House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 607continued
A B C Cu D E F G H Hy I J K L M Mu N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Pakenham of Cowley, Lord:
Took the Oath, [607] (17.11.99) 6.
Palmer, Lord:
Countryside, The, [607] (1.12.99) 827-30, 871.
Debate on the Address, [607] (22.11.99) 237-9.
Parental Leave:
Question, [607] (6.12.99) 1005-7.
Park of Monmouth, Baroness:
Debate on the Address, [607] (18.11.99) 63-7.
Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Appointed Day) Order 1999, [607] (30.11.99) 745-6.
Parliamentary and Crown Copyright:
Public Access to Information, Question, [607] (6.12.99) WA71.
Parliamentary Broadcasting Unit Limited (PARBUL):
Motion for Approval (Lord Boston of Faversham), [607] (6.12.99) 1015-19.
Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill [H.L.]:
1R*, [607] (24.11.99) 455.
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST):
Motion for Approval (Lord Boston of Faversham), [607] (6.12.99) 1015-19.
Part-time Judiciary:
Appointments, Question, [607] (29.11.99) 659-62.
Passport Agency:
Question, [607] (23.11.99) 312-14.
Statement (Lord Bassam of Brighton), [607] (6.12.99) 1036-42.
Patel, Lord:
Debate on the Address, [607] (24.11.99) 516-17.
Universities, [607] (8.12.99) 1322-4.
Paul, Lord:
Debate on the Address, [607] (18.11.99) 115-17.
Pearson of Rannoch, Lord:
European Community Flax Regime, Reform, [607] (23.11.99) 317.
European Union Regional Aid, [607] (9.12.99) 1389.
Fraud, ECC Report, [607] (25.11.99) 640-1, 648.
French Ban on British Beef, [607] (9.12.99) 1417-18.
Tobacco Consumption and Health, [607] (29.11.99) 663.
Peel, Earl:
Common Agricultural Policy Reform, ECC Report, [607] (25.11.99) 602-4, 615.
Debate on the Address, [607] (22.11.99) 263-7, 304-5.
Penal Policy:
Minimum Income Guarantee, Question, [607] (30.11.99) WA37.
Personal Bills:
Select Committee, Motion for Approval (Lord Boston of Faversham), [607] (23.11.99) 321-4.
Personal Pensions:
Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000:
Motion for Approval (Baroness Hayman), [607] (9.12.99) 1450-3.
Peyton of Yeovil, Lord:
Beef on the Bone Ban, [607] (30.11.99) 760.
Elections, Turn-out, [607] (30.11.99) 715.
Veterinary Research, Question, [607] (24.11.99) 448.
Phillips of Sudbury, Lord:
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill [H.L.], 2R, [607] (2.12.99) 940, 952, 976-8.
Limited Liability Partnerships Bill [H.L.], 2R, [607] (9.12.99) 1432-4, 1436, 1442.
National Curriculum, Non-religious Teaching, [607] (7.12.99) 1147.
Pilkington of Oxenford, Lord:
Delegated Legislation, [607] (7.12.99) 1255-7, 1267.
House of Lords, Powers, [607] (29.11.99) 655-6, 657-8.
Parental Leave, [607] (6.12.99) 1006.
Pinochet, General:
Lord Chancellor's Actions, Question, [607] (29.11.99) 658-9.
Question, [607] (9.12.99) WA101.
Pitkeathley, Baroness:
Debate on the Address, [607] (17.11.99) 7-10.
Plant of Highfield, Lord:
Public Trust Office, Quinquennial Review, Question, [607] (18.11.99) WA3.
Plumb, Lord:
Countryside, The, [607] (1.12.99) 846-9.
Debate on the Address, [607] (22.11.99) 281-3.
Universities, [607] (8.12.99) 1338-41.
Police Grant Allocation:
Question, [607] (25.11.99) WA18-20.
Police Training:
Question, [607] (18.11.99) WA1.
Police Vehicle Recovery:
Policing in 2000-01:
Objectives, Question, [607] (29.11.99) WA23.
Political Honours Scrutiny Committee:
Question, [607] (8.12.99) WA90.
Political Progress in Northern Ireland:
Statement (Lord Dubs), [607] (22.11.99) 190-202.
Portsmouth, Lord Bishop of:
Introduction to the House, [607] (30.11.99) 713.
Postal Privilege (Suspension) Order 1999 (Revocation) Order 1999:
Motion to Annul (Lord Skelmersdale), Withdrawn, [607] (29.11.99) 702-12.
Prashar, Baroness:
Universities, [607] (8.12.99) 1302-5.
Primary Care Trusts:
Question, [607] (7.12.99) WA82.
Principal Deputy Chairman of Committees:
Motion (Baroness Jay of Paddington), [607] (17.11.99) 22.
Prison Act 1952 and Human Rights Act 1998:
Question, [607] (7.12.99) WA80.
Visiting Ministers, Question, [607] (7.12.99) WA80.
Select Committee, Motion for Approval (Lord Boston of Faversham), [607] (23.11.99) 321-4.
Probation Service:
Question, [607] (1.12.99) WA43-4.
Procedure of the House:
Select Committee, Motion for Approval (Lord Boston of Faversham), [607] (6.12.99) 1015-19.
Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1999:
Motion for Approval (Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton), [607] (9.12.99) 1455-7.
Prys-Davies, Lord:
Delegated Legislation, [607] (7.12.99) 1250-1.
Public Trust Office:
Quinquennial Review, Question, [607] (18.11.99) WA3-4.