House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 639continued
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Guantanamo Bay:
Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order 2002:
Motion for Approval (Baroness Hollis of Heigham), [632] (7.3.02) 479.
Guatemala and Belize:
Question, [639] (23.10.02) WA101-2.
Guide Dogs on Ferries:
Question, [639] (16.10.02) WA63.
Guildford, Lord Bishop of:
Child Poverty, [630] (19.12.01) 260-2.
Civil Partnerships Bill [HL], 2R, [630] (25.1.02) 1721-3.
Consignia, [636] (13.6.02) 387.
Disability Discrimination, [626] (4.7.01) 841-3.
Divorce (Religious Marriages) Bill, 2R, [634] (10.5.02) 1406.
Explosive Remnants of War, Question, [634] (29.4.02) WA62,WA63; (7.5.02) WA162,WA163.
G8 Summit, [637] (1.7.02) 39.
Homelessness Bill, 2R, [628] (12.11.01) 380-2.
House of Lords Reform, [630] (9.1.02) 584-7; [637] (4.7.02) 356-7.
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 60-2.
National Health Service, [634] (8.5.02) 1158-60.
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill, Report, [639] (9.10.02) 271.
Poverty and Terrorism, [631] (27.2.02) 1486-8.
Regional Assemblies, [634] (9.5.02) 1279.
Violence and Terrorism, [631] (27.2.02) 1436.
Zimbabwe, [634] (9.5.02) 1265.
Safety of British Nationals, Question, [632] (7.3.02) 395-6.
Gulf and Balkans Veterans:
Depleted Uranium, Question, [634] (1.5.02) WA126.
Gulf War:
Depleted Uranium, Question, [634] (22.4.02) WA3-4.
Illnesses, Question, [634] (7.5.02) WA161.
Vaccines, Question, [634] (1.5.02) WA124-5.
Gulf War Veterans:
Deaths, Question, [638] (24.7.02) WA81-3; (24.9.02) WA194.
Exposure to Organophosphates, Question, [634] (22.4.02) WA3.
Health Research, Question, [633] (10.4.02) 407-9.
Health Study, Question, [628] (12.11.01) 359-62.
Illnesses, Question, [638] (30.7.02) WA167.
Khamisiyah Demolitions, Question, [632] (21.3.02) WA165-6.
Motor Neurone Disease, Question, [638] (30.7.02) WA166-7.
Pensions, Question, [639] (7.10.02) 1-4.
Gurkha Soldiers:
Support, Question, [637] (8.7.02) WA68-9.
Employment in UK, Question, [630] (15.1.02) 965-7.
Guthrie of Craigiebank, Lord:
Introduction to the House, [626] (23.7.01) 1667.
Afghanistan, [630] (17.12.01) 43-4.
Armed Forces, [635] (15.5.02) 311-12.
Iraq, [638] (24.9.02) 894-6.
Gwent Constabulary:
Firearms Certificates, Question, [637] (2.7.02) WA22.
Accommodation, Question, [638] (23.7.02) WA46.
Planning Permission Appeals, Question, [630] (21.1.02) WA186-7.
Gypsy Sites:
Question, [639] (7.10.02) WA2-3.