Select Committee on Science and Technology Fourth Report


Sub-Committee II

The members of the Sub-Committee which conducted this Inquiry were:

Lord Flowers
Lord Haskel
Lord Jenkin of Roding
Lord McColl of Dulwich
Lord Oxburgh (Chairman)
Lord Patel
Lord Perry of Walton
Lord Rea
Lord Turnberg (co-opted on 19 July 2000)
Lord Wade of Chorlton
Lord Walton of Detchant
Baroness Wilcox
Lord Winston

Declarations of interest

Members declared the following interests in relation to this Inquiry.

Lord Flowers  Chancellor of the University of Manchester.

Lord Haskel  Patron of the Chronic Disease Research Foundation.

Lord Jenkin of Roding  Chairman of the Foundation for Science and Technology.

Lord Oxburgh  Rector of the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (to January 2001); Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of InforSense (from January 2001).

Lord Patel  Chairman of Genetics Advisory Committee, MRC; Founder and Council Member, Academy of Medical Sciences; Chairman, Clinical Standards Board of Scotland.

Lord Rea  Former NHS General Practitioner; Honorary Secretary, National Heart Forum; Trustee, Patron or Vice-Patron of several health-related charities; Chairman, All-Party Food and Health Forum.

Lord Turnberg  Chairman of the UK Forum on Genetics and Insurance; Scientific Adviser, Association of Medical Research Charities; Vice President, Academy of Medical Sciences; Chairman, Board of Public Health Laboratory Service; former member, GMC.

Lord Wade of Chorlton  Chairman of Appeals for Christie Hospital, Manchester.

Lord Walton of Detchant  Former Chairman, now Life President, Muscular Dystrophy Campaign; President, Patron, Vice-President or Vice-Patron of numerous other medical charities; neuroscience adviser to a pharmaceutical company; immediate Past-President, World Federation of Neurology; Past-President, British Medical Association, Royal Society of Medicine, GMC and Association of British Neurologists; Founding Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences; former member, MRC.

Lord Winston  Director of Research and Development for the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust; Professor of Fertility Studies at the Imperial College School of Medicine; Council member, Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

Specialist Adviser

The Sub-Committee appointed as its Specialist Adviser Paul Elliott, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine at Imperial College, London and Honorary Consultant Physician at the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust. He is an expert in disease databases, heading the UK Small Area Health Statistics Unit which investigates environmental sources of disease based on geographical analyses of routine health data. He is co-investigator of a large European study investigating genetic and environmental influences on cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk.

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