Register of Lords' Interests Contents




    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Consultant, Rickett, Tinne & Co Ltd (Residential Property Consultants)

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Director, Wick 21 Ltd (unpaid)
      Director, Noss Head Estates Ltd (unpaid)

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Chairman, Caithness Archaeology Trust (unpaid)
      Convenor, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (unpaid)

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee and Chief Executive, Clan Sinclair Trust
      Trustee, Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust
      Trustee of Fundatia Adept Ltd which is a charity working to protect the special countryside of Tarnava Mare in Southeast Transylvania and keep the farmers on the land


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Dillington Park Farms Ltd (farming business)
      Allangrange Farming Co (farming business)

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Dillington Farms & Estate (rural property management including farming, forestry, domestic and commercial let property)

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Dillington Park Farms Ltd

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Part owner of Dillington Estate - consisting of agricultural property in Somerset with revenue derived from agriculture, forestry, residential and commercial lettings

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chairman of the Somerset Strategic Partnership

    15(c)  Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions

      Member of Executive and Council of Country Land and Business Association

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Trustee of Vaughan Lee Memorial Trust (managing our village hall)
      Trustee of Lawes Agricultural Trust

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member of Council and Board of the Royal Bath and West Agricultural Society
      Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors - FRICS
      Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts & Commerce - FRSA


    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      University of Edinburgh Court

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Cockburn Association, Edinburgh Civic Trust
      Scottish Civic Trust


    No relevant interests


    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chair of the UK Sports Council (UK Sport)
      Chief Executive Officer Top Foundation (Charitable Trust)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chair of the Youth Sport Trust (unpaid)


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Consultant to the Office of Disability Issues (ODI) in the role of Chair of its Right to Control Working Group
      Consultant to the Office of Disability Issues (ODI) in the role of Chair of its Independent Living Scrutiny Group

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Commissioner of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights
      Commissioner of the House of Lords Appointments Commission

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee of the National Centre for Independent Living


    No relevant interests

CANTERBURY, Lord Archbishop of

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Remunerated as holder of the office of Archbishop of Canterbury

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chairman (ex-officio), Church Commissioners
      Joint President, Archbishops' Council of the Church of England
      Joint President (ex-officio) General Synod of the Church of England
      Member (ex-officio), Board of Trade
      Chancellor, Canterbury Christ Church University

      Governor (ex-officio) of:
      Charterhouse School
      Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire

      President of:
      Royal School for Deaf Children, Margate
      Royal School of Church Music
      St Edmund's School, Canterbury

      Visitor (ex-officio) of:
      All Souls College, Oxford
      Benenden School
      Cranbrook School
      Haileybury School
      Harrow School
      Keble College, Oxford
      King's College, London (and Presentation Fellow)
      King's School, Canterbury
      St John's School, Leatherhead
      Marlborough College
      Merton College, Oxford
      Ridley Hall, Cambridge
      Selwyn College, Cambridge
      University of Kent at Canterbury
      Wescott House, Cambridge
      Wye College

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Chairman, Lambeth Palace Library Trustees

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      President of:
      (ex-officio), Additional Curates Society
      Friends of the Anglican Centre in Rome
      Association of Interchurch Families
      Bevan Foundation
      Bocking St Mary Church Restoration Appeal
      (ex-officio), British Trust for Tantur
      Burrswood Centre for Healthcare and Ministry
      (ex-officio) The Children's Society
      Christians Aware
      Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade
      (ex-officio), Church Urban Fund
      (ex-officio) The Corporation of Church House
      Council of Christians and Jews
      Family Action
      Gregorian Association
      Friends of Canterbury Cathedral
      Help the Homeless
      (ex-officio), Incorporated Church Building Society
      Industrial Christian Fellowship
      Lambeth and Southwark Housing Society
      (ex-officio) The National Society
      (ex-officio) Palestine Exploration Fund
      Riding Lights Theatre Company
      Royal Wanstead Children's Foundation
      Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge
      South East Institute for Theological Education
      St Luke's Hospital for the Clergy
      (ex-officio) United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
      WB4 - TV and Radio Charity
      Joint President of:
      (ex-officio) Canterbury and York Society
      (ex-officio), Girls Friendly Society - Platform
      (ex-officio) Guild of St Raphael
      Guild of Vergers
      (ex-officio), National Churches Trust
      National Council for Social Concern

