1 Serious Crime Bill
1.1 The Serious Crime Bill[1]
was introduced in the House of Lords on 5 June 2014.[2]
It received its Second Reading on 16 June[3]
and completed its Committee Stage on 15 July.[4]
Its Report Stage began on 14 October and is scheduled to finish
on 28 October.
1.2 Lord Taylor of Holbeach has certified that in
his view the Bill is compatible with Convention rights. We wrote
to the Minister on 25 June asking a number of questions about
the Bill. Lord Taylor responded by letter dated 15 July.[5]
1.3 We identified the Bill as one of our priorities
for legislative scrutiny in this Session and called for evidence
in relation to it. Only one submission, however, was received
on the Billfrom CAGE, which describes itself as "an
independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities
impacted by the War on Terror", in relation to the provision
which would give extra-territorial effect to certain terrorism
1.4 The Bill's main objective is to ensure that law
enforcement agencies have effective legal powers to deal with
the threat from serious and organised crime, including drug trafficking,
human trafficking, organised illegal immigration, child sexual
exploitation, high value fraud and other financial crime, counterfeiting,
organised acquisitive crime and cyber-crime.
1.5 The Bill gives effect to a number of proposals
in the Government's Serious and Organised Crime Strategy published
in October 2013.[6] It
is designed to update existing law dealing with recovery of the
proceeds of crime, cyber-crime, serious crime prevention orders,
gang injunctions, child cruelty, female genital mutilation and
the commission of certain terrorism offences abroad, by creating
new powers and offences and extending others.
Information provided by the Government
1.6 An ECHR memorandum was published, prepared jointly
by the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice, alongside the
Bill itself on introduction, in accordance with our recommendations
for best practice by departments.[7]
The Memorandum is relatively detailed and helpful. Our Legal
Advisers met the Bill team on 19 June. We also received a brief
supplemental ECHR memorandum from the Home Office dated 7 October
2014 in relation to a Convention compatibility issue raised by
a Government amendment to the Bill tabled for Lords Report Stage.
In addition to the ECHR memoranda the Government published a
number of factsheets on specific aspects of the Bill, and an overarching
impact assessment, all of which have been helpful in our scrutiny
of the Bill. We welcome the observance of good practice by
the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice in their provision
of information in relation to this Bill.
1.7 However, there is one matter on which we have
to comment adversely, and repeat a point we have often made in
previous legislative scrutiny Reports. Our letter of 25 June asked
for a reply by 9 July, which would have enabled us to consider
the Government's response to our questions at our last meeting
before the summer recess and a draft Report at our September meeting,
with a view to us reporting before the start of the Bill's Report
stage in the Lords. Unfortunately the Government's response was
not received until 15 July, a week later than requested, and too
late for it to be considered by us at our meeting before the summer
recess. The first day of the Bill's Report Stage has now been
scheduled for Tuesday 14 October, the day before our first meeting
after the end of the Lords summer recess. The lateness of the
Government's response to our questions has therefore not assisted
our reporting before the Bill's Report Stage begins.
1.8 We remind the Government that we have previously
expressed our concern at the short timescale often afforded for
scrutiny of legislation, and at delays in Government responses
to requests for information hindering the timely publication of
Committee Reports.[8]
We also remind departments of both (i) the importance of observing
the dates by which responses to correspondence are requested and
(ii) the responsibility on parliamentary business managers to
allow scrutiny by committees to proceed to a conclusion within
a reasonable timescale before moving on to the very last stage
of a Bill in any one House at which amendments can be considered.
Proceeds of crime (Part 1)
1.9 Part 1 of the Bill makes amendments to the Proceeds
of Crime Act 2002 which are designed to increase the amount of
money recovered from serious organised criminals by closing various
loopholes in the legislation.
1.10 One of the proposed changes is to lower the
threshold test that a court applies when deciding whether to freeze
property by way of a restraint order, from "reasonable cause
to believe" to "reasonable grounds to suspect".[9]
The justification for the change is that it is required in order
to prevent the risk of assets being dissipated between arrest
and charge. We asked the Government what evidence exists to demonstrate
that such dissipation of assets is a practical problem which needs
to be addressed.
1.11 The Government said in response that the number
of restraint orders granted in recent years has steadily declined
since a judgment of the Court of Appeal in 2011[10]
which made it harder for the Crown Prosecution Service ("CPS")
to get restraint orders because the prosecution has to show not
only that there is a likelihood that somebody will be convicted
and that there will be a confiscation order in place, but also
the likelihood that they will dissipate their assets. The impact
of that judgment is said to be reflected in the fall in the number
of restraint orders granted, from 1,856 in 2010-11 to 1,366 in
1.12 The purpose of restraint orders is effectively
to freeze property to prevent it from being dissipated before
a confiscation order is made. The Government says that to be effective
in achieving that purpose, such orders need to be available as
early as possible in the investigation. The operational experience
of the CPS, however, is that at the early stage of an investigation
it is very hard to prove reasonable belief because there often
is insufficient evidence at that stage. Delaying the obtaining
of a restraint order until sufficient evidence is available to
meet the reasonable cause to believe test can give suspects the
opportunity to dissipate or hide their assets and so protect them
from seizure.[11] The
Joint Committee which scrutinised the draft Modern Slavery Bill
was persuaded that for these reasons the threshold for restraint
orders should be lowered from reasonable belief to reasonable
1.13 The Government recognises, in both its ECHR
Memorandum and in Ministers' contributions to debates, that the
Bill's provisions on the proceeds of crime have implications for
the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions, and it acknowledges
the need for safeguards to ensure that only necessary and proportionate
interferences with that right take place. It accepts the need
for balance between ensuring that restraint orders are being made
in all appropriate cases, while continuing to provide adequate
protection to ensure that restraint orders are not used inappropriately.[12]
Significantly, the Government has considered and rejected other
suggested changes to the legal framework on the grounds that they
would remove important safeguards which are needed to ensure that
restraint orders are only used where necessary and appropriate.
It considered carefully, for example, the recommendation of the
Joint Committee on the Draft Modern Slavery Bill that the existing
requirement to demonstrate risk of dissipation of assets should
be explicitly removed, but after consulting prosecutors concluded
that this is an important safeguard that should be retained. The
Government has also rejected the suggestion that the burden of
proof should be reversed, so that it is for the defendant to demonstrate
that there is no risk of dissipation, again on the ground that
this would undermine necessary safeguards:[13]
We should not lose sight of the fact that every
person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his or her possessions.
