House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 636—continued

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Prashar, Baroness:

    Civil Service Act, [634] (1.5.02) 702-4.

    Higher Education, [634] (1.5.02) 750-2.

    Immigration Policy, EUC Report, [626] (23.7.01) 1723-5.

    Multi-ethnicity and Multi-culturalism, [632] (20.3.02) 1404-6. Pre-budget Report:

    Measures for Business, Question, [633] (26.3.02) WA39.

    Statement (Lord McIntosh of Haringey), [629] (27.11.01) 162-83. Precision Guided Bomb:

    Question, [636] (17.6.02) WA53-4. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis:

    Question, [632] (19.3.02) WA138-9. Premature Babies:

    Pain Relief, Question, [628] (5.11.01) WA4. Premium Bonds:

    Question, [634] (24.4.02) WA42-3. Prescription

    Exemptions, Question, [633] (17.4.02) WA160.

    Question, [630] (15.1.02) WA147. Press Complaints

    Question, [633] (28.3.02) WA80. Prevention of Torture Committee Report:

    Question, [626] (10.7.01) WA73. Primary

    Ethnic Monitoring, Question, [630] (20.12.01) WA93-4.

    Trusts, Question, [633] (11.4.02) WA128-9. Primary School Teachers:

    Male Graduates, Question, [629] (13.12.01) WA238. Prime Minister:

    Holiday in Egypt, Questions, [634] (1.5.02) WA132; [635] (22.5.02) WA110; [636] (20.6.02) WA104.

    Hospitality Costs, Question, [636] (12.6.02) WA35. Prime Minister's Office:

    Baroness Morgan of Huyton, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA95-6. Prime Minister's Special Envoy:

    Questions, [626] (10.7.01) WA73; (24.7.01) WA206-7. Prime Minister's Visit to Africa:

    Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA228. Principal Deputy Chairman of

    [626] (20.6.01) 24. Prior, Lord:

    Animal Health Bill, Committee, [633] (26.3.02) 198.

    Consignia, [633] (25.3.02) 41.

    Early Literacy Support:

      Programme, Question, [627] (30.10.01) WA157.

      Question, [629] (11.12.01) WA190.

    Employment Bill, Report, [636] (18.6.02) 648. Prison Estate:

    Women and Immigration Detainees, Question, [626] (17.7.01) WA113. Prison Governors and Officers:

    Training, Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA5. Prison Officers' Pay and

    Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA37. Prison Service:

    Annual Report and Accounts, Question, [626] (19.7.01) WA145.

    Environmental Performance, Question, [626] (17.7.01) WA112-13.

    Management of Sex Offenders, Question, [631] (4.2.02) WA61-2.

    And the Private Sector, Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA224-6.

    Publication of Corporate and Business Plans, Question, [631] (31.1.02) WA52-3.

    Salaries, Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA4.

    Standard on Religion, Question, [632] (18.3.02) WA118.

    Standards, Question, [630] (9.1.02) WA112. Prisoner of War Status:

    Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA38.

    Basic Skills Screening, Question, [632] (14.3.02) WA101.

    Hours Confined in Cell, Questions, [626] (16.7.01) WA98-9; [627] (14.9.01) WA2-3.

    On Remand, Question, [633] (25.3.02) WA10.

    Prevention of Self-harm, Question, [626] (2.7.01) WA29.

    Training, Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA4.

    And Tuberculosis, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA157.

    Budget for Chaplains, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA157-8.

    Chaplaincy Areas, Question, [630] (19.12.01) WA50.

    Child-centred Visits, Question, [635] (14.5.02) WA25-6.

    Education, Question, [632] (14.3.02) 939-41.

    Facilities, Question, [636] (20.6.02) 884-6.

    Male and Female Use, Question, [629] (26.11.01) WA5.

    Motion (Lord Hurd of Westwell), Withdrawn, [626] (11.7.01) 1089-157.

    Overcrowding, Question, [635] (15.5.02) 289-91.

    Performance Testing, Question, [630] (19.12.01) WA52-3.


      Ethnicity, Question, [632] (20.3.02) WA143.

    Purposeful Activity, Question, [636] (11.6.02) WA25-7.

    Target Costs, Question, [626] (19.7.01) WA145-6.

    Visitors' Centres, Question, [632] (7.3.02) 390-2. Privacy and Data-sharing:

    Question, [633] (11.4.02) WA134. Private Abortion

    Advertising, Question, [635] (20.5.02) WA81-2. Private and Voluntary Health Care (England) Regulations

    Motion for Annulment (Earl Howe), [631] (31.1.02) 442-50. Private Finance Initiative:

    Preferred Bidder Status, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA196.

