INDEX FOR SESSION 2000-01, Volume 623

5th March 2001--22nd March 2001


Dates of proceedings are indicated by numerals in brackets.

Bills: Read First, Second or Third Time=1R, 2R, 3R.

An asterisk * indicates that no Debate took place at that stage.

Column numbers in italics refer to Written Answers

A   Am   As   Au   B   Be   Bo   Bu   C   Ce   Co   Cr   D   Dh   E   Ev   F   Fe   G   Gr   H   He   Ho   Hu   Hy   I   Is   J   K   L   Li   Lu   M   Ma   Me   Mu   N   Nu   O   P   Ph   Ps   Q   R   Rh   Ru   S   Sc   Se   Si   Sq   Sy   T   Ti   U   V   W   Wi   Wo   X   Y   Z                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

A12 Embankment at Witham:

    Cutting back of Planting, Question, [620] (15.1.01) WA114-15.


    Litter Clearance, Question, [622] (14.2.01) WA36.


Abnormal Loads:

    Communication with Escort, Question, [623] (5.3.01) WA7.

    Mobile Phones, Question, [620] (20.12.2000) WA59-60.

Access to Justice Act 1999 (Bar Practising Certificates) Order 2001:

    Motion for Approval (Lord Bach), [621] (23.1.01) 212-18.

Ackner, Lord:

    Chinook ZD 576, [623] (5.3.01) 97-9.

    Crime and Society, Lord Birt's Advisory Role, [621] (31.1.01) 686.

    Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Bill [H.L.], Report, [621] (5.2.01) 941.

    Criminal Justice, [622] (26.2.01) 954-5.

    Judges, Safety in Court, Question, [620] (17.1.01) 1122-3, 1124.

    Mental Health Act, Reform, [620] (20.12.2000) 786-7.

    Personality Disorder, Compulsory Treatment Orders, [621] (23.1.01) 127.

    Prison Sentences, [622] (15.2.01) 337.

Acoustic Shock:

    Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA59.

Acton, Lord:

    Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis, [622] (27.2.01) 1066.

    Chief Inspector of Prisons; Question, [622] (20.2.01) WA87.

    Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill, Human Rights Convention Compatibility, Question, [623] (21.3.01) WA162.

    Court Service Annual Report, Question, [623] (6.3.01) WA22.

    Customs and Excise, Prosecuting Authority Role, Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA68.

    Depleted Uranium, Screening Programme, Question, [622] (14.2.01) WA37.

    Diplomatic Posts, Question, [623] (22.3.01) WA173.

    Factortame Litigation, Settlement, Question, [621] (8.2.01) WA119.

    Gaming and Lottery Fees, Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA71.

    Hunting Bill, 2R, [623] (12.3.01) 603-4.

    Intimidation, Protection of Public, [621] (7.2.01) 1153.

    Juvenile Girls in Prison Custody, Question, [623] (8.3.01) WA35.

    Millennium Dome, Division of Sale Proceeds, Question, [620] (17.1.01) WA137.

    Prison Sentences, [622] (15.2.01) 337.

    Prisoners, Contribution to Upkeep, [621] (25.1.01) 358.

    Private Bills and Human Rights Legislation, Question, [622] (15.2.01) WA62.

    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Question, [620] (18.1.01) WA141.

    Terrorism Act, Functions of Examining and Authorised Officers, Question, [620] (15.1.01) WA96.

    Terrorism Act Orders, Question, [621] (30.1.01) WA45.

    Uninsured Driving, [622] (12.2.01) 10.

Addington, Lord:

    Communications White Paper, [622] (28.2.01) 1246-7.

    Debate on the Address, [620] (11.12.2000) 183-5.

    Multiple Sclerosis, Prescribing Policy, Question, [623] (7.3.01) 202.

    Olympics, [621] (30.1.01) 635-7.

    Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [H.L.], 2R, [620] (19.12.2000) 698-700; Committee, [621] (23.1.01) CWH6, CWH18, CWH19-20, CWH49, CWH51-2, CWH59-60; (29.1.01) CWH95, CWH98, CWH128; (30.1.01) CWH140, CWH154, CWH164, CWH170-1, CWH175; (6.2.01) CWH213, CWH231, CWH235, CWH237, CWH245, CWH257, CWH273, CWH277, CWH278; Report, [622] (20.2.01) 640, 647, 734, 735-6, 737, 764, 780, 783, 786-7; 3R, (1.3.01) 1291, 1312, 1337-8, 1342, 1343, 1344.

    Sports Clubs, Rate Relief, [623] (6.3.01) 124.

    Television Subtitling, [621] (8.2.01) 1265.

    Winter Fuel Payments, Severely Disabled People under 60, [623] (8.3.01) 305.


Administrative Court:

    Question, [620] (15.1.01) WA91.