At the pre-charge stage of an investigation, an individual has
neither been charged nor found guilty of an offence. It is therefore
essential that the onus of proof remains on the prosecutor at
this early stage. The Government are all for toughening up the
asset recovery regimewe have made that clear, and it is
precisely what we are doing in the Bill. However, we need to keep
the regime proportionate, maintaining a proper balance between
depriving criminals of their ill-gotten gains and protecting the
rights of persons who, in the early stages of an investigation,
have not yet been convicted of any offence.
1.14 Restraint orders, which freeze a suspect's
assets, can have a serious impact not only on the individual concerned
but on that person's dependants and on their business, and the
proposed lowering of the threshold for the obtaining of such orders
therefore reduces the safeguards against such interferences with
the peaceful enjoyment of possessions and with the right to respect
for private and family life being disproportionate. However,
we are satisfied that the Government has demonstrated by evidence
that the current approach gives rise to a real, practical risk
that assets will be dissipated or otherwise shielded from possible
confiscation orders. As the Government points out, other safeguards
already exist in the statutory framework: for example, the court
has the power to vary or discharge a restraint order if it is
not satisfied that the investigation is progressing satisfactorily.
In addition to the safeguards expressly provided for in the legislation,
other implied safeguards have been read into the statutory framework
by the courts pursuant to their obligation to read legislation
compatibly with Convention rights.
1.15 In view of the existence of these other safeguards,
we are satisfied that the Government has adequately justified
the lowering of the threshold for restraint orders from "reasonable
cause to believe" to "reasonable cause to suspect".
We consider below whether the opportunity should be taken in
this legislation to write the judicially implied safeguards into
the statutory framework so that the law is clear on its face and
there is no room for doubt about the safeguards which exist to
ensure that restraint orders are only used where necessary and
1.16 The statutory framework governing the proceeds
of crime has been the subject of much litigation, including a
number of Supreme Court cases (the latest one handed down in June
this year[14]). The Supreme
Court has observed that one of the difficulties with the legislation
in practice has been the lack of judicial discretion built into
the statutory scheme, and has suggested that the need for such
litigation would be reduced if such discretion were introduced.
1.17 The courts have also used s. 3 of the Human
Rights Act to read words into the legislation in order to ensure
that it operates compatibly with the ECHR, and in particular with
the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions in Article 1 Protocol
1. For example, the requirement that there must be shown to be
a risk of dissipation of assets as a condition of obtaining a
restraint order, which both the CPS and the Government agree is
an important safeguard which should be retained, is not found
in the Proceeds of Crime Act itself, but is the result of judicial
interpretation of the statute. The duty on the court to make a
confiscation order if certain conditions are satisfied has also
been qualified by the courts reading in an exception where it
would be disproportionate to make such an order. We asked the
Government why the opportunity should not be taken in this Bill
to write those judicially implied words into the legislation itself,
which may reduce the need for future litigation about the Act's
provisions. We also suggested two express requirements that could
be inserted into the statutory framework to make it clear how
it should be interpreted in order to make it ECHR compatible.
1.18 One of the Government's responses to this question
was that "to explicitly require in POCA that the Act be interpreted
compatibly with the ECHR may have the unintended consequence of
casting doubt on other legislation, which has no such explicit
reference." We are puzzled by this response, which is
based on a misunderstanding of our questions. Section 3 of the
Human Rights Act requires all legislation to be interpreted compatibly
with Convention rights so far as it is possible to do so, and
this makes it unnecessary for any Bill to include an express requirement
to the same effect. Neither we nor our predecessors has ever
recommended that a Bill be amended to include an express requirement
that it be interpreted in accordance with the ECHR, and nothing
in the questions asked by us in our letter suggests that we had
this in mind.
1.19 The question we asked was whether there is any
reason why Parliament should not take the opportunity in this
Bill to amend the proceeds of crime legislation by writing in
to the legal framework the requirements that the Supreme Court
has "read in" to the legislation in order to make it
compatible with the ECHR.
1.20 The Government's substantive response to that
question is that there is no need for any legislative amendments
to POCA because of the obligations on courts and prosecutors in
sections 3 and 6 of the Human Rights Act (to interpret legislation
and exercise functions compatibly with Convention rights) and
the "clear guidance" provided by the Supreme Court in
the case of R v Waya. It is not necessary to add an express
requirement on proportionality, in the Government's view, because
the requirement for proportionality is satisfied by safeguards
already built into the legislative framework.
1.21 In R v Waya, however, the Supreme Court
The Proceeds of Crime Act 1995 ("the 1995
Act") was an amending statute, but its effects were far-reaching
and, with hindsight after the enactment of HRA a few years later,
problematic. The 1995 Act removed from the Crown Court almost
all discretion as to the making or quantum of a confiscation order,
if it was applied for by the prosecution and the statutory requirements
were satisfied. That remains the position under POCA. The Crown
Court no longer has any power to use its discretion so as to mould
the confiscation order to fit the facts and the justice of the
case, even though a confiscation order may arise in every kind
of crime from which the defendant has benefited, however briefly.
The Crown Court has encountered many difficulties in applying
POCA's strict regime. Many of the complexities and difficulties
of confiscation cases, arising from the extremely involved statutory
language, would undoubtedly be avoided if a measure of discretion
were restored, but whether to restore it, and if so in which form,
is a matter for Parliament and not for the courts.
1.22 The Supreme Court went on to hold that it was
necessary, in order to ensure that the statute is Convention-compliant,
to read words into it so that the duty on the court to make a
confiscation order is qualified by the words "except insofar
as such an order would be disproportionate".[16]
1.23 In our view the Bill provides an opportunity
to bring greater legal certainty to the legal regime governing
the proceeds of crime by inserting into the statutory framework
express language which would give clear effect to the judgment
of the Supreme Court in Waya. We recommend that the Bill be amended
to give clear statutory force to the qualification on the duty
to make a confiscation order that has been "read in"
to the POCA by the Supreme Court. The following amendment would
give effect to this recommendation:
Page 4, line 15, before clause 5 insert new clause:
( ) In section 6 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
(making of order), in subsection (5)(b) after 'amount' insert
'except insofar as such an order would be disproportionate.'
1.24 We also asked the Government if there are any
reasons why Parliament should not take the opportunity in this
Bill to give clear effect to the words read in to the legislation
by the Supreme Court in the recent case of R v Ahmadthat
confiscation orders made in relation to a joint benefit can be
enforced only to the extent that the same sum has not been recovered
through another confiscation order made in relation to the same
benefit, to prevent double recovery by the State.
