Implementation of the Right of Disabled People to Independent Living - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

List of written evidence

1  Ruth Abrahams  IL 1

2  St Bridget's Home (LCDisability)   IL 2

3  Jackie Postance  IL 5

4  Clive Durdle  IL 6

5  Barry Taylor  IL 7

6  Susan Kirkman  IL 8

7  Kevin Kelleher  IL 9

8  William Gwyn Chaplin  IL 19a

9  Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea (ADKC)  IL 20

10  Nailsea Disability Initiative  IL 22

11  John Curran  IL 23

12  Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living  IL 24

13  RNIB and Action for blind people   IL 25

14  People First  IL 26

15  Choices and Rights Disability Coalition and North Bank Forum  IL 27

16  Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC)  IL 28

17  Changing Places Consortium  IL 29

18  Independent Living in Scotland  IL 30

19  Shelley Bark  IL 31

20  Tabitha Collingbourne  IL 33

21  David Webdale  IL 34

22  Independent Mechanism for Northern Ireland  IL 35

23  Sense  IL 36

24  York People First  IL 37

25  Sense Scotland  IL 38

26  Disability Wales  IL 39

27  Disability Wales  IL 39a

28  Mencap and Leonard Cheshire Disability  IL 40

29  Mental Health Foundation  IL 41

30  Social Care Institute for Excellence  IL 42

31  Social Care Institute for Excellence  IL 42a

32  Inclusion London  IL 43

33  Jane Young  IL 44

34  Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC)  IL 45

35  NAAPS  IL 46

36  Housing Options & National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)  IL 47

37  Housing sub Group of the Gateshead Learning Disability Partnership Board  IL 48

38  Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCIL)  IL 49

39  Scottish Government  IL 50

40  Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health,
Wellbeing and Cities Strategy, Scottish Government  IL50a

41  Surrey Coalition for Disabled People  IL 52

42  Muscular Distrophy Campaign  IL 53

43  Independent Living Fund (ILF)  IL 54

44  Shabaaz Mohammed  IL 55

45  RNID  IL 56

46  MENCAP  IL 57

47  Breakthrough UK Ltd  IL 58

48  People First Scotland  IL 59

49  AKW Medicare Ltd   IL 60

50  Welsh Assembly Government  IL 61

51  Equality and Human Rights Commission  IL 62

52  Disability Rights Partnership  IL 63

53  North Somerset People First  IL 64

54  Alyson Whiddington  IL 66

55  Broken of Britain  IL 67

56  People First Isle of Wight  IL 68

57  Written evidence published anonymously  IL 69

58  C Lloyd  IL 70

59  Coalition of Neurodiverse Organisations including Neurodiversity Inernational, the Autistic Rights Movement United Kingdom (ARMUK), and the London Autistic Rights Movement (LARM)  IL 71

60  Campaign for a Fair Society  IL 72

61  Stephen Joyce  IL 74

62  Swansea Association for Independent Living (SAIL)  IL 75

63  Walsall Alliance for Independent Living  IL 77

64  College of Occupational Therapists, Specialist Section-Housing  IL 78

65  College of Occupational Therapists, Specialist Section- Housing  IL 78a

66  John Evans OBE  IL 79

67  Department for Work and Pensions  IL 80

68  Scottish Human Rights Commission  IL 81

69  Norfolk Coalition for Disabled People  IL 82

70  KeyRing  IL 83

71  Barbara Booton  IL 84

72  Scope  IL 85

73  Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (Guide Dogs)  IL 86

74  Spinal Injuries Association (SIA)  IL 87

75  INDI (Infrastructure Network for Disability Information) South East  IL 88

76  Andover and District Mencap  IL 89

77  Shout out  IL 91

78  David Howarth  IL 92

79  Access Group  IL 93

80  Hull and East Riding, Service User and Carer Advisory Group, Skills for Care, Yorkshire and Humber  IL 94

81  Mrs S M Clarke  IL 99

82  Written evidence published anonymously  IL 101

83  Written evidence published anonymously  IL 102

84  D W Griffiths  IL 103

85  Written evidence published anonymously  IL 104

86  Speakup  IL 105

87  Disability Action  IL 106

88  Disability Action  IL 106a

89  Public Interest Research Unit (PIRU)  IL 111

90nbsp; Changing Perspectives  IL 112

91  Turning Point  IL 113

92  Jeremy Moore, Director, Independent Living and Office for Disability Issues, Department for Work and Pensions  IL 114

93  John Evans  IL 115

94  Disability Rights Partnership  IL 116

95  Doug Paulley  IL 117

96  Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)  IL 118

97  Local Government Group (LGA)  IL 119

98  Age UK  IL 120

99  Equality and Human Rights Commission, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the Scottish Human Rights Commission  IL 122

100  Jane Hutt AM, Minister for Finance and Leader of the House, Welsh Government  IL 124

101  Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Northern Ireland Assembly  IL 126

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Prepared 1 March 2012