House of Lords Hansard Index for Volume 639continued
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Government Support for Education, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA237.
EU Marketing Standards, Question, [626] (11.7.01) WA78.
Pearson of Rannoch, Lord:
Animal Health Bill, Committee, [633] (26.3.02) 194.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Committee, [629] (3.12.01) 603, 604, 606-10, 611, 613, 614, 615, 617, 618-19, 620-1; Report, (10.12.01) 1155, 1156-7; 3R, (11.12.01) 1283, 1288-9, 1290.
Beef Imports, Argentina, [632] (14.3.02) 946.
British Broadcasting Corporation, Question, [632] (11.3.02) 653-6.
Carers, [636] (10.6.02) 6.
Channel Islands and Isle of Man, Taxation, Questions, [634] (1.5.02) WA99; [635] (21.5.02) WA90-1.
Channel Tunnel, Security, [632] (6.3.02) 250, 252.
Convention on the Future of Europe, [631] (28.1.02) 21-2, 24; [636] (19.6.02) 733.
Crime Reduction, [633] (27.3.02) 305-6.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA200.
Crown Dependencies, Kilbrandon Report, Question, [636] (13.6.02) WA48.
Debate on the Address, [626] (21.6.01) 87-92, 116.
Economic Tests, [630] (16.1.02) 1069.
UK Entry Assessment, [627] (23.10.01) 917-18.
Europe, Maintenance of Peace, Question, [633] (11.4.02) 521.
"Xenophobia", Question, [629] (29.11.01) WA60.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Committee, [628] (15.11.01) 704-5, 706, 719-20, 726, 733-4, 743-4, 773, 774, 776, 782-4, 786; (20.11.01) 1010, 1016-18, 1019-20, 1021, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1048-9, 1050, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1069-70, 1073, 1111-12, 1113, 1118; [629] (26.11.01) 66-7, 69-70, 71, 76-7, 78, 84, 85; Report, [630] (17.1.02) 1194-5, 1196, 1198, 1204-5, 1206, 1210, 1211, 1219-20, 1222-3, 1227-8, 1232-3, 1237; (22.1.02) 1408, 1431-3; 3R, [631] (28.1.02) 26-7, 29-30, 33-4.
Barcelona, [632] (18.3.02) 1135-6.
Laeken, [630] (17.12.01) 39-40.
European Takeover Directive, [626] (19.7.01) 1586-7, 1587.
Definition of "Federalism", [632] (19.3.02) 1235.
Flag, Question, [636] (11.6.02) WA17.
Intergovernmental Conference, Representation, Question, [628] (13.11.01) WA68.
Legal Personality, Question, [634] (9.5.02) WA189.
Benefits, Question, [638] (24.9.02) WA244.
Question, [638] (24.9.02) WA241.
Proposed Directives, Question, [637] (9.7.02) WA82.
Questions, [630] (17.12.01) WA10; (14.1.02) WA131.
Tax Package, Question, [637] (4.7.02) WA52.
UK Jobs, Question, [628] (15.11.01) 673.
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill [HL], 1R*, Motion, [626] (27.6.01) 363.
Questions, [635] (27.5.02) WA128; [636] (10.6.02) WA6.
Extradition of Terrorists, [628] (15.11.01) 680.
Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme 2001, [628] (15.11.01) 754-5, 756, 757.
Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, [638] (24.7.02) 519-20, 522, 523-4.
Foot and Mouth Disease, [636] (25.6.02) 1281-2.
French Presidential Election, Question, [635] (15.5.02) WA51.
Growth and Stability Pact, [632] (5.3.02) 130.
Household Electrical Waste, Disposal, [635] (15.5.02) 282-3.
Question, [634] (29.4.02) WA73.
Immigration, Question, [632] (18.3.02) WA120-1.
International Terrorism, [627] (14.9.01) 57-60.
Kalahari Bushmen, Question, [631] (30.1.02) 212, 213, 214.
Labour Party Manifesto Commitments, Questions, [635] (13.5.02) WA5; [636] (11.6.02) WA33.
Labour Voters, Question, [634] (30.4.02) WA81.
Mental Health Services, [626] (11.7.01) 1086.
Mental Incapacity Law Reform, [634] (25.4.02) 363.
Mentally Handicapped People, Housing, Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA11.
"Open Skies" Agreements, [632] (5.3.02) 125-6.
Procedure of the House, Select Committee Report, Committee, [638] (24.7.02) 428-9.
Rail Performance, [632] (20.3.02) 1354.
Road Works, Disruption, [636] (19.6.02) 735-6.
