Joint Committee on the Palace of Westminster
Restoration and Renewal of the Palace of Westminster

First Report of Session 2016-17 - published 8 September 2016 - HL Paper 41 - HC 659




The Palace of Westminster

What needs to be done

The challenges of the Programme

Delivery option

Temporary accommodation




1 Introduction

The Palace of Westminster

A brief history of the building

Background to the Restoration and Renewal Programme

The Committee’s work

2 The need for the work

Challenging the case for the Restoration and Renewal Programme

The Palace of Westminster: a small town

The wider Parliamentary Estate

The current state of the Palace of Westminster

The mechanical and electrical services

Other essential works

The overall condition of the Palace of Westminster

3 Delivery option

How the work should be delivered


International comparisons

Advantages and disadvantages of each of the delivery options

Schedule and cost

Feasibility: risks to the Programme

Feasibility: disruption to the work of Parliament


Wider impacts

Implications for the business of both Houses

Ceremonial requirements

Impact on staff

Delivery option: conclusions

Temporary accommodation: issues for consideration


Co-location of the two Houses



Public access and engagement

Media access

Options for temporary accommodation

Westminster Hall

Courtyards and car parks on the Parliamentary Estate

Victoria Tower Gardens, Abingdon Green and Parliament Square

Horse Guards Parade

Other buildings in the Westminster area

The River Thames

King Charles Street

Government property

Progressing the options for temporary accommodation

Next steps for temporary accommodation

4 Scope of the Programme

The extent of the Programme

Outcome levels in the Independent Options Appraisal

Opportunities to improve the Palace of Westminster

Public access and visitor facilities



Working environment

Environmental performance

Proposed scope of the Programme

Proposed Objectives and Guiding Principles

5 Governance of the Programme


General principles and risks

Sponsor Board

Delivery Authority

Timings for establishing new governance mechanisms

6 Next steps

The next steps for the R&R Programme

1: Agreeing the principal recommendations

2: Shadow Sponsor Board and shadow Delivery Authority appointed

3: Legislation

4: Delivery authority preparations

5: Approval of costed plan, schedule and budget

6: Delivery Authority carries out enabling activities

7: Works commence

Scheduling of the R&R Programme

Preparatory work

Northern Estate Programme

Completion of the Programme

Managing the supply chain


Draft Motion for agreement by both Houses

Conclusions and recommendations

Appendix 1: Members and interests

Appendix 2: Call for Evidence

Appendix 3: Glossary of terms and abbreviations

Formal Minutes


Informal briefings

Published written evidence

Unpublished written evidence

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