Implementation of the Right of Disabled People to Independent Living - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Session 2010-12
First ReportWork of the Committee in 2009-10 HL Paper 32/HC 459
Second ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Identity Documents Bill HL Paper 36/HC 515
Third ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill (Preliminary Report) HL Paper 41/HC 535
Fourth ReportTerrorist Asset-Freezing etc Bill (Second Report); and other Bills HL Paper 53/HC 598
Fifth ReportProposal for the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004 (Remedial) Order 2010 HL Paper 54/HC 599
Sixth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: (1) Superannuation Bill; (2) Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill HL Paper 64/HC 640
Seventh ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Public Bodies Bill; other Bills HL Paper 86/HC 725
Eighth ReportRenewal of Control Orders Legislation HL Paper 106/HC 838
Ninth ReportDraft Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004 (Remedial) Order 2010—second Report HL Paper 111/HC 859
Tenth ReportFacilitating Peaceful Protest HL Paper 123/HC 684
Eleventh ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill HL Paper 138/HC 1020
Twelfth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Armed Forces Bill HL Paper 145/HC 1037
Thirteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Education Bill HL Paper 154/HC 1140
Fourteenth ReportTerrorism Act 2000 (Remedial) Order 2011 HL Paper 155/HC 1141
Fifteenth ReportThe Human Rights Implications of UK Extradition Policy HL Paper 156/HC 767
Sixteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill HL Paper 180/HC 1432
Seventeenth Report The Terrorism Act 2000 (Remedial) Order 2011: Stop and Search without Reasonable Suspicion (second Report) HL Paper 192/HC 1483
Eighteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Protection of Freedoms Bill HL Paper 195/HC 1490
Nineteenth ReportProposal for the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Remedial) Order 2011 HL Paper 200/HC 1549
Twentieth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill (Second Report) HL Paper 204/HC 1571
Twenty-first Report Legislative Scrutiny: Welfare Reform Bill HL Paper 233/HC 1704
Twenty-second Report Legislative Scrutiny: Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill HL Paper 237/HC 1717
Twenty-third Report Implementation of the Right of Disabled People to Independent Living HL Paper 257/HC 1074

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Prepared 1 March 2012