8 Remuneration
806. In Chapter 3 we described how elements of remuneration
in banking contributed to the problems of standards and culture
in the sector. In particular, we noted:
· Remuneration is still higher than can
be justified on the basis of performance;
· Incentives in investment banking and at
the top of banks are linked to inappropriate measures that incentivise
short-termism and a distorted approach to risk-taking; and
· Poorly constructed incentive schemes in
retail banking have incentivised poor conduct.
807. In this chapter and Annex 6 we consider:
i. the underlying causes of the flawed approach
to remuneration in banking;
ii. the current public policy framework, nationally
and internationally, in relation to remuneration in the UK banking
sector (see Annex 6);
iii. the relationship between fixed and variable
iv. the various ways in which variable remuneration
is set, the conditions on the release of variable remuneration
and the forms which variable remuneration can and should take;
v. the particular characteristics appropriate
for remuneration for Board members;
vi. the challenges of effecting change in this
area given the international dimension; and
vii. the implementation of proposed policy changes
and the monitoring of underlying trends in remuneration in the
Rewards out of kilter
808. There are many causes of the flawed remuneration
schemes that have contributed to problems of banking standards.
In Chapter 3, we presented evidence that bankers have been paid
in a fashion that incentivised undesirable conduct and risky behaviour.
In turn, remuneration reinforced a culture whereby poor standards
were considered normal. There are further underlying causes:
i. senior bankers have enjoyed an imbalance between
the potential personal upsides and downsides of their activity
that has incentivised unduly risky decision-making;
ii. distortions to the market, including the
implicit guarantee and the related entrenched oligopolies that
characterise parts of the industry, enable banks to extract value
in excess of their economic contribution, much of which is distributed
to staff; and
iii. structural imperfections in bank corporate
governance that tend to contribute to the escalation of remuneration.
These further underlying causes are considered in
further detail below.
809. At the heart of the problem with much of bankers'
remuneration is a misalignment of risk and reward. The potential
rewards for bankers if things go well are huge, but if things
go badly, there is less downside. Remuneration practices have
brought about what Virgin Money termed a "'heads we win,
tails you lose' culture".[1321]
This problem is not new, as Box 14 demonstrates.
Box 14: The One Way Bet
The 1929 crash was investigated by US Senate Committee
on Banking and Currency in the "Pecora Inquiry". The
Committee took evidence from Albert H Wiggin, Chairman of Chase
National Bank on his high pay and bonuses. For example, in 1928,
Mr Wiggin was paid a salary of $175,000 and a bonus of $100,000,
equivalent to approximately $2.4 million and $1.4 million
in today's prices.[1322]
The Pecora Report noted "additional compensations were paid
in profitable times, without any charge-off in the periods when
losses were sustained by the bank":
Senator Adams: Upon what theory were those
bonuses paid?
Mr Wiggin: Additional compensation in profitable
times, on the theory that the salaries of the officers, which
were distributed all through the entire staff, you know----
Senator Adams: They credited you with being
responsible for some of their added profits in the good years
Mr Wiggin: I think so, sir.
Senator Adams: In the bad years did they charge
you in any way with responsibility for losses?
Senator Adams: It has only worked one way?
Mr Wiggin: Only one way.[1323]
810. Historically, British merchant banks and their
US counterparts, investment banks, were private partnerships.
The ABI told us that partners were rewarded for risking their
They paid substantial bonuses for value created
during good times, but real downside risks were run and partners'
capital was on the line.[1324]
Andy Haldane told us that in a partnership model,
bankers "have skin in the game right up until the death".[1325]
Sir Mervyn King argued that investment banking "is an activity
whose natural form of activity is a partnership, rather than a
limited liability company".[1326]
811. In 1999, Goldman Sachs, under the co-Executive
Chairmanship of Jon Corzine and Hank Paulson, became the last
major investment bank to float.[1327]
All the major international banks that operate in London are now
public companies. Michael Cohrs noted that financial services
firms with partnership models, such as many hedge funds, tended
to perform better in the aftermath of the financial crisis.[1328]
Referring to Goldman Sachs' strong risk management record, Sir
Mervyn King said that "for over a century they were a partnership
and learned how to manage risk, and they say they have not forgotten
it".[1329] However,
Michael Cohrs cautioned that it was "hard to imagine"
a return to a partnership structure given the size of modern banks.[1330]
812. Employees of listed banks face much more limited
personal losses or exposures in the event of assets defaulting
or the company failing, than do partners. Dr Alexander Pepper
of the Department of Management at the London School of Economics
and Political Science said that:
I have no problem with people being highly regarded
if they take high risks. Successful entrepreneurs earn huge sums
of money, but they take huge risks. The problem in people's minds
with banking and executive pay is that they believe the relationship
between risk and reward has broken down and I would agree with
As a result, as the ABI told us, "bonuses have
become a free option on the upside for banks" employees,
with no corresponding share in the downside".[1332]
This creates incentives for bankers to make risky bets with shareholders'
capital. We noted in Chapter 3 that remuneration systems based
on short-term financial measures have similar effects.
813. Due to the long term nature of the assets and
the liabilities in banking, risks often do not materialise until
some years after the event from which they arise. So-called "Long
Term Incentive Plans" (LTIPS) typically defer pay for three
to five years.[1333]
This does not reflect the length of time over which risks in banking
can materialise. For example, a business cycle lasts around seven
years,[1334] while,
in the case of mis-selling, "the poor quality and suitability
of the product often does not become apparent until many years
after it is sold".[1335]
814. In addition, the proportion of remuneration
that is currently deferred is low. The following table sets out
the outstanding aggregate sums of deferred remuneration at the
five quoted UK banks, for the years this information was disclosed:
At Barclays, which has the largest investment banking
business of the five banks, deferred compensation outstanding
was equivalent to one-sixth of total compensation in 2012. In
the other banks, it was lower still: the total outstanding sum
of deferred compensation at LBG was just £52m at the end
of 2012. This represented less than one per cent of 2012 staff
costs and compared with a total aggregate of £6.8bn provided
against PPI related costs.[1336]
Deferred remuneration has also generally been on a downward trend,
as variable compensation has fallen and the proportion that is
fixed has risen.
815. A further characteristic of deferral as it has
operated in recent years is that it is common for employees to
lose their entitlement to deferred payments when they leave a
firm. A new firm will often therefore offer to "buy out"
the deferred payments to compensate the employee for these lost
payments and incentivise them to change allegiance. Andrew Williams,
UBS Head of Global Compliance, explained how this affected the
ability to claw back sums from a former employee of that bank
implicated in LIBOR misconduct:
When Mr Hayes left us to join Citi, under the
terms of our compensation schemes, all his deferred compensation
was forfeited. So he wouldn't have had anything to claw back.
It is usual within the industry that where one joins a competitor
organisation, the deferred compensation is forfeited. Sometimes
it is replaced, a bit like a transfer fee to use a football analogy.
So it is replaced by the new organisation. But Mr Hayes has no
compensation from us to claw back.[1337]
816. Pension entitlements also act to reinforce the
one way bet, enabling individuals to accumulate substantial pots
of wealth insulated from the effects of failure. James Crosby
retired from HBOS in 2006, two years before that bank's collapse,
with a pension transfer value of £10.4m.[1338]
Because Fred Goodwin was asked to retire early, the value of his
pension increased by £8.3 million in 2008, reflecting the
full pension rights he would have accrued had he worked until
aged 60, assuming, of course, that RBS still existed. The following
table sets out the transfer values of the accrued pension rights,[1339]
of the executive directors of UK banks that received equity support
from the taxpayer during the crisis:
After significant public pressure, Fred Goodwin agreed
to reduce the value of his pension rights by one-third to £12.2m,
comprising a lump sum of £2.7m and an annual pension of £342,500.[1340]
Following our Report into the failure of HBOS, James Crosby announced
that he would voluntarily forgo one-third of his pension entitlements,
leading to reduction in his annual income from that source from
about £580,000 to around £400,000.[1341]
817. In Chapter 3, we described the implicit taxpayer
guarantee, made explicit in the aftermath of the financial crisis,
which continues to be enjoyed by banks. Douglas Flint, Group Chairman
of HSBC Holdings, argued that "the implicit subsidy that
the Government gave was passed on to customers".[1342]
Other witnesses disagreed. Andrew Bailey directly linked high
pay to the implicit subsidy:
why is remuneration so high, as a level, in this
industry. To address that, you have got to get to the question
of "too big to fail", and the question of the implicit
Sir Mervyn King concurred:
If we could manage to resolve the "too big
to fail" problem, I don't believe you would find the scale
and form of remuneration of the type that it is. It is very much
an example of what economists call rent-seeking behaviour.[1344]
The concept of rent-seeking is considered in Box
Economic rent is income in excess of the minimum
needed to attract an individual or firm to conduct a task. If
a model would not get out of bed for less than $10,000, but is
paid $15,000 for doing so, she is extracting economic rent of
Economic rent derives from imperfections in the
market. In a perfectly competitive market, economic rent is entirely
driven out: the model is undercut by other models until she is
only paid $10,000, just enough to do the work. This equivalent
to her opportunity cost: the value to her of staying in bed instead.
Payments in excess of opportunity cost can serve
an economic purpose. Joseph Schumpeter wrote of entrepreneurial
rent, the extra profits enjoyed by an innovator between an idea's
adoption and its imitation.[1345]
However, rent-seeking, the process of striving to extract economic
rent or creating barriers to prevent rents being competed away,
can be value-destroying. John Kay wrote that "whenever the
balance shifts too far in favour of appropriation over creation,
we see entrepreneurial talent diverted to unproductive activity,
an accelerating cycle in which political power and economic power
reinforce each other".[1346]
In The Trouble with Markets, Saving Capitalism
from Itself, Roger Bootle argued that finance offers unique
opportunities for rent-seeking.[1347]
Asymmetries of information, whereby the bank understood more about
the merits of its products than the purchaser, were arguably behind
both the sale of both securitised subprime loans and PPI. Similarly,
the implicit guarantee was exploited for unearned profit: what
Paul Sharma described as "the farming of [...] the too big
to fail".[1348]
818. Bill Winters told us that investment banker
remuneration in universal banks was inflated by the guarantee.
The subsidy allowed "banks to operate with tremendous advantages
relative to any others participating in capital markets".
The consequence was a "transfer of value from taxpayers to
banks and from banks to bankers".[1349]
The taxpayer guarantee has a mutually-reinforcing relationship
with oligopoly. Andy Haldane has dubbed this a "self-perpetuating
doom loop":
[A] rise in banking scale and concentration has
[escalated] expectations of state support for the banking system.
These expectations generate lower funding costs, in particular
for the largest banks, which in turn encourages further expansion
and concentration, worsening the too-big-to-fail dilemma.[1350]
819. Roger Bootle has suggested that investment banking
itself operates as an oligopoly, noting that market concentration
has increased since the 2007-08 financial crisis, an issue discussed.
He has linked this lack of competition to high levels of remuneration:
Insiders are virtually never challenged by outsiders.
Because reputation is so important, it is very difficult for a
new financial firm to get going without having seasoned professionals
- and to employ them it will have to pay at least the established
market rate, if not more. [...] Ironically, the very tendency
for pay in financial services to settle well above the "competitive"
level, and for employees to take a large proportion of the profits
when things go well, acts as a barrier to entry for new firms
and hence an explanation as to why high profitability can persist.[1351]
Paul Volcker said that the spread of the compensation
culture of investment banking was behind some of the worst excesses
seen in retail banks:
It went wild. Why did that go wild? I would argue
that the compensation practices that crept in, and the very large
compensation in the trading parts of banks, infected the culture
of the institutions generally, so the lending offices dreamt things
uphow to make a lot of money in the short run and get a
big bonus.[1352]
Referring to his experience of the merger between
J.P. Morgan & Co, an investment bank, and Chase Manhattan,
primarily a retail bank, in 2000, Bill Winters noted that "there
were people running mid-sized businesses in credit cards, mortgages,
consumer loans or small business lending who were paid well above
their counterparts at pure retail banks, because they were being
measured against investment banking-type metrics".[1353]
820. Many bank staff are not highly paid. Antony
Jenkins told us that Barclays "employ people who make £12,000
per year and [
] people who make many, many multiples of
The latest Barclays Annual Report showed that, while it hands
out very large rewards to hundreds of staff, more than half of
its 140,000 employees, concentrated in its retail division, earn
less than £25,000 per year.[1355]
Ged Nichols and Helen Weir both told us that staff selling PPI
in branches would have been paid around £20,000 per year.[1356]
However, high remuneration is not restricted to investment banking.
Lloyds Banking Group is predominantly a traditional banking institution,
with 90 per cent of its assets already inside the anticipated
In 2012 it paid 25 staff over £1 million, including
five between £2 million and £3 million.[1358]
The most highly paid executive, Chief Executive Antonio Horta-Osório,
received total emoluments of £3.4 million.[1359]
Santander UK, a retail bank, awarded its Chief Executive, Ana
Botín, £4 million in 2012, including a salary of £2
million. It paid a further 18 staff over £1 million.[1360]
821. It is not in the interests of companies or their
owners systematically to pay staff more than they are worth for
a sustained period. Likewise, it is not in their interests to
encourage staff to take unsustainable or reckless risks with the
firm's money or reputation. However, banks and their shareholders
have sanctioned and, in many cases encouraged, such practices.
In this section we consider why banks consistently pay bankers
too much to do the wrong things.
822. We noted in Chapter 3 that shareholders are
not adequately incentivised or equipped at present to discipline
or constrain banks' behaviour.[1361]
On the contrary, shareholders have, on occasions, increased pressure
upon bank management to adopt high-risk, short-term strategies.
823. Profits in a public company are split three
ways. Shareholder returns, in the form of dividends, compete with
employee remuneration and retained profits held as capital. The
ABI told us that with respect to banks, "in recent years
this balance has been inequitable, with too much value being delivered
to employees in contrast to the dividends paid to shareholders".[1362]
Sir Mervyn King concurred:
it is striking that, looking back at the returns
that investment banking has generated, almost all of them have
gone to the employees in the industry and not to the shareholders.[1363]
The NAPF said that there was "there is a need
for a fundamental rethink of executive pay structures to ensure
better alignment between rewards to management and the interests
of long-term investors".[1364]
PwC set out evidence that this distribution is currently further
out-of-kilter than it was pre-crisis:
In order to deliver double digit [RoE] returns
post crisis, the industry would have needed to deliver a compensation
to profit ratio below 50 per cent, given the increase in capital
and reduction in profits [...]. Instead the ratio increased to
over 70 per cent by 2011. This was because falls in profit and
increases in equity more than offset the reductions in pay and
resulted in both higher capital intensity and a higher proportion
of profits paid to employees.[1365]
824. Virgin Money told us "excessive remuneration
reflects weak market discipline by shareholders".[1366]
Sir David Walker said that deleveraging required to meet more
stringent post-crisis capital requirements should result in shareholders
being "much more attentive" to the "carve out"
of returns between them and employees.[1367]
However, there has been little evidence of meaningful shareholder
action. Even during the 2012 AGM season, which was dubbed the
'shareholder spring', only two FTSE 100 companies, neither of
them banks, had their remuneration reports defeated. Barclays,
which had the largest dissenting vote among banks, had its Remuneration
Report accepted by 73 per cent of votes cast in 2012. This rose
to 95 per cent in 2013.[1368]
Dr Tracy Long, founder of Boardroom Review, told us that the lack
of shareholder engagement was:
not for lack of trying. Most chairmen, most senior
independent directors and most remuneration committee chairmen
have tried and tried and tried to see their shareholders. Very
often their shareholders show no interest whatsoever in seeing
them [...].[1369]
The talented Mr Ricci
825. Rich Ricci left his position as head of investment
banking at Barclays in April 2013, a few weeks after receiving
£18 million in deferred remuneration. The Financial
Times reported that Mr Ricci "enjoyed £67.4 million
of deferred share awards" during four years he served on
the Barclays Group Executive Committee.[1370]
He had joined that Committee in 2009, on the same day as Jerry
del Missier, Tom Kalaris and Antony Jenkins. The accompanying
press release described the appointments as "promoting new
talent to the most senior executive level".[1371]
Talent at Barclays did not come cheap.
826. Antony Jenkins told the Commission that "levels
of pay are important because you have to be competitive to attract
the best talent".[1372]
Banks, including Barclays, UBS and RBS in investment banking,
convinced themselves during the pre-crisis boom that to grow quickly,
they should pay over the odds for talented individuals. Andrea
Orcel, Chief Executive Officer of the UBS investment bank, explained:
I think this is an industry where either via
balance sheet or via inflation of salaries you can increase your
market sharenot your profitsrelatively easily, at
least for a period of time.[1373]
As well as driving the expensive recruitment of staff,
the retention of talent also inflated the salaries of incumbent
staff, as David Bolchover, a management writer, explained:
The trader who wants x + y has a boss who wants
2x + 2y. He says, "This guy who works below me is so talented.
Please' - to the guy above him who earns 3x + 3y- 'we can't lose
this guy. He can't go to a competitor. And guess what? I am his
boss, so, by inference, I must be even more capable and talented
than him. So don't lose me either.'[1374]
827. David Bolchover argued that high remuneration
in banking had been justified by the flawed argument that "only
an extremely limited amount of people can do these jobs and therefore,
by the laws of supply and demand, their pay should be extremely
high". He suggested that this claim was not backed up by
"proper evidence",[1375]
and that it benefited people with "no particularly rare talent,
who have not taken a risk and whose impact is questionable, capitalising
on the fact that they are meeting very little resistance to their
Justifying his own $1.5 emoluments for two days per week of work
for the Board of a non-UK subsidiary of HSBC, John Thornton argued
that "It is not full-time, but it is very involved."[1377]
Adam Posen dismissed "the idea of the magical CEO or CFO,
or future CEO [
] someone of great perspicacity and leadership",
arguing that "very few people are irreplaceable [and] can
substitute for one another".[1378]
The Salz Review of Barclays cited an interviewee who claimed that
the system rewarded mediocrity:
the scandal of banker pay was less that of the
star performer, but of the mediocre banker who, under the umbrella
of a star and benefiting from the franchise of a top investment
bank, received disproportionate reward simply for being there.[1379]
828. Alison Carnwath, the former Chairman of the
Barclays Remuneration Committee (RemCo), argued that Bob Diamond
used high remuneration as a management tool:
I really believe that he thought he found loyalty
in people around him by paying them very wellin my view,
more than he needed to.[1380]
Ms Carnwath suggested that Mr Diamond, "notwithstanding
Barclays overall results[,] felt it necessary to retain bankers
in anticipation of an upswing in business activities and to retain
their loyalty".[1381]
Boards, benchmarking and the ratchet effect
829. PwC suggested that the "role of benchmarking
and competitiveness considerations" in investment banking
remuneration has increased in recent years. This was, they contended,
partly due to banks competing to "build investment banking
Lloyds Banking Group referred to the creation, by fears of losing
staff, of a "ratchet effect on pay and bonus levels as companies
sought to protect their franchise".[1383]
The TUC explained this effect in more detail:
To determine executive pay, remuneration committees
design a comparator group, normally based on the advice of remuneration
consultants. These comparator groups are normally based on a mix
of market capitalisation and industry type. Once designed, the
comparator group is used as a benchmark against which to measure
reward and performance. The use of these comparator groups has
been extensively criticised as a cause for ratcheting up pay as
a result of both poorly designed groups and the prevalent practice
of seeking to pay above median or upper quartile rates.[1384]
830. Fidelity Worldwide Investment said that the
"inflationary dynamic fuelled by a desire to achieve a second
quartile reward profile" was fuelled by "progressively
more complex remuneration arrangements encouraged by a new profession
of remuneration consultants".[1385]
David Bolchover argued that there was "an extremely powerful
nexus" comprising "headhunters, remuneration consultants
and remuneration committees [with] a vested interest in high pay".[1386]
Mr Bolchover argued that "a clear conflict of interest"
led to remuneration consultants acting to inflate pay in banking,
because they were "hired by the executives, whom they then
recommend to be paid very well".[1387]
Carol Arrowsmith, a remuneration consultant, denied this, stating
that they are generally appointed by non-executives and, most
typically, the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee.[1388]
831. The FSA summarised the role of RemCos as "to
exercise competent and independent judgement on the bank's remuneration
policies and practices".[1389]
However, several witnesses told us that a shared outlook with
the Chief Executive and Chairman, rather than independence, was
vital to the success of a Remco. Alison Carnwath said that it
was important that they were "on the same wavelength".[1390]
Paul Sharma stated that "the RemCo works very well when it
is aligned with the Chairman and the Chief Executive. Really it
gets quite difficult when it is not".[1391]
832. Mr Sharma told us that reforming RemCos "can
only take you so far" in improving standards. This, he said,
