1 Introduction
The Government's case for change
1. The
Government's Green Paper on Justice and Security was published
on 19 October 2011.[1]
It contains the Government's proposals to change the way in which
"sensitive information" (which includes but is not confined
to intelligence information) is treated in civil proceedings.
2. The Government's
case for legislative change rests upon two principal concerns,
one concerning fairness and accountability and the other concerning
national security.
3. One
of the main concerns behind the Green Paper is that, with the
increase in intelligence activity since 9/11, there are increasing
numbers of cases challenging Government decisions and actions
in the national security context, but, under current rules, the
UK justice system is unable to pass judgment on them because they
involve sensitive information which cannot be disclosed in a courtroom.[2]
The law of "Public Interest Immunity" ("PII")
enables sensitive material to be protected from disclosure, but
excluding key material in this way means that the issues in the
case cannot always be determined. As a result, the Government
argues, cases either collapse, or are settled without a judge
reaching any conclusion on the facts before them.
4. The Government
regards this situation as being wrong in principle. The concerns
in play here appear to be a combination of fairness and accountability.
We use the term "fairness" here and throughout this
Report in the sense of "natural justice" or procedural
fairness, which is shorthand for a number of more specific rights
which together go to make up the overarching right to a fair hearing
in court.[3]
The concern about fairness applies to both claimants and defendants
in cases which cannot proceed all the way to judgment. Claimants
are left without a clear legal judgment on their case and the
security and intelligence agencies are left unable to clear their
The public, too, are left with questions unanswered about serious
allegations, which is said to be unsatisfactory from the point
of view of democratic accountability.
5. One of the
main objectives of the proposals in the Green Paper, therefore,
is "to better equip our courts to pass judgment in cases
involving sensitive information." They aim to maximise the
amount of material available for consideration in civil proceedings
and to minimise the number of proceedings that cannot be tried
because appropriate procedures do not exist to handle them.
6. One
of the other principal objectives of the proposals in the Green
Paper is to "protect UK national security by preventing damaging
disclosure of genuinely national security sensitive material."[5]
The Government says that one of the "key principles"
which has guided the development of the proposals has been the
necessity to "protect our sensitive sources, capabilities
and techniques and our relationships with international partners,
whose co-operation we rely on for our national security."[6]
7. It goes without
saying that protecting national security against possible harm
by inappropriate and damaging disclosure of security-sensitive
material is not only a legitimate objective of the law in this
area but is an important duty resting on all branches of the State:
the Executive, the legislature and the judiciary. That duty has
been very well performed by each of those branches, including
the judiciary, which has been extremely vigilant to ensure that
national security is not jeopardised by the disclosure of security-sensitive
information in civil or criminal proceedings. The key question
for us and for Parliament, however, in scrutinising the case made
in the Green Paper by the Government for such a fundamental change
from our current arrangements, is whether there is any evidence
that current laws and procedures have already put national security
at risk by allowing damaging disclosures of security sensitive
material, or give rise to a real risk of such harm eventuatingand
whether legislative change is required to remove this risk.
8. As the Independent
Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation pointed out in his evidence
to us, with one exception "the case for change is not principally
advanced in the Green Paper on the basis of any risk that secret
material could, under the current procedures, be damagingly and
wrongly disclosed."[7]
The reason for this is that, apart from in one specific context,
the current system of PII does not jeopardise national security,
because the refusal of a claim to PII does not result in the Government
being ordered to disclose the material which it believes will
damage national security. In a case where the Government considers
that national security would be jeopardised by disclosure of the
material for which PII was claimed but refused, it has the option,
as the Independent Reviewer put it, "to press the eject button",
by conceding the issue to which the material relates even if this
means abandoning a prosecution or settling a civil claim to which
it is a defendant.
9. There is one
context, however, in which the case for change made by the Government
in the Green Paper does rest on a national security concern, and
that is in relation to the courts' so-called "Norwich Pharmacal"
jurisdiction: the power of the courts to order the disclosure
of certain documents or material to another party, in order to
assist that other party in some other legal proceedings. Here,
the Government's case for change is that the novel application
of Norwich Pharmacal principles by the courts in the Binyam
Mohamed litigation has for the first time put the Government
at risk of having to disclose sensitive material to non-UK-security-cleared
individuals for use in court proceedings outside the UK.[8]
PII applies to Norwich Pharmacal proceedings,[9]
so even in a case where the court concludes that the case for
Norwich Pharmacal disclosure is made out, the Government can attempt
to resist disclosure by claiming PII for the relevant material.
