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Advisory Group on Programmes of Study for Potential Citizens

Lord Greaves asked Her Majesty's Government:

22 Oct 2002 : Column WA93

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Filkin): An independent advisory group has been appointed to advise on the content and implementation of programmes of study for potential citizens to enable them to comply with the requirements of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill. Among other things, the group has been asked to advise on the levels of achievement necessary to comply with the proposed requirements. Until such time as the Government have received, and reached a decision on, the advisory group's proposals, and estimated what extra demand might be generated by them, it will not be possible to identify with any precision the resources which may be needed by local education authorities or further education colleges.

National Insurance: Employers' Contributions

Lord Butler of Brockwell asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Why employers are required to pay national insurance contributions for employees over state pension age but employees are not required to make contributions.[HL5867]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey: Employers' national insurance contributions have been a feature of the national insurance scheme since it was introduced. It is only right that employers should pay the same level of national insurance contributions regardless of the age of the employee. To introduce a system that provided a clear financial advantage in employing a particular group of employees based on their age would be unfair to other employees and contrary to the universal nature of the scheme. At the same time it is right that employees should cease to pay contributions once they reach pension age given the direct link between their contributions and their entitlement to state retirement pension.

Diego Garcia

Lord Hylton asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Whether suspected terrorists are being held on the British Territory of Diego Garcia; if so, what are their names and nationalities; under whose jurisdiction they fall; and when they will be brought before a court.[HL5824]

The Minister for Trade (Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean): No suspected terrorists are being held on Diego Garcia.

British Nationals Resident in Ireland

Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Whether they have approached the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe High Commissioner on National Minorities with regard to the human rights of the British minority in the

22 Oct 2002 : Column WA94

    Republic of Ireland, in line with the approach to the High Commission by the Republic of Ireland with regard to the Irish national minority in Northern Ireland. [HL5930]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: Her Majesty's Government have made no approach to the OSCE's High Commissioner on National Minorities concerning British nationals resident in Ireland.

Senegal: Export of Machine Guns

Lord Acton asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Whether they have agreed to supply general purpose machine guns to Senegal for use in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country subject to a European Union arms embargo. [HL6022]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: Following consultations with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence, the Department of Trade and Industry recently approved a licence to export general purpose machine guns to Senegal. These arms will be used by the Senegalese armed forces in the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

DRC is subject to an EU arms embargo, imposed by a declaration of 7 April 1993. The embargo was put in place mainly to ensure the safety of international troops and civilian personnel deployed in the DRC. The decision to grant an exemption does not affect Her Majesty's Government's continued support for the EU arms embargo on the DRC.

The decision to permit export was made on the basis that the equipment is needed by bona fide UN peacekeepers and is proportionate to the humanitarian needs of the Senegalese peacekeepers.

Her Majesty's Government fully support the Senegalese troops deployed to the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC. The decision underlines our continued support for the work being done by peacekeepers within the country.

United Kingdom Special Representative for Georgia

Lord Kirkhill asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Who will be the United Kingdom Special Representative for Georgia.[HL6023]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: Her Majesty's Government are committed to finding a way to help Georgia become prosperous, stable and able to live in harmony with its neighbours. This is why I am glad that the Foreign Secretary has appointed Sir Brian Fall as the UK's Special Representative for Georgia, with effect from 1 October. In this capacity Sir Brian will also be the UK Senior Representative on the Group of Friends of the UN Secretary General on Georgia. Sir Brian was HM ambassador to Moscow

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from 1992 to 95. His experience of the region and his diplomatic skills will be invaluable in helping him fulfil this role.

Azerbaijan and Armenia: OSCE Arms Embargo

Lord Kirkhill asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Whether they will continue to uphold the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe embargo on the export of weapons and military equipment to Azerbaijan.[HL6024]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: Her Majesty's Government remain committed to the OSCE arms embargo against both Azerbaijan and Armenia, which we interpret as covering all goods and technology controlled under entries in Part III of Schedule 1 to the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1994, commonly known as the military list.

In September 2002, the Government approved an export licence application for demining vests for the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions.

In January 2002 the Government approved a similar request for protective jackets for demining operations to Azerbaijan.

The decision was made in accordance with our practice occasionally to make an exemption to our interpretation of the embargo by approving exports of non-lethal military goods to humanitarian, media or peacekeeping organisations where it is clear that the embargo was not intended to prevent those exports and there is a strong humanitarian case for them.

Iraq: Demining Equipment Licence

Lord Kirkhill asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What goods on the Military List have recently been approved for export to Iraq.[HL6025]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: Following consultation with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence, the Department of Trade and Industry recently approved a licence to export demining equipment to the United Nations Office for Project Services in mine clearance operations in northern Iraq. The export included an electronic hand held exploder that appears on the Military List. The conclusion that this export does not represent a proliferation threat has been reached after careful assessment.

The UN Iraq Sanctions Committee approved this export to Iraq under the Oil for Food programme (OFF). Under OFF, Iraq is allowed to export unlimited quantities of oil to fund the purchase of humanitarian goods. The export is consistent with the consolidated EU and national arms export licensing criteria.

