Remuneration and Expenses of Members
of the House
69. Remuneration for Members of the House is
restricted to Ministers, to the Leader and Chief Whip of the main
opposition party, to the Chairman and Principal Deputy Chairman
of Committees and to Lords of Appeal in Ordinary; of these, only
the Chairman and Principal Deputy Chairman of Committees' salaries
and that part of the Lord Chancellor's salary attributable to
his duties as Speaker of the House are paid from the Administration
Vote. For other Members of the House, expenses may be reimbursed
in accordance with the Peers' Reimbursement Allowance Scheme.
The limits within which they may be reimbursed, applicable at
31 March 1999, are given in Appendix D. Total expenditure on Peers'
expenses in 1998-99 was £9.49m (compared with £6.58m
in 1997-98 and £7.02m in 1996-97).
Annual Report 1998-99