Appendix 2
The evidence of the following witnesses has been
printed. Those marked * also gave oral evidence, and their submissions
can be found in Volume II. The remainder are in Volume III.
Al Khoei Foundation
Anderson, Mr J R and Mr K W Birch (Brethren)
* Association of Muslim Lawyers UK
* Attorney-General
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Bobbers Mill Community Centre
Bradley Evangelical Church
British Board of Film Classification
* British Humanist Association
British-Israel World Federation
Buddhist Society, The
Catholic Bishops Conference
Caversham Hill Chapel, Reading
Centre for Justice and Liberty
Christian Institute, The
Christian Peoples Alliance
Christian Voice
Christian Watch
Churches' Commission for Inter Faith Relations
* Church of England Archbishops' Council
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Church of Scientology
Cleethorpes Christian Centre
Commission for Racial Equality
* Council for Christians and Jews
Currie, Mr M A
Dereham Road Baptist Church, Norwich
Eatons Evangelical Church, Cambridge
Elim Way Fellowship, Plaistow
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
* Evangelical Alliance
Evangelicals Now Limited
Eynsford Christian Fellowship
Fellowship of Independent Churches
* Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism
Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association
General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian
Glenfall Fellowship (Anglican), Cheltenham
Gospel Magazine, The
Gospel Standard Strict Baptist Societies, The
Harston Baptist Church
* Hindu community - representatives
* Home Office, The
Hounslow Jamia Masjid and Islamic Centre
* Inter Faith Network for the UK
Inverness Free Church of Scotland, Inverness
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Islamic Institute, Liverpool
Islamic Society of Britain
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jubilee Campaign
Law Society of Scotland, The
Libertarian Alliance
London Buddhist Vihara, The
Manchester Buddhist Centre
Maranatha Community, The
Masjid-e-Iraan, Blackburn
Methodist Church, The
Missionary Training Service, The
Muslim Cemetery Trust
* Muslim College
* Muslim Council of Britain
Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony
* Muslim News, The
Muslim Women's Group
Muslim Women's Welfare Organisation
National Churchwatch
* National Secular Society
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the
Oakington, Cambridgeshire, Strict Baptist Church
Old Baptist Church, Chippenham
Open-Air Mission, The
Overseas Pakistanis Education Foundation
* Police Service
Preston Muslim Society
Protestant Alliance
Representatives of various faith communities
Searchlight Information Services
Seventh Day Adventist Church
* Sikh community - representatives
St Neots Evangelical Church, Cambridgeshire
St Peter's, Eaton Square, London
Strict Baptist Chapel, Croydon
Strict Baptist Chapel, Cranbrook, Kent
Tatchell, Mr Peter
Tireh Particular Baptist Church, Nuneaton
Trinitarian Bible Society
United Religions Initiative
Westoning Baptist Church, Bedfordshire
West Worthing Evangelical Church, West Sussex
Zion Baptist Chapel, Prestwood, Bucks
The following written evidence has not been printed,
but is available for inspection at the House of Lords Record Office
(020 7219 5314). A large proportion consists of short letters
from members of the public, and many of the letters are couched
in similar terms. A large majority of them (86%) were opposed
to any change; 70% stressed the importance of retaining the law
on blasphemy; a smaller proportion of the total (32%) also stated
opposition to the introduction of an offence of incitement to
religious hatred.
