Select Committee on European Union Twelfth Report




Authorities competent to order interception of telecommunications

For the purpose of the application of the provisions of Articles 18, 19 and 20, "competent authority" shall mean a judicial authority, or, where judicial authorities have no competence in the area covered by those provisions, an equivalent competent authority, specified pursuant to Article 24(1)(e) and acting for the purpose of a criminal investigation.


Requests for interception of telecommunications

1.  For the purpose of a criminal investigation, a competent authority in the requesting Member State may, in accordance with the requirements of its national law, make a request to a competent authority in the requested Member State for:

    (a)  the interception and immediate transmission to the requesting Member State of telecommunications; or

    (b)  the interception, recording and subsequent transmission to the requesting Member State of the recording of telecommunications.

  2.  Requests under paragraph 1 may be made in relation to the use of means of telecommunications by the subject of the interception, if this subject is present in:

    (a)  the requesting Member State and the requesting Member State needs the technical assistance of the requested Member State to intercept his or her communications;

    (b)  the requested Member State and his or her communications can be intercepted in that Member State;

    (c)  a third Member State which has been informed pursuant to Article 20(2)(a) and the requesting Member State needs the technical assistance of the requested Member State to intercept his or her communications.

  3.  By way of derogation from Article 14 of the European Mutual Assistance Convention and Article 37 of the Benelux Treaty, requests under this Article shall include the following:

    (a)  an indication of the authority making the request;

    (b)  confirmation that a lawful interception order or warrant has been issued in connection with a criminal investigation;

    (c)  information for the purpose of identifying the subject of this interception;

    (d)  an indication of the criminal conduct under investigation;

    (e)  the desired duration of the interception; and

    (f)  if possible, the provision of sufficient technical data, in particular the relevant network connection number, to ensure that the request can be met.

  4.  In the case of a request pursuant to paragraph 2(b), a request shall also include a summary of the facts. The requested Member State may require any further information to enable it to decide whether the requested measure would be taken by it in a similar national case.

  5.  The requested Member State shall undertake to comply with requests under paragraph 1(a):

    (a)  in the case of a request pursuant to paragraph 2(a) and 2(c), on being provided with the information in paragraph 3. The requested Member State may allow the interception to proceed without further formality;

    (b)  in the case of a request pursuant to paragraph 2(b), on being provided with the information in paragraphs 3 and 4 and where the requested measure would be taken by it in a similar national case. The requested Member State may make its consent subject to any conditions which would have to be observed in a similar national case.

  6.  Where immediate transmission is not possible, the requested Member State shall undertake to comply with requests under paragraph 1(b) on being provided with the information in paragraphs 3 and 4 and where the requested measure would be taken by it in a similar national case. The requested Member State may make its consent subject to any condition which would have to be observed in a similar national case.

  7.  When giving the notification provided for in Article 27(2), any Member State may declare that it is bound by paragraph 6 only when it is unable to provide immediate transmission. In this case the other Member State may apply the principle of reciprocity.

  8.  When making a request under paragraph 1(b), the requesting Member State may, where it has a particular reason to do so, also request a transcription of the recording. The requested Member State shall consider such requests in accordance with its national law and procedures.

  9.  The Member State receiving the information provided under paragraphs 3 and 4 shall keep that information confidential in accordance with its national law.


Interceptions of telecommunications on national territory by the use of service providers

1.  Member States shall ensure that systems of telecommunications services operated via a gateway on their territory, which for the lawful interception of the communications of a subject present in another Member State are not directly accessible on the territory of the latter, may be made directly accessible for the lawful interception by that Member State through the intermediary of a designated service provider present on its territory.

  2.  In the case referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities of a Member State shall be entitled, for the purposes of a criminal investigation and in accordance with applicable national law and provided that the subject of the interception is present in that Member State, to carry out the interception through the intermediary of a designated service provider present on its territory without involving the Member State on whose territory the gateway is located.

  3.  Paragraph 2 shall also apply where the interception is carried out upon a request made pursuant to Article 18(2)(b).

  4.  Nothing in this Article shall prevent a Member State from making a request to the Member State on whose territory the gateway is located for the lawful interception of telecommunications in accordance with Article 18, in particular where there is no intermediary in the requesting Member State.