St Ebba's, Epsom, [636] (12.6.02) 342-4, 351.
Spanish Fishing Fleet, EU Policy, [630] (17.12.01) 4.
Special Schools, Question, [630] (20.12.01) WA85.
"Strong Pound", Question, [631] (28.2.02) 1527, 1529.
Taxation of Savings, Question, [637] (3.7.02) WA41,WA42.
Trade, Foot and Mouth Disease, Questions, [633] (25.3.02) WA21; [634] (24.4.02) WA39.
TSE (England) Regulations 2002, [635] (15.5.02) 412.
United Kingdom Population and Parliamentary Electors, Question, [634] (30.4.02) WA81.
Wireless Telegraphy (Television Licence Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2002, [634] (22.4.02) 89-91.
Zimbabwe, Question, [639] (7.10.02) WA7.
Pedestrian Protection:
Peel, Earl:
Agriculture, [626] (3.7.01) 770.
Air Transport Industry, [630] (14.1.02) 825-6.
Animal Health Bill, 2R, [630] (14.1.02) 895-8, 934; Committee, [633] (26.3.02) 176, 198; [639] (7.10.02) 30-1, 36-7, 43-4, 66, 72-3, 86, 122, 128, 130; (8.10.02) 164, 170-1, 177; Report, (22.10.02) 1266-7, 1271, 1279-81, 1282, 1286, 1306.
Beef Imports, Argentina, [632] (14.3.02) 946.
Cattle, Over Thirty Months Scheme, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA232.
Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, [631] (6.2.02) 682-4, 710.
Countryside Stewardship Agreements, Question, [631] (30.1.02) WA44.
Countryside Stewardship Payments, Question, [630] (17.12.01) WA18.
Countryside Stewardship Scheme, Question, [629] (7.12.01) WA165.
Debate on the Address, [626] (26.6.01) 298-302, 351.
Egg Production and Welfare of Hens, [636] (27.6.02) 1508.
Farming and Food, [634] (25.4.02) 361.
Agri-environmental Investments, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA233.
Compensation Payments, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA231-2.
Contingency Planning, [631] (6.2.02) 633.
Inquiries, [631] (31.1.02) 345-6.
Livestock Movements, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA232.
Trade Restrictions, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA233.
Hunting with Dogs, Ban, [632] (19.3.02) 1282-4.
Illegal Meat Imports, [636] (12.6.02) 253-4.
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Act 2001, Questions, [626] (24.7.01) WA216, WA217, WA218.
Rights of Way Maps, [630] (18.12.01) 134-5.
Rural Communities, Housing and Services, [636] (13.6.02) 371.
Rural Policy, [634] (30.4.02) 665-7.
Rural Recovery Co-ordinator, Question, [629] (7.12.01) WA166.
Rural Recovery Report, Question, [628] (15.11.01) WA96.
Scotland, Animal Health Legislation, Question, [631] (28.1.02) WA3.
Sheep and Sheepmeat, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA222-3.
United Kingdom Beef Exports, French Ban, Question, [630] (16.1.02) 1070.
Urban Foxes, [639] (24.10.02) 1433.
Peerage Recommendations:
House of Lords Appointments Commission, Question, [626] (16.7.01) WA101.
Agreement of the Government of Ireland, Questions, [633] (26.3.02) WA44; [634] (9.5.02) WA200.
Access to Ministers, Question, [630] (20.12.01) WA96.
Motor Mileage and Bicycle Allowances, Question, [635] (13.5.02) WA4-5.
And Oath of Allegiance, [626] (13.6.01) 2; (14.6.01) 4.
Register of Interests, Consent for Entries, Question, [626] (17.7.01) 1377-9.
Reimbursement Allowance Scheme, Question, [629] (26.11.01) WA19-20.
Voting in Referendums, Question, [631] (6.2.02) WA96.
Inquiry, Question, [638] (24.9.02) WA240.
Postal Voting, Question, [635] (28.5.02) WA141-2.
Pendry, Lord:
Introduction to the House, [626] (11.7.01) 1079.
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill, 2R, [630] (20.12.01) 368-70.
Tourism, [626] (17.7.01) 1451-2.
Pennine Bridleway:
Question, [630] (18.1.02) WA184.
Pennine Cycleway:
Question, [630] (17.1.02) WA176.
Pension Contributions:
Tax Relief, Question, [639] (24.10.02) 1427-9.
Pension Funds:
Changes to Corporation Tax, Question, [632] (19.3.02) WA131-2.
Stock Market Values, Question, [636] (26.6.02) WA146.
