Items marked * are explained in the glossary at the
end of Appendix 7
ADLIB Acute Coronary Event DNA Library Project
CPR Central Population Register, in Denmark
COREC Central Office for Research Ethics Committees
DNA *Deoxyribonucleic acid
DoH Department of Health
EBI European Bioinformatics Institute
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
ff To include also the material immediate following
the reference given.
FSS Forensic Science Service
GMC General Medical Council
GP General Practitioner
HGC Human Genetics Commission
HUGO Human Genome Organisation
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISD Information and Statistics Division of the
Scottish Health Service
IT Information Technology
LREC Local Research Ethics Committee
MRC Medical Research Council
MREC Multi-centre Research Ethics Committee
NHS National Health Service
P A page number in the evidence section of this
volume, immediately following Appendix 7
p A page number in the earlier volume of evidence,
namely Human Genetic Databases: written evidence received up
to 31 October 2000, Session 1999-2000, HL Paper 115
POST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Q A question number in the minutes of evidence
section of this volume, immediately following Appendix 7
SAHSU Small Area Health Statistics Unit
SNP *Single nucleotide polymorphism
STR *Short tandem repeats
UK United Kingdom