House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 631continued
A Ag An Ap At Az B Ba Be Bl Bo Bu By C Ce Cl Co Cr D Dh Do E Em Ev F Fe Fl Fu G Gl Gr Gu H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J K Ko L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ne Nu O Os P Pe Ph Pn Pu Q R Re Rh Ru S St Se Si Sn Su T Ti Tr Ty U V W We Wi Wo X Y Z
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Drugs Appraisal, Question, [628] (20.11.01) 998-1000.
Richard, Lord:
Afghanistan, [628] (14.11.01) 587.
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill [HL], Committee, [627] (16.10.01) 496-7.
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Brisbane, [626] (17.7.01) 1381.
House of Lords Reform, [630] (9.1.02) 600-3.
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order 2001, [628] (19.11.01) 898-9.
International Terrorism, [627] (8.10.01) 298-300.
Middle East, [629] (5.12.01) 896.
Sixsmith, Martin, [631] (27.2.02) 1443.
Richardson of Calow, Baroness:
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Report, [629] (10.12.01) 1184.
Church of England and the Sex Discrimination Act, [630] (10.1.02) 689.
International Terrorism, [627] (4.10.01) 176-8.
Ridley, Yvonne:
Release, Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA127.
Rights of Way Condition Survey 2000:
Question, [630] (22.1.02) 1384-5.
Rights of Way Maps:
Rix, Lord:
Disability Discrimination (Amendment) Bill [HL], 2R, [630] (23.1.02) 1536-9.
Drugs Prescribing, NICE Advice, [629] (5.12.01) 828.
Human Reproductive Cloning Bill [HL], 2R, [629] (26.11.01) 25-6.
Medical Teaching and Research, [628] (21.11.01) 1197-9.
Social Care for the Elderly and Disabled, [626] (3.7.01) 771.
Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, [627] (29.10.01) 1252-4.
State Pension Credit Bill [HL], Report, [631] (12.2.02) 1014, 1018.
Television, Subtitling, [626] (11.7.01) 1160-2.
Winter Fuel Payments, [627] (23.10.01) 912.
Road Accidents:
Question, [628] (14.11.01) 559-61.
Road Deaths:
Question, [627] (16.10.01) WA89-90.
Road Policing and Traffic:
Question, [627] (1.11.01) WA173.
Road Projects:
Road Safety Fences:
Highways Agency Working Group, Question, [626] (16.7.01) WA108.
Road Traffic Charging:
Question, [626] (17.7.01) 1373-7.
Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Amendment Regulations:
Question, [631] (6.2.02) WA98.
Road Vehicles:
Television Screens, Question, [630] (14.1.02) WA137-8.
Road/Rail Bridge Safety Barriers:
Question, [631] (14.2.02) 1177-8.
Roberts of Conwy, Lord:
Barnett Formula, [628] (7.11.01) 235-6, 262.
Debate on the Address, [626] (21.6.01) 83-6.
Devolved Administrations, [630] (10.1.02) 687.
Diabetes, Question, [628] (21.11.01) WA152.
Drugs Prescribing, NICE Advice, [629] (5.12.01) 828.
Economic Developments, Question, [628] (13.11.01) WA64.
Economic Growth, Question, [631] (5.2.02) 501.
Education, "The Learning Country", Question, [630] (14.1.02) WA144.
Energy Supplies, Security, [627] (22.10.01) 814.
English Tourism, [628] (13.11.01) 450.
European Union Information and Consultation Directive, [626] (5.7.01) 864.
Executive Agencies, [628] (21.11.01) 1131-2.
Financial Statement and Budget Report, [629] (11.12.01) 1293-4.
Foot and Mouth Outbreak, Cost, Question, [631] (4.2.02) WA65.
GCSE Vocational Courses, Funding, [630] (9.1.02) 553.
Health Expenditure and GDP, Question, [630] (17.12.01) WA21.
Higher Education Funding, [629] (29.11.01) 449; [630] (21.1.02) 1325.
Home Care Charges, Statutory Guidance, [630] (15.1.02) 970.
Incapacity Benefit, [626] (11.7.01) 1088.
Industrial and Commercial Redundancies, Question, [627] (30.10.01) 1297.
