Practice Directions Applicable to Criminal Appeals Contents


Petitions for leave to appeal

42.1  A petition for leave to appeal may be withdrawn by writing to the Head of the Judicial Office, stating that the parties to the petition have agreed how the costs should be settled. The respondents should notify the Judicial Office of their agreement.

Petitions of appeal

42.2  An appeal that has not been set down for hearing may be withdrawn by writing to the Head of the Judicial Office, stating that the parties to the appeal have agreed the costs of the appeal. The nature of the agreement should be indicated. Written notification must also be given to the respondents who must notify the Judicial Office of their agreement to the withdrawal of the appeal and who must confirm that the costs have been agreed.

42.3  An appeal that has been set down for hearing may only be withdrawn by order of the House on petition. Such a petition should include submissions on costs. The petition must be submitted for their consent to those respondents who have entered appearance[67].

67   See Appendix A, Form 15. Back

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