1.25 The Government's response to our question was
that Ahmad is a new piece of case-law, and the Government
intends to review how it operates in practice. We look forward
to being informed about the outcome of this review and expect
the Government to make clear to Parliament precisely how it proposes
to respond to the Supreme Court's judgment in Ahmad.
1.26 The Government has tabled an amendment for Lords
Report Stage which will confer a power on the courts to require
information from third parties about any interest they may have
in property that is the subject of a confiscation order.[17]
1.27 We accept the Government's explanation in
its supplemental ECHR memorandum that its amendment is compatible
with the privilege against self-incrimination in Article 6 ECHR
in light of the express provision that no information given by
a person under the new provision is admissible in evidence in
proceedings against that person for an offence.[18]
Computer misuse offence (Part
2, clause 40)
1.28 Part 2 of the Bill creates a new criminal offence
of unauthorised acts in relation to a computer (that is, computer
hacking) causing serious damage to human welfare, the environment,
the economy or national security in any country.[19]
The rationale for the new offence is to fill what the Government
considers to be a gap in the current criminal law.[20]
Under the current law, the most serious computer hacking offence
is that of unauthorised access to impair the operation of a computer
under s. 3 of the 1990 Act, which carries a maximum penalty of
10 years' imprisonment. That maximum penalty is not considered
adequate by the Government for those cases where the impact of
the action is to cause serious damage, for example to critical
national infrastructure. The purpose of the new offence is to
address the most serious cyber-attacks, such as those on essential
systems controlling power supply, communications, food or fuel
distribution. Such attacks on UK cyber-space were identified in
the National Security Strategy 2010 as a "tier one"
threat to national security.[21]
Tackling cyber-crime is therefore an important part of the Government's
Serious and Organised Crime Strategy and, to do so effectively,
the Government says it is important to ensure that the right framework
of criminal offences is in place.
1.29 The new offence is more serious than the existing
s. 3 offence of computer hacking and is triable only in the Crown
Court. Where the attack results in loss of life, serious illness
or injury, or serious damage to national security, the maximum
sentence is life imprisonment; where it results in serious economic
or environmental damage or serious social disruption the maximum
sentence is 24 years' imprisonment.
1.30 The Bill defines the concept of "damage
to human welfare",[22]
but does not define damage to the environment, the economy or
national security. As the Government's ECHR Memorandum correctly
acknowledges, this raises an issue about whether the new offence
is defined with sufficient legal certainty to enable individuals
to predict the consequences of their actions.[23]
However, the Government is satisfied that the terms are capable
of being applied with a sufficient degree of legal certainty,
because "these terms have been used numerous times in legislation
without definition." The courts have tended to leave the
determination of whether something endangers national security,
for example, to the Secretary of State, but the Government considers
that the term is well enough understood to be capable of application
by a properly instructed jury.
1.31 We accept that there are a variety of statutory
contexts in which the broad terms "damage to the environment,
the economy or national security" appear. Indeed, in other
contexts we have accepted the Government's argument that it is
not appropriate to include a statutory definition of "national
security". It was not clear to us, however, whether any of
these broad terms had ever before been used in legislation creating
a criminal offence. We therefore asked the Government whether
there are any examples of other, existing criminal offences in
which the concepts of "damage to the environment", "damage
to the economy" or "damage to national security"
are included as an element of the offence, and if so to be provided
with examples of each.
1.32 The Government replied that "We are not
aware of any offences which have 'damage to the environment',
'damage to national security' or damage to the economy' as an
ingredient of the offence."
1.33 In relation to the environment, the Government
does not consider it appropriate in this context to provide specific
definitions of the environment and damage to the environment,
because this would potentially restrict the cases in which the
prohibition might apply. The terms are intended to carry their
broad, everyday meanings. In relation to national security and
the economy, the Government points out that in the context of
various executive actions which constitute significant interferences
with human rights, such as deportation or asset-freezing, the
courts have accorded the executive "considerable leeway"
in deciding what national security requires or whether action
is to the detriment of the UK's economy. The Government "acknowledge[s]
that there is a difference between these sorts of executive actions
and criminal sanctions", but considers that the terms "national
security" and "economy" are sufficiently well understood
for a properly instructed jury to be able to reach a verdict.
1.34 We also asked the Government to clarify, with
examples, what they consider to constitute serious damage to the
environment, the economy or national security in this context.
In response, the Government acknowledged that "there is a
tension between defining this offence sufficiently broadly to
catch the various types of serious harm that might result from
unauthorised acts in relation to a computer while providing legal
certainty as to the scope of criminal liability." The Government
confirmed that the new offence of computer misuse is not intended
to capture damage which is trivial or minor, and whether the damage
is "serious" will depend on the circumstances of each
case, and factors such as the severity of any impact on individuals,
the number of individuals affected, the geographical area affected
and the duration of the impact. However, the Government did not
take up our invitation to provide some examples of what it considers
constitutes serious damage to the environment, the economy or
national security in this context.
1.35 We regard as highly significant the fact
that the Government is not aware of any other criminal offences
which have "damage to the environment", "damage
to the economy" or "damage to national security"
as an ingredient of the offence. The use of such broad concepts
without further definition in other statutory contexts is one
thing but, as the Government itself acknowledges, it is quite
another in the context of criminal sanctions. Legal certainty
requires that criminal offences are precisely defined so that
individuals know how to avoid such sanctions. Vagueness is not
permissible in the definition of criminal offences.
1.36 We note that in August 2013 the EU adopted a
Directive on attacks against information systems, one of the objectives
of which is to approximate the criminal law of the Member States
in the area of attacks against information systems by establishing
minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and
the relevant sanctions.[24]
The recitals to the Directive state that it has become apparent
from the need to increase the critical infrastructure capability
protection of the Union that the measures against cyber-attacks
should be complemented by stringent criminal penalties reflecting
the gravity of such attacks. "Critical infrastructure"
in this context is understood to be "an asset or system,
or part thereof, which is essential for the maintenance of vital
societal functions, health, safety, security, economic or social
well-being of people, such as power plants, transport networks
or government networks, and the disruption or destruction of which
would have a significant impact in a Member State as a result
of the failure to maintain those functions."
1.37 The Directive requires Members States to provide
for criminal penalties in respect of attacks against information
systems, and that those criminal penalties should be effective,
proportionate and dissuasive and include imprisonment and/or fines.