Interception of telecommunications without the technical assistance of another Member State

1.  Without prejudice to the general principle of international law as well as to the provisions of Article 18(2)(c), the obligations under this Article shall apply to interception orders made or authorised by the competent authority of one Member State in the course of criminal investigations which present the characteristics of being an investigation following the commission of a specific criminal offence, including attempts in so far as they are criminalised under national law, in order to identify and arrest, charge, prosecute or deliver judgment on those responsible.

  2.  Where for the purpose of a criminal investigation, the interception of telecommunications is authorised by the competent authority of one Member State (the "intercepting Member State"), and the telecommunication address of the subject specified in the interception order is being used on the territory of another Member State (the "notified Member State") from which no technical assistance is needed to carry out the interception, the intercepting Member State shall inform the notified Member State of the interception:

    (a)  prior to the interception in cases where it knows when ordering the interception that the subject is on the territory of the notified Member State;

    (b)  in other cases, immediately after it becomes aware that the subject of the interception is on the territory of the notified Member State.

  3.  The information to be notified by the intercepting Member State shall include:

    (a)  an indication of the authority ordering the interception;

    (b)  confirmation that a lawful interception order has been issued in connection with a criminal investigation;

    (c)  information for the purpose of identifying the subject of the interception;

    (d)  an indication of the criminal conduct under investigation; and

    (e)  the expected duration of the interception.

  4.  The following shall apply where a Member State is notified pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3:

    (a)  upon receipt of the information provided under paragraph 3 the competent authority of the notified Member State shall, without delay, and at the latest within 96 hours, reply to the intercepting Member State, with a view to:

      (i)  allowing the interception to be carried out or to be continued. The notified Member State may make its consent subject to any conditions which would have to be observed in a similar national case;

      (ii)  requiring the interception not to be carried out or to be terminated where the interception would not be permissible pursuant to the national law of the notified Member State or for the reasons specified in Article 2 of the European Mutual Assistance Convention. Where the notified Member State imposes such a requirement, it shall give reasons for its decision in writing;

      (iii)  in cases referred to in point (ii), requiring that any material already intercepted while the subject was on its territory may not be used, or may only be used under conditions which it shall specify. The notified Member State shall inform the intercepting Member State of the reasons justifying the said conditions;

      (iv)  requiring a short extension, of up to a maximum period of eight days, to the original 96 hour deadline, to be agreed with the intercepting Member State, in order to carry out internal procedures under its national law. The notified Member State shall communicate, in writing, to the intercepting Member State, the conditions which, pursuant to its national law, justify the requested extension of the deadline;

    (b)  until a decision has been taken by the notified Member State pursuant to points (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (a), the intercepting Member State:

      (i)  may continue the interception; and

      (ii)  may not use the material already intercepted, except:

      —  if otherwise agreed between the Member States concerned; or

      —  for taking urgent measures to prevent an immediate and serious threat to public security. The notified Member State shall be informed of any such use and the reasons justifying it;

    (c)  The notified Member State may request a summary of the facts of the case and any further information necessary to enable it to decide whether interception would be authorised in a similar national case. Such a request does not affect the application of subparagraph (b), unless otherwise agreed between the notified Member State and the intercepting Member State.

    (d)  the Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that a reply can be given within the 96 hour period. To this end they shall designate contact points, on duty 24 hours a day, and include them in their statements under Article 24(1)(e).

  5.  The notified Member State shall keep the information provided under paragraph 3 confidential in accordance with its national law.

  6.  Where the intercepting Member State is of the opinion that the information to be provided under paragraph 3 is of a particularly sensitive nature, it may be transmitted to the competent authority through a specific authority where that has been agreed on a bilateral basis between the Member States concerned.

  7.  When giving its notification under Article 27(2), or at any time thereafter, any Member State may declare that it will not be necessary to provide it with information on interceptions as envisaged in this Article.


Responsibility for charges made by telecommunications operators

Costs which are incurred by telecommunications operators or service providers in executing requests pursuant to Article 18 shall be borne by the requesting Member State.


Bilateral arrangements

Nothing in this Title shall preclude any bilateral or multilateral arrangements between Member States for the purpose of facilitating the exploitation of present and future technical possibilities regarding the lawful interception of telecommunications.

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