House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 636continued
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Public Appointments:
Members of the House of Lords, Questions, [627] (18.10.01) WA101; [631] (31.1.02) WA53. Public Authorities:
Objectives, Question, [636] (18.6.02) WA69. Public Bodies:
Appointment of Women, Question, [632] (20.3.02) WA157. Public Consumption
Question, [634] (9.5.02) WA193-5. Public Entertainment Licences:
Questions, [627] (14.9.01) WA46; [629] (11.12.01) WA191-2. Public Expenditure:
Health and Education, Question, [634] (2.5.02) 798-800. Public Guardianship Office:
Investment Strategy, Question, [633] (26.3.02) WA31.
Performance, Question, [630] (18.12.01) WA43. Public Honours:
Question, [636] (25.6.02) WA127. Public Interest Immunity:
Question, [629] (12.12.01) WA205-6. Public Order Act:
Incitement to Racial Hatred, Question, [627] (1.11.01) WA183-4. Public Order and Community
Question, [628] (6.11.01) WA11. Public Order Order
Question, [628] (5.11.01) WA5. Public Processions:
Policing, Question, [631] (26.2.02) 1317-19. Public Records Office:
Performance Targets, Question, [633] (26.3.02) WA33-4. Public Sector:
Broadcasting, Question, [634] (23.4.02) WA28.
Jobs, Questions, [633] (15.4.02) 681-3; [634] (29.4.02) WA66.
Ombudsmen, Review, Question, [627] (15.10.01) WA78-9.
Working Days Lost, Question, [634] (24.4.02) WA43-4. Public Service:
Agreements, Opportunity for All, Question, [631] (26.2.02) WA208.
Motion (Lord Bishop of Oxford), Withdrawn, [627] (24.10.01) 976-87, 1009-39. Public Services:
Motion (Baroness Sharp of Guildford), Withdrawn, [633] (10.4.02) 469-510.
Reform, Question, [632] (7.3.02) WA41.
In Rural Areas, Question, [634] (10.5.02) WA206. Public Services (Disruption) Bill [HL]:
1R*, [633] (16.4.02) 824; 2R and Committed to a Committee of the Whole House, [635] (22.5.02) 863-74; Committee, [636] (26.6.02) 1430-2. Public Telephones:
Theft of Cash, Question, [636] (10.6.02) WA8. Public Trust Office:
Question, [626] (17.7.01) WA114. Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Bill [HL]:
1R*, [633] (28.3.02) 358; 2R and Committed to a Committee of the Whole House, [635] (27.5.02) 1049-51; Order of Commitment, Discharged, [636] (11.6.02) 134; 3R*, Amendment (Privilege) Made; Passed and Sent to the Commons, (18.6.02) 625.
Offences, Question, [635] (27.5.02) WA124.
Reintegration, Question, [629] (3.12.01) WA97-8.
Taking GCSEs Early, Question, [633] (26.3.02) WA42. Pupil/Teacher Figures:
Question, [634] (29.4.02) WA79-80. Puttnam, Lord:
Civil Service Act, [634] (1.5.02) 718.
Education and Skills, [634] (24.4.02) 255-6.
Higher Education, [634] (1.5.02) 743-4.
Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 2002, [631] (7.2.02) 822.
Language Teaching in Schools, [630] (16.1.02) 1132-3.
Ofsted Annual Report, [631] (5.2.02) 547. Pyre Sites: