The Government’s policy on the use of drones for targeted killing Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

DRO numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Caroline Lucas MP (DRO0020)

2Clive Stafford-Smith (DRO0016)

3Colin Murray (DRO0022)

4Columbia Human Rights Clinic (DRO0023)

5Dapo Akande (DRO0024)

6Dr Noelle Quenivet (DRO0010)

7Dr William Boothby (DRO0004)

8Drone Wars Uk (DRO0007)

9Mr Alex Batesmith (DRO0006)

10Mr Joseph Savirimuthu (DRO0013)

11Ms Konstantina Tzouvala (DRO0014)

12Professor Michael Newman (DRO0011)

13Professor Nicholas Wheeler (DRO0009)

14Professor Richard Ekins (DRO0021)

15Professor Robert McCorquodale (DRO0008)

16Professor Simon Gardner (DRO0002)

17Professor Sir David Omand (DRO0025)

18Reprieve (DRO0017)

19Reprieve (DRO0026)

20Reverend Nicholas Mercer (DRO0005)

21Rights Watch Uk (DRO0019)

22Verity Adams (DRO0015)

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9 May 2016