London Emergency Response Co-ordination, [628] (5.11.01) 5.
Manufacturing Industry, Question, [630] (18.12.01) 131.
Medical Schools, Student Applications, Question, [626] (19.7.01) 1583-4.
Action Plan on Racial Discrimination, [626] (2.7.01) 628.
Dental Treatment, [626] (18.7.01) 1474.
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, 2R, [631] (31.1.02) 413-16.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence, [630] (23.1.02) 1511-14, 1528.
Nuclear Industry Policies, Question, [628] (19.11.01) WA115.
Office of Communications Bill [HL], Committee, [627] (29.10.01) 1204-5, 1206-7; [628] (6.11.01) 179-80.
Parliament Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill [HL], 2R, [630] (16.1.02) 1160-2.
Parliament and the Executive, [626] (18.7.01) 1537-9.
Post-16 Education, [628] (14.11.01) 638-41.
Redundancies, Questions, [628] (8.11.01) WA40; [629] (27.11.01) WA25.
Drugs Appraisal, Question, [628] (20.11.01) 998.
Special Advisers, [631] (12.2.02) 996.
Terrorism Attacks, Effect on UK Economy, [627] (23.10.01) 915.
Objective 1 Funding, Question, [628] (13.11.01) WA78.
Waste, [630] (20.12.01) 348.
Wind Energy, [631] (25.2.02) 1301-3.
Rochester, Lord Bishop of:
Afghanistan, [630] (17.12.01) 67-70.
International Terrorism, [627] (4.10.01) 187-90.
Pakistan, Question, [626] (16.7.01) 1350-2.
Residential Homes, Spiritual Care, Question, [626] (24.7.01) 1837-8.
Turkey, Human Rights, Question, [626] (3.7.01) 765.
Rodgers of Quarry Bank, Lord:
United States Terrorist Attacks, [627] (14.9.01) 8.
Rogan, Lord:
32 County Sovereignty Movement, [629] (5.12.01) 831.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, 2R, [629] (27.11.01) 200-2.
Belfast Agreement, Decommissioning, [626] (27.6.01) 360-1.
British Airlines, Cutbacks, [627] (25.10.01) 1099.
European Political Parties, Proposed Council Regulation, Question, [626] (9.7.01) WA60.
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 87-9; (8.10.01) 306-7.
[627] (24.10.01) 1004; [630] (17.1.02) 1185.
Community Policing, [629] (10.12.01) 1139.
Police Recruitment Policy, Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA125.
Police Service Recruitment, Question, [630] (19.12.01) WA71-2.
Northern Ireland Police Service:
Lateral Entry, Question, [628] (16.11.01) WA107.
Question, [629] (28.11.01) 294.
Recruitment, Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA136.
Police (Northern Ireland) Order 2001, [626] (23.7.01) 1813-15.
Television, Local and Regional Programming, Question, [626] (28.6.01) WA27.
Wessex Helicopters, RAF Aldergrove, Question, [626] (3.7.01) WA36, WA37.
Rogers of Riverside, Lord:
English Heritage, Employment of Children's Education Officers, Question, [628] (12.11.01) WA58.
Heron Tower, Question, [628] (8.11.01) WA45.
Railway Stations, Future Development of Sites, Question, [630] (9.1.02) WA116-17.
Roll of Ipsden, Lord:
Debate on the Address, [626] (25.6.01) 144-8.
Financial Services, [628] (21.11.01) 1161-2.
Rooker, Lord, Minister of State, Home Office:
Introduction to the House, [626] (21.6.01) 25.
Abnormal Loads, Escorts, [631] (31.1.02) WA50.
Abu Hamsa Al Masri, [629] (28.11.01) WA40.
Afghan Appellant "Number 19", [626] (28.6.01) 476-7.
Afghan Asylum Seekers, [631] (27.2.02) WA247.
Air Travel, Identity Checks, [629] (26.11.01) WA2.
Animal Procedures Committee:
Annual Report, [626] (19.7.01) WA144.
Chairman, [631] (5.2.02) WA80.
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, Statistics, [626] (19.7.01) WA145.