It recognises that it is appropriate to impose more severe penalties
where a cyber-attack causes serious damage, or is aimed at critical
infrastructure. However, States are only required to ensure that
a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment is available for
the most serious offences.[25]
This particular change to the law is therefore not required in
order to comply with the EU Directive on Attacks on Information
1.38 We do not doubt the need to ensure that the
criminal law provides adequate protection against cyber-attacks
on critical infrastructure. We doubt, however, whether the concepts
of "damage to the environment", "damage to the
economy" or "damage to national security" are sufficiently
certain in their meaning to justify their inclusion as an ingredient
of a criminal offence carrying maximum sentences of 14 years and
life imprisonment. The broad and vague definition of the new
offence of computer misuse appears to be without precedent, and
the Bill therefore appears to cross a significant line by using
these unsatisfactory concepts in the definition of a serious criminal
offence carrying a lengthy sentence. We recommend that the Bill
be amended to remove these particular elements of the new computer
hacking offence.
1.39 The following amendment would give effect to
this recommendation:
Page 31, line 1, leave out sub-paragraphs (b), (c)
and (d).
Participating in the activities
of an organised crime group (Part 3, clause 44)
1.40 Part 3 of the Bill includes a new criminal offenceparticipating
in the activities of an organised crime group[26]which
is designed to plug a gap in the ability of law enforcement agencies
to target those who help organised criminal groups to function.
The new offence was announced without any prior consultation by
the Home Office, including with any of the professional groups
such as lawyers and accountants who the Government says are amongst
the principal targets of the new measure. The offence is very
broadly drawn and on its face it would apply, for example, to
legal professionals providing legal services to those suspected
of involvement in serious organised crime.
1.41 We asked the Government why existing offences
are not sufficient to deal with the problem, whether the offence
is sufficiently tightly defined, and whether providers of legal
services are intended to be caught.
1.42 Strong concerns have been expressed, not about
the objective behind the provision, but about the uncertainty
caused by the breadth of the offence as currently drafted. The
Law Society, for example, was concerned by the uncertainty caused
by the combination of the low threshold in the mens rea
required for the offence ("reasonable cause to suspect")
and the vagueness of the concept of helping an organised crime
group to carry on criminal activities. It pointed out that it
is not clear, under the offence as drafted, how far an individual
must go to satisfy themselves that whatever service they are providing
is not assisting criminal activities down the line somewhere.
It is not clear, for example, what level of due diligence a solicitor
would need to carry out to make sure that they could not be said
to have turned a blind eye to criminal activity.
1.43 During the Bill's Committee stage, the Minister
agreed to give further consideration to two aspects of the offence
in the light of these concerns about the legal uncertainty caused
by its breadth as currently drafted.[27]
First, he agreed to give further consideration to ensuring that
the mens rea (state of mind) of the person committing the
offence is such that it does not capture the naïve or unwitting.
Second, he acknowledged the importance of there being no anxiety
amongst people, professionals and non-professionals alike, that
they might be inadvertently captured by the participation offence,
and he agreed to give further consideration to including in the
Bill a general defence available to both professionals and non-professionals.
1.44 The Government now proposes to address the concerns
expressed about the current vagueness of the new offence by changing
the required mens rea of the person committing the offence
from "has reasonable cause to suspect" to "reasonably
suspects".[28] It
says that this would require the prosecution to prove both the
subjective test that the person genuinely suspected and the objective
test that that suspicion was reasonable. This, the Government
says, would ensure that the naïve and unwitting were not
caught by the offence because they would not have suspected, even
though they had reasonable grounds for doing so. However, the
Government does not intend to amend the Bill to include any additional
defence, having concluded that a general defence of "acting
reasonably" would not offer any additional protection against
over-criminalisation that is not already achieved by changing
the mens rea of the offence as described above.
1.45 We welcome the Government's preparedness
to address concerns about the legal uncertainty caused by the
breadth of the offence as currently drafted. However, we are not
persuaded that the change from "reasonable cause to suspect"
to "reasonably suspects" goes far enough to meet those
concerns. We recommend that the Bill be amended to raise the threshold
of the mens rea required above either "reasonable cause to
suspect" (in the Bill as it currently stands) or "reasonably
suspects" (as proposed in the Government's amendment), to
"reasonably believes". This is a higher threshold, as
the Government acknowledges in clause 11 of the Bill where it
is reducing the threshold test for restraint orders from "reasonable
cause to believe" to "reasonable grounds to suspect",
and it would therefore go some way towards reducing the scope
of this new criminal offence.
1.46 We also recommend a probing amendment which
would provide for a general defence to be available where the
defendant has acted reasonably in all the circumstances, to provide
Parliament with the opportunity to explore in more detail the
Government's reasons for rejecting the argument for a wider defence
than the Bill currently provides. The following amendment
would give effect to these recommendations:
Page 34, line 19, leave out 'has reasonable cause
to suspect' and insert 'reasonably believes'.
Page 35, line 10, insert 'or that the person acted
reasonably in all the circumstances.'
Seizure and forfeiture of drug-cutting
agents (Part 4)
1.47 Part 4 of the Bill creates bespoke search, seizure
and forfeiture powers in relation to drug-cutting agents. The
provisions serve the legitimate aim of plugging a current gap
in investigative powers which arises because there is no underlying
criminal offence of possession of drug-cutting agents.
1.48 We accept the Government's explanation of why
the suite of proposed new powers of search, seizure and forfeiture
appears to be both necessary and proportionate. However, we had
one detailed question about the adequacy of the safeguards written
in to the conditions for obtaining a warrant. As drafted, it is
not absolutely clear on the face of the Bill that it is a precondition
of the obtaining of a warrant that there must be reasonable grounds
for suspecting, not only that a particular substance is on the
premises, but that the substance is intended for use as a drug-cutting
agent. We therefore asked the Government to clarify whether this
is the Government's intention.
1.49 The Government's response was an unequivocal
yes. Before a magistrate can issue a search and seizure warrant,
he or she has to be satisfied that there are reasonable grounds
to suspect that a substance (i) intended for such use is (ii)
on the premises. The officer applying for the warrant must persuade
the magistrate that he or she (the officer) has both a genuine
and reasonable belief that both elements exist.
1.50 We welcome the Government's clarification
of its intention, in the light of which we are satisfied that
the safeguards surrounding the proposed new powers are adequate.
We also welcome the Government's amendments to Part 4 which would
require notice to be given both to the person from whom the substance
was seized and, if different, to the person to whom the substance
belongs, which improve the procedural safeguards against the unnecessary
or disproportionate use of these powers.
Protection of children (Part
1.51 Clause 65 of the Bill amends the definition
of the offence of child cruelty in section 1 of the Children and
Young Persons Act 1933 ("the 1933 Act"). Under section
1, it is an offence for a person over the age of sixteen, who
has responsibility for a child under that age, wilfully to assault,
ill-treat, neglect, abandon or expose that child in a manner which
is likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health.
