Select Committee on Constitution Minutes of Evidence

Annex 1


Type of inquiryStatute Referring organisation

Completed mergerEnterprise Act 2002 s. 22 Office of Fair Trading
Anticipated mergerEnterprise Act 2002 s. 33 Office of Fair Trading
Article 9 referralECMR Council Regulation 4064/89/EEC Office of Fair Trading
Article 21(3)—protection of legitimate interests ECMR Council RegulationEnterprise Act 2002
s. 67(2)
Secretary of State
Merger raising public interest issuesEnterprise Act 2002 s. 45 Secretary of State
Merger raising special public interest issues Enterprise Act 2002 s. 62Secretary of State
Newspaper merger*Fair Trading Act 1973 s. 59 Secretary of State
MarketEnterprise Act 2002 s. 131, 132 Office of Fair Trading, sectoral regulators with concurrent powers (the Director General of Telecommunications, the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (GEMA), the Director General of Water Services, the Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation, the Rail Regulator, and the Civil Aviation Authority) or Minister
Water mergerWater Industry Act 1991 s. 32 amended by Enterprise Act 2002 s. 70 and Schedules 6 & 9. Office of Fair Trading
Water and sewerage licence modification Water Industry Act 1991 s. 12 or s. 14Director General of Water Services
Airport price regulation (quinquennial reviews) Airports Act 1986 s. 43 or Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 art 34 Civil Aviation Authority
Gas licence modificationGas Act 1986 s. 24, or Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 art 15 GEMA, the Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation
Gas non-licensable activitiesGas Act 1986 s. 41E GEMA
Electricity licence modificationElectricity Act 1989 s. 12, or Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 art 15 GEMA, the Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation
Electricity non-licensable activitiesElectricity Act 1989 s. 56C GEMA
Railways licence modificationRailways Act 1993, s. 13 The Rail Regulator
Railways access chargesRailways Act 1993 Schedule 4A The Rail Regulator
National Air Traffic SystemTransport Act 2000 s. 12 Civil Aviation Authority
Telecommunications licence modification* Telecommunications Act 1984
s. 13
Director General of Telecommunications
Postal services licence modificationPostal Services Act 2000 s. 15 Postal Services Commission
Broadcasting licences—networking arrangements* Broadcasting Act 1990 schedule 4ITC and holders of regional Channel 3 licences
Regulatory provisions or practicesFinancial Services and Markets Act 2000 s. 160 or s. 306 Office of Fair Trading
Public bodies-efficiency and costsCompetition Act 1980 s. 11 Secretary of State

  *The Communications Bill, currently (April 2003) before Parliament, is expected to alter the arrangements for reference of newspaper mergers, telecommunications licence modifications and broadcasting licences.

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