      Vice-President, of:
      Action for Blind People
      Brecon Cathedral Choir Endowment Appeal
      Carers UK
      Church Army
      Demelza House Children's Hospice
      Douai Abbey Library Appeal
      Epilepsy Action
      The Girls' Brigade
      ICAN - Invalid children's aid
      Leprosy Mission
      MIND (National Association for Mental Health)
      Morriston Orpheus Choir
      The Pilgrims
      Royal College of Music
      Royal National College for the Blind
      Seafarers UK
      Together: Working for Wellbeing
      Welsh Music Guild

      Trustee, of:
      (ex-officio), Allchurches Trust
      Archbishop of Canterbury's Charitable Trust
      (ex-officio) Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges
      Culham College Institute
      Eglise Protestante Francaise de Cantorbery
      Philip Usher Memorial Fund (Chair of Trustees)

      Visitor (ex-officio), of:
      The Dulwich Charities
      Hospital of the Blessed Trinity, Guildford (Abbot's Fund)
      Whitgift Foundation

      Governor (ex-officio), Sutton's Hospital (Charterhouse), London EC1
      Member, Advisory Board, ACE Trust (Art and Christianity Enquiry)


    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      In receipt of church pension
      Chairman of Church Schools Company
      Chaplain, Christian Responsibility in Public Affairs

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chancellor, Gloucester University
      President, London School of Theology

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron, Bristol Cathedral Appeal
      Patron, Marriage Resource
      Patron, CARE
      Patron, Fern Street Settlement
      Patron, St John's Church, Frome
      Patron, Mildmay
      Patron, Salmon Youth Centre, Bermondsey
      Patron, Friends of Dagenham Parish Churchyard
      Patron, 'Education for Life' (a Jewish Charity)
      Patron, Alexandria Declaration
      Patron, Legacy XS (a youth project)
      Patron, Foundation for Reconciliation in the Middle East
      Hon Governor, Sons of the Clergy
      Co-founder and Chairman, Trustees of the World Faiths Development Dialogue
      Joint President of The World Conference on Religion and Peace
      Joint President, Tear Fund

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      St John's College, Nottingham
      Trinity College, Bristol


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-Executive Director, Wynnstay Group plc (agricultural feed manufacturers, merchants of agricultural and country goods, fuel oil distributors)
      Director and Chairman of CNK Ltd from 01/01/2010 (unpaid)

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Deputy High Court Judge
      Independent Reviewer of terrorism legislation
      Practising barrister (Queen's Counsel) (9-12 Bell Yard)
      Chair (part-time), Competition Appeal Tribunal
      Independent Reviewer of National Security Arrangements in N. Ireland
      Proprietor, Carlile Consulting (journalism, broadcasting, lecturing)
      Carries out some paid work (per diem and expenses) on safety matters in Northern Ireland

    *12(i)  Visits

      As Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, in August 2008 I made a day visit to Lisbon to review the counter-terrorism procedures of NetJets. I was flown there and back in one of their aircraft and given lunch.

      In July 2008, as Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, I visited Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Part of this visit was paid from public funds. Three nights travel accommodation was provided by the Israeli government. My wife accompanied me at her own expense.

      In June 2009 I gave a lecture to the International Travel & Tourism Conference in Dubai. The ITT provided fares and a hotel for myself and my wife

      In June 2009 I visited Australia as Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation. This was paid for from public funds. My wife accompanied me at her own expense

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Member of Council, Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College
      Chairman of the Aston Centre for European Law and Policy, Aston University, from 01/01/2010 (unpaid)

    15(c)  Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions

      President, Howard League for Penal Reform
      President, The Security Institute
      CNK Alliance (an alliance of organisations campaigning against euthanasia and assisted suicide) (see also 12(e) above)

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, White Ensign Association (charity for Royal Navy serving and former personnel)
      Patron, STOP People Trafficking
      Patron, No Panic
      Patron of The Concord Prison Trust
      Deputy Chief Steward of the City of Hereford


    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Hon Member, Scottish Library Association
      Vice-President, Guide Association, Angus

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member, Scottish Landowners Federation
      Member, Angus Agricultural Association
      Member, Royal Highland Agricultural Association
      Member, Countryside Alliance


