Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords and the House of Commons to be printed 18 June 2013.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction and background
Developments since 1999
2 General principles
The need for parliamentary privilege
"Exclusive cognisance" and the rule of law
The limits of exclusive cognisance: the "doctrine of necessity"
The role of the courts
The role of statute
"Comprehensive codification"
3 Penal powers of the Houses
The issue
Other jurisdictions
Options for the United Kingdom Parliament
Doing nothing
Legislation on penal jurisdiction
Parliamentary assertion of powers
Procedure in Committee
Exemptions from the power to summon
Complaints of contempt
Process in the House of Commons
Committee investigations of complaints of contempt
4 The appointment of lay members to Select Committees
The Committee on Standards
Implications of legislation
5 Judicial questioning of proceedings in Parliament
Judicial questioning of proceedings in Parliament
The effects of such questioning
6 Disapplication of Article 9
Criminal cases
Civil cases
Court injunctions
Tribunals of inquiry
7 Reporting and repetition of parliamentary proceedings
Proposals for change
The views of the Committee
"Effective repetition"
8 Miscellaneous issues
Applicability of legislation to Parliament
Privileges contained in House of Lords Standing Orders
Registers of Members' Interests
Members' correspondence
Briefings by officials
Jury service
Freedom from arrest
Witness summonses
Service of court documents within the precincts
Members' access to the precincts of Parliament
9 The way forward
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex 1: Developments in Privilege since 1999 77
Annex 2: Draft resolutions for the House of Commons 88
Annex 3: Draft House of Commons Standing Orders 90
Annex 4: Call for evidence 99
Appendix: Letter from Treasury Solicitor, 21 March 2002 100
Members and interests 101
Formal Minutes of the Joint Committee 102
List of oral evidence 111
List of written evidence 112
List of responses to the Government consultation on the Green Paper, Cm 8318 113