Pension Policy:
Motion (Lord Fowler), Withdrawn, [635] (15.5.02) 348-78.
Living Abroad, Payments, Question, [636] (26.6.02) 1352-5.
Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA129.
Emigrants Returning from Canada, Question, [637] (10.7.02) WA91.
Statement (Baroness Hollis of Heigham), [637] (11.7.02) 824-39.
People Aged over 60 in the EU:
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:
Campaign against Angling, Question, [627] (25.10.01) WA138.
Question, [627] (30.10.01) WA156.
People Trafficking:
Question, [636] (13.6.02) 375-7.
People with Learning Disabilities:
Older Carers, Question, [638] (22.7.02) WA23-4.
People's Panel:
Question, [638] (30.7.02) WA174.
Report, Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA135.
Percy, Ms Lindis:
Question, [637] (17.7.02) WA153.
Performance and Innovation Unit:
Energy Review, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA212.
Management of Risk, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA171.
Report, Question, [628] (20.11.01) WA138.
Performing Arts:
ATW Benefit, Question, [634] (9.5.02) WA198-9.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, Question, [634] (9.5.02) WA199.
Periodontal Disease:
Question, [627] (14.9.01) WA10.
Permanent and Severe Disability:
Question, [628] (21.11.01) WA148.
Perry of Southwark, Baroness:
Episcopal Appointments, [631] (11.2.02) 883.
And the Sex Discrimination Act, Question, [630] (10.1.02) 688.
Education Bill, 2R, [632] (11.3.02) 570-3; Committee, [634] (2.5.02) 807-8, 820, 835, 836; (7.5.02) 1001.
Student Finance, [631] (4.2.02) 451.
Teachers, Performance Pay, [632] (18.3.02) 1092.
Access, Financial Barriers, [626] (24.7.01) 1841.
Science and Engineering, [636] (26.6.02) 1351.
World Events, Islamic Reaction, [633] (28.3.02) 355.
Personal Bills:
Select Committee, Motion for Approval (Lord Tordoff), [626] (2.7.01) 629-30.
Personal Data in the Public Sector:
Question, [637] (18.7.02) WA163.
Personal Injury Awards:
Questions, [626] (24.7.01) WA193; [633] (26.3.02) WA32.
Personal Injury Cases:
Questions, [627] (14.9.01) WA39; [628] (16.11.01) WA105-6; [632] (12.3.02) WA62.
Personal Medical Data:
Question, [627] (17.10.01) WA100.
Personal Pension Contribution Statistics:
Question, [626] (9.7.01) WA60-1.
Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship Framework Curriculum:
Question, [627] (24.10.01) WA136.
Personal Statements:
Lord Falconer of Thoroton, [628] (12.11.01) 359.
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, [631] (30.1.02) 207.
Lord Macdonald of Tradeston, [627] (22.10.01) 807-8.
Personality Disorder:
Academic Studies, Question, [639] (9.10.02) WA24-5.
Personation of Voters:
Question, [635] (22.5.02) WA99.
Personnel Income Tax:
Top Rates in the EU, Question, [633] (26.3.02) WA37-8.
Pest and Disease Control:
Residues in Fruit, Question, [635] (16.5.02) WA71.
Pesticides Incidents Appraisal Panel:
Questions, [633] (27.3.02) WA61; [634] (22.4.02) WA8-9.
Pesticides Safety Directorate:
Annual Report, Question, [626] (18.7.01) WA123.
Annual Report and Accounts 2001-02, Question, [638] (24.7.02) WA91.
Peston, Lord:
Accident and Emergency Services, [628] (20.11.01) 996.
Agriculture, [626] (3.7.01) 769-70.
Animal Health Bill, Committee, [633] (26.3.02) 170-1.
Antimicrobial Resistance, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA184.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, Report, [629] (6.12.01) 965-6; (10.12.01) 1180-1.
Audio-books, VAT, [635] (16.5.02) 418.
Barnett Formula, [628] (7.11.01) 243-4.
Business of the House, Access to Peers' Car Park, [627] (16.10.01) 481-2.
Courts Martial, [633] (11.4.02) 527.
Defence Diversification Agency, Question, [626] (27.6.01) WA11.
Digital Television, [632] (13.3.02) 818.
Economic Growth, [627] (24.10.01) 969; [639] (22.10.02) 1221.