was because "the basic culture issue is not addressed. The
RemCo in and of itself can't solve the problem".[1392]
The evidence we took from one RemCo Chairman, Sir John Sunderland,
Chairman of the Barclays RemCo, in particular drew into question
the ability of his Committee to effect cultural change through
remuneration reform. Sir John stood by his support, as a then
member of the RemCo, for the board's decision, against the advice
of Alison Carnwath, the then RemCo Chairman, to award the then
Chief Executive, Bob Diamond, a bonus for 2011. Sir John explained
why he felt the bonus, of over £1.7 million[1393]
in addition to a salary of £1.35 million,[1394]
was deserved despite the poor financial performance of Barclays
and emerging evidence of conduct failures:
the bank was not returning a positive return
equity versus its cost [but] the board took the view that Mr Diamond's
performance overall, the enthusiasm, skills and ability that he
brought to bear, deserved some recognition.[1395]
Sir John Sunderland later stated that a reduction
in an individual's salary from one year to the next would be a
"dramatic shift, and a very new concept"[1396]
and an "interesting concept".[1397]
833. The current Chairman of Barclays, Sir David
Walker, declined to criticise his RemCo Chairman on either count,[1398]
because Sir David was "not interested in disinterring what
might have happened in the past".[1399]
He said that base salaries at Barclays were not considered an
incentive, but were "set by reference to standards internationally".[1400]
Responding to criticism of Barclays' decision to pay 428 employees
more than £1 million in 2012,[1401]
Sir David said that remuneration levels were "about right
now" at his bank.[1402]
834. Antony Jenkins told us that Barclays have now
adopted the policy of not "paying in the top quartile in
aggregate as an organisation", although they would do so
for "certain roles".[1403]
PwC expressed "surprise that investment bank pay has not
fallen faster given the high starting point" and the wider
environment in which the industry operated. They partly attributed
this stickiness in remuneration to a "survivor strategy"
aimed at "retaining key talent" to take advantage of
a subsequent economic upswing with fewer competitors.[1404]
Carol Arrowsmith acknowledged that it could be difficult for remuneration
committees to recommend bottom-quartile pay, because "it
is always niceit is a bit like everything in lifeto
hand out prizes".[1405]
835. Alison Carnwath told us that investment banking
has been characterised by what she described as a "sense
of entitlement [resulting in] obscene levels of award in a minority
of cases and excessive reward in many cases".[1406]
The Salz Review of Barclays explored this concept:
When revenue leads directly to pay, with insufficient
consideration of other measures of success such as safeguarding
reputation or respect for others, it is an enormous challenge
to prevent a cultural drift toward a sense of entitlement. It
is difficult for employees to give up that which they have been
led to expect. [1407]
In their written evidence, PwC suggested that the
"psychological difficulty of cutting pay" was an important
factor in the failure of rewards in investment banking to fall
to levels commensurate with profitability.[1408]
836. Remuneration lies at the heart of some of
banks' biggest problems. Risk and reward are misaligned, incentivising
poor behaviour. The core function of banks should be to manage
and price the risk inherent in the taking of loans and deposits
and in holding other financial products over different time periods.
One effect of limited liability is to enable individuals to extract
high rewards predicated on disproportionate risks, sheltered from
exposure to commensurate potential losses. This misalignment has
been further reinforced by the implicit taxpayer guarantee and
by the practice of making pay awards over a relatively short period.
This has included remuneration for the creation and marketing
of products, to retail and wholesale customers, for which the
full costs and benefits may not be clear for many years. The risk
inherent in complex derivatives is particularly hard to assess.
837. Aggregate remuneration continues to consume
a high share of returns relative to shareholder dividends and
capital. From this share, a relatively small proportion of senior
management and supposedly irreplaceable key staff have received
very large rewards. Banks should be free to compete in the global
market: the use of remuneration to retain the most productive
staff is a legitimate management tool. However, the financial
crisis and its aftermath have exposed the extent to which many
of the highest rewards were unjustified. Senior bankers have also
benefited from a remuneration consultancy industry whose advice
may itself have been distorted by conflicts of interest and by
board Remuneration Committees trapped into ever higher awards
by allegiance to colleagues and the ratchet effect of industry
competitors. A culture of entitlement to high pay developed which
has yet fully to be dispelled.
838. Over time, increased capital ratios, lower
levels of leverage and structural changes to reduce the scale
of the implicit taxpayer guarantee through ring-fencing will help
to redress the misaligned incentives. However, these measures
will not address all the problems that remain. Further public
policy intervention is required.
839. The purpose of the Commission's proposals
is, as far as possible, to address the misalignment of risk and
reward, and in doing so, reduce the extent to which remuneration
increases the likelihood of misconduct and of taxpayer bailout.
The Commission's intention is not to prevent rewards when meritedand
still less to exert retribution on a group or industrybut
to ensure that the rewards of banking flow only in accordance
with the full long-term costs and benefits of the risks taken.
The current policy framework
840. The remuneration of bankers, and director and
executive pay in general, has been subject to substantial public
policy change in recent years, much of which continues. The developments
· the international Financial Stability
Board Principles for Sound Compensation Practices and their Implementation
Standards, introduced in 2009;
· the FSA Remuneration Code, which intends
to align bank remuneration with risk, introduced in August 2009
and updated in January 2011 to implement the provisions of the
Third Capital Requirements Directive (CRD III);
· the Fourth Capital Requirements Directive
(CRD IV), likely to be implemented in 2014, which includes provisions
for a cap on bonuses paid to certain bankers as a multiple of
fixed remuneration and increased pay transparency requirements;
· amendments to the Companies Act 2006 requirements
of quoted companies, made in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Act 2013, including a binding shareholder vote on the remuneration
of directors.
The current public policy framework is set out in
more detail in Annex 6.
Fixed and variable remuneration
841. For much of the public, the excesses of banking
in recent years are epitomised by enormous bonuses. Chapter 3
described how, though the level of cash bonuses has fallen in
recent years, overall remuneration in major banks has largely
been sustained through a shift towards more fixed remuneration.
This section examines the relationship between fixed and variable
remuneration and its policy implications.
Why banks pay bonuses
842. PwC set out three major benefits to banks of
paying a high proportion of remuneration in variable form:
· it enables cost flexibility in face of
variations in firm performance;
· it enables strong differentiation in pay
between low and high performing areas; and
· it enables rapid cost reductions for business
areas or individual employees being exited by the firm.[1409]
Nomura told the Treasury Committee that "the
cyclical nature of investment banking revenues required firms
to manage their staff costs carefully through economic cycles"
and that paying variable bonuses meant that investment banks could
"keep down their variable costs in lean times, while continuing
to pay for performance".[1410]
843. PwC emphasised that investment bank bonuses
were considered, by both banks and their employees, a normal part
of compensation for satisfactory performance:
the construct of an investment bank pool means
that a 'bonus' is not an added extra for outperformance. It is
part of an employee's expected total pay if they and their business
area perform adequately. This disconnect between common understanding
of the word 'bonus' and its manifestation in an investment bank
creates the potential for misguided regulation, based on an erroneous
presumption that base salary is the 'rate for the job' with bonuses
only paid for exceptional performance.[1411]
844. Andrew Bailey warned that fixed remuneration
is "essentially cash out of the door" and that it was
much harder to recoup pay "once it has been paid [...] rather
than when it is deferred and unvested".[1412]
Douglas Flint identified the "paradox [that] there is quite
a lot of public support for clawback, which can only happen with
deferral and deferral can only happen with bonus. You cannot defer
someone's salary".[1413]
Erkki Liikanen concurred that "if you limit [variability]
it takes away the flexibility [...] so that if the minimum salary
is low there can be a high variable, then if the bank goes badly
they just go down". However, Mr Liikanen went on to say that
the ratio of variable to fixed remuneration had "grown too
wide and has a negative impact on the long-term commitments":
this basic principle holds that the variable
part should not be too high compared to the permanent one. It
has impact on [...] behaviour which is not positive in the long
The EU bonus cap
845. In May 2013, the European Union agreed to cap
the variable pay of particular bank staff at a maximum of 100
per cent of fixed pay, increasing to 200 per cent of fixed pay
with the explicit agreement of shareholders. Bonus payments could
account for, at the very most, two thirds of a European banker's
annual remuneration. These provisions are enshrined in CRD IV
and must be implemented by Member States by 1 January 2014. Previously,
it had been thought that the bonus cap would only apply to employees
classed as "material risk-takers". However, Europe's
banking regulator, the European Banking Authority, has now broadened
its definition to cover more financial services staff with the
criteria widened to include staff earning more than 500,000
(currently approximately £420,000) per annum.[1415]
846. The economic case for a bonus cap was well put
by The Financial Times:
Incentives work. People respond to them. Remuneration
skewed towards short-term performance encourages risk-seeking
behaviour in the short term. This is close to a verity; in the
short term, all you need to do to make more money for a bank is
take more risk.
Bonuses are asymmetric; they are not so variable
that traders can be required to hand money back to shareholders
in years when their trades come unstuck. This asymmetry will continue
under the proposal, but at least it will be limited.
Reducing the variability of bonuses at a stroke
reduces the incentives to take extra risks, while leaving ample
room to compensate good performance. For anyone other than a trader,
used to "eating what they kill", a 200 per cent bonus
is ample.[1416]
847. Andrew Bailey warned that the bonus cap would
"push up fixed remuneration" rather than act to reduce
overall pay.[1417]
Sir David Walker told us that the cap had already had this effect
in some institutions.[1418]
PwC cautioned that a reduction of flexibility in remuneration
could result in volatility:
the revenue threshold at which individual business
lines would be viable would be raised leading to the requirement
to exit underperforming businesses more quickly, thereby increasing
volatility in business performance and employment.[1419]
Several witnesses argued that increases in fixed
pay to compensate for reductions in variable remuneration could
have undesirable behavioural effects. Sir Mervyn King argued that
"to give banks an incentive to raise the fixed remuneration
at present, which is what the proposed rules would do, is to go
in the wrong direction".[1420]
Jon Terry, remuneration partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, argued
that "introducing bonus caps runs the material risk of increasing
risk, rather than reducing it".[1421]
848. Lord Turner noted that the cap could reduce
the potential for recouping deferred awards:
The danger of the cap on bonuses [...] is that
if salaries simply increase as a result, we will have less that
we can force to be deferred and therefore force to be clawed back.
