House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 631continued
A Ag An Ap At Az B Ba Be Bl Bo Bu By C Ce Cl Co Cr D Dh Do E Em Ev F Fe Fl Fu G Gl Gr Gu H He Ho Hu Hy I Is J K Ko L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ne Nu O Os P Pe Ph Pn Pu Q R Re Rh Ru S St Se Si Sn Su T Ti Tr Ty U V W We Wi Wo X Y Z
Sick or Disabled People:
Benefit Applications, Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA42-3.
Sierra Leone:
Questions, [628] (12.11.01) WA54-5; [630] (19.12.01) WA54.
UN Military Force, Question, [630] (15.1.02) WA145.
UN Sanctions, Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA211.
Sight-impaired Justices of the Peace:
Question, [626] (25.6.01) WA6.
Sign Language Interpreters:
Question, [627] (22.10.01) WA112.
Sign Language Tutors:
Question, [629] (5.12.01) WA145.
Grand Prix, A43 Roadworks, Question, [631] (30.1.02) 210-12.
Simon of Glaisdale, Lord:
Disturbances in Bradford, [626] (10.7.01) 1047.
Sixsmith, Martin, [631] (26.2.02) 1350.
Terrorism and Treason Acts, Awareness, [627] (1.11.01) 1509.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], Committee, [630] (18.1.02) 1288.
Simon, Viscount:
Abnormal Loads, Escorts, Question, [631] (31.1.02) WA50.
Bow Street Police Station Site, Question, [627] (16.10.01) WA84.
Heavy Goods Vehicles, Speeding Offences, Question, [629] (26.11.01) WA5.
House of Lords, Management and Services, Questions, [627] (1.11.01) WA183; [628] (8.11.01) WA45.
Magistrates' Courts, [629] (3.12.01) 661-2.
National Road Safety Strategy, [629] (29.11.01) 455.
Office of Communications Bill [HL], Report, [628] (22.11.01) 1301.
Pedestrian Protection, Questions, [627] (30.10.01) WA154-5; [629] (7.12.01) WA163.
Road Policing and Traffic, Question, [627] (1.11.01) WA173.
Speed Limiters, Question, [628] (21.11.01) WA148.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], 2R, [627] (2.11.01) 1652-3; Committee, [628] (16.11.01) 836; [629] (7.12.01) 1130; Report, [631] (1.3.02) 1694.
Single Parents:
Social Fund Assistance, Question, [627] (18.10.01) 706-7.
Single People:
Accommodation, Question, [630] (22.1.02) WA201-2.
Single-parent Families:
Question, [630] (17.12.01) WA6.
Sinn Fein:
Overseas Funding, Question, [627] (22.10.01) 815-18.
Sixsmith, Martin:
Question, [631] (27.2.02) 1442-5.
Statement (Lord Falconer of Thoroton), [631] (26.2.02) 1341-56.
Skelmersdale, Lord:
32 County Sovereignty Movement, [629] (5.12.01) 832.
1911 Census Records, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA193.
Age Discrimination in Health and Social Care, [631] (28.1.02) 10.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Commons Reasons and Amendments Considered, [629] (13.12.01) 1485.
Church of England, Episcopal Appointments, [631] (11.2.02) 884-5.
Commonwealth War Graves, Pilckem Ridge, [630] (21.1.02) 1329-30.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Committee, [628] (20.11.01) 1100.
Homelessness Bill, Committee, [629] (10.12.01) CWH1.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine, Question, [631] (7.2.02) 738.
Millennium Dome, [628] (8.11.01) 306.
Organic Food, Labelling, [631] (27.2.02) 1441.
Spanish Fishing Fleet, EU Policy, [630] (17.12.01) 3.
State Pension Credit Bill [HL], Committee, [630] (24.1.02) 1633, 1637; [631] (29.1.02) 114; Report, (12.2.02) 1043, 1066.
Tax Revenues, [630] (17.12.01) 5.
