House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 631continued
A Ag An Ap At Az B Ba Be Bl Bo Bu By C Ce Cl Co Cr D Dh Do E Em Ev F Fe Fl Fu G Gl Gr Gu H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J K Ko L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ne Nu O Os P Pe Ph Pn Pu Q R Re Rh Ru S St Se Si Sn Su T Ti Tr Ty U V W We Wi Wo X Y Z
Embarkation Control:
Questions, [628] (5.11.01) WA2; (13.11.01) WA63.
Embryonic Stem Cells:
Question, [630] (18.12.01) WA38.
Research, Questions, [630] (17.12.01) WA23-4; [631] (28.1.02) WA21-2.
Emerton, Baroness:
Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, [629] (13.12.01) 1504-5.
Emission Reduction Scheme:
Progress, Question, [630] (14.1.02) 828-30.
Question, [631] (27.2.02) WA236.
Employment and Recruitment Industry:
Question, [631] (6.2.02) WA93-4.
Employment and Social Policy Council:
11 June, Question, [626] (3.7.01) WA39-40.
8 October, Question, [627] (25.10.01) WA139-40.
3 December, Question, [630] (8.1.02) WA106-7.
Employment Bill:
Brought from the Commons and 1R*, [631] (13.2.02) 1138; 2R and Committed to a Grand Committee, (26.2.02) 1325-41, 1356-408.
Employment of the Disabled:
Question, [627] (16.10.01) 547-62.
Employment Tribunals:
Forms, Question, [631] (29.1.02) WA25-6.
Legal Aid, Question, [626] (5.7.01) WA51-2.
Question, [628] (20.11.01) 1002-5.
Special Advisers, Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA42.
Survey, Question, [631] (5.2.02) 495-7.
Endangered Species:
Commercial Meat Trade, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA187-8.
End-of-Life Vehicles:
EU Directive, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA202.
Energy Crops:
Questions, [628] (16.11.01) WA108-9; [629] (3.12.01) WA90.
Energy Policy:
Performance and Innovation Unit Review, Question, [626] (25.6.01) WA5.
Question, [626] (25.6.01) 126-8.
Energy Review:
Question, [631] (7.2.02) 736-8.
Energy Supplies:
Security, Question, [627] (22.10.01) 813-15.
Energy-saving Materials:
VAT, Question, [629] (3.12.01) 573-4.
English Heritage:
Church Repair Budget, Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA128-9.
Employment of Children's Education Officers, Question, [628] (12.11.01) WA58.
Question, [627] (16.10.01) WA92.
English Partnerships:
Question, [627] (16.10.01) WA91-2.
English Speakers of Other Languages Teachers:
Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA188-9.
English Tourism:
Question, [628] (13.11.01) 449-51.
English Tourism Council:
Question, [626] (26.6.01) 209-12.
Entertainment Industry:
Employment Agency Regulation, Question, [626] (3.7.01) WA35-6.
Entry Clearance Refusals:
Question, [629] (13.12.01) WA226.
Environment Agency:
Flood Responsibilities, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA224.
Navigation Responsibilities, Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA135-6.
Revised Statutory Guidance, Question, [631] (28.1.02) WA7.
Environment Council, 7 June:
Environmental Claims in Advertising:
Guidelines, Question, [631] (7.2.02) WA113.
Environmental Management Systems:
Question, [630] (17.12.01) WA16-17.
Environmental Statements:
Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation:
Question, [627] (2.11.01) WA188.
Equal Treatment Legislation:
Question, [627] (29.10.01) WA145.
Ministerial Responsibilities, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA237-8.
Policy Co-ordination, Question, [626] (5.7.01) WA58.
UN Convention, Question, [626] (5.7.01) WA58.
Equality Commission:
Question, [628] (7.11.01) WA30.
Equality Directives:
Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA204.
Equality of Treatment:
Election Candidates, Questions, [629] (28.11.01) WA55-7; [630] (17.12.01) WA30-2; (17.1.02) WA178-9.
Question, [630] (17.1.02) WA169.
Erroll, Earl of:
Afghanistan, [628] (14.11.01) 590.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Committee, [629] (4.12.01) 768-9.
Financial Services and Markets Tribunal Rules 2001, [627] (23.10.01) 933.
Maternity and Parental Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2001, [628] (22.11.01) 1318-19, 1320.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], Committee, [628] (16.11.01) 816, 817, 819, 824-5, 826, 829, 831, 834, 835, 840-1, 846; [630] (18.1.02) 1249-50, 1254, 1264, 1270, 1272-3, 1282, 1287, 1290, 1304, 1312-13; Report, [631] (1.3.02) 1655, 1675, 1676-7.
Ethiopia and Eritrea:
Arms Embargoes, Question, [626] (28.6.01) WA13.
Ethnicity and Heart Disease Risks:
Question, [630] (15.1.02) WA150.
Euratom Treaty:
Question, [628] (19.11.01) WA118.
Economic Tests, Question, [630] (16.1.02) 1067-70.
Membership and the UK Economy, Question, [627] (4.10.01) WA59.
Notes and Coins, Question, [628] (14.11.01) WA83.
UK Entry Assessment, Question, [627] (23.10.01) 915-19.
Powers, Question, [626] (3.7.01) WA38.