    Questions, [630] (8.1.02) WA102; [631] (25.2.02) WA175. Private Hospitals in London:

    NHS Occupancy, Question, [629] (13.12.01) WA232-3. Private Military

    Question, [631] (12.2.02) WA137-8. Private Notice Questions:

    Chemical Weapons (Lord Rea), [633] (18.4.02) 1077-80.

    Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem (Lord Bishop of Bradford), [634] (24.4.02) 247-50.

    European Union Growth and Stability Pact (Lord Saatchi), [631] (28.2.02) 1537-9.

    Foot and Mouth Disease (Lord Luke), [626] (23.7.01) 1677-81.

    Hood, Andy (Earl of Northesk), [636] (12.6.02) 262-5.

    India and Pakistan, Arms Exports (Lord Redesdale), [635] (28.5.02) 1147-9.

    London Underground (Lord Peyton of Yeovil), [626] (24.7.01) 1845-8.

    Middle East (Lord Howell of Guildford), [636] (25.6.02) 1201-4.

    Millennium Dome (Earl of Northesk), [630] (19.12.01) 249-52.

    Questions for Written Answer (Lord Peyton of Yeovil), [635] (15.5.02) 291-2. Private Sewers:

    Question, [633] (27.3.02) WA70-1. Private Single-Sex

    Question, [634] (8.5.02) WA174.

    Select Committee, Motion for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [626] (28.6.01) 481-5. Privileges

    Motion for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [630] (24.1.02) 1575. Privy Council Office:

    Heritage Assets, Questions, [633] (11.4.02) WA132-3; [635] (13.5.02) WA2-3. Privy Council Silver

    Questions, [627] (25.10.01) WA139, 1102-4; (29.10.01) 1173-6; [628] (8.11.01) WA46-8; [634] (22.4.02) WA3; (29.4.02) WA66; [635] (16.5.02) WA64; [636] (10.6.02) WA4. Procedure of the House:

    Select Committee, Motions for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [626] (26.6.01) 219-24; (17.7.01) 1382-3; [636] (24.6.02) 1060-73. Proceeds of Crime Bill:

    Brought from the Commons and 1R*, [631] (28.2.02) 1542; 2R and Committed to a Committee of the Whole House, [633] (25.3.02) 12-30, 44-64; Motion for Approval (Lord Bassam of Brighton), (11.4.02) 530-1; Committee, [634] (22.4.02) 10-79, 96-116; [635] (13.5.02) 23-80, 97-132; (27.5.02) 1051-112; Motion for Approval (Lord Bassam of Brighton), [636] (17.6.02) 491; Report, (25.6.02) 1205-74, 1290-348.

    Environmental Import Considerations, Question, [635] (28.5.02) WA143.


      Environmental Criteria, Question, [636] (13.6.02) WA49.

      Question, [636] (10.6.02) WA3.

    Question, [635] (27.5.02) WA126. Product Labelling:

    Question, [636] (13.6.02) 372-5. Profoundly Deaf People:

    Interpreters, Question, [628] (8.11.01) WA44. Proof of Age Scheme:

    Question, [634] (29.4.02) 447-9. Proportional Representation Systems:

    Question, [630] (18.1.02) WA183. Proposals for

    Public Consultation, Question, [631] (28.2.02) WA256-7. Proscribed Terrorist Organisations:

    Question, [636] (26.6.02) WA139. Prostate Cancer Research:

    Question, [630] (14.1.02) WA142.

    Question, [629] (26.11.01) WA13-14. Protective and Preventive Security

    Question, [630] (8.1.02) WA99. Protest Site, Parliament Square:

    Question, [635] (14.5.02) WA29-30. Provisional IRA:

    Alleged Security Force Collusion in the Irish Republic, Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA123.

    Creation, Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA124.

    And International Terrorist Groups, Question, [628] (5.11.01) WA5.

    And Terrorism, Question, [627] (16.10.01) 478-81. Proxy Voting:

    Question, [635] (28.5.02) WA141. Prys-Davies, Lord:

    Dentists Act 1984 (Amendment) Order 2001, [628] (22.11.01) 1310.

    Health Professions Order 2001, [629] (13.12.01) 1523-4.

    House of Lords Reform, [630] (10.1.02) 692-5.

    National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, 2R, [631] (31.1.02) 401-3.