It is quite right that we have made bonuses deferred, paid in
either equity or bail-inable debt, and subject to clawback. If
you go too far in the direction of saying that there should not
be bonuses at all, we lose an element of flexibility.[1422]
Lord Turner concluded that, while he was "sympathetic
to the objectives of many people who are in favour" of the
cap, further reform to the structure of variable remuneration
would be more effective than limits on levels:
if we were to make the existing codes stronger,
we would do better to lengthen deferral periods and demand that
more of the bonus be paid in bail-inable debt or other instruments
that disappear in failure, rather than insisting on a cap on bonus.
I think those would be more intelligent strengthenings of the
current regime.[1423]
849. Jon Terry, a partner in the reward and compensation
practice at PwC, argued that the bonus cap "could seriously
undermine the competitiveness of EU banks outside the EU"
and would encourage banks "to build new capabilities in New
York, Hong Kong or Singapore instead of Europe". This, he
said, would "harm employment, not just of bankers but in
the wider economy".[1424]
Sir Mervyn King cautioned that banks would find a way around the
given the imagination that will inevitably be
directed to finding ways around this and the various details associated
with it, it will be anywhere near as effective as its proponents
believe it will be. Neither, for that reason, is it likely to
be as damaging.[1425]
Sir Mervyn told us that the debate on the bonus cap
was actually a "bit of a distraction" characterised
by "a great deal of sound and fury about the proposals".[1426]
He argued that it was:
one of those measures that will have neither
the intended effects that its proponents believe nor be as damaging
as its detractors fear. The risk is that it will simply deflect
attention away from the real issues.[1427]
The Commission's proposals for reform to variable
remuneration are set out in subsequent sections of this chapter.
850. The scale and forms of variable remuneration
as they have been paid to staff at senior levels in banks, and
investment banking in particular, have encouraged the pursuit
of high risks for short-term gain, at times seemingly heedless
of the long-term effects. The high levels of variable remuneration
that persisted in the sector even after 2008 are difficult to
851. There are distinct advantages to a significant
proportion of banking remuneration being in variable rather than
fixed form. It is easier to adjust variable remuneration to reflect
the health of an individual bank. The use of variable remuneration
also allows for deferral and the recouping of rewards in ways
which better align remuneration with the longer term interests
of a bank. There are signs already that the fall in bonuses in
recent years has been offset by an increase in fixed remuneration.
We note that Andrew Bailey considered that the EU bonus cap would
"push up fixed remuneration" rather than act to reduce
overall pay. We are not convinced that a crude bonus cap is the
right instrument for controlling pay, but we have concluded that
variable remuneration needs reform.
Yardsticks for variable remuneration
852. In Chapter 3, we noted that the use of return
on equity (RoE) in calculating variable remuneration has incentivised
short-termism, risk-taking and high leverage. The November 2012
Financial Stability Report noted that, while "there is evidence
to suggest that a number of banks have reduced somewhat their
reliance" on measures such as RoE, "there is further
to go and there is a risk that this progress could be easily reversed
in future, particularly when external conditions improve".[1428]
853. Tim Bush, Head of Financial Analysis at PIRC,
but writing to the Commission in a personal capacity, was in favour
of use of return on assets (RoA) as an alternative to RoE, arguing
that it "not only avoids the moral hazard that return on
equity gives, it may also serve to incentivise bringing more assets
back on balance sheet".[1429]
Andy Haldane, who was also in favour of greater use of RoA, told
us that it "covers the whole balance sheet and, because it
is not flattered by leverage, does a better job of adjusting for
854. Measures such as RoA are attractive because
they discourage leverage. However, the use of RoA might incentivise
management to underwrite high risk assets. This is because these
are likely to bring in a higher return in the short term than
a portfolio of the same volume of high quality, lower risk assets.
This point was emphasised by the Financial Reporting Council:
Care also needs to be taken when comparing absolute
levels of return; higher returns typically imply higher risk and
lower returns lower risk. Adjusting returns to take account of
relative risks is likely to be appropriate.[1431]
The point was also stressed by HSBC, who told us
that "a return on assets is not risk sensitive so a return
on risk weighted assets may be considered more useful".[1432]
855. The calculation of returns for remuneration
purposes depends on the accounting practices used. These returns
can be subject to considerable uncertainty, not least because
many assets and liabilities on bank balance sheets are long term
in nature. There can be a considerable time gap between profits
being booked and being realised. This is particularly the case
under IFRS accounting, whereby assets are classified as held for
trading and therefore marked-to-market values through the profit
and loss account. Martin Taylor told us that:
in the bubble, people were using mark-to-market
accounting to increase their profits as asset prices rose in the
boom and then paying out the unrealised profits in cash.[1433]
856. Assets used for the calculation of profits for
remuneration purposes may also be illiquid, with consequently
volatile and uncertain values. Andy Haldane explained that:
Under current accounting rules, any fair-value
gains or losses flow through automatically to the capital of the
bank and, in many cases, the profit and loss of the bank, even
if those gains could not in practice be realisedfor example,
because they are gains on a portfolio of very illiquid assets
that you could not prospectively sell."[1434]
Professor Stella Fearnley argued that banks should
not be able to use "profits out of financial instruments
that are not marked to deep and liquid markets [
] for [
any form of distribution or bonus payment".[1435]
We consider the case for separate accounts for regulatory purposes
in Chapter 9.
857. Chapter 3 discussed the effect of sales-based
incentives on the conduct of retail bank employees, concluding
that incentive schemes were a significant factor in mis-selling.[1436]
The FSA's September 2012 review of sales incentives found that:
Most firms did not properly identify how their
incentive schemes might encourage staff to mis-sell. This suggests
they had not sufficiently thought about the risks to their customers
or had turned a blind eye to them.[1437]
The FSA also found that firms did not understand
their own incentive schemes and had inadequate control procedures
to monitor their effects.[1438]
The FSA published revised guidance in January 2013,[1439]
noting that "it remains largely unchanged" but that
it had "clarified the wording in some areas and provided
more examples of good and bad practice".[1440]
858. Peter Vicary-Smith called for "an end to
the sales-focused culture and the focusing of remuneration on
selling rather than providing what customers need."[1441]
During the course of our evidence-taking, several banks have announced
that they no longer use sales based incentive schemes to motivate
staff in retail branches and call centres. For example,
Barclays have adopted a system based on "a measure of customer
satisfaction and the extent to which customers would recommend
Barclays to others".[1442]
Lloyds has abandoned quarterly sales targets and now pays quarterly
bonuses based on customer feedback.[1443]
859. The Remuneration Code requires that "non-financial
performance metrics should form a significant part of the performance
assessment process"[1444]
and advocates the use of a "balanced scorecard".[1445]
RBS outlined its retail scheme:
Payouts are determined on a mix of measures appropriate
to each role with the most significant being Customer Service,
Branch Contribution and Deposit Balance Growth. All participants
must pass risk assessments and customer satisfaction hurdles.[1446]
Eric Daniels told us that he had introduced a balanced
scorecard to Lloyds TSB in 2001, but this was not effective in
preventing widespread mis-selling of PPI by Lloyds.[1447]
860. Some witnesses told us that, even where formal
sales-based incentives have ceased to apply, a culture that values
sales appears to have remained. For example, Stuart Davies of
the Unite union told us:
Our concern sits around a very, very aggressive
sales [and] performance-management culture that exists in the
banks, to the extent of e-mail trails that go round and round
individual performance on performance targets and whiteboards
that contain information on individual performance. That feeds
into increased pressure on staff, which feeds into, perhaps, some
dysfunctional selling to customers, because they are concerned
for their jobs.
The Salz review of Barclays echoed the same issues:
Sales incentives may have gone, but it appears
that sales targets still exist at both branch and individual level
(either formally or informally). Such contradictions need addressing.
If staff see sales targets (such as internal branch league tables)
to be important, removing sales based incentive pay may not succeed
in changing individual behaviour.[1448]
861. Many of the so-called profits reported by
banks in the boom years turned to dust when markets went into
reverse. However, for some individual bankers, they had served
their purpose, having been used in calculations leading to huge
bonuses which could not be recouped. The means by which profits
are calculated for remuneration purposes needs to change, even
if there is no change in the accounting standards which underpin
reported profits and losses. Unless they change, incentive structures
will continue to encourage imprudent banking. In Chapter 9 we
consider the case for the introduction of regulatory accounts.
Alongside any change in this area, the Commission recommends that
regulators set out, within the new Remuneration Code, criteria
for the determination of profits for remuneration purposes, at
company level and from business units. We would expect that unrealised
profits from thinly traded or illiquid markets would usually not
be appropriate for this purpose.
862. Banks and regulators should avoid relying
unquestioningly on narrow measures of bank profitability in setting
remuneration. One measure which has commonly been usedreturn
on equitycreates perverse incentives, including the incentive
to use debt rather than equity to finance bank activity, thus
increasing leverage. Using return on assets as an alternative
measure would remove the incentive towards leverage, but carries
its own problems, including an incentive to hold riskier assets.
While a measure based on risk-weighted return could help address
this, we have noted the severe limitations of risk-weighting in
the context of the Basel II and Basel III framework.
863. The Commission recommends that bank remuneration
committees disclose, in the annual report, the range of measures
used to determine remuneration, including an explanation of how
measures of risk have been taken into account and how these have
affected remuneration. The regulators should assess whether banks
are striking an appropriate balance between risk and reward. They
should be particularly sceptical about reliance on return on equity
in calculating remuneration. The regulators should also assess
whether the financial measures that are used cover adequately
the performance of the entire bank as well as specific business
areas. The former serves to create a collective interest in the
long-term success of the institution. Where it is not satisfied,
the regulator may need to intervene. It is for banks to set remuneration
levels, but it is for regulators to ensure that the costs and
benefits of risks in the long term are properly aligned with remuneration.
This is what judgement-based regulation should mean.
864. Misaligned remuneration incentives have also
contributed to conduct failure, including scandals such as PPI.