    No relevant interests


    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Agricultural Land, Lincolnshire
      Home Farm, Buckinghamshire

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee Emeritus, Royal Academy
      Trustee, The Foundation of the College of St. George, Windsor Castle
      Vice-President, Museum of Garden History

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Cambridge Commonwealth Trust
      Royal Fine Art Commission Trust


    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      President, Northern Ireland Scout Council


    *12(f)    Regular remunerated employment

      Non-UK consulting and advisory services to the European Mobile Industries/The GSMA
      Non-UK consulting and advisory services for the Knowledge Generation Bureau (kgb US)
      Various speaking engagements in the UK and internationally
      Non-parliamentary work for Arqiva (a telecommunications company)
      Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer for Alcatel-Lucent Incorporated (from 20 April 2010)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chairman of Board of Governors, Ashridge Business School

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee, Royal Shakespeare Co

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Vice-President, UNICEF


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Director, McKesson Information Solutions UK Ltd
      Director, Primary Group Ltd
      Director, Primary Group (UK) Ltd
      Director, Shareholders Executive

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chairman of NHS Co-Operation and Competition Panel for NHS funded services
      Advisor, Warburg Pincus International Ltd

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Globalsurf Ltd, Business Services
      Rathbone Hamilton Fund, Investment Trust
      JKHC Ltd, Business Services

    *12(h)  Secretarial research and assistance

      Secretarial assistance is provided by:
      JKHC Ltd

    *13(a)  Significant shareholdings

      Life Works Community Ltd, Rehabilitation Centre

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Villa and Land in Villefranche-Sur-Mer, France
      Farmland in Hertfordshire

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Carter Discretionary Settlement Trust


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      R.G.A. Holdings Ltd -
      R.G.A Capital Ltd -
      R.G.A UK Services Ltd -
      R.G.A. Reinsurance UK Ltd -
      -Reinsurance Group of America writes Life Reinsurance business and is wholly owned by its USA parent company
      Vivien Greenock Ltd - a design company

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      See *12(e)
      Underwriter at Lloyd's

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Farmland in Norfolk, including residential properties

    *13(c)  Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend

      Wife is 100% owner of Vivien Greenock Ltd - a design company. Nominal value of shares total 5000

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      I am a Trustee of a number of family trusts, from which I receive no income

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Countryside Alliance
      Game Conservancy Trust
      County Landowners Association


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Holker Holdings Ltd/Holker Estates Company Ltd
      Indirectly remunerated through Holker Estates Company Ltd:
      Vitagrass Farms (Holker) Ltd
      Holbeck Homes Ltd
      Roose & Walney Sand & Gravel Company Ltd
      Cartmel Steeplechases (Holker) Ltd
      Burlington Slate Ltd

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Beneficiary of a family trust which owns land in South Cumbria and South West Scotland, including residential and business property

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Flookburgh Church Building Trust
      Hospice of St Mary of Furness
      Guides over the Sands Trust
      Leven Angling Association

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Park Healthcare Ltd
      CTD Ltd ( plc)
      Parren Properties Ltd


    *12(a)  Consultancy Agreements

      As Chief Executive of a major PR and marketing Group I am primarily concerned with the management profitability and strategy of the listed company, Huntsworth. However, on occasion I am asked to advise on specific client issues, most recently, the Private Equity Industry both through its trade body and some individual private equity firms; and I provide strategic communications counsel to the London Stock Exchange.

    *12(b)  Parliamentary lobbying

      I have a shareholding in a public company, Huntsworth plc, which has amongst its subsidiaries, companies involved in lobbying

    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      100% interest (held with wife) in the Chadlington Consultancy through which consulting advice including public relations and communication advice has been provided (this is largely inactive at present because of interests in Huntsworth plc)

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Chief Executive, Huntsworth plc (marketing services group)

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Chadlington Consultancy (50% owned by self and 50% by wife)

    *13(a)  Significant shareholdings

      Fauchier Partners - Hedge Fund
      Huntsworth plc (publicly listed marketing services group)
      Britax Childcare Holdings Ltd

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Estate in Oxfordshire including residential properties

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Hon Fellow, Bournemouth University
      Visiting Fellow, Gloucestershire University
      MCC Arts & Library Sub Committee
      Governor, The Ditchley Foundation

