Submission from the Open-Air Mission
Thank you for the invitation to contribute towards
the report you are involved in compiling with regard to the law
relating to religious offences. Whilst appreciating the undoubted
good intentions which lie behind this report, (the desire to protect
people of different religious persuasions in our society is obviously
a right one), I would be concerned that a change in the law, like
the one proposed by the Government at the end of last year, would
in fact have the potential to do far more harm than good.
One of the great beacons that has shone from
the shores of our land for many centuries has been the blessing
of "Freedom of Speech". I would be very concerned to
see this being eroded in any way. A change in the law introduces
the possible risk that religious debate be regarded as inciting
religious hatred by any and all who wish to make mischief. In
our ministry in public open-air situations we are regularly engaged
in discussion with people of other faiths, but we always aim to
conduct ourselves in a calm and friendly manner. We always seek
to conclude each encounter with a warm and friendly handshake.
What an horrific thought that it might become a criminal offence
to seek, however peacefully, to persuade a person to change from
one religion to another. This is surely the beginning of a journey
along the road to repression.
Surely it is unnecessary to introduce new legislation
when protection already exists for all people regardless of whether
they adhere to any particular religion or none. I believe it is
already a criminal offence to incite a crime against another person,
whether or not religion is the cause.
Finally, could I also say that it seemed to
me, that one of the weaknesses of the Government's Bill last year
was the complete omission of any definition of religion. This
might have paved the way for any extreme group to have demanded
prosecution against anyone who dared to raise a voice against
17 June 2002