European Arrest Warrant:
EUC Report, Motion to Take Note (Lord Scott of Foscote), Agreed to, [628] (19.11.01) 947-94.
Framework Decision, ECHR Compatibility, Question, [628] (14.11.01) WA80.
"Xenophobia", Question, [629] (29.11.01) WA60.
European Commission's White Paper on European Governance:
Question, [627] (18.10.01) WA102.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill:
European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (European School) Order 2001:
Motion for Approval (Lord Carter), [627] (2.11.01) 1639.
European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization) Order 2001:
Motion for Approval (Lord Carter), [627] (2.11.01) 1637-8.
European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership Agreement between the Members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and the European Community and its Member States (The Cotonou Agreement) Order 2001:
Motion for Approval (Baroness Amos), [628] (8.11.01) 322-6.
European Communities (Finance) Bill:
Brought from the Commons and 1R*, [627] (18.10.01) 740; 2R, Committee Negatived, [628] (12.11.01) 413-24; 3R and Passed, (13.11.01) 458-62; Royal Assent, [629] (4.12.01) 697.
European Communities (Immunities and Privileges of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization) Order 2001:
Motion for Approval (Lord Carter), [627] (2.11.01) 1639.
European Communities (Privileges of the European School) Order 2001:
Motion for Approval (Lord Carter), [627] (2.11.01) 1639.
European Community Budget 2001:
Question, [626] (16.7.01) WA102.
European Convention on Human Rights:
Compatibility Statements, Question, [626] (4.7.01) 811-14.
European Council:
Status, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA208-9.
European Council, Gothenburg:
Question, [626] (21.6.01) WA1-2.
European Council, Laeken:
Statement (Lord Williams of Mostyn), [630] (17.12.01) 25-41.
European Court of Human Rights:
Judgments, Northern Ireland, Question, [631] (1.3.02) WA259-60.
Report of Evaluation Group, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA88-9.
Resources, Question, [626] (5.7.01) WA55.
European Elections Voting System:
Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA126.
European Military Transport Aircraft:
Question, [626] (3.7.01) WA37-8.
European Parliamentary Elections 2004:
Gibraltarians' Franchise, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA87-8.
European Parliamentary Elections Bill [HL]:
1R*, [626] (23.7.01) 1681.
European Political Parties:
Proposed Council Regulation, Questions, [626] (9.7.01) WA60; (24.7.01) WA208.
European Rapid Reaction Force:
Question, [630] (9.1.02) 556-9.
European Refugee Fund:
Question, [626] (19.7.01) WA146.
European Takeover Directive:
Question, [626] (19.7.01) 1585-7.
European Telecommunications Council, 27 June:
Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA214.
European Union:
Applicant Countries, Jean Monnet Programme, Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA189.
Committee of Permanent Representatives, Question, [631] (7.2.02) WA111-12.
Committee of the Regions:
English Candidates, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA169.
UK Representatives, Question, [631] (7.2.02) WA112-14.
Common Position on Burma, Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA127.
Council Meetings, Scrutiny Arrangements, Question, [631] (7.2.02) WA112.
Developments, Six-monthly Report, Question, [631] (14.2.02) WA163.
Directive on Third Country Nationals, Question, [626] (23.7.01) 1667-70.
E-Commerce Directive, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA204-5.
Enlargement, Irish Referendum, Question, [626] (12.7.01) 1175-8.
Environment Council 12 and 13 December 2001, Question, [630] (16.1.02) WA163-5.
Forthcoming Council Business, Questions, [627] (1.11.01) WA174-6; [629] (5.12.01) WA141-3; [631] (30.1.02) WA40-2.
Forthcoming Council, Question, [630] (17.1.02) WA172-4.
Growth and Stability Pact, Private Notice Question (Lord Saatchi), [631] (28.2.02) 1537-9.
Health Council, 15 November 2001, Question, [631] (1.3.02) WA262-3.
Information and Consultation Directive, Question, [626] (5.7.01) 863-5.
Intergovernmental Conference:
Question, [627] (18.10.01) 701-3.
Representation, Question, [628] (13.11.01) WA68-9.
Law-making, Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA183.
Public Attitudes, Question, [629] (5.12.01) WA143.
Select Committee, Motions for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [626] (26.6.01) 219-24; [627] (23.10.01) 922.
Signatures Directive, Question, [631] (12.2.02) WA143.
Transport Council, 7 December Meeting, Question, [629] (12.12.01) WA221-4.
Treaties, Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA183.
UK Jobs, Question, [628] (15.11.01) 673-5.
European Union Committee:
Motion for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [630] (23.1.02) 1467.
European Union Extradition Regulations 2002:
Motion for Approval (Lord Rooker), [630] (19.12.01) 334-8.
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill [HL]:
1R*, [626] (27.6.01) 363.
European Union/Israel Association Agreement:
Article 2, Questions, [628] (6.11.01) WA12-13; [629] (11.12.01) WA182-3.
European Union-led Military Operations:
Capability Targets, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA182-3.
Euro/Pound Exchange Rate:
Question, [630] (24.1.02) 1570-2.
Eurostar Trains:
Delays on 8 July, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA165.
Euro-zone Membership:
Motion (Lord Taverne), Withdrawn, [629] (5.12.01) 899-918.