Select Committee on Constitutional Reform Bill Written Evidence

Memorandum by the Association of Women Barristers

  1.  The AWB has approximately 500 members and its elected committee promotes the wishes and interests of its members. Its current Chairwoman is Jane Hoyal and its current President is the Right Honourable Baroness Hale of Richmond.

  2.  The AWB has campaigned for a fundamental reform in the way the professional judiciary is appointed. The AWB believes that the case for an independent Judicial Appointments Commission is overwhelming and that the public interest in securing a diverse judiciary which more reflects society is urgent. The AWB has responded to all the Government consultation papers and circulated policy and other relevant responses which are available on request.

  3.  The experience of modern Jurisdictions eg Canada has highlighted the "merit" in judges selected by the application of measurable objective criteria in accordance with non-discriminatory practices.

  Public confidence in the judiciary has been enhanced by the positive implementation of a non discriminatory application procedure, policy and practice.

  4.  England, Wales and Northern Ireland have a professional judiciary which is composed of mainly white, male ex barristers. The very low number of women at Circuit Bench, High Court, Appeal Court and House of Lords level is regarded by some as a national disgrace, given the number of eligible women lawyers. The AWB has the highest regard for the excellence, high integrity and merit of the existing Judiciary.

  5.  The AWB supports strongly that part of the Bill creating the independent Judicial Appointments Commission. It considers that arguments over other parts of the Bill should not be allowed to delay this long overdue reform.

  6.  The AWB agrees with the Fawcett Society, Rights of Women, the Discrimination Law Association and the Haldane Society in respect of the urgent need for the above reform. Drafting points can be resolved with a commitment by all to co-operate in ensuring that mischievous, unreasonable, obstructive, delaying or blocking tactics are not employed.

  The AWB is available to provide oral and/or further written evidence if requested.

June Hoyal

April 2004

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