If the PII claim is rejected by the court, however, the result
is that the material must be disclosed: in this particular type
of proceedings, the Government, as the defendants to an action
for disclosure, have no "eject button" if they fail
to persuade the court not to order disclosure.
10. The Government's
case for change is that this unprecedented application of the
Norwich Pharmacal principles threatens national security in two
ways. First, it gives rise to the direct risk of the Government
being forced to disclose material which the Government considers
will harm national security. Second, and less directly, the very
fact of this risk gives rise to uncertainty about the ability
of the Government to prevent the disclosure of information or
material which has been obtained from intelligence partners on
the understanding that it will not be disclosed without their
permission. That uncertainty, the Government argues, has a disproportionate
impact on the UK's international, diplomatic and intelligence
relationships with foreign governments: it undermines the trust
and confidence of foreign partners and therefore makes them more
reluctant to share intelligence with the UK, which harms national
11. We consider
below the evidential question of whether the Government has demonstrated,
by concrete evidence, that these two concerns, fairness and accountability
on the one hand and national security on the other, are both real,
practical problems which need urgently to be addressed as the
Green Paper suggests.
The Rights and Principles at stake
12. One
of the constant themes in the evidence we have heard has been
that the Green Paper seriously underestimates the extent to which
its proposals represent a radical departure from the UK's constitutional
tradition of open justice and fairness, or natural justice. As
Lord Dyson explained in the Supreme Court, there are a number
of strands to the principle of natural justice:
A party has the right to know the case against him
and the evidence on which it is based. He is entitled to have
the opportunity to respond to any such evidence and to any submissions
made by the other side. The other side may not advance contentions
or adduce evidence of which he is kept in ignorance [...] the
parties should be given an opportunity to call their own witnesses
and to cross-examine the opposing witnesses.[10]
Dinah Rose QC, for example, criticised the Green
Paper because it fails to acknowledge that the proposed statutory
extension of closed material procedures into civil proceedings
is contrary to a fundamental, constitutional common law right,
the right to an open and adversarial trial. She is critical of
the Green Paper for failing to acknowledge the serious implications
of what is proposed, or the importance which the Supreme Court
attached to the right of a litigant to know the case against them
in the Al Rawi litigation. The Green Paper simply says
that the issues have recently been considered by the Supreme Court,
and that it seeks to "build on" those judgments.
13. However,
when we asked the Secretary of State whether he accepted that
the proposals in the Green Paper constitute such a radical departure
from the UK's constitutional tradition and, as such, require the
Government to demonstrate a compelling justification for them,
we were surprised to hear that he denied it. This denial came
during the Secretary of State's presentation in his oral evidence
of the Green Paper as a set of exceptional measures only intended
to be of the narrowest possible application. We consider in Chapter
2 below this discrepancy between the Secretary of State's account
of the scope of the proposals and the scope of the Green Paper
itself, but even taking the Secretary of State's account at face
value we are troubled by the claim that the proposals in the Green
Paper do not constitute a radical departure from our long established
traditions of open justice and fairness. In our view it is important
that the full significance of the proposals is acknowledged.
As Lord Hope said in Al Rawi, the law must not weaken its
defences "against the usurpation of fundamental rights that
proceeds little by little under the cover of rule of procedure."[11]
The test to be applied by Parliament
14. In
Al Rawi the Supreme Court said that "the issues of
principle raised by the closed material procedure are so fundamental
that a closed material procedure should only be introduced in
ordinary civil litigation (including judicial review) if Parliament
sees fit to do so."[12]
It also recognised that in some ways Parliament is better placed
to scrutinise the justifications offered by the Government for
such a fundamental change:
The proposition that a closed material procedure
should only be introduced in ordinary civil litigation if Parliament
sees fit to do so [...] is a recognition that the basic question
raises such fundamental issues as to where the balance lies between
the principles of open justice and of fairness and the demands
of national security that it is best left to determination through
the democratic process conducted by Parliament, following a process
of consultation and the gathering of evidence.[13]
15. Where
a legislative proposal would interfere with a fundamental right
or principle recognised by the common law, the ECHR or any of
the UK's international human rights obligations, there is a heavy
onus on the Government to demonstrate the strict necessity for
that interference, and it is Parliament's duty to subject to rigorous
scrutiny the Government's attempt to demonstrate that necessity.
One of our tasks, as Parliament's human rights committee, is
to assist Parliament in the performance of that important scrutiny
role by helping to identify the questions that need to be asked
and the evidence that needs to be sought, within the general framework
of both national and international human rights law. We must
also advise Parliament of the view that we have reached as to
whether the Government has discharged the burden of justification
that it bears.