Education Bill, 2R, [632] (11.3.02) 603-6, 607-8, 627; Committee, [634] (2.5.02) 827-9, 832-4, 836-7, 851-2, 858-9, 864-5, 892-3, 895-6, 903-4, 909-10, 911, 912, 916-19, 920, 926-8; (7.5.02) 995-7, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1057, 1059, 1060, 1062-4, 1068; (9.5.02) 1288-9, 1294, 1297, 1299, 1302-3, 1309-10, 1312-14, 1321-2, 1324, 1331-3, 1334-5, 1360-1, 1381-2, 1385-7; [635] (23.5.02) 932-4, 940, 997-9, 1003, 1006-7, 1009-10; (28.5.02) 1164, 1171, 1176-7, 1182-3, 1191-2, 1195; Report, [636] (17.6.02) 498-500, 506, 522, 523-4, 531-2, 538-9, 554-5, 564-6, 570, 577-9, 593-4; (19.6.02) 745, 759, 773, 781-2, 812-13, 815, 842-3, 844-5, 847; (26.6.02) 1381-2, 1386, 1393-5, 1399; 3R, [637] (3.7.02) 247-8.
Energy Policy, Performance and Innovation Unit Review, Question, [626] (25.6.01) WA5.
Euro, Economic Tests, [630] (16.1.02) 1070.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Report, [630] (17.1.02) 1193.
Growth and Stability Pact, [631] (28.2.02) 1538.
Public Attitudes, Question, [629] (5.12.01) WA143.
Evans, Mr Alun, [627] (18.10.01) 709.
Export of Works of Art Report, Question, [631] (28.2.02) WA254.
Fisheries Council, 18 June 2001, Question, [626] (25.6.01) WA7.
Foot and Mouth Disease, [633] (25.3.02) 5.
Government Ministers, Special Advisers, [627] (16.10.01) 475.
Growth and Stability Pact, [632] (5.3.02) 127.
Hand-held Mobile Phones, [633] (15.4.02) 676, 677.
HM Land Registry, Quinquennial Review, Question, [626] (26.6.01) WA9.
Business Plan, [636] (18.6.02) 623.
Offices, Select Committee Report, [626] (23.7.01) 1695, 1700.
Human Genetic Databases, Government Response to Select Committee Report, Question, [626] (24.7.01) WA222.
Hunting with Dogs, Ban, [632] (19.3.02) 1324-6.
Lead Shot Legislation, Question, [634] (22.4.02) WA14.
Legal Services Ombudsman, Question, [637] (10.7.02) WA89.
Monetary Policy and Economic Affairs, Motion, [626] (12.7.01) 1181-5.
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, Committee, [633] (11.4.02) 532-5, 537, 542.
National Insurance Contributions, [634] (24.4.02) 246.
Performance and Innovation Unit, Question, [628] (21.11.01) WA152.
Pesticide Residues in Fruit, Question, [635] (16.5.02) WA71.
Privy Council Silver Collection, [627] (29.10.01) 1175.
Procedure of the House, Select Committee Report, Committee, [638] (24.7.02) 386-7, 423-5, 438-9, 498-9.
Public Service, [627] (24.10.01) 982-3.
Railtrack, Investment Risk, [632] (13.3.02) 826-7.
Religious Offences, Select Committee, [635] (15.5.02) 293.
Research Council System, Question, [629] (4.12.01) WA126.
Sterling Exchange Rate, [631] (26.2.02) 1314-15.
Supermarkets, Code of Practice, Question, [626] (16.7.01) WA102.
Tax Simplification, [630] (23.1.02) 1484-7.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [HL], Committee, [628] (16.11.01) 799, 807, 822-3, 829, 838-9, 840, 844; [629] (7.12.01) 1074-5, 1087-8, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1113, 1121, 1128; [630] (18.1.02) 1255-6, 1263-4, 1273-4, 1280, 1297, 1299-301, 1303-4, 1307, 1314-15, 1321; Report, [631] (1.3.02) 1654, 1662, 1681-2, 1686, 1697, 1716-17, 1723, 1731, 1735; 3R, [632] (15.3.02) 1057-8, 1069, 1071.
Traffic Measures in London, [638] (30.7.02) 814.
Working Practices of the House, [635] (21.5.02) 686-9, 690, 699.
Pet Shops and Animal Rights Extremism:
Question, [626] (4.7.01) WA47.
Peterborough District Hospital:
Medical Beds, Question, [626] (23.7.01) WA177-8.
Peterborough, Lord Bishop of:
Countryside and Tourism, [627] (17.10.01) 603-5.
Peyton of Yeovil, Lord:
Agricultural Shows, Biosecurity, [635] (23.5.02) 881.
Announcements of Government Policy, [626] (26.6.01) 214.
Animal Feeding Stuffs, Question, [635] (28.5.02) WA142.
