Draft Investigatory Powers Bill Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the Committee’s inquiry web page at www.parliament.uk/draft-investigatory-powers. IPB numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Access Now (IPB0112)

2Access Now et al. (IPB0109)

3ADS (IPB0083)

4Amberhawk Training Limited (IPB0015)

5Amnesty International UK (IPB0074)

6David Anderson Q.C (IPB0152)

7Andrews & Arnold Ltd (IPB0001)

8Andrews & Arnold Ltd (IPB0028)

9Apple Inc. and Apple Distribution International (IPB0093)

10ARTICLE 19 (IPB0052)

11Bar Council (IPB0134)

12Ian Batten (IPB0090)

13BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (IPB0075)

14Dr Paul Bernal (IPB0018)

15Anam Bevardis (IPB0100)

16Krishan Bhasin (IPB0034)

17Big Brother Watch (IPB0007)

18Paul Biggs (IPB0084)

19Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law (IPB0055)

20William Binney (IPB0009)

21William Binney (IPB0161)

22Brass Horn Communications (IPB0067)

23BT (IPB0151)

24Kevin Cahill (IPB0145)

25Kevin Cahill (IPB0162)

26Duncan Campbell (IPB0069)

27Duncan Campbell (IPB0124)

28Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC (IPB0017)

29Center for Democracy & Technology (IPB0110)

30Martin Chamberlain QC (IPB0133)

31Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (IPB0041)

32Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) (IPB0104)

33Tom Chiverton (IPB0023)

34Howard Clark (IPB0070)

35Dr Richard Clayton (IPB0085)

36Naomi Colvin (IPB0063)

37Committee on the Administration of Justice (‘CAJ’) (IPB0025)

38Ray Corrigan (IPB0053)

39COSLA (IPB0042)

40Mr Simon Cramp (IPB0024)

41Criminal Cases Review Commission (IPB0031)

42Crown Prosecution Service (IPB0081)

43Cryptomathic Ltd (IPB0115)

44Simon Davies (IPB0121)

45Dr Andrew Defty (IPB0050)

46Digital–Trust CIC (IPB0117)

47Jamie Dowling (IPB0149)

48Mark Dziecielewski (IPB0082)

49EE (IPB0139)

50Electronic Frontier Foundation (IPB0119)

51Entanet International Limited (IPB0022)

52Equality and Human Rights Commission (IPB0136)

53Eris Industries Limited (IPB0011)

54Facebook Inc., Google Inc., Microsoft Corp., Twitter Inc., and Yahoo Inc. (IPB0116)

55F-Secure Corporation (IPB0118)

56Mr Peter Gill (IPB0008)

57Professor Anthony Glees (IPB0150)

58Global Network Initiative (GNI) (IPB0080)

59GreenNet Limited (IPB0132)

60Wendy M. Grossman (IPB0068)

61Guardian News & Media (IPB0040)

62Cheryl Gwyn, Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IPB0158)

63Dr Christian Heitsch (IPB0111)

64Dr Tom Hickman (IPB0039)

65Home Office (IPB0159)

66Home Office (IPB0147)

67Home Office (IPB0146)

68Human Rights Watch (IPB0123)

69Dr Julian Huppert (IPB0130)

70ICAEW (IPB0044)

71The Information Commissioner’s Office (IPB0073)

72The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) (IPB0094)

73Interception of Communications Commissioner’s Office (IPB0101)

74Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA) (IPB0137)

75Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA) (IPB0164)

76IT-Political Association of Denmark (IPB0103)

77Jisc (IPB0019)

78The Rt Hon Lord Judge (IPB0020)

79Justice (IPB0148)

80Mr. Bernard Keenan, Dr. Orla Lynskey and Professor Andrew Murray (IPB0071)

81Eric King (IPB0106)

82Mr Gareth Kitchen (IPB0059)

83Martin Kleppmann (IPB0054)

84National Police Chiefs Council, HM Revenue and Customs and the National Crime Agency (IPB0140)

85The Law Society of England and Wales (IPB0105)

86The Law Society of Scotland (IPB0128)

87Liberty (IPB0143)

88LINX (IPB0097)

89Christopher Lloyd (IPB0056)

90Local Government Association (LGA), National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN), Chartered Trading Standards Institute and Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers (IPB0051)

91Annie Machon (IPB0064)

92The Rt Hon Theresa May MP (IPB0165)

93Mr Ray McClure (IPB0016)

94McEvedys Solicitors & Attorneys Ltd (IPB0138)

95medConfidential (IPB0005)

96Media Lawyers Association (IPB0010)

97Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland (IPB0029)

98Dr. Glyn Moody (IPB0057)

99Ms Susan Morgan (IPB0043)

100Mozilla (IPB0099)

101Cian C. Murphy and Natasha Simonsen (IPB0096)

102Muslim Council of Britain (IPB0095)

103National Union of Journalists (NUJ (IPB0078)

104Professor John Naughton and Professor David Vincent (IPB0131)

105Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) (IPB0087)

106New America’s Open Technology Institute (IPB0086)

107News Media Association (IPB0012)

108NSPCC (IPB0049)

109The Odysseus Trust (IPB0030)

110Ofcom (IPB0129)

111Open Intelligence (IPB0066)

112Open Rights Group (IPB0108)

113William Perrin (IPB0156)

114Simon Pooley (IPB0060)

115Privacy International (IPB0120)

116Public Concern at Work (IPB0077)

117Zara Rahman (IPB0079)

118The Hon Sir Bruce Robertson (IPB0141)

119Ms. Coleen Rowley (IPB0058)

120Peter Rush (IPB0033)

121Matthew Ryder QC (IPB0142)

122Scottish PEN (IPB0076)

123Serious Fraud Office (IPB0153)

124Graham Smith (IPB0126)

125Graham Smith (IPB0157)

126Winston Smith (IPB0062)

127Dr. Christopher Soghoian (IPB0167)

128Giuseppe Sollazzo (IPB0032)

129TalkTalk (IPB0154)

130techUK (IPB0088)

131Alice Thompson (IPB0072)

132HH Judge Peter Thornton QC (IPB0026)

133The Tor Project (IPB0122)

134Trading Standards North West, Intellectual Property Group (IPB0092)

135UN Special Rapporteurs (IPB0102)

136Virgin Media (IPB0160)

137Philip Virgo (IPB0061)

138Vodafone (IPB0127)

139William Waites (IPB0089)

140The Rt Hon Sir Mark Waller (IPB0021)

141Daniel Walrond (IPB0065)

142Rev Cecil Ward (IPB0013)

143David Wells (IPB0166)

144Peter White (IPB0004)

145Adrian Wilkins (IPB0003)

146Professor Andrew Woods (IPB0114)

147Professor Lorna Woods (IPB0163)

148Yahoo (IPB0155)

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