House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 639—continued

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Dholakia, Lord:

    Anti-social Behaviour Orders, Question, [631] (29.1.02) WA23.


      [627] (29.10.01) 1198.

      Accommodation Centres:

[636] (17.6.02) 487.

Question, [627] (1.11.01) 1512-13.

      System, [629] (10.12.01) 1136.

    Asylum Seekers:

      Detention, [631] (13.2.02) 1093.

      Illegal Entrants, [630] (23.1.02) 1462.

      Language Testing, [636] (10.6.02) 2.

      Sangatte Centre, [628] (7.11.01) 201.

      Voucher Scheme Review, [626] (16.7.01) 1264.

    Asylum Support (Repeal) Order 2002, [632] (14.3.02) 1016.

    Badger Protection, Question, [631] (5.2.02) WA82.

    Bail Applications, Question, [638] (24.9.02) WA189.

    British Crime Survey, Victims of Racist Crimes, Question, [631] (28.1.02) WA1.

    British Nationals Travelling Abroad, [628] (5.11.01) 8.

    British Passports, Fraud, [637] (18.7.02) 1391.

    Cannabis Users, Police Discretionary Powers, [626] (16.7.01) 1268.

    Chief Constables, Removal from Office, [626] (23.7.01) 1671.

    Child Offenders, [637] (15.7.02) 953.

    Childline, Fundraising, Question, [631] (1.3.02) WA262.

    Citizenship, [626] (9.7.01) 969-71.

    Civil Partnerships Bill [HL], 2R, [630] (25.1.02) 1719-20.

    Commonwealth Bill, 2R, [639] (11.10.02) 581-2.

    Community Sentences, [635] (27.5.02) 1046.

    Crime Reduction, [633] (27.3.02) 306-9.

    Crime Statistics, [636] (19.6.02) 739.

    Criminal Records Bureau, [637] (1.7.02) 7.

    Debate on the Address, [626] (27.6.01) 392-7.

    Downview Prison, Question, [629] (29.11.01) 455.

    Drugs, [637] (10.7.02) 718-20.

    European Union Directive on Third Country Nationals, [626] (23.7.01) 1668.

    Extremist Organisations, Rallies and Assemblies, [639] (8.10.02) 137.

    Feltham B Prison for Young Adults, [627] (15.10.01) 347.

    Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill, 2R, [630] (20.12.01) 365-8.

    Golden Jubilee Medal, [627] (23.10.01) 919-20.

    Gujarat, Safety of British Nationals, [632] (7.3.02) 395-6.

    Immigration and Asylum Appeals (Procedure) (Amendment) Rules 2001, [631] (29.1.02) 165-7.

    Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce (Abolition) Regulations 2001, [627] (2.11.01) 1645.

    Magistrates' Courts, [629] (3.12.01) 663-4.

    Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Bill [HL], 2R, [635] (16.5.02) 479-81; Committee, [636] (20.6.02) 909; Report, [637] (4.7.02) 363-4.

    Multi-ethnicity and Multi-culturalism, [632] (20.3.02) 1429-32.

    National Asylum Support Service, [638] (29.7.02) 674.

    National Health Service Action Plan on Racial Discrimination, [626] (2.7.01) 625.

    Nationality, Immigration and Asylum White Paper, [631] (7.2.02) 746-7.

    Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Amendment of Enactment) Order 2001, [627] (2.11.01) 1632.

    Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Specified Organisations) Order 2001, [627] (2.11.01) 1635.

    People Trafficking, [636] (13.6.02) 375-6.

    Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) Regulations 2002, [631] (27.2.02) 1520-1.

    Police Officers, Retirement, [627] (24.10.01) 966.

    Police Service, Terms of Employment, [632] (4.3.02) 10.

    Prison Education and Training, [638] (22.7.02) 5.

    Prison Overcrowding, [635] (15.5.02) 290.

    Prison Population, Question, [633] (25.3.02) WA7.

    Prison Visitors' Centres, [638] (25.7.02) 608-9.

    Prisons, [626] (11.7.01) 1141-5.

    Proof of Age Scheme, [634] (29.4.02) 449.

    Race Riots in Northern England, [626] (28.6.01) 480.

    Recidivism, [628] (5.11.01) 111-14.


      And Asylum Seekers, Racial Attacks, Question, [631] (27.2.02) WA241.

    Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order 2002, [631] (27.2.02) 1525.

    Religious Offences Bill [HL], 2R, [631] (30.1.02) 331-4, 338.

    Residential Care Standards, [630] (14.1.02) 947-9.

    Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, 2R, [630] (20.12.01) 404-6.

    Sikhs, [637] (3.7.02) 221-2.

    Street Crime, [634] (2.5.02) 797.

    Terrorist Organisations, [627] (30.10.01) 1293-4.

    Trafficking, Children, [632] (13.3.02) 899-901.

    United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, [635] (29.5.02) 1347.

    Young People, Summer Activity Programmes, [631] (5.2.02) 499.

    Youth Crime, [635] (22.5.02) 766.

    Youth Justice Orders, Ethnic Monitoring, Question, [631] (12.2.02) WA135.

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