16. Given the
significance of what is proposed in the Green Paper, we have applied
the same test as that applied by the Supreme Court in Al Rawi
when scrutinising the Government's justification for the proposed
reforms: that any radical departures from fundamental common law
principles or other human rights principles must be justified
by clear evidence of their strict necessity.
17. The central
question for Parliament, therefore, in its scrutiny of the proposals
in the forthcoming Bill, will be whether or not the Government
has persuasively demonstrated, by reference to sufficiently compelling
evidence, the necessity for such a serious departure from the
fundamental principles of open justice and fairness that are central
both to our common law tradition and to the international obligations
that have been so influenced by that tradition.
Our inquiry
18. On
publication of the Green Paper we decided that its human rights
implications were so significant that we ought to scrutinise it
for compatibility with the common law rights to a fair hearing
and to open justice and with the UK's international human rights
19. We wrote to
the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice on 9 November
2011 asking a number of specific questions and for a full human
rights memorandum assessing the compatibility of the proposals
in the Green Paper with the relevant common law rights and principles
and international human rights obligations.[14]
20. The Lord Chancellor
replied on 28 November 2011 enclosing a memorandum responding
to our specific questions and welcoming our interest in the Green
He recognised that the Green Paper deals with complex issues
that raise important human rights considerations and reiterated
the Government's commitment to addressing the challenges identified
in the Green Paper in a way that is compatible with all relevant
legal obligations, international and domestic, including the Human
Rights Act.
21. After considering
the Government's response to our questions we decided to hold
an inquiry into the Green Paper. We issued a call for evidence
on 8 December 2011, inviting submissions by 20 January 2012. To
avoid duplication with the Government's own consultation on its
Green Paper, we asked for tailored submissions in response to
specific questions focusing in particular on the necessity of
and justification for proposals with serious implications for
the UK's constitutional tradition of open justice and fair hearings
and its international human rights obligations in relation to
the same. The specific questions in relation to which we sought
evidence are set out in our call for evidence.[16]
22. We received
15 written memoranda in total, plus a number of supplementary
memoranda. The written evidence we received is published in a
separate volume available online.
23. We held five
formal evidence sessions:
24 January 2012: Dinah
Rose QC and Tom Hickman
31 January 2012: Angus
McCullough QC and Jeremy Johnson QC; David Anderson QC and Lord
Carlile of Berriew CBE QC
7 February 2012: Joshua
Rozenberg and Ian Cobain; Jan Clements and Dr Lawrence McNamara
28 February 2012: Liberty,
JUSTICE, Amnesty International and Inquest
6 March 2012: John Wadham,
Equality and Human Rights Commission, and Eric Metcalfe; Rt Hon
Kenneth Clarke QC MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for
Justice, and James Brokenshire MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary
for Crime and Security, Home Office
24. We
are very grateful to all those who have assisted with our inquiry.
25. We are also
grateful to the Government for the assistance it has given to
our inquiry. The Ministry of Justice has provided detailed and
timely answers to our questions and made ministers available to
give oral evidence. This has helped to enable us to report on
this Green Paper in time, we hope, for our Report to be properly
considered by the Government before it publishes a Bill on this
subject. There have been one or two aspects of the process, however,
which have been less satisfactory and we comment on those briefly
26. The
Government's own consultation on its Green Paper concluded in
January. It would have been helpful to our inquiry, and to others
engaged in scrutinising the Green Paper, if those consultation
responses had been in the public domain as soon as they were received.
27. Both we and
the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation asked the Government
to publish the responses to the Government's Green Paper. Both
requests were refused. In a letter from the Secretary of State
dated 31 January the reason given to us was that "these may
have been sent to the Government in confidence" and it would
therefore be necessary to check with each of the more than one
hundred respondents to the consultation whether they object to
their response being published. As a result, the position of
potentially significant respondents, such as the police and other
agencies, on the Government's proposals were for some time not
in the public domain.
28. The Government
agreed to write to each respondent to ask their permission to
publish their response, and has published them on the Cabinet
Office website as permission has been received. All but 6 of
the 90 responses have now been published, and we have been provided
with a summary of those which have not been published. We welcome
the Government's constructive approach once the problem was identified,
but it is unsatisfactory that it has taken so long for response
to a public consultation to be made public.