Ahmed, Mr Shouiab |
Ali, M Akbar |
al-Karmi, Dr H A |
Allen, Helena |
Anderson, Alex |
Ashton, David |
Atkin, Mrs C M |
Ayton, Martin |
Baldwin, Mr & Mrs P |
Bamber, David |
Band, Mr G and Mrs W R |
Barber, Mrs P A |
Barker, Jason and Jean |
Barnaby, Wendy |
Bayliss, Vernon |
Beadstock, Mrs K |
Bending, Mr M & Mrs |
Benton, Dr J E |
Beresford, Joan |
Bingham, George |
Birtwistle, Hugh |
Bishop, J |
Bond, Anthony |
Bowles, Mrs J |
Bright, Julie |
Brooks, Revd P |
Browning, Matthew J |
Budden, Keith |
Bull, Mr & Mrs A D |
Burton, Mrs Lois |
Butt, Mohammad Asshar |
Campbell, Michael |
Campbell, Mr & Mrs N & D |
Cansell, Sarah |
Carpenter, E C |
Carpenter, Mrs S |
Cawte, Terry C |
Chapman, Steven |
Charlesworth, Martin |
Charter, P |
Chumbley, S C |
Clark, Michael A |
Cleal, Mrs Mary |
Cole, Chris |
Coleman, D A |
Cooke, Miss S E |
Cozens, Rev G |
Craig, Mr K
Crowter, Mr D
Cummins, Mrs J P |
Cunningham, Gerald |
Currie, Ms Elma |
Dancer, A J |
Davidson, Derek |
Davidson, Dr Tian |
Davies, Miss K, Mr Peter, and Mr and Mrs |
Davies, Mrs Catherine |
Davis, Peter |
Dawson, Mr & Mrs P |
Dendy, Jon |
Docherty, Mr & Mrs W T |
Drury, P O |
Duck, Miss Anne |
Dumpleton, Owen |
Dyer, Colin |
Dyson, Mr R L and Mrs K |
Edwards-Clarke, Douglas |
Elks, David |
Ellis, Anna |
Ellis, Mark |
Everett, M G |
Everett, Mrs J V |
Farley, Howard |
Faulks, Mrs S M |
Findlay, Dr John S |
Foster, Alan |
Foster, Roy |
Fraser, M |
Gammage, Mrs A |
Gammage, R W |
Garcia,Mrs S |
Gelder, J M |
Gilderson, D J |
Gill, Mr Brian |
Gilmour, Mrs R D |
Glenny, Patrick |
Goldschmied, Asa |
Goodson, Elisabeth |
Gordon, Toni |
Gordon-Clarke Mr S W, and Clarke, Mrs C N |
Gower, Jill |
Grassham, Rev Roger |
Green, Brian & Celia |
Green, Mrs Jan |
Grunwald-Spier, Agnes |
Gubbins, Mrs E A |
Hadaway, W G H |
Halliwell, Ms S R |
Hammond, Mr M |
Hammond, Mrs C |
Harper, Mrs L |
Harvey, Neil |
Hayden, Dr P |
Hayden, F |
Hayward, Mrs V |
Heath, Dr M J |
Herdan, Ralph |
Hewinson, Mrs Ann |
Hillas, Councillor Deryck |
Hinderwell, Pam |
Hocking, Mr M R |
Holt, A C |
Hope, Mrs D E |
House, Mr T Peter |
Humphrey, John |
Hydon, Mike |
Iliffe, Mrs B W |
Ireland, G |
Jones, Carol |
Jones, Mr S K |
Jones, Mrs M E |
Joy, Ms J |
Keep, D J |
Kennard, Mrs L R |
Kennedy, S P |
Kenney, Mrs B-June |
Kozbaw, M |
L R, Ms |
Laidley, Herbert-Angus |
Lake, Mrs J A |
Land, Ms Sheila |
Lawrence, Miss J P |
Laws, Mr Bruce |
Lewis, Mrs R & Family |
Longman, Judith |
Lovering, Celia |
Lush, F J & K |
MacGregor, Miss I K |
Mackenzie, Mr & Mrs R |
Macmillan, Terence |
MacRae, David |
MacRae, Mrs M |
Malik, Hussain |
Matheson, Mr P B |
Matyjaszek, Edmund |
McAndrew, Sean |
McDawe, Mr & Mrs G |
McIlroy, W J |
McKay, P |
McKnight, Lisa |
McQueer, I and WL |