Positive obligations to protect children from
1.52 The State has positive obligations to protect
children from harm under ECHR Article 2 (the right to life), Article
3 (the prohibition of torture, cruel, degrading, or inhumane treatment),
and Article 8 (the right to respect for private and family life).
This means that the State must have adequate structures in place
to protect children, including criminal sanctions.[29]
There is a similar requirement under the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child, which provides that States must take
all appropriate legislative and other measures to protect children
from all forms of physical or mental violence.[30]
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has highlighted
the importance of children's psychological integrity, and has
called on States to recognise the impact of, and need to address,
non-physical forms of harm to children.[31]
The right to respect for private and family life
(Article 8 ECHR)
1.53 Parental rights and choices in the upbringing
and education of children are central aspects of the right to
respect for family life, which is guaranteed in Article 8 ECHR.
The amendment to the definition of the offence of child cruelty
must satisfy the requirements of legal certainty. It must also
be necessary and proportionate. The Government states that it
is satisfied that the provision is compatible with Article 8 ECHR
on the basis that a parent's right to respect for family life
is not affected by the imposition of criminal law sanctions for
harming their child.[32]
1.54 The explanatory memoranda to the Bill set out
the Government's view that conduct which causes psychological
suffering or injury to a child already falls within the scope
of the current section 1 offence, explaining that the purpose
of the proposed amendments is to make this position "absolutely
clear",[33] without
making any substantive changes to the current law.[34]
We wrote to the Government to request further information to
explain its view about the scope of the current section 1 offence
and the necessity of the proposed amendments.[35]
1.55 In response, the Government explained its view
that the current reference to "mental derangement" in
section 1 would "by implication include psychological suffering
or injury".[36]
The Government also considers that this is clear from the case
law interpreting the section 1 offence, and has been clear for
many years: a case in 1938, R v Whibley,[37]
in which the Court of Appeal held that section 1 concerns "the
prevention of cruelty and exposure to moral and physical danger",
makes clear that psychological suffering is already covered by
section 1. Nor does the Government consider that there is anything
in the case law on section 1 that would exclude such harm from
the ambit of the offence. It acknowledges that in the Sheppard
case,[38] it was held
that child neglect under the section 1 offence concerns a child's
physical needs, but points out that the judgment concerns only
one of the five behaviours (neglect) that can constitute cruelty
under section 1. The Government's view is that non-physical cruelty
can be covered by other limbs of the offence, in particular ill-treatment.
Government amendments have been tabled for Report stage to make
this explicit on the face of the legislation, by inserting "whether
physically or otherwise" after "ill treats" in
the text of the section 1 offence.[39]
The Government also cites Crown Prosecution Service ("CPS")
and Sentencing Council guidelines that refer to psychological
harm in the context of section 1 of the 1933 Act in order to support
its view that the law already covers psychological as well as
physical suffering or injury.[40]
1.56 The Government also provided information to
explain why it considers the amendments to the current statutory
offence to be necessary. It provides details of a "targeted
engagement exercise" that it conducted with expert stakeholders
in October 2013. The Government confirms that some of the respondents
were concerned that the offence may currently be restricted to
physical abuse.[41] The
Government also refers to research conducted by the charity Action
for Children, which found evidence to suggest that there is confusion
among some frontline professionals, including, most significantly,
the police, as to whether the existing offence covers non-physical
harm.[42] Although the
Government considers that it is difficult to say what the effect
of such uncertainty might be, as it has not been provided with
any clear evidence to suggest that cases involving psychological
harm or suffering are currently not being taken forward, it considers
it to be possible that "a few" cases which might not
have been referred to the CPS may be pursued if the law is clarified.
It concluded that the law may be easier to understand if the offence
was clarified by making explicit that it covers psychological
as well as physical suffering or injury and updated to remove
some of the more archaic language from the provision. The Government
also reiterates its view that it considers the change to be necessary
due to the "strength of feelings to which the issue gives
1.57 We are satisfied that the Government is legally
correct that cruelty causing psychological harm to a child is
already a criminal offence under the current section 1 of the
Children and Young Persons Act 1933. Although there is only a
slight evidential basis for the view that the scope of the current
law is misunderstood, the evidence suggesting that many police
officers and others may not appreciate that the current offence
covers psychological harm is nonetheless particularly significant
and does call into question whether the UK is adequately fulfilling
its positive obligation to protect children from such harm. For
this reason, we welcome the clarification of the law.
Legal certainty and adequacy of safeguards to
ensure proportionality
1.58 In view of the implications for the right to
private life, family life and home, we wrote to the Government
to ask it to explain its view that '"suffering of a psychological
nature" satisfies the requirement of legal certainty, and,
given the breadth and vagueness of that term, what threshold will
be applied by police and prosecutors when deciding whether the
offence has been committed. We also asked the Government for further
information about safeguards to ensure that the amended offence
does not lead to disproportionate interferences with the right
to respect for private life, family life and home, and about the
guidance that will be given to front line professionals about
the implications of the amended offence.[44]
1.59 In response, the Government refers to the case
of R v Whibley, which held that 'some small mental suffering
or anxiety' would not constitute 'unnecessary suffering or injury'.
The Government states that it expects the courts to apply this
meaning in the same way to cases of psychological child cruelty.
The Government states that it is satisfied that this provides
a sufficient safeguard to ensure that "only behaviour that
reaches a minimum level of severity is, and would be, covered".
The Government also confirmed that it is liaising with the police,
CPS and other frontline professionals about whether any updates
or amendments to the relevant guidance would be necessary to ensure
that relevant guidance is clear and applied appropriately.[45]
1.60 The relevant guidance to front-line professionals
will be key in ensuring that the requirements of legal certainty
and proportionality are met when the amendments to the offence
come into force. We welcome the Government's commitment to liaise
with the Department for Education, the Crown Prosecution Service
and the police about the changes that may be necessary to ensure
that the amended offence is properly understood. We stress the
need for effective cross-Government coordination on this issue
to ensure that guidance is both understood and applied consistently
across all departments and agencies. We also recommend that the
Government consults widely with civil society on drafts of the
relevant guidance, including with organisations which aim to enable
children to be raised safely within their families and to avoid
unnecessary removal of children into care.
