House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 636continued
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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam:
Question, [630] (14.1.02) WA130-1. Libra Program:
Question, [635] (27.5.02) WA121.
Goods Subject to Export Controls, Question, [626] (17.7.01) WA115. Lichfield, Lord Bishop of:
Commonwealth Development Corporation, [632] (4.3.02) 2-3.
Education of Children in Care, [627] (24.10.01) 1046-8.
Export Control Bill, Committee, [632] (4.3.02) 58-60.
Flooding, Question, [636] (20.6.02) 879.
Public Service, [627] (24.10.01) 985-7.
Religious Liberty, [627] (24.10.01) 1082-4.
Student Finance, [627] (25.10.01) 1143-4.
Zimbabwe, [632] (6.3.02) 323-5. Life Assurance Industry Review:
Question, [626] (9.7.01) WA61. Life Expectancy Rates:
Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA37-8. Life Peers:
Question, [636] (10.6.02) WA1-2. Life Sentences (Northern Ireland Consequential Amendments) Order
Motion for Approval (Lord Falconer of Thoroton), [626] (12.7.01) 1221. Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order
Motion for Approval (Lord Falconer of Thoroton), [626] (12.7.01) 1215-20. Limited Liability Partnerships:
Question, [627] (16.10.01) WA81-2. Limited Liability Partnerships (Competent Authority) (Fees) Regulations
Motion for Approval (Lord McIntosh of Haringey), [633] (28.3.02) 374. Limited Liability Partnerships (No. 2) Regulations
Motion for Approval (Lord McIntosh of Haringey), [633] (28.3.02) 374. Limited Liability Partnerships (Particulars of Usual Residential Address) (Confidentiality Orders) Regulations
Motion for Approval (Lord McIntosh of Haringey), [633] (28.3.02) 374. Lincoln, Lord Bishop of:
Prisons, [626] (11.7.01) 1103-5. Linklater of Butterstone, Baroness:
Crime Reduction, [633] (27.3.02) 293-5.
Prison Education, [632] (14.3.02) 940.
Prison Visitors' Centres, [632] (7.3.02) 391.
St Ebba's, Epsom, [636] (12.6.02) 338-9. Lipsey, Lord:
British Broadcasting Corporation, [632] (11.3.02) 656-7, 658-9.
Civil Service Act, [634] (1.5.02) 712-13.
Digital Television, [635] (13.5.02) 10.
Draft Communications Bill, [634] (7.5.02) 1028.
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Loss of Returned Documents, Question, [630] (19.12.01) WA56.
Driving Licence Applications, Question, [630] (19.12.01) WA56.
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Instruments, Question, [634] (25.4.02) WA49.
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Order 2002, [633] (15.4.02) 768-71, 783.
G8 Summit, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA161.
Gambling, [632] (5.3.02) 201-2.
Government Ministers, Special Advisers, [627] (16.10.01) 474.
Government Publications, Cost and Style, [630] (14.1.02) 833.
Greyhounds, Question, [626] (10.7.01) 1057-60.
House of Lords Reform, Question, [628] (22.11.01) WA154.
Intelligence and Security Committee Report, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA171.
Libel, [627] (22.10.01) 810.
Millennium Bridge, Question, [627] (15.10.01) WA74.
Nursing Home Care, Question, [626] (17.7.01) WA119,WA120.
Office of Communications Bill [HL], 2R, [627] (15.10.01) 424-7; Committee, (29.10.01) 1212, 1236-8, 1242, 1286-7; [628] (6.11.01) 138-9, 151; Report, (22.11.01) 1254-5, 1278, 1288, 1289.
Party Political Broadcasts, [626] (10.7.01) 1010.
Passports, Question, [630] (23.1.02) WA204.
Regional Assemblies, Public Support, [628] (12.11.01) 368.
Special Advisers, Questions, [626] (23.7.01) WA173; (24.7.01) WA213; [631] (12.2.02) 997; (28.2.02) 1536.
Vauxhall Cross, Roadworks, Question, [633] (27.3.02) WA64.
Wireless Telegraphy (Television Licence Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, [634] (22.4.02) 84-5. List of Members of the House of Lords:
Ordered to Lie on the Table, [626] (20.6.01) 7. Listed
Environmental Performance, Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA132. Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme:
Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA129. Listowel, Earl of:
Adoption Support, Question, [636] (17.6.02) WA61.
Angola, UK Business Representatives, Question, [632] (19.3.02) WA132.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, 2R, [629] (27.11.01) 259, 260; Committee, (29.11.01) 508, 511.
Care Leavers, Higher Education, Question, [631] (5.2.02) WA85.
Child Poverty, [630] (19.12.01) 256-9.
Children, Health and Social Care, [636] (17.6.02) 485.
Citizenship, [626] (9.7.01) 965-7.
Code of Conduct, [626] (2.7.01) 640.
Debate on the Address, [626] (21.6.01) 86-7.
Education and Skills, [634] (24.4.02) 288-90.