McTeer, Rashid |
Mears, Idris |
Melhuish, S |
Milne, John & Jean |
Mitchell, Elizabeth |
Moghal, Manzoor |
Monkings, Ms Margaret |
Moore, Dr D M and Mrs S C |
Moore, Stephen J |
Morrison, Mrs S A |
Mottistone Lord |
Munro, Miss J |
Murray, Joann |
Mutton, Ian |
Myers, Susan |
Nash James M |
Neil, Chris |
New, Ray |
Nickless, David |
Odgers, J & H |
Osborn, Beryl C & Cynthia M |
Osmond, Miss Rowena J |
Owler, Miss D M |
Oyelowo, David |
Pack, J E |
Packer, Ms S |
Page, Norman |
Palmer, Mrs Anne |
Patrick, John
Patterson, Mark
Pattison, Mrs M A |
Payton, D |
Perrin, Dudley |
Plumpton, Allan |
Pocock, T J |
Potten, Mavis |
Price, Colin |
Prickett, Mrs E R |
Proom, T J |
Pull, Inspector Robert |
Purkiss, David S |
Purkiss, Peter & Muriel |
Purves, Allan |
Pym, The Revd Francis |
Quigley, Alistair |
Quinn, Mr Joe |
Ramsan, M |
Randall, Petula |
Repper, Keith and Dawn |
Ritchie, James |
Robertson, Andrew |
Romilly, Adrian L |
Ross, Alexander |
Rowan Family |
Sampson, John |
Sattar, A |
Seddon, Ms L M |
Shepherd, Miss J A |
Sheriff, Sarah |
Siddiqui, Afsar |
Sleep, Mrs J A |
Smith, M & K |
Smith, William |
Sookhdeo, Rev Canon Dr Patrick |
Spencer-Smith, Harry |
Spreadbury, Mr David |
Stephenson, Mr D A & Mrs J R |
Stephens, Mrs H K D |
Stevens, Mrs K |
Stevens, Steve |
Strange,G W |
Stubbs, Tony and Rebecca |
Sutton, Tim |
Taj, Farouq |
Tann, Mark |
Taylor, Mrs Mabel |
Tebbitt, Rt Hon the Lord |
Thomas, Mr J Rod |
Thompson, Mr J and Mrs A |
Tindall, Mr & Mrs A |
Tomlinson, Peter |
Tostevin, Ray |
Trimby, Andrew R |
Tuck, Ralph |
Tucker, Joan |
Turner, Gordon |
Vellacott, Miss Bethany |
Viccars, Andy |
Vince, Mrs L |
Vizinczey, Stephen |
Voong, Peng |
Voysey, Miss J |
Wager, Austin T |
Wainwright, John |
Walkes, Miss Margaret |
Ward, Beryl R |
Ward, Mr R I |
Warren, Mr P L |
Watts, Mr K A |
Weatherhogg, Deborah |
Weatherhogg, Dr J J |
Weatherhogg, Nick |
Wednesday Afternoon Church House Group, Members
of the |
Weeden,Mark |
Weekes, Mr & Mrs N |
Wheatley, R K |
Wheatley, Rowland |
Whitaker, Miss A |
White, Stuart |
Whiteside, B & J |
Whyman, Mr J B |
Wickens, Martin |
Wilks, Mr F R |
Williams, Kenneth C |
Wills, D I |
Wilson, Graeme |
Wilson, Liz |
Wilson, Sonia |
Witts, Miss C Eve |
Woolgar,T L |
Worsley, E J |
Worsley, Peter |
Wright, G |
Yearwood, Pedro |
In addition, individual members of the Committee received numerous
letters, at their private addresses, after the deadline for written
submissions had passed. All were similarly phrased and appeared
to be part of a write-in campaign organised by "Christian
Voice" (whose evidence has been published).
The Report of the Committee is published in Volume I
The oral evidence is published in Volume II
The written evidence is published in Volume III