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, Atlantic Partnership
      Patron, National Portrait Galley
      Patron, The Contemporary Arts Society

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations



    No relevant interests


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Chairman, Africa Matters Ltd (unpaid)
      Member of International Advisory Board of Lafarge et Cie
      Member of Advisory Council, Merchant International Group Ltd (MIG)
      Member of Africa Advisory Board, Renaissance Capital

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-executive Director, Group 5 Ltd (SA) Pty

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Consultant to The World Bank

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Africa Matters Ltd

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Vice-President of the Governing Council, Roedean School

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Council Member, African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
      Hon Vice-President, British Red Cross
      Vice-President, RedR
      Vice-President, WaterAid
      Vice-President, Practical Action formerly ITDG
      Chairman of the Board of Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)
      Member, Board Member, Member of Leadership Committee, Global Leadership Foundation (GLF)

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Trustee, Hives Save Lives Africa
      Trustee, Investment Climate Facility for Africa (ICF)

CHANDOS, Viscount

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Capital & Regional plc (property investment and management)
      Curzon Artificial Eye Limited (cinema operator and film distribution)
      Easter Holdings Ltd (property development and management)
      Invista European Real Estate Trust SICAF (property investment) Limited (print-on-demand greeting cards)
      New Ink Media Limited (media investment company)
      Northbridge UK Ltd (investment management holding company)
      Northbridge Management Ltd (investment management)
      Northbridge Ventures Ltd (venture capital Advisory company)
      Queen's Walk Investment Limited (investment company)
      RSMB Television Research Ltd (television audience research)
      Sand Aire Limited (investment management)
      Scopetime Limited (consultancy)
      Splash Media Limited (independent television production company)
      Zone Ltd (magazine publishing and website development)

    *13(a)  Significant shareholdings

      Capital & Regional plc (property investment and management)
      GXS Inc (application software provider) Limited (print-on-demand greeting cards)
      New Ink Media Limited (media investment company)
      Sand Aire Limited (investment management)
      Splash Media Limited (independent television production company)

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Director, Social Market Foundation
      Director, The 21st Century Learning Initiative (UK)
      President, National Kidney Research Fund
      Trustee, Countess of Munster Musical Trust
      Trustee, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation


CHESTER, Lord Bishop of

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      In receipt of episcopal stipend

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      President of Council, University of Chester
      Governor, Queen's School, Chester
      Governor, King's School, Chester
      Chair, North West Forum of Faiths
      Chair of Governors, University of Chester Church of England Academy, Ellesmere Port
      Chair of Governors, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

CHICHESTER, Lord Bishop of

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      In receipt of episcopal stipend

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Private dwelling in Portsmouth, commercially let

    *13(d)  Hospitality or gifts

      Accommodation and hospitality in connection with official visits to twinned dioceses e.g. Nakuru in Kenya
      Discounted fares for leading pilgrimages especially to Turkey (McCabes)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Governor, University of Chichester
      Visitor, Woodward Corporation
      Visitor, Eastbourne College
      Visitor, Brighton College
      Visitor, Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
      Visitor, Society of St. Margaret
      Visitor, Community of the Servants of the Will of God
      Visitor, Community of the Holy Family

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, Bishop Otter Trust
      Trustee, Mother Agnes Trust
      Trustee, Lizzie Lockington Trust
      Director and Trustee, Chichester Diocesan Fund and Board of Finance (incorporated)
      Director and Trustee, Lobswood Ltd (Trust supporting Community of the Servants of the Will of God)


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Company Secretary, The 9 Elphinstone Road Company Ltd (unremunerated)
      Director, 18 Nelson Road Residents Company Ltd (unremunerated)

    *12(i)  Visits

      Attendance at the Transatlantic Leadership Academy Seminar, Salzburg, Austria (11-12 April 2008). Travel and accommodation provided and funded by the State Legislative Leaders Foundation
      Attendance at the 8th Doha Forum for Democracy, Development and Trade (13-16 April 2008). Travel and accommodation provided and funded by the State of Qatar
      Attendance at the State Legislative Leaders Foundation forum - "America's Vote: The New Political Landscape", Charleston SC (4-6 December 2008) - provision of meals, accommodation and conference registration costs
      Attendance (1 - 5 July 2009 at the Transatlantic Leadership Academy Forum and Advisory Board Meeting, Bad Ragaz, Switzerland). Travel and accommodation provided and funded by the State Legislative Leaders Foundation.
      Attendance (1 - 4 October 2009) at the 25th Anniversary Conference, Promoting Parliamentary Democracy, and Governing Council Meeting of Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA), Cape Town, South Africa. Travel and accommodation part funded by AWEPA.