The Commission welcomes announcements by some banks that retail
staff will no longer be rewarded based on their sales, but notes
the widespread warnings that sales-based rewards may persist informally
even where their explicit inclusion in incentive schemes is removed.
The Commission recommends that the new Remuneration Code include
a provision to limit the use and scale of sales-based incentives
at individual or business unit level, and for the regulator to
have the ability to limit or even prohibit such incentives.
Reforming variable remuneration
865. The interim Financial Policy Committee has sought
to ensure that inappropriately structured remuneration contracts
do not increase risks in the banking sector. It noted at its 21
November 2012 meeting how:
the period over which executives' decisions will
have an impact on the bank's performance is typically much longer
than the period used to judge management performance as reflected
in remuneration. In particular, deferral of the long-term incentive
component of variable remuneration is typically just three years
for the major UK banks' executives, far shorter than the length
of the typical business or credit cycle.[1449]
866. The PRA and FCA's Remuneration Code already
states that at least 40 per cent of any variable remuneration
must be deferred over a period of not less than three to five
years, and that the length of the deferral must be established
in accordance with the business cycle, the nature of the business,
its risks and the activities of the employee in question.[1450]
Michael Cohrs, a former member of the interim FPC, speaking with
respect to the length of deferrals, said that:
If you go back a decade the average banker would
have been paid a bonus, which was typically cash, which they would
put in the bank and go on their merry way. Today, that is not
the case [...] the average banker is paid a bonus that typically
pays out over three to five year, and it is now typically paid
in shares in the company for which the person works.[1451]
However, Mr Cohrs wanted to "go a bit further",
and argued that there was a case for deferral to last seven to
ten years to ensure that "we have gone through a business
cycle before people are paid out".[1452]
Andy Haldane made a similar point:
Typically, those clawback or deferral periods
are roughly three to five years. For me, that is far too short
to capture the cycle in credit, the cycle in the financial sector.
We had roughly a 20-year boom in the run-up to this crisis, so
measuring performance only over a three or five-year window is
far too short.[1453]
Others favoured a deferral period shorter than seven
to ten years, but which nevertheless went beyond the minimum three
to five years specified in the Remuneration Code. Fidelity Worldwide
Investment told us that it had recently changed its proxy voting
guidelines so that there was a minimum of five years (up from
the previous three years) between the date of grant of an award
and the sale of any shares.[1454]
867. Andrew Bailey saw the deferral as a way of achieving
some of the advantages of a partnership structure for banks:
one of the aims in imposing the longer deferral
of remuneration is to mimic the sort of partnership structure
that would leave, to put it crudely, more skin in the game for
longer. That has been a clear objective in creating the economic
incentives without having the legal structure.[1455]
The FSA drew our attention to another argument for
longer rather than shorter deferral periods:
the [Remuneration] Code does not require clawback
of bonuses that have already been paid or vested, for the reason
that there was considered to be less legal certainty over the
feasibility of this, although it is an option that has been pursued
by firms in some instances. To the extent that this limits the
impact of malus in practice, there are arguments for requiring
greater or longer deferral.[1456]
868. Although the terms 'clawback' and 'malus' are
often used interchangeably, they are different forms of ex-post
risk adjustment with potentially different legal and tax consequences.
Many bank remuneration schemes give considerable discretion to
the relevant remuneration committees to exercise their judgement
to reduce outstanding unvested remuneration, including to zero,
in the light of subsequent events.
869. 'Clawback' is the compulsory repayment of all
or some of the cash, shares or other securities previously received
by an employee under an incentive arrangement, either because
the performance of the business is later found to be worse than
initially reported, or because the recipient has committed misconduct
which is uncovered after the award is made. As the term strictly
refers to the recovery of compensation that has already been received,
there are legal and practical obstacles to clawback and limits
on when it can be applied. The High Pay Centre has warned that
"clawing back money already paid to individuals will be inherently
difficult, and may cost as much in legal fees as would be gained
from doing it". Instead, it advocated "smaller variable
rewards that would not be paid out until the impact of the action
for which the reward was being offered was clearly evident".[1457]
870. 'Malus' refers to making reductions to deferred
performance-related pay in the event of a company's performance
or inappropriate conduct by the employee. Malus arrangements therefore
adjust pay or share awards before the employee is entitled to
receive the pay or before the share award has vested. The Remuneration
Code states that a firm should reduce unvested deferred variable
remuneration when as a minimum:
There is reasonable evidence of employee misbehaviour
or material error;
The firm or the relevant business unit suffers
a material downturn in performance; or
The firm or the relevant business unit suffers
a material failure of risk management.[1458]
Lord Turner felt that the UK had made "considerable
progress" in ensuring that a significant proportion of variable
remuneration is deferred and available to be recouped.[1459]
Andrew Bailey told us that:
What we have seen particularly this year is quite
substantial progress in two respects. One is requiring banks to
reduce the pools of variable remuneration to reflect redress and
finingbut, also, what is technically called malus, where
there is effectively a cancellation of previous unvested remuneration.[1460]
871. There are signs that deferred remuneration is
being recouped by banks. Lloyds Banking Group has recovered approximately
£2 million from 13 senior executives as a result of their
role in PPI mis-selling, with the bonus cuts made by reducing
the amounts already awarded in deferred shares.[1461]
JP Morgan has signalled its intention to recoup bonuses from the
individuals deemed responsible for losses of $5.8bn (£3.7bn)
from trading in complex financial derivatives. This would amount
to about two years'' worth of pay for each individual.[1462]
These amounts clawed back are tiny in relation to the losses to
the banks as a result of the actions of those involved.
872. Nicholas Dorn of Erasmus Law School told us
that a better "collective self-discipline" was required
which would encourage "those working in the industry to more
closely scrutinise and discipline each other":
Vertical clawbacks, extended to those who hold
line supervisory or management responsibilities, are clearly merited.
If superiors claim not to have known, then either they neglected
their duties, tactically turned a blind eye or strategically ensured
that they were never formally informed. [...]
[Lateral clawbacks] affecting all those within
the team, unit and/or bonus pool within which malfeasance occurs
(for example, a sales team, prop trading desk or the department
within which it sits)would have the potential to positively
incentivise a broader swathe of bank employees to take preventive
action. A significant (quite high) level of clawback would be
appropriate for those working alongside or near the locus of undesirable
873. We noted earlier in this chapter that the practice
by which firms buy out the bonus of an employee leaving another
firm to join them creates problems for clawing back remuneration
based on subsequent financial performance at the employee's former
firm. PwC explained:
This has historically provided a 'retention lock-in'
to support retention of key employees. The FSA Remuneration Code
requires that buy-outs are on terms no more favourable than the
awards being given up and have performance adjustment applied.
But critically the performance adjustment is in the new rather
than old organisation. [...] This does create a potential incentive
for individuals who see problems emerging to seek to move employment
and have their awards bought out to avoid the possibility of claw-back.
A radical approach would be to prevent awards being forfeitable
on leaving an organisation so that the individual has to live
with the full consequences of their actions (including possible
claw-back) without the possibility of having those awards bought
874. The variable remuneration of senior executives
in the banking sector typically involves being rewarded through
shares or share options in the organisation. The growth of share-based
variable remuneration was based on the premise that this would
serve to align the interests of senior executives with those of
shareholders. It has on occasion also had the perverse incentive
of encouraging excessive risk-taking and leverage in order to
increase the short-term share price, often at the expense of the
stability of the firm. The financial crisis has also provided
examples of firms, such as Lehman Brothers, where senior executives
held large amounts of stock, but where this did not prevent excessive
risk-taking or firm failure. Similarly, in the UK, Andy Hornby
had invested his entire cash bonus for his final last eight years
in HBOS shares.[1465]
875. Professor Charles Goodhart drew our attention
to some alternative instruments of remuneration, including payment
in debt instruments and in equity shares subject to additional
liability in the event of default.[1466]
On the former, the FPC has noted that:
remuneration contracts could be better structured
to expose executives to the potential downside outcomes over the
longer term of the risks they take. The major components of UK
banks' executive remuneration are cash and shares. But the Committee
notes that incentives could be better aligned to longer-term outcomes
if compensation packages were able to include a greater proportion
of suitable debt instruments, for example subordinated debt instruments,
or debt instruments which carry the potential for bail-in, as
recently suggested by the Liikanen Group report.[1467]
Andy Haldane, a member of the FPC, added:
There is a case for thinking about whether we
would not wish to remunerate to a greater degree in debt instruments
of various kinds, because then you get less of the upside from
gambling and risk-taking, but still suffer the downside in the
event of things going wrong. Sometimes the incentives created
by paying in shares are every bit as great as the incentives created
by paying in cash. Debt or subordinated debt or bail-in debt or
Co Cos are ways of adjusting incentives in positive ways.[1468]
Paul Sharma of the Bank of England told us that the
use of bail-in debt would help in "aligning the incentives
and solving the principal agency problem not just between the
employees and the shareholders, but between the employees and
all the stakeholders in the bank".[1469]
876. Some witnesses warned, however, that rewarding
individuals in debt rather than equity might encourage more risk
taking. Fidelity Worldwide Investment argued that:
debt carries less risk than equity and is less
volatile in its value. By rewarding management through debt instruments
one is implicitly encouraging risk with the debt retaining value
(and high coupon payments) even in circumstances where the equity
may have been wiped out.[1470]
The Squam Lake Group, a non-partisan group of US-based
academics who offer guidance on the reform of financial regulation,
have proposed using "holdback" of a significant proportion
of senior managers' remuneration with the aim of preventing the
catastrophic consequences of a bank declaring bankruptcy or receiving
a government bailout:
we suggest that financial institutions should
be forced to withhold a significant shareperhaps one fifthof
each senior manager's total annual compensation for a significant
periodperhaps five years. The deferred compensation would
be a fixed 'dollar' amount. [...] this compensation would be forfeited
if the firm fails or needs government assistance during the holdback
period. The holdback is intended to move the incentives of employees
who can have a meaningful impact on the survival of the firm closer
to those of taxpayers. Because payment is forfeited if the firm
stumbles, and does not increase when the firm does well, management
would be less inclined to take excessive risk or leverage, and
more inclined to recapitalize a distressed firm. Of course, holdbacks
only reduce management's incentives to take excessive risk if
management cannot hedge its deferred compensation. Any hedging
of deferred compensation should therefore be prohibited.
