Annual Report and Accounts 1998-99


Allowances paid to staff
as at 31 March 1999

A.Night allowances
Night allowances are payable to Clerks up to Grade 5, senior Library staff, the Yeoman Usher and executive and clerical staff. These allowances are based (a) on the average hours of sitting of the House over the preceding five years after a threshold time for each post; and (b) on an hourly rate, fixed for each grade. A similar scheme operates for Doorkeepers with the added inclusion of a sum in respect of meal allowance. Those Attendants who work late shifts are also eligible for a night allowance, similar to that for Doorkeepers.
B.Hansard editorial staff late-night allowances
(1)Payment for sittings ending after 10.30 p.m
(2)Further payments for sittings continuing after 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 and 10.30 a.m.
The above payments are subject to an annual minimum of
C.Hansard Senior Reporters and Reporters
(1)Payment for attendance at sittings ending after 10.30 p.m.
(2)Further payments for attendance at sittings continuing after
1.30, 4.30, 7.30 and 10.30 a.m.
(3)Payment at the rate of plain-time plus a third for work performed after the House has been sitting for 8 hours, when the House meets before noon.
D.Staff Superintendent - Saturday and Bank Holiday working:
10% addition to salary, excluding Recruitment & Retention Allowance
E.Doorkeepers undertaking judicial duties:
Allowance payable to non-judicial Doorkeepers undertaking judicial duties (per day):
Senior Doorkeeper
Annual allowance for maintenance, including cleaning, laundering, etc. and replacement of minor items of uniform
G.Computer Assistant
Automatic Data Processing Allowance
(Reserved rights)
H.Accountant's Office staff undertaking Chartered Institute of Management Accountants qualification
Stage 2
Stage 3

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