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Joint owner of five commercially rented domestic properties in Southsea

    *13(d)  Hospitality or gifts

      The Ambassador of Qatar gave me two tickets to the performance of the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall on 6 April 2010.

    15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chairman, Advisory Board, Commonwealth Studies Unit (CPSU)
      Member, Advisory Board, Transparency International (UK)
      Member, Advisory Board, Transatlantic Leadership Academy
      Vice-President, Combustion Engineering Association
      Council Member (UK), European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA)
      Vice-Chair, Africa All Party Parliamentary Group
      Vice-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group for South Africa
      Vice-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group for the Mano River Union States
      Officer, All Party Parliamentary Group for Botswana
      Ambassador for – Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Fund
      Director and Company Secretary, 9, Elphinstone Road Company
      Director, 18 Nelson Road Company

    16(d) Voluntary organisations

      Fellow, Institute of Civil Engineers
      Fellow, Institution of Highways and Transportation
      Fellow, Institute of Engineers of Ireland
      Member, Chartered Institute of Transport
      Member, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland
      Companion, Royal Aeronautical Society
      Member, Royal Institute of International Affairs
      Member, The European – Atlantic Group
      Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Carmen
      Freeman, City of London
      Freeman, Borough of Eastleigh


    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Controlling interest in Lawren Limited (management consultants)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Member, Court of Cranfield University


    No relevant interests


    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Farmland in Cheshire and Norfolk, including residential properties

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Alice Trust


    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Let cottage in Cumbria

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Hon President, Association for Geographic Information
      Hon Fellow, Royal Geographical Society
      Vice-President, Council for National Parks
      Vice-President, Friends of the Lake District


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Self-employed Consultant (Sellafield Ltd is a client)

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Director (Chairman), TU Fund Managers Ltd

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, Trade Union Unit Trust Charitable Trust
      Trustee, Douglas Houghton Memorial Fund


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-executive Director, Advisory Board of Thales UK
      Non-executive Director, Carlisle United AFC (1921) Ltd
      Non-executive Director, Sellafield Ltd

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chair, Lake District National Park Partnership (unpaid)

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee, Vindolanda Trust
      Chair, Gravetye Trust

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron of Durham Wildlife Trust
      President, Lake District and North Lancashire Ramblers' Association

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Patron of UK Defence Forum


    *13(d)  Hospitality or gifts

      On 20 November 2007 the costs of the plaintiffs in the case of Lord Alton and others v. The Secretary of State for the Home Department of which I was one, were met by contributions from Iranian residents in the UK through the National Council of Resistance of Iran
      Visit to Paris, France (28 June 2008) - participation in International Iran freedom rally. Fares met by contributions from Iranian residents in the UK through the National Council of Resistance of Iran
      Gift of a pocket watch from Mr Nasser Hossain, UK representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee, RAF Museum, Hendon
      Trustee, Alma Hospital Trust (hospital in Pakistan)

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, ALMA Hospital Trust charity (hospital building in Pakistan)

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member, Labour Friends of Israel
      Member, One World Action


    *12(b)  Parliamentary lobbying

      Partner of DLA Piper (international law firm) and adviser to its global government relations practice.

