Companion to the Standing Orders and Guide to the Proceedings of the House of Lords - House of Lords Companion to the Standing Orders Contents



Lords bill sent to Commons

The Clerk of the Parliaments[587] signs the bill and writes on it "Soit baillé aux Communes."

Lords bill agreed to by Commons without amendment

The Clerk of the House of Commons writes on the bill "A ceste Bille les Communes sont assentus."

Lords bill agreed to by Commons with amendments

The Clerk of the House of Commons writes on the bill "A ceste Bille avecque des Amendemens (or avecque une Amendement) les Communes sont assentus."

Commons amendments to Lords bill agreed to with amendments

The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Amendement (or ces Amendemens) avecque une Amendement (or des Amendemens) les Seigneurs sont assentus."

Disagreement with the Commons

The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "Ceste Bille est remise aux Communes avecque des Raisons (or une Raison)."

Commons bill sent to Lords

The Clerk of the House of Commons signs the bill and writes on it "Soit baillé aux Seigneurs."

Commons bill returned with amendments

The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Bille avecque des Amendemens (or une Amendement) les Seigneurs sont assentus."

Supply bill returned to Commons agreed pending Royal Assent by Commission

The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Bille les Seigneurs sont assentus."

587   In the absence of the Clerk of the Parliaments, the Clerk Assistant may sign or endorse a bill on his behalf. In the absence of both Clerk of the Parliaments and Clerk Assistant they may authorise any other Table Clerk to endorse or sign a bill on their behalf. Back

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