Annual Report and Accounts 1998-99


Peers' Reimbursement Allowance Scheme

Rates and Conditions applicable as at 31 March 1999

Travelling Expenses

1  Subject to the conditions stated below, Members of the House of Lords may recover the cost of travelling incurred by them for the purpose of their parliamentary duties in attending sittings of the House, or of Committees of the House.

2  Claims can be made only for journeys between main place of residence and London.

3  Lords may recover the cost of fares incurred by them for travel within the United Kingdom by any public rail, sea, air or bus service.

4  Travel by Rail-Claims may include the cost of sleeping berths or seat reservations.

5  Travel by Air-Claims may include travel by coach between airport and air-terminal.

6  Travel by Road-Claims in respect of journeys by private car are restricted to an allowance of 50.1p per mile. This allowance will be reduced to 23.1p per mile if the total mileage claimed in a full year exceeds 20,000 miles. Claims in respect of journeys undertaken by bicycle shall be paid at the rate of 6.4p per mile.

7  Claims for incidental travel cost (eg taxi fares) are covered by the day subsistence allowance (see para 10(b) below).

8  The cost of journeys made in the United Kingdom on parliamentary business may be reimbursed.

9  When Parliament is recalled during a recess, Lords who are away from their main place of residence may recover, subject to certain conditions, the extra costs incurred in travelling to and from Westminster to attend the House.

Other Expenses

10  Members of the House may also recover certain expenses certified by them as incurred for the purpose of parliamentary duties at sittings of the House or of Committees of the House within the following maxima for each day of attendance:

    (a)  Night Subsistence-Members of the House who incur the expenses of overnight accommodation in London away from their only or main residence may claim for such expenses within a daily limit of £80.50.

    (b)  Day Subsistence and incidental travel-Members of the House may claim day subsistence and travel costs not separately recoverable within a daily limit of £35.50.

    (c)  Secretarial costs, postage and certain additional expenses-The cost of secretarial help and, where appropriate, the cost of providing necessary equipment may be claimed, together with the cost of postage and certain additional expenses (eg domestic costs, purchase of books and periodicals and professional subscription charges that arise out of parliamentary duties) within a limit of £34.50 for each day of attendance.

    Claims against groups (a) and (b) are to be restricted, within their daily maxima, to the amounts actually incurred on an individual day of attendance at the House of Lords.

    Claims against group (c) may be made to recover actual expenditure over a period, whether incurred at or away from Westminster, but subject to a limit provided by the product of a daily maximum of £34.50 and the number of attendances at Westminster during the period covered by the claim. Lords who incur the cost of secretarial assistance in excess of the limit provided under (c) may recover such extra costs within a limit of £1,035 a year in respect of non sitting periods.

11  Lords who are disabled may also recover the additional expenses of attending the House incurred by them on account of their disablement.

12  Lords may recover the cost incurred by their wife or husband for travel between home and Westminster to attend Parliamentary occasions, subject to a limit of two return journeys per calendar year.

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