Protection for 16 and 17 year olds
1.61 We wrote to the Government to ask it to explain
its justification for not extending the protection under the child
cruelty offence to those aged 16 and 17.[46]
This appears out of line with the UNCRC definition of a child
and domestic child protection guidance, which both define a child
as anyone under 18.[47]
In response, the Government explains its view that "young
people aged 16 or over are lawfully able to be married and are
generally deemed capable of living independently of their parents.
Those under the age of 16 are generally more vulnerable and dependent
on those who care for them"[48]
The Government thinks it is therefore right that the section 1
offence is focused on protecting under 16s. The Government also
states that "increasing the age of victims from 16 years
to 17 years would mean that a young person under the age of 18
who commits an offence under section 1 could not be prosecuted."[49]
1.62 We are not persuaded by the Government's
justification for continuing to exclude 16 and 17 year olds from
the protection of the child cruelty offence. The fact that a
criminal offence protects those under the age of 18 does not mean
that the offence cannot be committed by a person who is also under
18. In our view, it would be possible in principle to extend
the scope of protection provided by the offence to those under
18 whilst preserving the possibility that those over 16 can commit
the offence. This provision is the latest in a series of issues
which have arisen in different contexts raising the wider question
of the lack of a consistent legal definition of the age of a child
in the UK, and we call on the Government to review this area of
1.63 Clause 66(1) creates a new offence to criminalise
the possession of items containing advice or guidance about abusing
children sexually, commonly referred to as "paedophile manuals".
The Government's human rights memorandum states that the provision
raises issues in respect of Articles 6, 7, 8 and 10 ECHR.[50]
The Government also considers that the measure furthers its fulfilment
of Article 34 UNCRC, which requires States to undertake to protect
children from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.[51]
The Government's memorandum sets out that the aim of the new offence
is to combat the commission of sexual offences against children.[52]
A Factsheet on the provision, published by the Home Office, explains
further that there is a potential gap in the law which does not
cover the possession of written material that contains practical
advice on how to commit a sexual offence against a child.[53]
1.64 Based on the information provided by the
Government, the creation of a new offence to criminalise the possession
of "paedophile manuals" appears to be a necessary and
proportionate measure in order to fulfil the positive obligation
to protect children from harm.
1.65 Clause 67 of the Bill amends the Female Genital
Mutilation Act 2003 ("the 2003 Act") so that the extra-territorial
jurisdiction, which currently applies to UK nationals and permanent
UK residents, extends to female genital mutilation ("FGM")
acts conducted outside the UK by a person who is habitually resident
in the UK, irrespective of whether they are subject to immigration
restrictions. It also amends the 2003 Act to ensure that the offence
of FGM covers situations where the victim of the procedure is
habitually resident in the UK.
1.66 FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls
and women. The UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women has issued a General Recommendation
that calls upon States to take appropriate and effective measures
with a view to eradicating the practice.[54]
In February 2014, the Government issued a political declaration
outlining a number of initiatives across various Departments to
end FGM in the UK and abroad.[55]
The provision in Clause 67 is one such measure. The extension
of the extra-territorial effect of the FGM offences to a person
who has his or her habitual residence in the UK is also in line
with the requirements of the Council of Europe's Convention on
preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.[56]
We welcome the proposed amendment to the Female Genital Mutilation
Act 2003 as a human rights enhancing measure, which furthers the
Government's positive obligation to protect women and girls from
Preparation or Training Abroad
for Terrorism (Part 6, clause 68)
1.67 The Bill provides for extra-territorial jurisdiction
over two terrorism offences which currently have either no or
only limited extra-territorial effect: preparation for terrorism
and training for terrorism under ss. 5 and 6 respectively of the
Terrorism Act 2006.[57]
The effect of the provision is that a person who does anything
outside of the UK which would constitute the offence of preparation
for terrorism under s. 5 or training for terrorism under s. 6
of the 2006 Act could be tried for those offences in a UK court
if they were to return to this country.
1.68 The rationale for the provision is that extra-territorial
jurisdiction is appropriate for these offences because the places
where training or preparation for terrorism are taking place are
increasingly likely to be located abroad and it may allow for
prosecutions of people preparing or training more generally for
terrorism who have, for example, travelled from the UK to fight
in Syria.[58]
1.69 Extending the territorial reach of very broadly
worded criminal offences has obvious implications for those who
have legitimate reasons for travelling to areas of the world affected
by armed conflictfor example to visit family, to deliver
humanitarian aid, or simply on business. We are therefore surprised
that the Government's ECHR memorandum does not consider the human
rights implications of these significant provisions.
1.70 We note that the recent UN Security Council
Resolution on Foreign Terrorist Fighters requires States to take
a number of actions in relation to their nationals or residents
who go abroad to be involved in terrorism, including by ensuring
that their domestic laws establish serious criminal offences sufficient
to enable them to prosecute and penalise their nationals and others
who travel abroad to other States for the purpose of the planning
or preparation of terrorist acts or the providing or receiving
of terrorist training.[59]
We acknowledge that clause 68 of the Bill can be seen as the
UK's implementation of that particular obligation imposed by the
UN Security Council Resolution. We also note, however, that the
Resolution itself requires that the action taken by States to
implement the obligations it imposes must be "consistent
with international human rights law." We have therefore considered
carefully whether this extension of the reach of the criminal
law, which potentially interferes with a number of fundamental
rights, is necessary, proportionate and sufficiently legally certain
to be compatible with the UK's human rights obligations.
1.71 In response to our call for evidence on the
Bill, we received a submission about this provision from CAGE,
which describes itself as "an independent advocacy organisation
working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror."[60]
CAGE questions whether the Government has shown the necessity
for this provision extending the extra-territorial jurisdiction
of these two terrorism offences. It argues that there has been
no proper examination or assessment of the threat posed by travellers
to Syria, no consideration of whether a gap in the law really
exists, and no consideration of whether there are other practical
alternatives to criminalisation, such as consulting and engaging
with the communities from which people are travelling to Syria,
or with the mainstream religious and scholarly leaders of those
communities, which, CAGE says, would help the Government to understand
the theological and other reasons why Muslims from this country
travel abroad to help fellow Muslims.
1.72 CAGE also argues that there are legal objections
to extending extra-territorial jurisdiction over these offences,
and in particular that doing so will undermine the principle of
legal certainty, given the pre-emptive nature of the offences
in question, the potential breadth of what is caught by them,
and the volatility of the situation on the ground in Syria and
Iraq and the UK Government's responses to it, which inevitably
leaves a very wide discretion to the enforcement authorities to
decide who to prosecute.