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European Union: Forthcoming Council Business

Lord Barnett asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What is the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for October; and what are the major European Union events for the period between 31 October 2002 and April 2003.[HL6026]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean: October 2002

1– Brussels—GAERC.

2– Brussels—Meeting of the Praesidium.

3–4 Brussels—Convention Plenary: Subsidiarity & Legal Personality working group conclusions; interim reports on Charter & National Parliaments working groups.

3–4 Brussels—Transport & Telecommunications Council.

8– Brussels—ECOFIN.

8– Brussels—Employment, Social Policy, Health & Consumer Affairs Council.

10– Copenhagen—EU/India Summit.

11–12 Nyborg—Internal Market, Consumer Affairs & Industry Meeting (Ministerial Informal).

14– Brussels—Fisheries Council.

14–15 Brussels—Justice & Home Affairs & Civil Protection Council.

16– Brussels—EU Commission: Annual Report on Candidate Countries.

17– Brussels—Environment Council.

17– Brussels—Meeting of the Praesidium.

20– Luxembourg—EU Trade (Ministers Informal).

21–22 Brussels—General Affairs Council.

24–25 Brussels—European Council

28–29 Brussels—Meeting of the Praesidium.

28–29 Aalborg—Patent Protection: Ministers & EU Commissioners.

28–29 Brussels—Convention plenary: Giscard to release his constitutional text; Charter working group conclusions; preliminary reports on conclusions of Economic Governance and Complementary Competences working groups.

European Calendar: November 2002–April 2003

November 2002
4BrusselsCulture Council
6BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
7BrusselsHealth Council
7–8BrusselsConvention Plenary– Complementary Competences and Economic Governance working group conclusions; preliminary reports on conclusions of Simplification, National Parliaments, Security and Justice working groups.
11–12BrusselsEducation, Youth & Culture Council
14–15BrusselsInternal Market, Consumer Affairs & Tourism Council
18–19BrusselsGeneral Affairs & External Relations Council (+ Defence)
21BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
25–26BrusselsBudget Meeting
25–26BrusselsIndustry & Energy Council
28BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
28–29BrusselsJustice and Home Affairs & Civil Protection Council
December 2002
2BrusselsMeeting on Macro Economic Dialogue (Ministerial Troika)
2–3BrusselsEmployment, Social Policy, Health & Consumer Affairs Council
4BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
5BrusselsTransport & Telecom Council
6BrusselsTransport & Telecom Council
9BrusselsGeneral Affairs Council
10BrusselsEnvironment Council
12–15CopenhagenEuropean Council
16–17BrusselsFisheries Council
19BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
20BrusselsJustice and Home Affairs & Civil Protection Council
20–21BrusselsConvention Plenary–External Action and Defence working group conclusions
January 2003
9BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
9BrusselsAgriculture & Fisheries Council (to be confirmed)
16BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
20BrusselsEUROGROUP (evening)
20BrusselsConvention Plenary
20–21BrusselsAgriculture & Fisheries Council
24NafplionEmployment Council (Ministerial Informal)
27–28BrusselsGeneral Affairs & External Relations Council
28BrusselsEU-ASEAN Ministerial
30BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
February 2003
5BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
6–7BrusselsConvention Plenary
10–11BrusselsAgriculture & Fisheries Council (to be confirmed)
13BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
17BrusselsEUROGROUP (evening)
20BrusselsEducation, Youth & Culture Council (to be confirmed)
22ThessalonikaEnergy Council (Ministerial Informal)
24–25BrusselsGeneral Affairs & External Relatons Council Agriculture & Fisheries
26BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
27–28BrusselsConvention Plenary
27–28BrusselsJustice & Home Affairs Council
28BrusselsEmployment, Social Policy, Health & Consumer Affairs Council
March 2003
3LuxembourgCompetitiveness Council
6BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
6LuxembourgEmployment, Social Policy, Health & Consumer Affairs Council
6LuxembourgEUROGROUP (evening)
7LuxembourgTransport, Telecom & Energy Council
13BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
14–15Athens(Informal Defence Meeting)
17–18BrusselsConvention Plenary
17–18LuxembourgAgriculture & Fisheries Council
18–19LuxembourgGeneral Affairs & External Relations Council
21LuxembourgEuropean Council
27BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
27VeriaJustice and Home Affairs Council (Ministerial Informal)
27–28LuxembourgTransport, Telecom & Energy Council
28AthensEU-Rio Group, EU-MERCOSUR
28–29VeriaInformal Justice & Home Affairs (Veria)
31LuxembourgAgriculture & Fisheries Council (to be confirmed)
April 2003
2BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
3–4BrusselsConvention Plenary
4BrusselsJustice & Home Affairs
5LisbonEurope–Africa Summit
5IoanninaMinisterial Meeting on Education (Informal)
10BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
11–13ChaniaECOFIN (Informal)
14BrusselsGeneral Affairs & External Relations
14BrusselsAgriculture & Fisheries
16BrusselsSignature of The Accession (Provisional Date)
23BrusselsMeeting of the Praesidium
24–25BrusselsConvention Plenary

22 Oct 2002 : Column WA98

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