      The member is paid £70,000 in respect of his services as Co-Chairman of DLA Piper's global government relations practice

      The member acts personally for TransMedics Inc, a medical technology manufacturer

      The member acts personally for Eli Lilly and Company, the pharmaceutical manufacturer

      The member acts personally for University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate

      The member acts personally for Raytheon Company a defence and homeland security technology company

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Partner DLA Piper UK LLP

    *12(h)  Secretarial research and assistance

      Secretarial assistance paid for by DLA Piper UK LLP

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Governor, Haileybury (Haileybury and Imperial Service College)
      Chairman of Council, School of Pharmacy University of London

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chairman, Lambeth Crime Prevention Trust (LCPT)
      Director, British American Business
      Patron, Tymes Trust
      Patron, Lambeth E-Learning Foundation
      Committee Member 48 Group Club

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Trustee, Centreforum

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations



    *12(e) Remunerated directorships
      President, British Airline Pilots Association


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Chairman, Lytton Enterprises Ltd (commercial exploitation of family home, Knebworth House, as a tourist attraction) (currently unpaid)

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Lytton Enterprises Ltd (commercial exploitation of family home, Knebworth House, as a tourist attraction)

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Beneficial owner of part of the Knebworth Estate in Hertfordshire including residential properties, and tenant farmland

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Fellow and former Governor and President of the Development Committee, University of Hertfordshire
      Deputy Lieutenant, Hertfordshire
      Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chairman, Knebworth Twinning Association

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Trustee, Knebworth House Education and Preservation Trust
      Trustee, Pilgrim Trust
      Chairman and Trustee, St Mary's and St Martin's Preservation Trust

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member and former office holder, Historic Houses Association

COE, Lord

    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Seb Coe Health Clubs - Jarvis Hotels
      Special Advisor, Nike International

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      0800 Reverse
      Chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
      The Complete Leisure Group plc

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Sports Columnist, Daily Telegraph

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Board of Directors of England 2018 Ltd (unpaid)
      Vice Presidency of the IAAF (unpaid)

    16(a)  Trusteeships

      Youth Sports Trust
      The British University in Egypt
      Sebastian Coe Foundation


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-executive Director, LSE plc (London Stock Exchange)
      Non-executive Director, MCG Plc
      Vice Chairman, Borsa Italiana SpA
      Non-executive Chairman, Trillium Partners Ltd

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Hon Fellow, St Edmunds College, Cambridge
      Hon. Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Chairman, Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust
      President, BPP College (a privately owned profit-making degree awarding college) (unpaid)



    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Assistant Surveillance Commissioner, under Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000


    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Vice-President, British Fluoridation Society
      Vice-President of The Extralife Foundation's fund-raising appeal


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      I serve on the Advisory Board of Vidient Systems Inc (surveillance software) who are based in Sunnyvale, California. I am not paid for this role but I have been given share options
      Remunerated member of the Dubai Sports City Cricket Advisory Board
      Consultant to Olbia Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-executive Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director, Group 4 Securicor plc

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chairman, Anti Corruption and Security Unit of the International Cricket Council

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Hon Fellow, St Peter's College, Oxford

    15(c)  Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions

      Life Member, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Company Director, Carlton Club (London) Ltd (unpaid)
      Company Director, Carlton Trustees (London) Ltd (unpaid)

    *12(i)  Visits

      Guest lecturer with Saga Cruises for two and a half weeks in March/April 2008, Sri Lanka to Malta, accompanied by wife (hospitality, no remuneration)
      Guest lecturer with Saga Cruises for two weeks in April 2009, Southampton to Alexandria accompanied by my wife (hospitality no remuneration)

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee of the Conservative Archive at the Bodleian Library

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, War Memorials Trust
      Chairman, Carlton Club
      Patron, Avon Riding for the Disabled (Bristol)
      Patron, Kids for Kids (Sudan Charity)
      Patron, Vigilant Trust (Customs and Excise Charity)
      Patron, Friends of the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (Bath)


    *12(i)  Visits

      Visit to Paris, France (28/29 June 2008) - participation in International Iran freedom rally. Accommodation and fares met by contributions from Iranian residents in the UK through the National Council of Resistance of Iran
      Visit to Ottawa, Toronto, Canada - single air fare from Halifax, Canada for self and wife; overnight hotel, transport, dinner and lunch paid for by members of the Toronto Iranian Association
      Study tour to Romania (31 August - 5 September 2008) - Transport and expenses paid for by the Rail Freight Group
      Visit to Washington DC (14-19 September 2008)- Return air fare paid for by National Council of Resistance of Iran; hotel, meals and transport provided by the Iranian-American Community of Georgia
      Study tour of Cyprus. Travel and subsistence paid by EUT - hotel, refreshments, transport paid by House of Representatives, Nicosia
      Return Eurostar fare London-Paris return (12-13 February 2009), overnight hotel, lunch and transport to visit officials of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, paid for by NCRI supporters
      Attend and speak at rally in Paris in defence of Freedom in Iran (20-21 June 2009). Return rail fare transport, meals and overnight hotel paid for by members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran for self and wife

