4.39 Metrology is the science of measurement.
Accurate and reproducible measurement of length and thickness
is essential at every stage of chip manufacture. Critical linear
measurements (for example, in projecting a lithography pattern
over a preceding layer) can be as small as 5 nm or 25 atoms.
4.40 DTI funds the National Physical Laboratory
so that both the science research base and UK high-technology
industry have access to a world-class measurement institute. It
is regarded as one of the three leading centres internationally.
Nano-scale metrology is an increasingly important element of its
activities. During our visit to NPL[42]
in March 2002 we saw much high-quality work, including a nano-scale
metrology tool (involving a combination of scanning tunnelling
microscopy and X-ray interferometry) that had been developed in
conjunction with NPL's German counterpart, the PTB. We also noted
that, although NPL's expertise was highly relevant to computing
technology, its application is not apparently central to the NPL
mission, which perhaps explained why the effort was dispersed
between several strands of activity.
4.41 When we received oral evidence from the
NPL team, we were disappointed to find that, although the Laboratory's
expertise had a wide range of potential applications in the future
development and manufacture of microprocessors, plans to develop
exploitation were still at a relatively early stage (Q 348).
NPL argued that much of their expertise was deployed through knowledge
transfer to industry (Q 343), but Mr Gower of Exitech Ltd
had made more use of the work of the US and German National Measurement
Institutes (p 194). His observation that, while NPL had undoubted
expertise, it had little profile in the technologies relevant
to the semiconductor industry was borne out during our visit to
Silicon Valley.
4.42 When we discussed this general matter with
the Minister for Science, he agreed the importance of NPL's developing
its presence and noted that there was a new three-year strategy
in place for this (QQ 489 & 490). Given the vital
role of metrology in chip fabrication, we recommend that NPL should
urgently complete its review of the way it co-ordinates its activities
relevant to microprocessing, and implement a clear strategy for
developing and marketing its contribution to the global computing
4.43 Nanotechnology is concerned with the application
of material science at or around the nanometre scale. It covers
not only processes for working down to the almost sub-microscopically
small but also the exploitation of molecules and biological structures
to self-assemble tiny structures. The consequent fusion of Physics,
Chemistry and Biology holds immense promise across a wide range
of potential applications. Some of those applications may be in
the field of chip fabrication. In return, many nanotechnology
devices will rely on advances in computing. The interplay of these
two matters is discussed further in paragraphs 8.8 onwards as
part of our more general consideration of ways of strengthening
R&D in computing.
23 Some beach sands are mainly silicon dioxide. Back
The complexity of a modern chip is illustrated on the front cover
of this report. Back
In the industry, chip fabrication facilities are known as Fabs. Back
Tolerances can be as little as 5 nm - the space occupied by 25
silicon atoms. Back
See Box 2. Back
Also now expanded into Complementary Metal-Oxide-Silicon. Back
Electronics Vol 38 No 8. Back
Then Director of Fairchild Semiconductors' R&D Laboratory.
He co-founded Intel in 1968. Back
See Appendix 4. Back
Q refers to a question number in the accompanying volume of evidence. Back
Available at Back
p refers to a page number in the accompanying volume of evidence. Back
Atoms in a silicon crystal are spaced about one fifth of a nanometre
apart. Back
In reality, the overall power consumption would increase slightly.
Insulating properties decline with smaller size so current leakage
increases. Back
See Appendix 6. Back
See paragraphs 4.22 and 4.23. Halving the linear dimension in
a three-dimensional structure would increase the maximum power
density by a factor of eight. Back
"Solid-state Century", Scientific American, special
issue 1998. Back
See Appendix 6. Back
See the company's written evidence on p 194. Back
See Appendix 4. Back