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Inspectorate, Ethical Review Processes, [628] (6.11.01) WA12.
Anti-social Behaviour Orders, [631] (29.1.02) WA23.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act:
Powers, [630] (19.12.01) WA53.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill:
2R, Motion, [629] (27.11.01) 142-5, 146-54, 232, 236, 248, 259, 260; Committee, (28.11.01) 301, 304-7, 309-10, 311, 331, 332-6, 337-8, 339, 343-7; (29.11.01) 458, 459-60, 461-2, 463, 464, 465-6, 475, 476, 477-82, 501-2, 507, 508-10, 511-12, 541, 543-4, 545, 554-5, 556-7, 565, 570-1; (3.12.01) 583, 621-2, 624-5, 626, 629-30, 632-4, 636, 651, 670-1, 672-3, 674-5, 676, 678; (4.12.01) 707, 710-17, 718, 719, 720, 735, 736, 737, 739, 740, 756-9, 760-1, 762, 770-4, 775-7, 778, 779-80, 781-2, 787-8, 791-2, 793, 795-7, 800-1, 804-5, 809-11, 813-14, 815-17; Motion for Approval, (27.11.01) 140-2; (5.12.01) 837-8; Report, (6.12.01) 959-60, 961-2, 963, 964-5, 966-9, 991-2, 1042-7, 1049-50, 1052, 1053-4, 1055; (10.12.01) 1160, 1161, 1162-3, 1197-8, 1202-4; 3R, (11.12.01) 1241-5, 1251, 1252-4, 1255-6, 1273-4, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1281, 1282, 1285-6, 1287-8, 1289, 1290; Commons Reasons and Amendments Considered, (13.12.01) 1420-2, 1428-31, 1434, 1457, 1466-7, 1470-1, 1474-6, 1478-9, 1482, 1484, 1485, 1531-2, 1536-7.
Consultation, [630] (19.12.01) WA49.
Assaults on Police Officers, [626] (4.7.01) WA48.
Asset Recovery Strategy, [629] (28.11.01) WA41-2.
Application Registration Card, [628] (7.11.01) WA21-2.
Dependants, [631] (27.2.02) WA247.
[629] (26.11.01) WA3-4.
Assessments at Sangatte, [627] (23.10.01) WA118.
Language Analysis, [627] (30.10.01) WA151.
Unaccompanied Children, [628] (8.11.01) WA36.
Asylum and Race Relations, Policy Co-ordination, [626] (19.7.01) WA147.
Transfer to Appellate Authority, [626] (11.7.01) WA75-6.
Accommodation Centres, [627] (1.11.01) 1512, 1513-14; [631] (31.1.02) WA51.
Bilateral Discussions between UK and France, [631] (31.1.02) WA51-2.
Country of Origin Reports, [631] (31.1.02) 349-50, 351.
Deaths, [630] (9.1.02) WA112.
Detained in Northern Ireland, [631] (27.2.02) WA248.
Detention in Prisons, [630] (16.1.02) WA154-5.
Fingerprints, [629] (4.12.01) WA115.
Held in Prison, [631] (5.2.02) WA79-80.
Hotel Accommodation, [626] (28.6.01) WA21.
Return to Country of Origin, [629] (10.12.01) WA169.
Sangatte Centre, [628] (7.11.01) 200, 201-2.
Use of Smartcards, [628] (12.11.01) WA55.
Voluntary Departure, [631] (26.2.02) WA223-4.
[626] (19.7.01) WA148; [627] (15.10.01) WA69; [628] (22.11.01) WA153.
Review, [626] (16.7.01) 1263, 1264, 1265-6.
Asylum Support Adjudicators, Annual Report and Accounts, [626] (19.7.01) WA145.
Blundeston Prison and Hollesley Bay YOI, Possible Evacuation, [627] (4.10.01) WA58, WA59.
Boeing 727 Hijack, Asylum Applications, [628] (14.11.01) WA81.
British Crime Survey, Victims of Racist Crimes, [631] (28.1.02) WA2.
British Grand Prix, [630] (14.1.02) WA130.
British Nationality Act Review, [626] (23.7.01) WA158.