We argued [...] that managers should forfeit
their holdbacks if the firm declares bankruptcy or receives a
government bailout. It would be better, however, if the threat
of forfeiture pushes management to recapitalize the firm before
society is forced to bear all the costs of bankruptcy or government
intervention. Thus, we now suggest instead that the threshold
for forfeiture of compensation holdbacks should be crossed well
before either event is imminent.[1471]
877. Variable remuneration does not form a large
proportion of total pay for the vast majority of bank staff. However,
the use of very high bonuses, both in absolute terms and relative
to salaries, is more prevalent in banking than in other sectors.
As we have already noted, there are advantages to variable rather
than fixed remuneration, but it is essential that the use of variable
remuneration is far better aligned with the longer term interests
of the bank. The Commission's proposals which follow do not relate
simply to investment bankers or directors, but should apply to
all those whose actions or behaviour could seriously harm the
bank, its reputation or its customers. They should apply not only
to all Senior Persons but also to all licensed staff receiving
variable remuneration in accordance with the proposals in Chapter
Deferred compensation for all senior executive
878. The remuneration of senior bankers has tended
to suffer from the fundamental flaw that annual rewards were not
sufficiently aligned with the long-term interests of the firm.
Bankers often had something akin to "skin in the game"
through payment of part of bonuses and long term incentive plans
in equity. But this provided unlimited upside but with the limited
liability that comes with equity putting a floor under the downside.
The Commission recommends that there should be a presumption that
all executive staff to whom the new Remuneration Code applies
receive variable remuneration and that a significant proportion
of their variable remuneration be in deferred form and deferred
for longer than has been customary to date. In some cases, there
is a danger that individuals will be penalised for the poor performance
of their colleagues or successors. However, such concerns are
outweighed by the advantages of ensuring that these staff have
a bigger personal interest in, and responsibility for, the long-term
future of the bank. This will change behaviour for the better.
It is particularly important for some of the team-based functions
where members have often felt a greater loyalty to the small team
than to the wider bank interest. By linking rewards much more
closely to long term risks, deferral can recreate some of the
features of remuneration structures characteristic of unlimited
liability partnerships.
879. For the most senior and highest rewarded
it is even more crucial that their remuneration reflects the higher
degree of individual responsibility expected of them. Flexibility
on the part of firms, and judgement on the part of regulators,
is essential to take account of wide variations of risk and time
horizons of its maturity in different areas of banking. Poorly
designed schemes may increase the risk of gaming or circumvention
of regulations and will have adverse or perverse affects on behaviour.
The form of deferred remuneration
880. Too high a proportion of variable remuneration
in the banking sector is often paid in the form of equity or instruments
related to future prospects for equity in the bank concerned.
The path of share prices after remuneration has been awarded is
unlikely to reflect accurately the quality of decisions made and
actions taken in the period to which the award relates. Too much
reliance on equity value creates perverse incentives for leverage
and for short-termism. There are merits in the greater use of
instruments such as bail-in bonds in deferred compensation. If
senior staff are liable to lose their deferred pay if the bank
goes bust, it will concentrate minds. In the event of capital
inadequacy, such instruments would convert into capital available
to absorb losses. However, there is no package of instruments
which necessarily best matches risks and rewards in each case.
Flexibility in the choice of instruments is vital. Banks should
make this choice, dependent on particular circumstances. It is
equally important that the supervisor assesses whether these choices
are consistent with the appropriate balance of risks and rewards.
Length of deferral
881. The ability to defer a proportion of an individual's
bonus is an important feature of remuneration schemes for those
in senior decision-making and risk-taking roles in banks. This
is because bonuses are typically awarded annually, while profits
or losses from banking transactions may not be realised for many
years. Similarly, misconduct may be identified only some time
after the misbehaviour has occurred. Deferral for two or three
years is likely to be insufficient to take account of the timescale
over which many problems come home to roost in banking, whether
in the form of high risk assets turning bad or misconduct at individual
or wider level coming to light. Deferral should be over a longer
period than currently is the case. However, no single longer period
is appropriate and flexibility in approach is required to align
risk and rewards. This is the job of the bank, but the supervisor
should monitor decisions closely, particularly where the individuals
concerned pose the greatest potential risks. The Commission recommends
that the new Remuneration Code include a new power for the regulators
to require that a substantial part of remuneration be deferred
for up to 10 years, where it is necessary for effective long-term
risk management.
Recouping deferred remuneration
882. The deferral of variable remuneration for
longer periods is so important because it allows that remuneration
to be recouped in appropriate circumstances. Clawback or similar
recovery is also an appropriate course of action in cases where
fines are levied on the firm, such as for misconduct in relation
to LIBOR. However, what matters more is the development of legal
and contractual arrangements whereby deferred remuneration comes
to be seen as contingent, so that it can be recouped in a wider
range of circumstances. These might include not only enforcement
action, but also a fall in bank profitability resulting from acts
of omission or commission in the period for which the variable
remuneration was initially paid.
883. In the most egregious cases of misconduct,
recovery of vested remuneration may be justified. The Commission
recommends that the regulator examines whether there is merit
in further powers, in the cases of individuals who have been the
subject of successful enforcement action, to recover remuneration
received or awarded in the period to which the enforcement action
Provision in the event of taxpayer bailout
884. One of the fundamental weaknesses of bank
remuneration in recent years has been that it lacked down-side
incentives in the worst case scenarios that were remotely comparable
to the upside incentives when things seemed to be going well.
This disparity was laid bare by taxpayers bailing out failed banks
while those responsible for failure continued to enjoy the fruits
of their excess. We believe that the alignment of the financial
interests of the most crucial bank staff with those of the bank
is an important factor in addressing this imbalance. The Commission
recommends accordingly that legislation be introduced to provide
that, in the event that a bank is in receipt of direct taxpayer
support in the form of new capital provision or new equity support,
or a guarantee resulting in a contingent liability being placed
on to the public sector balance sheet, the regulators have an
explicit discretionary power to render void or cancel all deferred
compensation, all entitlements for payments for loss of office
or change of control and all unvested pension rights in respect
of Senior Persons and other licensed staff.
Provisions for change of employment
885. Our recommendations in this section are aimed
at incentivising bank management and staff to prioritise appropriate
conduct, and the safety and soundness of their organisation, by
enabling some or all of the deferred remuneration to be recouped
in the event of conduct or prudential failures emerging. Such
deferral structures as the industry had prior to the financial
crisis were intended as staff retention schemes, rather than to
incentivise appropriate behaviour. Consequently, these awards
are generally forfeited if an employee resigns from the firm during
the vesting period. As a result, it is common practice for banks
hiring staff from competitors to compensate recruits for the value
they have forfeited, by awarding them equivalent rights in their
own deferred compensation scheme. This is tantamount to wiping
the slate clean and, if it continued, would blunt the intended
effect of our recommendations. International agreement on this
issue, while desirable, is unlikely. The Commission recommends
that the regulators come forward with proposals for domestic reform
in this area as a matter of urgency. Among possible proposals,
they should consider whether banks could be required to leave
in place any deferred compensation due to an individual when they
leave the firm. The regulators should also examine the merits
of a new discretionary regulatory power, in cases where a former
employee would have suffered deductions from deferred remuneration,
but does not do so as a result of having moved to another bank,
to recover from the new employer the amount that would have been
deducted. This would be on the understanding that the cost is
likely to be passed on to the employee. The use of this power
might be initiated by the former employer, or by the regulator,
in specific instances such as company fines for misconduct.
886. The adoption of the proposals set out in
this section would amount to a substantial realignment of the
risks and rewards facing senior bankers. Even with legislative
backing and Parliamentary support, there are considerable obstacles
to their rapid and successful implementation. This area is subject
to considerable international regulatory interest and there is
a danger that further interventions could change the wider framework
within which our recommendations would operate. The regulators
should ensure that new employment contracts are consistent with
effective deferral schemes and should be aware of the potential
for gaming over-prescriptive rules, or encouraging the arbitrage
of entitlements. In fulfilling these roles, the regulators should
exercise judgement in determining whether banks are operating
within the spirit of the Commission's recommendations as implemented.
Board remuneration
887. The role of the bank board was discussed in
Chapter 7. The important responsibilities of bank non-executive
directors, particularly the Chairman and the Senior Independent
Director (SID) were noted. The Commission recommended that the
Chairman of a bank board should be full-time and that both the
Chairman and the Senior Independent Director should be given specific
assigned responsibilities under the Senior Persons Regime. The
Commission recognises that these increased responsibilities and
time commitments may be reflected in increased remuneration.
888. Customarily, the remuneration of non-executives,
including the Chairman, has been fixed and entirely in cash, though
many companies set shareholder guidelines e.g. building to a holding
equal to annual value of the basic fee. [1472]
This approach is widely supported by investors. HBOS was a notable
exception to this model. Lord Stevenson, the former Chairman of
HBOS, was awarded an additional incentive payment equivalent to
100% of his annual fee. The award vested after three years, but
was dependent on relative outperformance by the shares over the
period, and the ultimate value of the award was also linked to
relative and absolute share price performance. HBOS said that
it was appropriate for him to have a performance-related long
term incentive because he played an "active role in influencing
the strategic direction of the Group and ensuring overall performance
889. The Walker Review favoured "a very cautious
approach to remuneration for NEDs and for the chairman".[1474]
It opposed any form of variable remuneration for Chairmen:
There seems no case [...] to depart from the
hitherto normal practice of making this a flat fee, without abatement
or enhancement for the performance of the business. The chairman's
role is to provide leadership of the board and the entity through
the cycle without being overly influenced by short-term developments,
whether favourable or unfavourable. The job should reflect this
"through cycle" role and the fee should not be fine-tuned
on the basis of short-term developments.[1475]
890. The Commission regards it as inappropriate
for non-executives to receive some of their compensation in the
form of shares or other instruments the aggregate amount of which
could be influenced by leverage. A bank board should act as a
bulwark against excessive risk-taking driven by individual rewards.
The challenge and scrutiny responsibilities of non-executive directors
are not consistent with the pursuit of additional awards based
on financial performance. The Commission recommends that the new
Remuneration Code prohibit variable, performance-related remuneration
of non-executive directors of banks.
