fact that the court will
consider the particular circumstances of the individual case and
be mindful of its obligations to act compatibly with Convention
1.56 In the Minister's response to the Committee's
letter, the Government confirmed that the power will be generally
applicable, and will not be restricted to any particular type
of offending, or to any expressly defined class of offender. The
Government does not consider that the Convention rights require
the scope of the requirement to be so limited.
1.57 We welcome
the Government's objective of increasing the use of community
sentences in preference to imprisonment, but we are concerned
about the proposed extension of foreign travel prohibition requirements.
New powers which interfere with ancient rights and liberties
require strict justification by the Government and must be defined
in a way which makes it as sure as possible that they will only
be exercised proportionately. A prohibition on foreign travel
may interfere with an individual's private and family life as
well as their livelihood if foreign travel is necessary for their
business. The fact that such a power will be "useful"
does not in our view discharge the Government's responsibility
to demonstrate its necessity. We are also concerned that the lack
of any link between a foreign travel prohibition order and the
nature of the offence may lead in practice to disproportionate
interferences with those rights.
1 HL Bill 109. Back
Letter dated 11 October 2011 from the Chair to the Lord Chancellor
and Secretary of State for Justice. Back
Letter dated 31 October 2011, and accompanying Memorandum, from
the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, to the
Chair. Back
4 Back
HL Bill 109-EN paras 702-766. Back
Part 1 of the Bill. Back
Part 2 of the Bill. Back
See e.g. Raymond v Honey [1983] 1 AC 1; R v Lord Chancellor,
ex p. Witham [1998] QB 575. Back
Article 6(1) and Golder v UK (1975) 1 EHRR 524. Back
Article 47. The Charter is intended to be declaratory of the
existing human rights obligations of Member States of the European
Union. It only applies to the EU institutions and to Member States
when implementing EU law. Back
See e.g. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
Article 14. Back
See e.g. R v Shayler [2003] 1 AC 247; R v Secretary
of State for the Home Department, ex p Anderson [1984] QB
778. Back
See e.g. Airey v Ireland (1979) 2 EHRR 305. Back
Steel and Morris v UK (2005) 41 EHRR 403 at para. 61. Back
House of Lords Constitution Committee, Part 1 of the Legal
Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 21st
Report of Session 201-12, HL Paper 222, paras 5-8. Back
HC Deb 29 June 2011, col. 986. Back
Clause 1(1). Back
Clause 4(3). Back
Clause 4(4). Back
Letter dated 10 November 2011 from the President of the Law Society
to the Chair. Back
Clause 11(6): "Regulations [...] may make provision for appeals
to a court, tribunal or other person against such determinations
and against the withdrawal of such determinations." Back
EN para. 704. Back
EN paras 705-6. Back
MAK and RK v UK, Application no. 45901/05 and 40146/06
(23 March 2010). Back
Clause 9 of the Bill. Back
Schedule 1, Part 1, para 10. Back
Schedule 1, Part 1, para 10(9). Back
Section 58(1) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and
PACE Code of Practice C. Back
Clause 12(1). Back
Clause 12(3). Back
EN para. 117. Back
PBC 8 September 2011 cc 435-6. Back
House of Lords Constitution Committee Report, above n. 15, paras
18-20. Back
MoJ memorandum in response to the Committee's letter, fn. 3 (31
October 2011). Back
Mike Crockart MP, during Public Bill Committee, HC Deb 2 November
2011 col. 961. Back
House of Lords Constitution Committee Report, above n. 15, para
20.The Justice and Institutions Sub-Committee of the House of
Lords European Union Committee is currently conducting an inquiry
into aspects of EU criminal justice policy, including the Draft
Directive on Access to Lawyers. Back
Any of our business? Human rights and the UK private sector,
First Report of 2009-10, HL 5-I/HC 64-I, paras 288-307. Back
Clause 43. Back
Clause 113. Back
Under the Football (Offences and Disorder) Act 1999. Back
Under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. Back