British Overseas Territories Bill [HL], Committee, [626] (24.7.01) 1876-8, 1892-3, 1894-5.
Cannabis Users, Police Discretionary Powers, [626] (16.7.01) 1267-8, 1269-70.
Charities, Registration, [628] (6.11.01) WA11.
Chief Constables, Removal from Office, [626] (23.7.01) 1670-1, 1672-3.
Children in Secure Facilities, Parental Contact, [627] (14.9.01) WA3.
Citizenship, [626] (9.7.01) 973-6; [628] (20.11.01) WA123.
Cohesive Communities, [631] (28.1.02) WA1.
Commission for Racial Equality, Annual Report, [626] (16.7.01) WA100.
Commonwealth Games, Policing, [631] (25.2.02) WA172.
Communications Data Protection, [626] (23.7.01) WA161.
Community Grants Programme, [629] (10.12.01) WA168.
Community Safety Schemes, [631] (25.2.02) WA172.
Compact on Relations between the Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector, [631] (5.2.02) WA80.
Conspiracy Provisions, Criminal Justice Act, [629] (5.12.01) WA136.
Convicted Prisoners, Change of Plea, [627] (30.10.01) WA150-1.
Crime and Disorder Act, Fire Authorities, [627] (4.10.01) WA57.
Criminal Compensation, [630] (17.1.02) WA171.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, [626] (24.7.01) WA200-1.
Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 (Modification) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [628] (15.11.01) 748.
Criminal Justice System Cabinet Committee, [627] (4.10.01) WA58.
Criminal Records Bureau, Annual Report and Accounts, [626] (19.7.01) WA144.
Debate on the Address, [626] (27.6.01) 364-8.
Definition of "Britain", [631] (26.2.02) WA223.
Detention Centre Rules 2001, [629] (3.12.01) WA85.
Disturbances in Bradford, Burnley and Oldham, [626] (19.7.01) WA148.
Dogs, Deployment in Prisons, [627] (14.9.01) WA2.
Downview Prison, [629] (29.11.01) 455, 456-8.
Drug Abstinence Order (Responsible Officer) (No. 2) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [627] (18.10.01) 748-9.
Drugs Strategy, Residential Care Standards for Younger Adults, [626] (23.7.01) WA158.
Embarkation Control, [628] (5.11.01) WA2; (13.11.01) WA63.
Equal Treatment Legislation, [627] (29.10.01) WA145.
Eurojust, Powers, [626] (3.7.01) WA38.
Framework Decision, ECHR Compatibility, [628] (14.11.01) WA80.
"Xenophobia", [629] (29.11.01) WA60.
European Refugee Fund, [626] (19.7.01) WA146.
European Union Directive on Third Country Nationals, [626] (23.7.01) 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670.
European Union Extradition Regulations 2002, Motion for Approval, [630] (19.12.01) 334-5, 338.
Application of Death Penalty, [629] (28.11.01) WA40.
Death Penalty in the USA, [628] (8.11.01) WA34.
Extradition Arrangements:
With Ireland, [628] (13.11.01) WA63.
Facial Biometrics Software, Human Rights and Civil Liberties Implications, [631] (27.2.02) WA243-4.
Faith Communities, [631] (11.2.02) WA122.
Family, The, [630] (23.1.02) 1457-9.
Feltham B Prison for Young Adults, [627] (15.10.01) 346, 347.
Ferrets and Gerbils in Breeding and Supply Establishments, [628] (7.11.01) WA21.
Fingerprint Identification, [631] (25.2.02) WA172-4.
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997, Central Register, [630] (22.1.02) WA195.
Firearms Consultative Committee, [630] (14.1.02) WA128; [631] (31.1.02) WA52.
Firearms Database, [627] (14.9.01) WA7.
Firearms Incidents Involving Police Personnel, [629] (13.12.01) WA227; [630] (14.1.02) WA127.
Football Banning Orders, [626] (10.7.01) WA69.
Football (Disorder) Act 2000, Detentions, [629] (6.12.01) WA150-1.
Foreign Nationals, Application for Leave to Remain, [626] (17.7.01) WA113.
Forensic Science Service, [626] (12.7.01) WA85-6.
