Submission from the Eynsford Christian
Fellowship (Baptist)
The Committee will be considering two main issues:
(1) Should existing religious offences (notably
blasphemy) be amended or abolished?
(2) Should a new offence of incitement to
religious hatred be created and, if so, how should the offence
be defined?
In short, our answers to these questions are:
NO! We will not have the blessed name of our
God and Redeemer publicly blasphemed with impunity.
NO! We are not prepared to have our church services
disrupted by militant anti-Christian agitators.
NO! We do not want violent demonstrations on
church property; and
NO! We do not believe the half-baked provisions
about "religious hatred" thrown out of the Terrorism
Bill by Parliament and warmed up by Lord Avebury are a proper
30 June 2002