Animal Health Bill, 2R, [630] (14.1.02) 880; Committee, [639] (7.10.02) 25, 64-5, 71, 73-4, 77-8, 85-6; (8.10.02) 143-4, 157-9, 166-7, 168, 181, 182, 186-7, 193, 196, 199-200, 201, 202; Report, (22.10.02) 1226, 1256, 1269.
British Broadcasting Corporation Standards, Question, [632] (6.3.02) 253.
Access to Peers' Car Park, [627] (16.10.01) 481, 482.
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, [628] (19.11.01) 874.
Debates, 23 October, [627] (23.10.01) 921.
Bypasses, Funding, [637] (10.7.02) 685.
Company Directors, Remuneration, [626] (9.7.01) 929.
Congestion Charging, [631] (28.1.02) 3.
Consolidation Bills, [634] (9.5.02) 1261.
Economic Growth, [627] (24.10.01) 969.
Enterprise Bill, Committee, [637] (16.7.02) 1128, 1131-2, 1138, 1149, 1151, 1152; [638] (22.7.02) 139, 140, 142, 150, 151; Report, [639] (21.10.02) 1078-9, 1081.
Evans, Mr Alun, Question, [627] (18.10.01) 707, 708.
Feltham B Prison for Young Adults, [627] (15.10.01) 347.
Financial Assistance to Opposition Parties, [638] (30.7.02) 819.
Financial Services, [628] (21.11.01) 1142-3.
Foot and Mouth Disease, Question, [628] (19.11.01) 865-6.
Green Paper on Planning, Question, [634] (24.4.02) 237.
Offices, Select Committee Report, [626] (23.7.01) 1685, 1699.
Reform, [630] (17.12.01) 7; (9.1.02) 598-600.
Identity Fraud, Entitlement Card Consultation, [636] (24.6.02) 1057.
International Development Bill [HL], Committee, [626] (16.7.01) 1280.
Local Government Act, "Best Value Officers", Question, [626] (23.7.01) 1675, 1677.
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill [HL], 2R, [639] (21.10.02) 1146-8.
London Traffic, [635] (29.5.02) 1344.
Private Notice Question, [626] (24.7.01) 1845-6.
Proposals, Public Scrutiny, [626] (5.7.01) 866.
Millennium Dome, [635] (28.5.02) 1151.
Money Laundering, Question, [637] (9.7.02) 557, 558.
National Health Service Foundation Trusts, [635] (28.5.02) 1145.
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, Committee, [632] (18.3.02) 1192-3, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1198-9, 1203, 1206; Report, [634] (29.4.02) 464-5, 467-8, 478-9; (30.4.02) 581-2, 597, 629.
National Road Safety Strategy, [629] (29.11.01) 454.
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill, [639] (7.10.02) 15.
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill, Committee, [631] (4.2.02) 466.
Parliament and the Executive, [626] (18.7.01) 1498-500, 1501.
Peers' Register of Interests, Consent for Entries, [626] (17.7.01) 1378.
Police Reform Bill [HL], Committee, [631] (28.2.02) 1550, 1553, 1563-4, 1565-6, 1568, 1572-3, 1592-3, 1615-16; [632] (5.3.02) 144, 146, 160-1, 164, 184-5, 190, 195; (12.3.02) 694, 697, 698, 731, 739-40, 741, 742-3, 747.
Political Parties, Donations, [631] (25.2.02) 1224.
Select Committee Report, Committee, [638] (24.7.02) 389-90.
Select Committee Second Report, [636] (24.6.02) 1064, 1072.
Proceeds of Crime Bill, Commons Amendments Considered, [638] (22.7.02) 51, 58-9, 66-7.
Public Health Laboratory Service, [639] (9.10.02) 259-60.
Questions for Written Answer:
Private Notice Question, [635] (15.5.02) 291, 292.
Question, [634] (9.5.02) WA200.
Railtrack, [627] (15.10.01) 393.
Railway Infrastructure, [636] (17.6.02) 490.
Road Traffic Charging, [626] (17.7.01) 1376.
Disruption, [636] (19.6.02) 734.
Scientific Research, Question, [635] (13.5.02) 6, 7.
Taxi Drivers, Licensing Checks, [635] (30.5.02) 1483.
Tobacco and Alcohol Imports, [639] (7.10.02) 6.
Traffic Measures in London, Question, [638] (30.7.02) 811-12.
Transport Policy, [635] (29.5.02) 1349, 1350.
Transport Strategy in London, Question, [639] (15.10.02) 699.