    *13(d)  Hospitality or gifts

      The costs of the plaintiffs in the case of Lord Alton and others v. The Secretary of State for the Home Department of whom I was one, were met by contributions from Iranian residents in the UK through the National Council of the Iranian Resistance

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chairman, Castle Vale Neighbourhood Partnership Board, Birmingham
      President, Josiah Mason College, Erdington, Birmingham
      Ambassador, Advantage West Midlands

    15(c)  Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron, Training for Life
      Patron, Hospice of St. Francis, Berkhamsted, Herts
      Patron, Chilterns MS Centre, Halton, Bucks
      Patron, Hope for Children
      Vice-President, Birchfield Harriers, Birmingham

CORSTON, Baroness

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      March-December 2006 - Consultant to the Government to conduct a Review of Vulnerable Women in the Criminal Justice System. Fee £15,000

    *12(i)  Visits

      Visit to Chennai, Hyderabad and Delhi (10-18 February 2008) to meet State and National Ministers, Industrialists, academics and representatives of business organisations and to visit a DfID funded project - all transport, accommodation and meals provided by the Government of India
      Visit to New York (8-12 July 2008) as a member of the Howard League for Penal Reform Commission on English Prisons Today to meet state and local officials and penal campaigners, and visit prisons, courts and non-governmental organisations involved in the criminal justice system - all transport, accommodation and meals provided by the Howard League for Penal Reform

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Fellow of the RSA

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron, Bristol Family Mediation Service
      Patron, Battle Against Tranquilisers
      Patron, Bristol Children's Playhouse
      Patron, Addiction Recovery Agency, Bristol
      Patron, Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research (OSCAR)
      Patron of the Meningitis Trust

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Transport & General Workers' Union


    *12(i)  Visits

      (28-29 June 2008) - Participation in International Iran Freedom rally, Paris France. Accommodation and fares met by contributions from Iranian residents in the UK through the National Council of Resistance of Iran. I was accompanied by Lady Cotter whose costs were included by the Iranian Group
      (20-21 June 2009): Attend and speak at rally in defence of freedom in Iran. Return rail fare transport, meals and overnight hotel paid for by members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran for self and wife


    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Cotswold Estate Services Limited (forestry and landscape consultants and contractors)

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Residual estate in Co Wexford, Ireland

COUSSINS, Baroness

    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      I run a company, Jean Coussins Consulting Ltd, which provides consultancy services to business on corporate responsibility. My current retained clients are Brown-Forman, Heineken and Mars Chocolate UK. I have also advised the European Lotteries Association

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Consultancy income - see entry under paragraph 12(d)

    *12(i)  Visits

        Visit to Mumbai and Chennai (11-22 March 2009) as part of Industry and Parliament Trust India Fellowship programme. Costs of accommodation and subsistence met by the Industry and Parliament Trust (value £1950) Cost of flights met by Virgin Atlantic (value £1593.80)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Governor of Channing School

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Patron, British School of Osteopathy
      Patron, On the Shoulders of Giants (a theatre company)
      Patron of Tacade, a charity concerned with the health and welfare of children and young people

COX, Baroness

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chief Executive, Humanitarion Aid Relief Trust (HART)

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Hon Vice-President, Royal College of Nursing
      President, Dean Close School
      Vice-President, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
      Chancellor, Liverpool Hope University

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron, MERLIN (Medical Emergency Relief International)
      Trustee, Andrei Sakharov Foundation
      Trustee, Chernobyl Relief Foundation
      Trustee, Siberian Medical University, Tomsk
      Chairman, IICORR (International Islamic Christian Organisation for Reconciliation and Reconstruction)
      Co-Director, Educational Research Trust


    *12(i)  Visits

      Visit to Malaysia in August 2007 as member CPTM
      (All these visits are expenses only - no remuneration involved)
      Attended with the House of Lords Defence Group, a visit to BAE systems in Leicester on 5 December 2007 for which travelling expenses and lunch were provided by the Company
      Visit to Zambia in July 2008 as member CPTM (expenses only)
      Visit to Uganda in July 2009 as member CPTM (expenses only)

