Select Committee on Religious Offences in England and Wales Written Evidence

Submission from Masjid-e-Iraan

I am involved with Masjid-e-Iraan[12]as its Secretary/Chairman. It is an organisation of Muslims.

  We have been advised that the Government is considering how to combat the Islamophobia that is now so rampant in the United Kingdom that it is affecting everyone and it is in that context that you are taking evidence from interested people.

  If that is the case, I would like you to please note my interest. I know of instances where Muslims face great difficulties in getting jobs and while in employment face problems because of following their faith. I also know that Muslims when taunted and harassed for their appearance cannot get any help by the police or anyone.

  Many Muslims say that it is advantageous in this country to be Black than Muslim. But Muslims can be both and why can't we be treated the same way as you treat the Jews, the Christians and the Sikhs. We should not be singled out for discrimination and harassment.

  I should also like to say that Islam is based upon respect for other religions. The Holy Quran praises other Prophets and we, as Muslims must believe in them. Because Christianity does not recognise Prophets who came after Jesus, there is a real danger of disrespect for Muhammad. I understand there is no law that enforces respect for other religions or beliefs. I believe there should be one.

12   Identical letters were received from the Berkshire branch of the Islamic Society of Britain, Brent Muslim Association and the Islamic Centre, Wembley. Back

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