Select Committee on European Union Twelfth Report


Article 1Reference to Schengen Convention deleted—otherwise unchanged.
Article 2Unchanged from Article 2 in the cleared text.
Article 3Currently blank.
Article 4Identical to the old Article 3 in the cleared text. The cleared text had a blank Article 4.
Article 5Identical to Article 11 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 6Substantial changes. Not cleared.
Article 7Identical to Article 14 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 8Identical to Article 5 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 9Identical to Article 13 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 10Identical to Article 12 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 11New Article, not previously cleared; however all questions from the Scrutiny Committees have been answered.
Article 12Identical to Article 10 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 13New Article: not cleared.
Article 14Liability issues moved to new articles 14a and 14b: otherwise cleared.
Article 14aNew Article: not cleared.
Article 14bNew Article: not cleared.
Articles 15-20Title III Interception: all recently cleared.
Article 21Identical to Article 12 in the old, cleared, text except that references to other articles in draft convention have been changed.
Article 22Identical to Article 17 in the old, cleared, text.
Article 23Changes: not cleared.
Article 24Identical to Article 19 in the old, cleared, text except that references to other articles in draft convention have been changed.
Article 24aNew Article: not cleared.
Article 25Identical to Article 20 in the old, cleared, text.

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