Select Committee on Religious Offences in England and Wales Written Evidence

Submission from the Elim Way Fellowship

  I am writing on behalf of the members of my Church to express concern about proposals to change or repeal the current UK law that forbids blasphemy.

  I would urge you to retain the current law at all costs. The biblical and Christian heritage that we have as a country has meant that the country's progress, prosperity and moral standards have had a sound Christian ethos.

  The proposed changes will herald us an unwelcome opportunity for blasphemy against God (Christ Jesus) that fly's in the face of longstanding commitments to Christian beliefs for the nation (a Christian Constitution).

  I believe that modernist views of society must not be allowed to irrevocably damage the Christian heritage, which has positively affected our society for good over the centuries.

  When our sovereign Queen was crowned at her coronation 50 years ago she made a solemn commitment to the nation and before God to "Receive this Orb set under the Cross and remember that the whole world is subject to the Power and Empire of Christ our Redeemer". Our sovereign is also "Defender of the Faith" (Christianity) and we believe this is fundamental for the on-going blessing and prosperity for our nation.

  I therefore urge you to re-consider attempts to change or repeal the current law against blasphemy. Please do all in your power to retain it. Our prayers are with you at this time.

4 July 2002

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