Select Committee on Religious Offences in England and Wales Written Evidence

Submission from Cleethorpes Christian Centre

  We as a church would like to put the following submission in with regards to the proposed abolition of the Common Law of Blasphemy.

  We understand that The Committee will be considering two main issues:

  1.  Should existing religious offences (notably blasphemy) be amended or abolished?

  2.  Should a new offence of incitement to religious hatred be created and, if so, how should the offence be defined?

  In short, our answers to these questions are:

    —  No! We will not have the blessed name of our God and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, publicly blasphemed with impunity,

    —  No! We are not prepared to have our church services disrupted by militant anti-Christian agitators,

    —  No! We do not want violent demonstrations on church property, and

    —  No! We do not believe the half-baked provisions about "religious hatred" thrown out of the Terrorism Bill by Parliament and warmed up by Lord Avebury are a proper substitute.

24 June 2002

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