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10 Jun 2004 : Column WA37

Written Answers

Thursday, 10 June 2004.

Northern Ireland: Ex-prisoner support groups

Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

The Lord President of the Council (Baroness Amos): Records show that the support detailed in the table below has been paid to ex-prisoners' groups and to organisations providing assistance to ex-prisoners since 1999. Ex-prisoners' groups may apply for funding from any programme or scheme for which they can satisfy the relevant eligibility criteria.
YearFunding Provided

In some cases groups offer support to both victims and ex-prisoners and it has not been possible to disaggregate the amount directed to support ex-prisoners alone. The total figure has therefore been used in these cases. Paramilitary prisoners' support groups are not identified as a specific category for the purposes of recording financial support.

Services have also been purchased from the Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders to support serving prisoners families. Details are provided in the table below.

Lord Glentoran asked Her Majesty's Government:

Baroness Amos: Records show that the support detailed in the table below has been paid to ex-prisoners' groups and to organisations providing assistance to ex-prisoners since April 1998.
10 Jun 2004 : Column WA38

Ex-prisoners' groups may apply for funding from any programme or scheme for which they can satisfy the relevant eligibility criteria. In some cases groups offer support to both victims and ex-prisoners and it has not been possible to disaggregate the amount directed to support ex-prisoners alone. The total figure has therefore been used in these cases.
Assistance Provided to Organisations Providing
Support to Ex-Prisoners
AAI Construction126,315
Amach Agus Isteach109,497
An Eochair247,788
An Loiste Uir92,227
Ar Ais Aris252,421
Arais Aris ar an Omaigh44,000
Aras Tar Abhaile492,832
Ard Eoin Amach Agus Isteach100,280
Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre100,970
Boyne/Prisoners Enterprises53,325
Cairde Strabane Republican Ex-prisoners Group212,124
Clare Ex-Prisoners Association3,750
Coiste na larchimi15,000
Coiste na n-larchimi910,569
Committee on the Administration of Justice2,000
Cumann na Fuiseoige22,500
Cumann na Meirleach Ard Mhaca Tueas907,088
East Belfast Prisoners Aid PCRG66,196
Educational Trust369,112
EPIC (Belfast)12,000
Epic (East Ulster)60,000
EPIC (Mid Ulster Branch)26,500
EPIC (North Ulster Branch)71,300
EPIC (W Belfast)32,400
Epic East103,600
EPIC Mid-Ulster84,500
EPIC North90,560
EPIC Northwest38,707
EPIC South Belfast96,753
Fermanagh Prisoners Dependants Association84,000
Gae Lairn698,259
Glencairn Peoples Project25,578
Greater St James Ex-Prisoners Group2,750
Highfield Prisoners in Partnership126,021
Iarchimi Fhear Manach41,819
Innis Toide10,000
Innis Toide Crafts Ltd1,000
INTERCOMM (Inter Community Development Project)1,000
Lagan Valley Ex-Prisoners Support Group9,535
Larchimi Fhear Manach92,149
Larne Associated Enterprise Development Ltd (LAED)120,000
Linc Resource Centre2,830
Lisburn Enterprise Organisation10,000
Lisburn Prisoners Support Group392,348
Lisburn Prisoners Support Project504,943
Media Training Services (PANG)18,750
Monkstown Community Resource Centre68,847
New Lodge Forum49,772
Newhaven Trust10,746
Newtownabbey Prisoners Resettlement Group81,300
NIACRO Employment Services44,504
North Belfast Prisoners Aid163,126
Oganaigh Le Cheile1,500
Portadown Irish Prisoners3,000
Prison Arts Foundation60,807
Prisoners Aid (East Belfast)4,500
Prisoners Aid (North Belfast)85,958
Prisoners Aid (Shankill)83,500
Prisoners Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group141,096
Prisoners Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group (East Belfast)91,870
Prisoners Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group (North Belfast)97,158
Prisoners Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group (Shankill)144,650
Prisoners Aid Networking Group6,000
Prisoners Enterprise Project383,825
Prisoners Enterprise Project (South Belfast)50,000
Prisoners Enterprise Project (South)58,783
REACT (Derry)14,073
Strabane Ex-Prisoners Group78,979
Support for Non-Aligned Prisoners4,916
Tar Abhaile447,017
Tar Anall1,398,504
Tar Anall—Iuir Cinn Tra156,433
Tar Isteach294,488
Teach na Failte575,501
Welfare Unit (Maze)100,840
Tra Chearr67,063
Tra Chearr/BIFHE16,600
Tra Ghear Prisoners Support Development Plan149,416
Tus Nua170,659
Ulster Prisoners Aid116,869
Ulster Quaker Service Committee103,007
Venture International (PANG)35,000

10 Jun 2004 : Column WA39

Northern Ireland: Childcare

Baroness Blood asked Her Majesty's Government:

Baroness Amos: At 31 March 2003 (the latest date for which such information is currently available) there was one registered childcare place with childminders or in day nurseries, playgroups, out of school clubs or holiday schemes per 3.7 children under eight years old in Northern Ireland.

Ulster-Scots Agency

Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

Baroness Amos: I refer the noble Lord to the answer given on 22 March (WA 73).

The 2004 budget calculation for the Ulster-Scots Agency was based on the approved actions in the agency's business plan, together with associated staffing costs.
10 Jun 2004 : Column WA40

Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

Baroness Amos: There was a factual error in the Written Answer given to the noble Lord on 23 April (WA 63). At its board meeting on 7 December 2001 the Ulster-Scots Agency agreed to accept a five-year lease of the Donegal premises. However, the agency acquired the premises in Donegal when its lease commenced on 1 July 2002.

Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

Baroness Amos: The Ulster-Scots Agency's draft corporate plan for 2005–07 and the draft business plan for 2005 have not been agreed by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. The draft plans are presently under consideration by the sponsor departments, North and South.

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