1.73 CAGE also points to possible practical problems
which may arise with the implementation of the provision. These
include, in particular, the need to gather evidence from abroad
or to obtain it from foreign governments or their agencies, which
raises questions about the legal framework governing such information
sharing, and what safeguards there will be to ensure that such
information is not tainted by coercion or other illegality in
the way it has been obtained. Finally, CAGE argues that the Government
has not given sufficient consideration to the gravity of making
criminal laws about terrorism apply extra-territorially, including
the implications for international reciprocity and respecting
the national sovereignty of other States.
1.74 We asked the Government what evidence there
is to demonstrate the necessity for this extension of extra-territorial
jurisdiction, and for an indication of the approximate number
and kinds of cases in which the law enforcement agencies have
been unable to prosecute those returning from abroad because the
current law is inadequate. The Government response does not provide
either, saying that it is difficult to provide a specific number
of operational cases where the measure would have been used, because
prosecution decisions about individuals are made in accordance
with the laws in place at the time, and prosecution for preparation
or training for terrorism abroad is not currently an available
option where the preparation or training takes place solely overseas.
1.75 However, the Government says that the law enforcement
agencies are satisfied that there are likely to be particular
cases of UK-linked individuals travelling abroad, for example
to Syria, to prepare and train for terrorism. The Government estimates
there to be more than 400 "UK-linked individuals" in
Syria, and believes that some people who travel from the UK to
take part in jihadist fighting will pose a security threat to
the UK when they return. Extending extra-territorial jurisdiction
for these terrorism offences is therefore part of ensuring that
the law enforcement agencies are equipped with the powers to deal
with the security threat posed by those returning to the UK after
fighting in Syria. The Government also says that recent cases
show the operational significance of these offences, pointing
out that the recent conviction of Mashudur Choudhury for engaging
in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts in connection with
the conflict in Syria was based on activities which took place
in the UK, and his prosecution would not have been possible if
his preparatory activity had taken place solely outside the UK.
1.76 We think the Government
could have done more to demonstrate to Parliament the necessity
of resorting to a significant extension of the reach of the criminal
law and to explain what else is being done to address the threat
posed to national security by those returning from areas of conflict
such as Syria and Iraq. We have found it difficult to arrive at
a reliable view of the scale of the threat posed by such returnees.
We note that while ministers frequently refer to there being
400 or even 500 UK-linked people who have travelled to Syria in
connection with the current conflict, the Government's own estimate
of the likely number of prosecutions under the proposed new provision
is relatively small: 3 a year for the offence of preparation for
terrorism abroad and one every other year for the offence of training
for terrorism abroad. We also note that cases such as that of
Mashudur Choudhury demonstrate that successful prosecutions of
those who have gone abroad to take part in terrorism can already
be brought under the current law, and suggest that where individuals
travel abroad for that purpose there will often be preparatory
activity and evidence of their intention before they leave the
1.77 However, despite
the lack of concrete evidence in the form of actual cases that
cannot be prosecuted, we find the Government's argument that there
is a potential gap in the law plausible, and we therefore do not
oppose in principle the extension of extraterritorial jurisdiction
over these offences. We are particularly influenced by the Minister's
statement during the Bill's Committee stage in the House of Lords,
in response to a question about whether the Government had consulted
the Director of Public Prosecutions, that the Government has worked
closely with law enforcement partners, including the Crown Prosecution
Service, in developing the measure, and that those partners fully
support it and have suggested that it will be operationally useful.[61]
1.78 We also asked the Government whether the extension
of extra-territorial jurisdiction over these broad terrorism offences
makes it more urgent that the Government reconsider the breadth
of the definition of 'terrorism' in s. 1 of the Terrorism Act
2000. The Government, however, does not acknowledge any difficulty
in the breadth of the current statutory definition of terrorism.
It says that it has been extensively debated in Parliament and
has been the subject of extensive reviews, and points to a number
of safeguards which it says ensure that in practice prosecutions
are only pursued in appropriate cases.
1.79 The requirement of the Attorney General's express
consent to prosecution where the offence relates to activity abroad
is, as the Government rightly says, an important safeguard against
the disproportionate use of prosecution for extraterritorial terrorism
offences. The annual statutory review of the Terrorism Act 2000
by the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, David Anderson
QC, is also an important safeguard, as the Government suggests,
but the Government does not refer to the fact that in his most
recent review of the operation of the Terrorism Act 2000 in 2013
the Independent Reviewer was concerned about the breadth of the
definition of terrorism.
1.80 Another safeguard invoked by the Government
is that it can rely on the police and prosecution to make sure
that prosecutions are only brought in appropriate cases. However,
this looks like less of a reliable safeguard in light of the recent
collapse of the proposed prosecution of Moazzam Begg on terrorism
charges related to his activities in Syria, a collapse which occurred
on the eve of his trial and following his detention for several
months awaiting trial. Indeed, while there is so far very little
information in the public domain about the reasons for the collapse
of that prosecution, the episode of Moazzam Begg's collapsed
prosecution may demonstrate some of the difficulties involved
in using the criminal law in relation to alleged terrorist activities
abroad, and the legal uncertainty which is inherent in such a
broad definition of terrorism when applied to such rapidly moving
political events.
1.81 We are also concerned that the extension
of extra-territorial jurisdiction over these offences may give
rise to a number of difficulties in practice which may make it
difficult to bring such prosecutions. For example, information
about an individual's activities abroad is likely to come from
intelligence sources or from foreign governments or law enforcement
agencies which may make it difficult to meet the high threshold
of admissible evidence capable of sustaining a criminal conviction.
In view of the current situation in Syria in particular, we think
the Minister's view, that we can rely on established arrangements
between our law enforcement agencies and the authorities in other
countries for gathering evidence to be used in prosecutions,[62]
is somewhat optimistic.
1.82 The complexity and fluidity of the situation
in countries such as Syria and Libya also mean that the extension
of extra-territorial jurisdiction over terrorism offences makes
it likely that the breadth of the definition of "terrorism"
in s. 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 will increasingly be challenged
by defendants who argue that they were not engaged in terrorism
but rather in a just war against an oppressive despotic regime.[63]
Since there is no requirement that the terrorism being prepared
or trained for is directed at the UK, extending extra-territorial
jurisdiction over these offences also increases the risk that
the UK will come under pressure from authoritarian regimes to
pursue and prosecute their domestic political opponents who are
in the UK.