29. The problem
was caused by the Government's approach that the consent of each
respondent had to be individually sought. We do not understand
why this approach was taken rather than that usually adopted in
Ministry of Justice consultations. We can see no reason in principle
why the opposite presumption should not have been applied which
was described by Joshua Rozenberg in his evidence to us:[17]
It is certainly not consistent with current practice
[...] Looking back at discussion papers published by the Ministry
of Justice, the most recent one is entitled [...] Getting it
Right for Victims and Witnesses. Under the heading "Confidentiality",
it states: "Information provided in response to this consultation
] may be published or disclosed in accordance with the
access to information regimes [
] If you want the information
that you provide to be treated as confidential", be aware
that there is a code of practice, and explain why you want it
confidential. "If we receive a request for disclosure [
we will take full account of your explanation", but we cannot
promise that it will be confidential. That seems to be the standard
practice with all consultation papers issued by the Ministry of
Justiceand, I dare say, by other government departments.
It is a public consultation and unless the parties ask for their
response to be confidential, it will be treated as public. I fully
accept why certain public bodies such as the security service,
in responding to the Green Paper, would not want their response
made public, but the default position ought to be that a submission
is public unless somebody says otherwise.
30. We
can see no reason in principle why the opposite presumption should
not have been applied by the MoJ: that a response will be treated
as public unless the respondent asks for it to be treated as confidential
when it is submitted
31. The
delay in the publication of the responses to the Government's
public consultation on the Green Paper was both regrettable and
avoidable. We recommend that all future Government consultations
should be run on the basis that the responses may be published
by the Government unless the respondent expressly requests that
their response remains confidential.
32. Finally,
we wish to comment briefly on the difficult question of how parliamentary
scrutiny of proposals of this kind can be informed by the views
of the serving judiciary. Because of the nature of what is proposed
in the Green Paper, we decided that it would assist our inquiry
to hear the views of some judges with experience of operating
closed material procedures. Our request was declined on the basis
that serving judges cannot give evidence to parliamentary committees
in relation to policy proposals in Green Papers which will shortly
become Bills. We understand the reasons for this judicial reticence,
which is underpinned by a proper regard for the separation of
powers in our constitution.
33. However, where
changes are proposed which are so central to the administration
of justice, we think it would be desirable for some mechanism
to be found whereby representative judicial views can be made
available to inform parliamentary scrutiny. In order to maintain
public confidence and parliamentary accountability, it is important
that any consultations between Government and the judiciary should
be carried out in as open and transparent a way as possible.
We note that in the past the judges have submitted a collective
response to legislative proposals which impinge directly on the
administration of justice, such as the recent Green Paper on Legal
Aid. We also note that the European Court of Human Rights recently
issued an Opinion on the proposals which are currently being discussed
by Governments concerning reform of the Court. We appreciate
the sensitivities, but we do not consider them to be insuperable,
and there are precedents which may be worth considering. The
Green Paper redefines the meaning of a "court" for certain
purposes, and in our view it would be beneficial to parliamentary
scrutiny of such a measure if it could be informed by judicial
views on a matter which goes to the very nature of the judicial
The scope of our Report
34. Our
Report does not deal with that part of the Green Paper which deals
with reform of intelligence oversight. Our predecessor Committee
made recommendations on this subject.
35. Our Report
also does not consider all of the options for reform put forward
by the Green Paper, but focuses on those which we judge to be
both the most significant in human rights terms and most likely
to be under active consideration by the Government.
1 Justice and Security Green Paper, Cm 8194
(October 2011). Back
Foreword to the Green Paper by the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP. Back
See para. 12 below for a more detailed explanation of the specific
rights which are encompassed by the principle of natural justice
or fairness. Back
It is noteworthy that in the Secretary of State's Foreword to
the Green Paper he is clearly contemplating a narrow category
of case against the security and intelligence agencies in the
national security context The mismatch between the Foreword and
the scope of the proposals in the Green Paper is considered in
Chapter x below. Back
Ibid. Back
Executive Summary, para. 10, p. 3. Back
Memorandum from David Anderson QC, 26 January 2012, para. 11. Back
Green Paper, para. 1.41, p. 14 Back
Binyam Mohamed [2008] EWHC 2048 (Admin) at [149]. Back
Al Rawi v The Security Service [2011 UKSC 34 at [12]-[13] Back
Al Rawi. Back
Ibid, at para. [69]. Back
Ibid, para. [74] (Lord Hope). Back
Gen 99. Back
JS 1. Back
http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/human-rights-committee/news/governments-justice-and-security-green-paper-call-for-evidence/. Back
Q115. Back