Gurkhas, Employment in UK, [630] (15.1.02) 966-7.
Heavy Goods Vehicles, Speeding Offences, [629] (26.11.01) WA5.
Highdown Prison, Late Arrival of Prisoners at Court, [626] (17.7.01) WA111.
Highly Skilled Migrants, [629] (13.12.01) WA227-8.
HM Prison Blantyre House, [629] (6.12.01) WA150.
HM Prison Maghaberry, Detention of Asylum Seekers, [631] (26.2.02) WA224.
Home Office, Race Equality Report, [628] (14.11.01) WA84.
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [628] (19.11.01) 876-80, 881, 901-3, 904.
Appeals, Human Rights Claims, [626] (19.7.01) WA146-7; [627] (29.10.01) WA144.
And Asylum Legislation, [630] (18.12.01) WA44-5.
Decisions, [631] (4.2.02) WA62-3.
Franco-British Initiatives, [628] (13.11.01) 451-2, 453, 454.
Laws, Children's Rights, [631] (25.2.02) WA174, WA175.
Removal Centres, [631] (26.2.02) WA224.
Specified Groups, [628] (8.11.01) WA36-7.
Statistics, [629] (11.12.01) WA181.
Immigration and Asylum Act, Part III, [629] (4.12.01) WA115.
Prison Places, [626] (28.6.01) WA20-1.
Religious Needs, [626] (17.7.01) WA111.
Immigration (Leave to Enter) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [626] (12.7.01) 1230-2, 1233-4.
EUC Report, [626] (23.7.01) 1743-8.
Incitement to Hatred, [630] (19.12.01) WA49.
Incitement to Racial Hatred, Criminal Proceedings, [631] (27.2.02) WA244-5.
Incitement to Religious Hatred, [628] (15.11.01) WA95.
International Covenant on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, [631] (31.1.02) WA52.
Investigatory Powers Tribunal, Appointment, [626] (3.7.01) WA38.
Judicial Review, [629] (3.12.01) WA84.
Kainos Community Prison Wings, [628] (19.11.01) WA113.
Lancashire Constabulary, Ethnic Balance, [626] (12.7.01) WA85.
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, [630] (14.1.02) WA131.
London Emergency Response Co-ordination, [628] (5.11.01) 4-6; [629] (29.11.01) 449, 450, 451.
M4 Hostage Situation, Police Involvement, [629] (29.11.01) WA60.
Machine-readable Passports, [628] (14.11.01) WA82; [629] (28.11.01) WA36.
Numbers, [631] (5.2.02) WA79.
Minimum Standards in Asylum Procedures, EUC Report, [626] (23.7.01) 1785-90.
Minority Groups, Representation in Public Life, [628] (21.11.01) WA139.
Miscarriages of Justice Compensation, Independent Assessor, [626] (24.7.01) WA201.
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Modification) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [628] (15.11.01) 747, 748.
Mobile Phone Thefts, [630] (10.1.02) 690, 691-2.
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, [627] (29.10.01) WA144.
Multi-ethnic Britain, [626] (19.7.01) 1662-6.
Murder, Mandatory Life Sentence, [629] (27.11.01) 133, 134-5, 136.
Mutual Understanding on Religious Issues, [628] (5.11.01) WA3.
National Convocation of Religious Leaders, [628] (13.11.01) WA63.
National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, [626] (4.7.01) WA48.
Neighbourhood and Street Warden Schemes, [631] (27.2.02) WA246.
Asylum Seeker Detention Arrangements, [626] (28.6.01) WA22.
Immigration Act Detainees, [626] (4.7.01) WA47.
Oakington Detention Centre, [628] (8.11.01) WA35-6.
Offence of "Corporate Killing", [627] (23.10.01) WA117-18.
Offenders, Work-experience, [629] (28.11.01) WA36-7.
Omagh Victims' Legal Action Group Letter, [630] (20.12.01) WA75.
Overseas Domestic Workers, [627] (17.10.01) WA93-4.
Pakistani Asylum Applicants, Medical Foundation Report, [626] (9.7.01) WA62.
Parole, [627] (29.10.01) WA143.