    Statement (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath), [620] (21.12.2000) 829-45.

ADSL Roll-out:

    Question, [622] (28.2.01) WA144.

Advertisements on Agricultural Land:

    Siting Control, Question, [620] (18.12.2000) WA35.

Aeroplane Seating:

    Question, [621] (25.1.01) WA23-4.


    Export Licences, Question, [623] (9.3.01) WA49.

Age Discrimination:

    In the Civil Service, Question, [623] (5.3.01) 1-3.

    In the Professions, Question, [620] (15.1.01) 915-17.

Age-related Macular Degeneration:

    Question, [621] (24.1.01) 258-60.

Agricultural Census 2000:

    Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA69-70.


    Assistance Programmes, Question, [621] (6.2.01) 1037-9.

    In the United Kingdom 2000, Question, [623] (15.3.01) WA112.

Agrimonetary Compensation:

    Question, [622] (19.2.01) 500-2.

Ahmed, Lord:

    Alleged Threat to Iraqi Refugees in UK, Question, [623] (7.3.01) WA31.

    Communications White Paper, [622] (28.2.01) 1240-1.

    Coroners, Question, [621] (24.1.01) 334-7.

    Debate on the Address, [620] (12.12.2000) 259-63.

    Hammad, Miss Zainas Hussain Nazir, Questions, [623] (5.3.01) WA6; (16.3.01) WA114.

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulations 2000, [621] (22.1.01) 70.

    Religious Discrimination, Question, [623] (12.3.01) 514.


      [620] (18.12.2000) 606-8.

      Question, [623] (5.3.01) WA10.

Air Pollution:

    Research Funding, Question, [623] (5.3.01) WA13.

Air Traffic Controllers:

    Question, [623] (7.3.01) WA32-3.

Air Travel and Health:

    Select Committee Report, Motion to Take Note (Baroness Wilcox), Agreed to, [622] (16.2.01) 459-92.

Air Weapons:

    Permit Requirement, Question, [621] (6.2.01) WA94-5.


    BTA Recommendations, Questions, [623] (12.3.01) WA74; (22.3.01) WA181.

"Airwave" Police Radio Service:

    Question, [620] (12.12.2000) WA14.

Alcohol-related Attacks aboard Aircraft:

    Question, [623] (15.3.01) 988-91.

Alder Hey Inquiry Report:

    Statement (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath), [621] (30.1.01) 571-87.

Alderdice, Lord:

    Latin America and the Caribbean, [622] (28.2.01) 1191-3.

    United Nations Conference Against Racism, Question, [622] (19.2.01) WA77.


    Human Rights, Question, [623] (7.3.01) WA31.

Alleged Threat to Iraqi Refugees in UK:

    Question, [623] (7.3.01) WA31.

Allen of Abbeydale, Lord:

    Speedometer Accuracy, Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA59.

Allenby of Megiddo, Viscount:

    Hunting Bill, 2R, [623] (12.3.01) 634-6.

    Milk Imports from France, Question, [621] (6.2.01) WA104, WA105.

    Regulatory Reform Bill [H.L.], Report, [622] (13.2.01) 197-8.

    Social Security Fraud Bill [H.L.], Report, [622] (27.2.01) 1145.

    Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [H.L.], Committee, [621] (23.1.01) CWH1, CWH16, CWH52, CWH62.

Alliance & Leicester Group Treasury plc (Transfer) Bill [H.L.]:

    All Stages and Sent to the Commons, [620] (11.12.2000) 210; Royal Assent, [623] (22.3.01) 1529.

Alton of Liverpool, Lord:

    Alder Hey Inquiry Report, [621] (30.1.01) 582.

    Asylum Seekers, [622] (14.2.01) 255-7.

    Burma, Question, [620] (18.12.2000) WA27.


      One-child Policy, Question, [623] (8.3.01) WA39.

      Population Control, Question, [623] (6.3.01) WA24.

    Foetuses Retained for Research, Question, [622] (12.2.01) WA10-11.

    Human Cloning, Question, [620] (17.1.01) WA135.

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Questions, [622] (12.2.01) WA7, WA8 ,WA9, WA10.

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Regulations, Question, [623] (12.3.01) WA60.

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulations 2000, [621] (22.1.01) 22-9, 39, 90, 121.

    Indonesia, Question, [623] (6.3.01) 129, 130.

    Iraq, Turkish Incursion, [620] (20.12.2000) 738-9.

    Parkinson's Disease, American Clinical Trials, Question, [623] (19.3.01) WA136-7.

    Reproductive Cloning, Question, [620] (15.1.01) WA109.

    Sudan, Slavery, [622] (26.2.01) 934.

    Therapeutic Cloning, Question, [620] (15.1.01) WA109, WA110.

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