1.83 The likely practical difficulties facing a prosecution
for preparation or training for terrorism abroad, and the lack
of detailed evidence from the Government demonstrating the scale
or extent of any gap in the ability to prosecute returnees for
terrorism offences, has also given rise to concerns that the Government's
main objective in introducing this measure is to deter those thinking
of travelling to conflict zones such as Syria, even for bona fide
humanitarian purposes, by sending a message making them fear prosecution
if and when they return, rather than to enable actual prosecutions
to be brought. As the plight of British hostage Alan Henning reminds
us, there are many motivations for travelling to Iraq and Syria
which do not involve any support for or involvement in terrorism,
and the criminal law ought not to be extended in such a way that
it deters all travel to areas of the world where there is armed
conflict taking place. There is also growing evidence suggesting
that some of those who travelled to Syria or Iraq from the UK
are now disillusioned with the direction events have taken and
wish to return, but are deterred from doing so by the fear of
criminal prosecution.
1.84 In light of the Minister's clear assurance
about the Government's assessment that the measure will be operationally
useful and lead to prosecutions which cannot currently be brought,
we do not oppose the inclusion of the provision extending extra-territorial
jurisdiction over terrorism offences in the Bill. However, with
reference to the various concerns expressed about the legal certainty,
proportionality and desirability of doing so, we recommend that
arrangements are made to report on and monitor the number of prosecutions
brought as a result of this change in the law and the extent to
which giving extra-territorial effect to the offences in question
proves to be as operationally useful as the Government currently
1 HL Bill 36 (as amended in Committee). Back
HL Bill 1. Back
HL Deb 16 June 2014 cols 643-699. Back
The Bill spent 3 days in Committee, on 2, 8 and 15 July. Back
Insert link to webpage. Back
Cm 8715. Back
Joint Committee on Human Rights, Ninth Report of Session 2012-13,
Legislative Scrutiny Update, HL Paper 157/HC 1077 Back
Clause 11(1), amending s. 40(2)(b) of the Proceeds of Crime Act
2002 which sets out the conditions for the exercise of restraint
order powers. Back
Windsor v CPS [2011] EWCA Crim 143. Back
Lord Taylor of Holbeach, HL Deb 2 July 2014 col 1762. Back
Lord Taylor, HL Deb 2 July 2014 col 1751. Back
Ibid at col. 1752. Back
R v Ahmad [2014] UKSC xx. Back
R v Waya [2012] UKSC 51 at para [4]. Back
R v Waya, above, at para. [16]. Back
Amending clause 2 of the Bill by inserting new s. 18A into POCA
2002. Back
New s. 18A(9) POCA 2002. Back
Clause 40, inserting new s. 3ZA into the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Back
EN para. 115. Back
Serious Crime Bill Factsheet: Part 2 Computer Misuse. Back
New s. 3ZA(3) Computer Misuse Act 1990. Back
ECHR Memorandum, para. 11. Back
Directive 2013/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 12 August 2013.According to the Government's Factsheet on this
Part of the Bill, current UK law complies with the requirements
of the Directive except in two respects, which are addressed by
other clauses of the Bill: Serious Crime Bill Factsheet: Part
2 Computer Misuse, para. 10. Back
Article 9. Back
Clause 44(1). Back
Lord Taylor of Holbeach, HL Deb 8 July 2014 col 149. Back
Clause 44(2) Back
K.U. v. Finland, no. 2872/02, 2 December 2008, para 46;
Kontrová v. Slovakia, no. 7510/04, 31 May 2007,
para 49; X and Y v. the Netherlands, no. 8978/80, 26 March
1985, para 27. Back
Article 19 UNCRC Back
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment no. 13
(2011) Back
Serious Crime Bill, ECHR Memorandum by the Home Office and Ministry
of Justice, para 36 Back
Serious Crime Bill Factsheet, Clarifying and updating the criminal
law on child cruelty by the Home Office and Ministry of Justice,
June 2014, para 7; Serious Crime Bill, ECHR Memorandum by the
Home Office and Ministry of Justice, para 35 Back
Serious Crime Bill, ECHR Memorandum by the Home Office and Ministry
of Justice, para 36 Back
Letter from the Chair to the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal
Information, Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, 25 June, QQ 11-13 Back
Letter from the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal Information,
Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, to the Chair, 15 July 2014, Q 11 Back
(1938) 26 Cr. App R. 184 Back
R v Sheppard and another, [1980] 3 All ER 899 Back
Serious Crime Bill [HL], Amendments to be moved on Report, 8 October 2014; Back
Letter from the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal Information,
Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, to the Chair, 15 July 2014, Q 11
Ibid., Q12 Back
Action for Children, The criminal law and child neglect: an
independent analysis and proposals for reform, Feb 2013; Action
for Children, Keeping Children Safe: The case for reforming
the law on child neglect, April 2012 Back
Letter from the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal Information,
Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, to the Chair, 15 July 2014, Q13 Back
Letter from the Chair to the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal
Information, Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, 25 June, QQ 15-16 Back
Letter from the Minister of State for Policing, Criminal Justice
and Victims, the Rt Hon Damian Green MP, to the Christian Institute,
12 June 2014, QQ 15-16 Back
Letter from the Chair to the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal
Information, Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, 25 June, Q17 Back
Article 1 UNCRC; HM Government (2013) Working together to safeguard children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children;
Welsh Assembly Government (2007) Safeguarding children: working together under the Children Act 2004;
Northern Ireland (2003) Co-operating to safeguard children; Scottish
Government (2010) National guidance for child protection in Scotland Back
Letter from the Lords Minister and Minister for Criminal Information,
Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE, to the Chair, 15 July 2014, Q 17 Back
Ibid. Back
Serious Crime Bill, ECHR Memorandum by the Home Office and Ministry
of Justice, para 38 Back
Ibid., para 45 Back
Ibid., para 41 Back
Home Office, Serious Crime Bill, Fact sheet: Paedophile manuals,
June 2014, para 1 Back
UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, General Recommendation no. 14, 1990 Back
Articles 38 and 44(1)(e) Back
Clause 68, amending s. 17 Terrorism Act 2006. Back
EN para. 250. Back
UN SC Res S 2014 688 (24 September 2014). Back
CAGE also wrote to us about the closure of their bank accounts
by certain banks following the designation of their former outreach
director, Moazzam Begg, under the Terrorist Asset Freezing Act
2010, on which we exchanged correspondence with the Commercial
Secretary to the Treasury: see http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/human-rights-committee/terrorist-asset-freezing-act-2010/
. We consider the collapse of the prosecution of Moazzam Begg
at paragraph 1.80 below. Back
Lord Taylor of Holbeach, HL Deb 15 July 2014 col 560. Back
Lord Taylor of Holbeach, HL Deb 15 July 2014 col 561 Back
The argument considered by the Supreme Court in R v Gul. Back