Applications, [629] (28.11.01) WA38-9.
Entry Clearance, [631] (13.2.02) WA148-9.
Fees, [628] (13.11.01) WA64.
Lost or Stolen, [629] (28.11.01) WA39.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Campaign against Angling, [627] (25.10.01) WA138.
Pet Shops and Animal Rights Extremism, [626] (4.7.01) WA47.
Baton Guns, [630] (22.1.02) WA195.
Use of Firearms, [628] (20.11.01) WA123.
Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) Regulations 2002, Motion for Approval, [631] (27.2.02) 1520, 1521-2.
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Drug Testing of Persons in Police Detention) (Prescribed Persons) Regulations 2001, Motion for Approval, [626] (12.7.01) 1225-7, 1228-9.
Police Authorities in North-West England, Budgets, [631] (27.2.02) WA244.
Police Complaints Authority, [627] (16.10.01) WA81.
Bureaucracy, [626] (24.7.01) WA199.
Civilianisation, [626] (24.7.01) WA199.
Police Forces, Airwave, [629] (10.12.01) WA167.
Police Morale, [626] (23.7.01) WA160.
Police Numbers, [626] (28.6.01) WA22-8.
Medical Retirement, [626] (24.7.01) WA198-9.
Police Reform Bill [HL], 1R*, Motion, [630] (24.1.02) 1574-5; 2R, Motion, [631] (5.2.02) 506-14, 552-3, 597-604; Motion for Approval, (14.2.02) 1186-7; Committee, (28.2.02) 1542, 1551-4, 1558, 1559-60, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564-5, 1567-8, 1570-1, 1572, 1573, 1576-7, 1578, 1579-80, 1581, 1583, 1584, 1606-9, 1610, 1611, 1612-13, 1616, 1627-8, 1629, 1631, 1633-4, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1640.
Police Service, Retirement, [627] (14.9.01) WA1.
Policing of Cannabis, [626] (12.7.01) WA85; [627] (14.9.01) WA6.
Political Asylum, [630] (14.1.02) WA127.
Prison Estate, Women and Immigration Detainees, [626] (17.7.01) WA113.
Prison Governors and Officers, Training, [627] (14.9.01) WA5.
Prison Officers' Pay and Conditions, [631] (30.1.02) WA37.
Annual Report and Accounts, [626] (19.7.01) WA145.
Environmental Performance, [626] (17.7.01) WA113.
Management of Sex Offenders, [631] (4.2.02) WA62.
And the Private Sector, [631] (26.2.02) WA225-6.
Publication of Corporate and Business Plans, [631] (31.1.02) WA53.
Salaries, [627] (14.9.01) WA4.
Standards, [630] (9.1.02) WA112.
Hours Confined in Cell, [626] (16.7.01) WA98-9; [627] (14.9.01) WA2-3.
Prevention of Self-harm, [626] (2.7.01) WA29.
Training, [627] (14.9.01) WA4.
And Tuberculosis, [626] (23.7.01) WA157.
Budget for Chaplains, [626] (23.7.01) WA158.
Chaplaincy Areas, [630] (19.12.01) WA50.
Male and Female Use, [629] (26.11.01) WA5.
Performance Testing, [630] (19.12.01) WA52-3.
Population, [631] (13.2.02) WA147-8.
Target Costs, [626] (19.7.01) WA146.
Protective and Preventive Security Group, [630] (8.1.02) WA99.
Provisional IRA and Terrorism, [627] (16.10.01) 478, 479-81.
Public Order and Community Cohesion, [628] (6.11.01) WA11.
Public Processions, Policing, [631] (26.2.02) 1317-18, 1319.
Race Equality, [628] (8.11.01) WA34.
Race Relations Act 1976, Section 71 Orders, [627] (24.10.01) WA130.
In Northern England, [626] (28.6.01) 477, 478-81.
Reports, [630] (8.1.02) WA100.
Racially-aggravated Offences, [630] (19.12.01) WA50.
"Raves", [630] (16.1.02) WA154; [631] (29.1.02) WA23.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Racial Attacks, [631] (27.2.02) WA241-3.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, [631] (13.2.02) WA148.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Technical Advisory Board) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [628] (15.11.01) 748-9, 750-1.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [629] (26.11.01) 106.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order 2002, Motion for Approval, [631] (27.2.02) 1523-5, 1526.
