Select Committee on European Union Twelfth Report

Letter from Lord Tordoff to Barbara Roche MP

  As you will recall the draft Convention has been the subject of an inquiry and Report by the Select Committee and the Committee has corresponded with you and your predecessor on this matter on a number of occasions. Sub-Committee E (Law and Institutions) is undertaking further work on the proposal.

  We have recently received detailed comments from Statewatch on a number of Articles of the draft Convention. I enclose a copy of their submission. The Committee would welcome your reactions to the points made by Statewatch.

  I understand that the draft Convention may be on the agenda of the forthcoming Justice and Home Affairs Council. It would therefore be helpful if you could let me have your response as soon as possible in order that the Committee's scrutiny of the proposal can, if possible, be completed in good time.

  I am sending a copy of this letter to the Chairman and Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee in the House of Commons.

15 February 2000

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