Education Bill, 2R, [632] (11.3.02) 620-2; Committee, [634] (2.5.02) 912; (9.5.02) 1386; [635] (14.5.02) 248, 264-5, 267; (23.5.02) 913-14, 942-3, 944, 946, 951-2, 974, 976; Report, [636] (17.6.02) 502; (19.6.02) 855-6, 860, 871-2.
Education of Children in Care, [627] (24.10.01) 1060-2.
Energy Supplies, Security, [627] (22.10.01) 815.
Faith Schools, Joint Activities, Question, [630] (9.1.02) WA115.
Family, The, [630] (23.1.02) 1458.
Foster Care, Question, [636] (17.6.02) WA62.
Health Funding, [636] (11.6.02) 213-14.
Homelessness Bill, 2R, [628] (12.11.01) 389-91; Committee, [629] (10.12.01) CWH20-1, CWH26, CWH69; Report, [630] (15.1.02) 995-6, 1003, 1023; 3R, (24.1.02) 1580-1, 1584.
House of Lords Reform, [630] (9.1.02) 671-3.
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 87; (4.10.01) 226-8.
Mutual Respect Between Children of Different Faiths, Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA44.
Have Your Say, [626] (12.7.01) 1180.
Children of Different Faiths, Question, [631] (28.2.02) WA255.
Ofsted Annual Report, [631] (5.2.02) 550.
Parliament and the Executive, [626] (18.7.01) 1533-4.
Phonics, [628] (22.11.01) 1237.
Poverty, [631] (6.2.02) 661-3.
Prison Visitors' Centres, Question, [632] (7.3.02) 390.
Prisoners on Remand, Question, [633] (25.3.02) WA10.
Prisons, [626] (11.7.01) 1122-4.
Public Expenditure, Health and Education, [634] (2.5.02) 800.
Refugees, [636] (18.6.02) 717-19.
Residential Care Standards, [630] (14.1.02) 952.
Schools, Private Sector Participation, [627] (16.10.01) 477.
Social Care, [635] (22.5.02) 831-3.
Sub-Saharan Africa, [631] (30.1.02) 302-4.
Tenancy Deposit Scheme, [631] (13.2.02) 1092.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], 2R, [627] (2.11.01) 1679-81; Committee, [629] (7.12.01) 1074; [630] (18.1.02) 1313; Report, [631] (1.3.02) 1717.
Tributes to the late Lord Hailsham of Saint Marylebone, [627] (15.10.01) 338.
Turkmenistan, Question, [635] (29.5.02) WA150.
Young Carers, [628] (19.11.01) 871.
Young People, Summer Activity Programmes, [631] (5.2.02) 499.
Motion (Lord Hardy of Wath), Withdrawn, [630] (19.12.01) 314-34.
Notices, Question, [627] (8.10.01) WA63.
On Roads, Question, [635] (14.5.02) WA35-6.
Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA189. Liver Disease:
Question, [629] (12.12.01) 1308-11.
Question, [632] (20.3.02) 1441-62. Liverpool, Earl of:
Baroness Morgan of Huyton, Question, [629] (28.11.01) WA57.
House of Lords Reform, Questions, [630] (17.12.01) 6-7; (10.1.02) 782-3.
Liverpool, [632] (20.3.02) 1453-4.
Prime Minister's Office, Baroness Morgan of Huyton, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA95,WA96.
Auctions, Question, [628] (7.11.01) 195-7.
Diseases, Insurance, Question, [627] (30.10.01) WA158.
Markets, Question, [629] (12.12.01) WA214.
Agricultural Shows, Question, [633] (25.3.02) WA19.
Question, [626] (10.7.01) 1011-14. Livestock Industry:
Motion (Lord Plumb), Withdrawn, [633] (17.4.02) 944-84.
Question, [635] (15.5.02) WA53. Livestock Shows:
Biosecurity Rules, Question, [635] (15.5.02) WA53-4. Livestock Welfare (Disposal) Scheme:
Questions, [628] (7.11.01) 203-4; [629] (26.11.01) WA8. Livsey of Talgarth, Lord:
Introduction to the House, [627] (16.10.01) 471.
Animal Health Bill, Committee, [633] (26.3.02) 172-3.
Barnett Formula, [628] (7.11.01) 233-5.
Cash Machines in Rural Post Offices, [632] (21.3.02) 1472-3.
Farm Incomes, Question, [636] (25.6.02) 1196.
Farm Licensing, [629] (26.11.01) 8-9.
Foot and Mouth Disease, [628] (19.11.01) 866; [633] (25.3.02) 5; [636] (25.6.02) 1282-4, 1289.
Horticultural Development Council (Amendment) Order 2002, [635] (28.5.02) 1233-4.
Hunting with Dogs, Ban, [632] (19.3.02) 1264-6.
Illegal Meat Imports, [634] (24.4.02) 244.
Rural Policy, [634] (30.4.02) 663-5.
TSE (England) Regulations 2002, [635] (15.5.02) 382-4, 406-7.
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1996 (Schedule 3 Amendment) Order 2002, [635] (28.5.02) 1229-30.