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Fellow, Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management Ltd (CPTM)
      President (RAF), "Not Forgotten" Association
      President, Royal Air Force Club
      Vice Chairman of Council, RAF Benevolent Fund
      Vice-President, Forces Pension Society
      Vice-President, Royal Star and Garter Home

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Life Member, RAFA


    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chairman of Trustees and the Executive Committee, Anglo-Austrian Society (a charity)

    *12(i)  Visits

      Study tour to Holland as member of the All-Party Cycling Group (7-8 April 2009) - certain travel, subsistence and accommodation costs met by Eurostar and NedRailways


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Consultant to Hand Picked Hotels
      Consultant to Von Essen Hotels

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Court of Hull University
      Court of York University
      Lord Lieutenant for North Yorkshire

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Chairman of Trustees, Captain Cook Birthplace Museum
      President, Georgian Group (Statutory Amenity Society)
      Trustee, Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond, North Yorkshire

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chairman, Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace, North Yorkshire
      Editorial Board, House Magazine
      Hon Secretary, All-Party Parliamentary Arts and Heritage Group
      President, Cleveland and South Durham Magistrates Association
      President, North Yorkshire County Scouts Council
      President, St Johns, North Yorkshire Branch
      Vice-President, Yorkshire and Humberside RFCA (Reserve Forces and Cadets Association)
      Vice-President, North of England RFCA

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
      Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries


    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, Balcarres Heritage Trust Ltd (a charity registered in England and Wales, 296766, and in Scotland, SCO 39480)

CRAWLEY, Baroness

    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      In receipt of ministerial salary as a Government whip

    *13(b)  Landholdings

      Rental income from a flat in Devon

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Patron, Breast Cancer Campaign
      Patron, Heart Failure Foundation
      President, Trading Standards Institute
      West Midlands Ambassador
      Board member Birmingham Assay Office (unpaid)

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member of the Labour Party


    No relevant interests


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Occasional consultancy on health matters nationally and internationally
      Strategy consultant to HLM Architects
      Member of Public Sector Advisory Board,
      Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Member of Court as well as Hon Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee of Florence Nightingale Museum

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Trustee, Rand Europe
      Trustee of the Pilgrim Trust
      Member of Council of British Heart Foundation
      Chair of Sightsavers International
      Chair of Zambia UK Health Workforce Alliance

    16(b)  Voluntary organisations

      Member of CPRE - Campaign to Protect Rural England
      Amnesty International


    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee, Anglo-German Foundation

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Council Member, Institute for Fiscal Studies
      Governor, National Institute for Economic and Social Research


    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Chairman of the Board of The Signet Accreditation Ltd

    15(a)  Membership of public bodies

      Chancellor, University of Abertay Dundee

    15(b)  Trusteeships of cultural bodies

      Trustee of the Bute House Trust
      Trustee of the Buildings of Scotland Trust
      President, Saltire Society
      President, SACRO


    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Director, Cumberlege Connections Ltd (see 12(g)), a company which trains people principally from the NHS to gain a better understanding of how the NHS is governed and of its management and systems

    *12(g)  Controlling shareholdings

      Sole shareholder in Cumberlege Connections Ltd

    15(d)  Office-holder in voluntary organisations

      Chair of Trustees, Chailey Heritage School
      Chair of the Association of medical research charities
      Trustee, Leeds Castle Foundation
      Senior Associate, King's Fund
      Vice-President, Royal College of Nursing
      Vice-President, Royal College of Midwives


    *12(d)  Non-parliamentary consultant

      Partner, Brinkburn Associates (political and public policy consultancy)
      Advisor to the Corporation of the City of London

    *12(e)  Remunerated directorships

      Non-executive Director, Keltbray Group Holdings Ltd
    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chairman, North East Sustainable Resources Board (a public-private sector partnership operating under a public charter)


    *12(f)  Regular remunerated employment

      Chairman, Semperian Investment Partners
      Chairman, International Centre for Financial Regulation
      Non-executive Director, Dubai Financial Services Authority
      Non-executive Director, BDO Stoy Hayward
      Non-executive Director, Royal Mail
      Board Adviser, T-Systems

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