Religious Hatred, [628] (21.11.01) 1231-4.
Religious Organisations, Home Office Consultation, [627] (14.9.01) WA7.
Retail Crime Survey, [629] (28.11.01) WA38.
Retired Police Officers, Re-employment, [626] (24.7.01) WA198.
Road Policing and Traffic, [627] (1.11.01) WA173.
Seasonal Agricultural Work, Student Permits, [631] (29.1.02) WA24.
Offences, [631] (27.2.02) WA245.
Security Service, Release of Historical Records, [631] (27.2.02) WA246.
Sentencing Framework Review, [631] (4.2.02) WA62.
Sentencing Policy and Prison Occupancy, [629] (6.12.01) WA151-2.
Sentencing Reform, [626] (4.7.01) WA49.
Sentencing Review, [628] (21.11.01) WA139-40.
Review, Report, [627] (14.9.01) WA6.
Reviews of Convictions, [630] (16.1.02) WA154.
Slopping Out in Prisons, [626] (11.7.01) WA76; [627] (14.9.01) WA5; (23.10.01) WA118.
Soft Drugs, [630] (23.1.02) WA203.
Somerton and Wincanton, Policing, [627] (22.10.01) WA108.
Speed Limits, [631] (28.1.02) WA1. [631] (28.1.02) WA2.
Sporting Events, Drug-taking, [626] (2.7.01) WA29.
Sri Lankan Asylum Seekers, [629] (13.12.01) WA226-7; [630] (17.12.01) WA2-4.
Stanford Hill Prison, Board of Visitors, [626] (28.6.01) WA20.
Stolen Tractors and Excavators, [630] (8.1.02) WA98.
Suspected Terrorists, Decisions on Extradition to Stand Trial, [630] (17.1.02) WA171.
Sussex Police Authority, Report into Shooting of James Ashley, [631] (11.2.02) WA122-3.
Detention, [629] (29.11.01) WA60-1.
Extradition Warrants, [629] (3.12.01) WA85.
Terrorism Act 2000 (Enforcement of External Orders) Order 2001, Motion for Approval, [629] (26.11.01) 106.
Terrorist Organisations, [627] (30.10.01) 1292-3, 1294.
Thames Valley, Gun Licensing Revenue, [629] (26.11.01) WA5.
Thames Valley Police, Firearms Licensing, [629] (28.11.01) WA37.
Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, Redress, [626] (17.7.01) WA112.
Treason Felony Act, [627] (17.10.01) WA93.
Treason Offences, Prosecutions and Penalties, [628] (12.11.01) WA56.
Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Children, [631] (27.2.02) WA248-9.
Undetermined Asylum Applications 1995-98, [626] (9.7.01) WA63.
Citizenship, Character Requirement, [629] (26.11.01) 4, 5.
Passport Holders, Notification of Death, [628] (14.11.01) WA81, WA82; [629] (28.11.01) WA40.
Passports, [627] (31.10.01) WA161.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, [631] (7.2.02) WA108.
Victoria Street, Rough Sleeping, [627] (14.9.01) WA7.
Violence and Terrorism, [631] (27.2.02) 1435, 1436.
Voluntary and Community Organisations, Central Government Funding, [626] (19.7.01) WA148-9.
Vulnerable Witnesses, [630] (23.1.02) WA205-6.
Women Offenders, [631] (29.1.02) WA23.
Wright, Paul, and Zahid Mubarek, [627] (15.10.01) WA69-70.
Yarl's Wood Detention Centre:
Young Offender Institutions, Reoffending Rates, [626] (24.7.01) WA200.
Young Offenders, [628] (8.11.01) WA34, WA35; (12.11.01) WA56.
Youth Justice Orders, Ethnic Monitoring, [631] (12.2.02) WA135.
Youth Justice System, [628] (20.11.01) WA123-4.
Zimbabwe, Asylum Seekers, [630] (16.1.02) 1073, 1074-5.