The international dimension
891. Measures taken to reform remuneration in the
sector, if taken in isolation by the UK, could result in banks
or bankers choosing to locate elsewhere. This implied threat has
been a feature of the debate on banking reform in the UK since
the financial crisis, and has taken two principal forms. First,
that banks themselves might relocate abroad or choose other financial
centres when looking to expand their business operations. Second,
that bankers themselves might relocate, depriving the UK industry
of the talents and the tax revenues of such individuals. These
arguments were put forward when the ICB first mooted introducing
some form of structural separation, when a bankers' bonus tax
was introduced, and most recently following EU proposals for a
bonus tax. We have discussed the first of these threatsthat
institutions might choose to move or expand their business operations
outside the UKin Chapter 4. In this section we consider
the possible behaviour of individuals.
892. Sir David Walker told us that "many of
the most senior people we [Barclays] have are marketable internationallythat
includes the chief executiveand have opportunities elsewhere".
He argued for reforms to remuneration "set by reference to
standards internationally".[1476]
Andy Haldane thought that changes were best made at European level:
I would hope on this front, actually, that we
might ourselves be able to convince the rest of Europe that a
somewhat tighter Remuneration Code might be in their interests
as well as that of the UK.[1477]
Michael Cohrs supported practices being set at an
international level to avoid regulatory arbitrage:
These should be mandated, and they need to be
mandated globally, because if we do not, the banks will create
HR centres in countries where regulation perhaps is not quite
as rigorous. We must be mindful of that. We have shut down a lot
of regulatory arbitrage that used to exist, but we have not shut
it all down. Getting these remuneration standards more global
and getting agreement with our fellow regulators is quite important.[1478]
893. The risk of a 'brain-drain' of skilled labour
if the UK acted alone on remuneration was raised by a number of
organisations. The BBA expressed concern that the "UK is
becoming an unattractive place in which an individual would choose
to spend part of their career".[1479]
In response to revisions to the FSA Remuneration Code in 2011,
the PA Consulting Group referred to the "clear expectation
that the Code will make it more difficult to attract and retain
talent in the UK and that this could lead to a loss of competitiveness
for the City".[1480]
The personal tax regime also been cited as a disincentive to work
in the UK. Mark Giddens of UHY Chartered Accountants said that,
despite the recent reduction in the top rate of income tax, "a
high personal tax burden makes it difficult for the UK to attract
and retain the most experienced and skilled workers".[1481]
894. Individual bankers choosing to leave would need
somewhere to go. We argued in Chapter 4 that a mass migration
of banking activity from the UK was highly unlikely, and a banker
is, of course, nothing without a bank. Many of the factors we
identified in that chapter which should continue to make London
attractive as a location for banks should also make it attractive
to bank employees. There are also more personal factors. A recent
report about the quality of life in financial centres for the
City of London Corporation said that:
the breadth and depth of London's cultural offer,
its multicultural nature and the diversity of the communities
that live and work here [are] aspects seen as desirable and welcoming
by international workers considering moving here.[1482]
Michael Cohrs put it more succinctly:
London is a pretty neat place to live. These
people make a lot of money. They want to spend their money in
a pleasant place, and London is a very pleasant place.[1483]
895. Andy Haldane stressed the importance of ensuring
that the UK had the flexibility under CRD IV to introduce specific
remuneration requirements that it deemed necessary to promote
financial stability. He noted the scope for "national discretion"
in implementing proposals and argued that the UK would be permitted
to adopt a more stringent approach to reducing the scope for basing
remuneration on non-risk adjusted measures and extending minimum
deferral periods beyond three years:
Clearly, any move to impose a tougher line would
need to be implemented on a proportionate basis and be consistent
with the aims of the Directive. In this case, as the policy is
clearly risk-focussed and could be targeted at those senior individuals
within a bank with direct responsibility for managing that risk,
I believe it would satisfy those criteria.[1484]
However, he was less confident about the scope for
going further than the Directive in terms of the scope for paying
bonuses in debt-like instruments as "binding technical standards
will be developed that will determine which instruments can be
896. Remuneration requirements should, ideally,
be mandated internationally in order to reduce arbitrage. The
Commission expects the UK authorities to strive to secure international
agreement on changes which are focused on the deferral, conditionality
and form of variable remuneration, and the measures for its determination,
rather than simply the quantitative relationship to fixed remuneration,
because it is changes of this kind that will most improve the
behaviour of bankers in the longer term. In particular, we expect
the Government and the Bank of England to ensure that the technical
standards under CRD IV contain sufficient flexibility for national
regulators to impose requirements in relation to instruments in
which deferred bonuses can be paid which are compatible with our
897. It must be recognised, however, that international
agreement on some of the changes we envisage may be neither fast
not complete. This may lead some to advance the argument that
the UK will be placed at a competitive disadvantage. The extent
to which this is true has been overstated. The UK has great strengths
as a financial centre, but, partly because of those strengths,
it also faces substantial risks. The PRA must adopt a common sense
and flexible approach to handling these issues. However, its overriding
objective of financial stability should not be compromised and,
in fulfilling this objective, the risk of an exodus should be
Getting it done
898. In this chapter we have we have set out a series
of reforms to remuneration in the banking sector. Our proposals
are designed to ensure that bank staff are aware that there will
be financial penalties for failure but, even more importantly,
that appropriate behaviour will be rewarded. Remuneration needs
to be aligned with the long term interests of the bank and its
customers. This means that it must:
· incentivise the company's financial stability
as well as its growth;
· incorporate measures of risk, rather than
short term revenue and profit;
· particularly in retail and SME markets,
where the asymmetry of information is greatest, encourage the
marketing of products that are genuinely in customers' long term
interests rather than the bank's; and
· allow for clawback or 'malus' in the event
of risk or conduct failings.
Overall remuneration structures should also reflect
the long term nature of banking.
899. The current terms of the Remuneration Code
do not provide a clear basis for full implementation of our proposals.
The Commission recommends that a new Remuneration Code be introduced
on the basis of a new statutory provision, which should provide
expressly for the regulators to prescribe such measures in the
new Code as they consider necessary to secure their regulatory
900. Our recommendations place undue additional
burdens on neither banks nor regulators. The proposals require
banks to identify which staff are associated with high prudential
or conduct risks and assess how the structures and timings of
incentive schemes may affect the behaviour of employees. This
should be tantamount to routine risk management in a well-run
bank and banks should already be doing it as part of their internal
controls. The regulator will need to check that the bank has identified
the key risk-takers and decision-makers and confirm that deferred
rewards will flow only when the full, long-term consequences of
their decisions have become evident. The proposals require the
careful examination of the remuneration of the highest risk Senior
Persons Regime staff and spot checks on other licensed employees.
Incentives are fundamental to the behaviour of individual bankers.
Regulators should already be undertaking these checks.
901. There has been a trend for banking sector remuneration
to increase in complexity, particularly for senior executives.
Senior executives of major banks now typically receive four elements
of remuneration: base salary; benefits, including pension rights,
health insurance etc; annual incentives; and Long Term Incentive
Plan (LTIP). The annual incentives and LTIP are in turn linked
to a range of measures, some of individual performance and some
of business units and/or the organisation as a whole. Some of
these measures are formulaic, some involve the judgement of the
Remuneration Committee.
902. As a result of their complexity, it is often
difficult to judge the full value of remuneration packages. The
NAPF said in written evidence that "complexity has built
up which is now a barrier to understanding and motivation creating
perverse behaviour".[1486]
Complexity and consequent lack of understanding also limits the
ability of shareholders to discipline remuneration. Companies
disclose details of how remuneration packages are structured,
but not what they believe those packages are worth.
903. This complexity can make it extremely difficult
for shareholders, even where they do wish to monitor remuneration
arrangements in the banks they have invested in, to do so effectively.
This was noted by Virgin Money:
For shareholder discipline to be effective, we
suggest that banks should be required to give information about
their employee bonus schemes and about bonus payments, for senior
executives, investment banking employees and retail banking employees.
In parallel, we suggest that there should be greater transparency
about their risk exposures and about material changes in their
risk exposures, in a written statement that can easily be understood
by shareholders.[1487]
Sir David Walker was supportive in principle of greater
If it cannot stand the test of daylight and have
an explanation to go with it, then there is something wrong in
the model. I think that those who believe that if British business
generally, which is globally competitive, as much of banking is,
needs to pay high rates of pay to be able to recruit high-quality
executives, then we have to be able to win that argument, and
winning the argument is not going to be helped by being secretive
about it.[1488]
However, others warned that transparency could have
the unintended consequence of further ratcheting up pay. Carol
Arrowsmith said:
The biggest single means of ratcheting pay has
been the transparency of board pay, because every executive who
is worried about pay will have their own database of whom they
would like to be paid like. There is absolutely no question but
that public disclosure of pay does not reduce pay. It increases
904. Several witnesses encouraged the disclosure
of the number of individuals earning over a threshold figure.
They argued that the present requirement only for board member
remuneration to be disclosed was perverse, as banks frequently
had more highly remunerated staff below board level. Sir David
Walker told us:
Bands of remuneration should be published. I
proposed bands of remunerationI think I said £1 million,
£2 million, £5 million; how many people were there in
those bands.[1490]
Barclays disclosed the number of employees earning
£1m to £2.5m, £2.5m to £5m and over £5m
in its 2012 Annual Report.[1491]
Requirements for reporting remuneration under CRD IV are outlined
in Annex 6.
905. There is a risk that increased regulatory
oversight could lead to banks outsourcing their remuneration policies
to the PRA, in the same way they outsourced risk management before
the financial crisis. However, we anticipate that other changes
will, over time, have the effect of imposing more effective market
discipline on remuneration. The PRA should monitor remuneration
carefully and report on it as part of the regular reporting of
its activities.
906. The Commission recommends that banks' statutory
remuneration reports be required to include a disclosure of expected
levels of remuneration in the coming year by division, assuming
a central planning scenario and, in the following year, the differences
from the expected levels of remuneration and the reasons for those
differences. The disclosure should include all elements of compensation
and the methodology underlying the decisions on remuneration.
The individual remuneration packages for executive directors and
all those above a threshold determined by the regulator should
normally be disclosed, unless the supervisor has been satisfied
that there is a good reason for not doing so. The Commission further
recommends that the remuneration report should be required to
include a summary of the risk factors that were taken into account
in reaching decisions and how these have changed since the last
907. The question of whether the Government or the
regulatory authorities should be involved in regulating or intervening,
not just with respect to the structure of remuneration in the
banking sector, but also with respect to levels of pay, was raised
during our inquiry. The Chancellor, while critical of the level
of pay in the sector, argued that it was not the role of Government
to address it:
I think that banking and financial services pay
has got completely out of kilter with the rest of the economy.