Teacher Vacancies, [627] (24.10.01) 972.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], 2R, [627] (2.11.01) 1653-6, 1703; Committee, [628] (16.11.01) 800-1, 816, 818-19, 820-1, 829-30, 836-8, 844, 848-9, 851-3, 857; [630] (18.1.02) 1248-9, 1252, 1258, 1259, 1263, 1275-6, 1281-2, 1290, 1295, 1300, 1301, 1313-14, 1316, 1317-18; Report, [631] (1.3.02) 1641-3, 1645, 1646, 1648, 1649, 1653, 1658-9, 1660-1, 1666-7, 1670, 1671, 1682, 1685, 1702, 1709, 1717-18, 1731, 1733-4, 1736-8.
United Kingdom Airlines, Finance, [627] (22.10.01) 812.
Skidelsky, Lord:
1911 Census, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA77.
Countryside and Tourism, [627] (17.10.01) 602-3.
Debate on the Address, [626] (25.6.01) 163-6, 173.
Decennial Census 1911, Question, [629] (27.11.01) WA24.
International Terrorism, [627] (18.10.01) 780-1.
Monetary Policy and Economic Affairs, [626] (12.7.01) 1213-15.
Parliament Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill [HL], 2R, [630] (16.1.02) 1164-6, 1167, 1176.
Post-16 Education, [628] (14.11.01) 636-8.
Public Service, [627] (24.10.01) 1015-16.
Slim, Viscount:
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 82-3.
Slopping Out in Prisons:
Questions, [626] (11.7.01) WA76; [627] (14.9.01) WA5; (23.10.01) WA118.
Slug Pellets:
Question, [631] (11.2.02) WA129.
Small Arms:
Export Contracts, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA181.
Exports to Africa, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA180.
UN Conference on Illicit Trade, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA173-4.
Small Businesses:
Rate Relief, Question, [628] (7.11.01) WA24.
Small Diameter Bombs:
Question, [627] (18.10.01) WA105-6.
Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme:
Tourism Businesses, Question, [626] (26.6.01) WA9.
Smaller River Hydro Schemes:
Smith of Clifton, Lord:
32 County Sovereignty Movement, [629] (5.12.01) 832.
Company Directors, Remuneration, [626] (9.7.01) 928.
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Bill, 2R, [630] (8.1.02) 466-7; Committee, [631] (4.2.02) 481-2, 487, 488, 489.
Executive Agencies, Question, [628] (21.11.01) 1131.
Faith Schools, [629] (10.12.01) 1134.
House of Lords Reform, [630] (10.1.02) 728-30.
Monarchy, The, [628] (21.11.01) 1127.
Multiple Directorships, Question, [631] (12.2.02) 1002-3.
Community Policing, [629] (10.12.01) 1139.
Euro, The, [630] (22.1.02) 1450-1.
RUC Funding, [626] (17.7.01) 1372.
Terrorist Contacts, [628] (5.11.01) 9.
Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Suspension of Devolved Government) Order 2001, [628] (8.11.01) 344.
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill, Committee, [631] (4.2.02) 465-6; Report, (14.2.02) 1197.
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections) Order 2001, [626] (12.7.01) 1223-4.
Parliament and the Executive, [626] (18.7.01) 1513-15.
Police (Northern Ireland) Order 2001, [626] (23.7.01) 1813.
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, [630] (17.12.01) 10-11.
Police Service of Northern Ireland, [629] (28.11.01) 295.
Sinn Fein, Overseas Funding, [627] (22.10.01) 816.
Terrorism Act 2000 (Continuance of Part VII) Order 2002, [631] (14.2.02) 1216-17.
Smith of Leigh, Lord:
Commonwealth Games, Policing, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA171.
Department of Health and Regional Structure, Question, [626] (18.7.01) WA132.
General Practitioners, Question, [626] (10.7.01) WA72.
Health Authorities, Spending, Question, [631] (11.2.02) WA125.
Finance, [629] (4.12.01) 731-2.
White Paper, [629] (11.12.01 1267.
National Health Service Resource Allocation, Question, [630] (23.1.02) WA212.
Newspaper Distribution, Question, [628] (7.11.01) WA22.
Strategic Health Authorities, Question, [631] (25.2.02) WA184.
Tourism, [626] (17.7.01) 1455-7.
Smoke from Ignited Construction Products:
Question, [627] (22.10.01) WA114.