Roper, Lord:
Adjournment, [630] (20.12.01) 433.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Committee, [629] (4.12.01) 818.
Business of the House, Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, [628] (19.11.01) 874.
Civil Defence (Grant) Bill, 2R, [631] (14.2.02) 1193.
Convention on the Future of Europe, [631] (28.1.02) 15-16.
Drug Abstinence Order (Responsible Officer) (No. 2) Order 2001, [627] (18.10.01) 749.
European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization) Order 2001, [627] (2.11.01) 1638.
Expenses, [626] (5.7.01) 878-9.
Government Ministers, Special Advisers, [627] (16.10.01) 474.
Human Reproductive Cloning Bill [HL], 1R, [628] (21.11.01) 1133.
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 89-92.
London Underground, [631] (7.2.02) 819.
Maritime Theater Missile Defense Forum, [626] (27.6.01) 354.
Parliament and the Executive, [626] (18.7.01) 1539-42.
Type 45 Destroyers, [626] (10.7.01) 1053-4.
Rosslyn, Earl of:
Police Reform Bill [HL], 2R, [631] (5.2.02) 577-80.
Public Service, [627] (24.10.01) 1019-21.
Rosyth Europort:
Transport, Question, [629] (10.12.01) WA172-3.
Rosyth-Zeebrugge Ferry Service:
Question, [631] (28.1.02) 4-6.
Rother District Council:
Benefit Fraud Inspectorate Report, Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA231-2.
Rotherwick, Lord:
Abu Hamsa Al Masri, Question, [629] (28.11.01) WA40.
Airspace in Europe, EUC Reports, [631] (11.2.02) 958-61.
Air Transport Industry, [630] (14.1.02) 827.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Committee, [629] (3.12.01) 687-8.
Children, [627] (22.10.01) 902-5.
Company Directors' Remuneration, [627] (17.10.01) 587.
Employment Bill, 2R, [631] (26.2.02) 1397-400.
English Speakers of Other Languages Teachers, Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA188.
Export Control Bill, 2R, [630] (8.1.02) 510-13.
Ex-servicemen, [631] (6.2.02) 723-5.
Extradition, Application of Death Penalty, Question, [629] (28.11.01) WA40.
Extradition of Terrorists, [628] (15.11.01) 680.
Family, The, [630] (23.1.02) 1459.
Fixed-term Employment Directive, Question, [629] (10.12.01) WA172.
Foreign Language Learning, [627] (29.10.01) 1168.
Gurkhas, Employment in UK, [630] (15.1.02) 967.
Ministerial Travel, Hire of Aeroplanes, Questions, [629] (26.11.01) WA19; [630] (9.1.02) WA111.
National Health Service Waiting Lists, [629] (6.12.01) 941.
Ordnance Survey Maps, Contour Lines, Question, [630] (18.12.01) WA36.
Postal Services Act 2000 (Determination of Turnover for Penalties) (Amendment) Order 2001, [627] (18.10.01) 750.
Prime Minister's Visit to Africa, Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA228.
Registered Designs Regulations 2001, [627] (25.10.01) 1138.
School Playing Fields, Sales, [629] (12.12.01) 1306-7.
Secondary Schools, [631] (7.2.02) 733.
Space, United Kingdom Priorities, [630] (14.1.02) 832.
Question, [628] (13.11.01) WA75.
Steel Industry, [631] (30.1.02) 209.
Teachers' Contracts, [629] (28.11.01) 378-80.
Extradition Warrants, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA84.
Question, [628] (14.11.01) 564.
Rough Sleepers:
Westminster Cathedral Piazza, Question, [631] (11.2.02) WA126-7; (25.2.02) WA199.
Royal Air Force Hercules C130K Fleet:
Royal Armouries:
Long-term Loan of Items, Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA127-8.
Royal Assent:
[626] (19.7.01) 1577; [629] (4.12.01) 697; (13.12.01) 1540; [630] (18.12.01) 129; [631] (26.2.02) 1408-9.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew:
Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA134.
Royal Navy:
Stakeholder Pensions, Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA122-3.
Royal Parks Agency:
Performance Targets, Question, [630] (10.1.02) WA123-4.
Review, Question, [627] (15.10.01) WA75.