It has come down a lot from its highs, but it is still many multiples
of what executives in general get. An executive in a pharmaceutical
business or in a manufacturing firm would not get the kind of
remuneration that you would get in the financial services industry
now. I do not want to run a pay policy, because we tried that
in this country and it did not work.[1492]
908. We do not recommend the setting of levels
of remuneration by Government or regulatory authorities. However,
banks should understand that many consider the levels of reward
in recent years to have grown to grotesque levels at the most
senior ranks and that such reward often bears little relation
to any special talent shown. This also needs to be seen in the
context of the fact that many people have seen little or no increase
in pay over the same period. We would encourage shareholders to
take a more active interest in levels of senior remuneration.
Individual rewards should be primarily a matter for banks and
their owners. Nonetheless, we recognise that the measures we propose
will radically alter the structure of bank remuneration. They
will also provide far greater information to shareholders in carrying
out their role.
1321 Ev 1423 Back
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, CPI inflation calculator, www.bls.gov Back
US Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, The Pecora Investigation:
Stock Exchange Practices and the Causes of the 1929 Wall Street
Crash (Cosimo, 2010, originally published 1934), p 208 Back
Ev 745 Back
Q 622 Back
Q 4561 Back
"The Company File: Goldman Sachs will float", BBC
News, 8 March 1999, www.bbc.co.uk/news Back
EQ 31 Back
Q 4563 Back
EQ 31 Back
Q 3232 Back
Ev 745 Back
EQ 164 Back
EQ 5 Back
Ev 1460 Back
Lloyds Banking Group, Annual Report & Accounts 2012,
p 240, www.lloydsbankinggroup.com Back
Q1935 Back
"HBOS accused of misleading investors over Sir James Crosby's
£2m pension top up", The Telegraph,10 April 2013,
www.telegraph.co.uk The transfer value represents the capital
sum which pension providers would pay or receive on the transfer
of an individual member's pension rights. It therefore represents
a measure of the total capital sum represented by the member's
pension rights. Back
HBOS, Annual Report and Accounts 2008, p 66, www.lloydsbankinggroup.com;
RBS, Annual Report and Accounts 2008, p 168, www.investors.rbs.com;
Bradford and Bingley, Annual Report and Accounts 2008,
p 28, www.bbg.co.uk; Northern Rock, Business Plan and Annual
Accounts 2008, pp 12-13 Back
"Goodwin hands back part of pension", The Financial
Times, 18 June 2009, www.ft.com Back
"Sir James Crosby statement: in full", The Telegraph,
9 April 2013, www.telegraph.co.uk Back
Q 545 Back
Q 4509 Back
Q 4529 Back
Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy,(Routledge,1994,
first published 1942) Back
"The monumental folly of rent-seeking", The Financial
Times, 20 November 2012, www.ft.com Back
Roger Bootle, The Trouble with Markets, Saving Capitalism from
Itself, (Nicholas Brealey,2009) Back
Q 3369 Back
Q 3681 Back
Bank of England, On being the right size speech, Andy Haldane,
25 October 2012, www.bankofengland.co.uk Back
Roger Bootle, The Trouble with Markets, Saving Capitalism from
Itself, (Nicholas Brealey,2009) Back
Q 61 Back
Q 3682 Back
Q 3546 Back
Barclays, Annual Report and Accounts 2012, www.barclays.com Back
JQ 300, JQ 633 Back
Lloyds Banking group, 2012 Half-Year Results presentation,
Antonio Horta-Osório, 26 July 2012, p 20, www.lloydsbankinggroup.com Back
"Notification of transactions by PDMRs and other remuneration
disclosures", Lloyds Banking Group press release, 25 March
2013, www.lloydsbankinggroup.com Back
Lloyds Banking Group, Annual Report & Accounts 2012 p107,
www.lloydsbankinggroup.co.uk Back
Santander UK, Annual Report & Account 2012, p 179,
www.santander.co.uk Back
See paras 173-176. Back
Ev 748 Back
Q 4561 Back
Ev 1262 Back
C Ev 152 Back
Ev 1423 Back
Q 41 Back
"Barclays Shareholders Approve Remuneration Report",
Wall Street Journal, 25 April 2013, www.wsj.com Back
CQ 14 Back
"Barclays retires last two from old regime", The Financial
Times, 18 April 2013, www.ft.com Back
"Barclays Broadens Executive Committee", Barclays press
release, 3 November 2009, www.barclays.com Back
Q 3545 Back
Q 1996 Back
Q 3225 Back
Q 3194 Back
Q 3210 Back
Q 3285 Back
Q 2699 Back
Salz review: An independent Review of Barclays' Business Practices,
April 2013, para 11.17 Back
Q 3266 Back
C Ev 149 Back
C Ev 157 Back
Ev 1220 Back
Written evidence from the High Pay Centre to the Treasury Committee
(CGR 02), May 2012 [not printed], www.parliament.uk/treascom Back
Ev 1016 Back
Q 3194 Back
Q 3196 Back
Q 3203 Back
C Ev 166 Back
Qq 3276-7 Back
Q 3380 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 3268 Back
Q 3326 Back
Q 3322 Back
Q 3364 Back
Q 3366 Back
Qq 3528, 3534 Back
Q 3528 Back
Q 3537 Back
Barclays, Annual Report and Accounts 2012, www.barclays.com Back
"Barclays shareholders criticise pay levels", The
Financial Times, 25 April 2013, www.ft.com Back
Q 3545 Back
C Ev 155 Back
Q 3201 Back
Q 3258 Back
Salz review: An independent Review of Barclays' Business Practices,
April 2013, para 8.41 Back
C Ev 155 Back
C Ev 57 Back
Treasury Committee, Ninth Report of 2008-09, Banking Crisis:
reforming corporate governance and pay in the City, HC 997,
para 16 Back
C Ev 157 Back
Q 4509 Back
Q 3828 Back
Q 144 Back
European Banking Authority, Draft regulatory technical standards,
21 May 2013, p 14, www.eba.europa.eu Back
"Bonuses are a symptom of banks' problems", The
Financial Times, 3 March 2013, www.ft.com Back
Q 4509 Back
Q 3533 Back
C Ev 158 Back
Q 4565 Back
"Bankers' bonus caps-PwC comments", PwC press
release on 28 February 2013 Back
Q 4483 Back
Ibid. Back
"Bankers' bonus caps-PwC comments", PwC press
release on 28 February 2013 Back
Q 4529 Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, Issue Number
32, November 2012, p 56, www.bankofengland.co.uk Back
H Ev 269 Back
Bank of England, Control rights (and wrongs) speech, Andy
Haldane, 24 October 2011 Back
H Ev 143 Back
H Ev 294 Back
Q 2946 Back
HQ 103 Back
HQq 36-37 Back
See paras 117 -119. Back
FSA, Guidance Consultation: Risks to customers from financial
incentives, September 2012, p 6, www.fsa.gov.uk Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
"Risks to customers from financial incentives", FSA
press release, FG 13/01,16 January 2013, www.fsa.gov.uk Back
AQ 29 Back
"Barclays abolishes commission bonuses for branch staff",
BBC News, 10 October 2012, www.bbc.co.uk/news Back
"Lloyds scraps quarterly sales bonuses for bank staff",
The Guardian, 20 March 2013, www.guardian.co.uk Back
PRA and FCA, FSA Handbook, SYSC 19A, www.fsahandbook.info Back
FSA, General guidance on proportionality: The Remuneration
Code (SYSC 19A) & Pillar 3 disclosures on remuneration (BIPRU
11), September 2012,www.fca.org.uk Back
Ev 1325 Back
Q 4248 Back
Salz review: An independent Review of Barclays' Business Practices,
April 2013, para 11.36 Back
Bank of England, Record of the interim Financial Policy Committee
Meeting held on 21 November 2012, 4 December 2012, para 31,
www.bankofengland.co.uk Back
PRA and FCA, FSA Handbook, SYSC 19A, www.fsahandbook.info Back
EQ 2 Back
EQ 5 Back
EQ 164 Back
Ev 1016 Back
Q 4565 Back
C Ev 168 Back
Written evidence from the High Pay Centre to the Treasury Committee
(CGR 02), May 2012 [not printed], www.parliament.uk/treascom Back
PRA and FCA Handbook, FSA Handbook, SYSC 19A, www.fshandbook.info Back
Q 4482 Back
Q 4509 Back
"Lloyds cuts back £2m from bonuses paid to executives",
BBC News, 20 February 2012, www.bbc.co.uk/news Back
JP Morgan & Chase, CIO Taskforce Update, 13 July 2012 Back
Ev 948 Back
C Ev 161 Back
Treasury Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2008-09, Banking
Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the city, HC
519, para 55 Back
Ev 1538 Back
Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, Issue Number
32, November 2012, p 56-57, www.bankofengland.co.uk Back
Q 166 Back
Q 3387 Back
Ev 1017 Back
Squam Lake Group, Aligning Incentives at Systemically Important
Financial Institutions, pp 4-5, www.squamlakegroup.org Back
Sir David Walker, A review of corporate governance in UK banks
and other financial industry entities, Final recommendations,
November 2009, para 7.44 Back
HBOS, Annual Report and Accounts 2007: Delivering our strategy,
p 129, www.lloydsbankinggroup.com Back
Sir David Walker, A review of corporate governance in UK banks
and other financial industry entities, Final recommendations,
November 2009, para 7.45 Back
Ibid., para 7.44 Back
Q 3537 Back
EQ 167 Back
EQ 5 Back
Ev 878 Back
"PA Consulting Group and City HR Association publish survey
on attitudes towards the FSA Remuneration Code", PA Consulting
group press release,16 August 2011, www.paconsulting.co.uk Back
"UK tax burden on high earners one of the heaviest in the
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5 November 2012, www.uhy-uk.com Back
Mercer for the City of London Corporation, Cost of Living and
Quality of Life in International Financial Centres, August
2012, www.cityoflondon.gov.uk Back
EQ 36 Back
E Ev 44 Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 1262 Back
Ev 1423 Back
Q 36 Back
Q 3202 Back
Q15 Back
Barclays, Annual Report and Accounts 2012, p 96, www.barclays.com Back
Q 4383 Back