Select Committee on Constitutional Reform Bill Written Evidence

Annex B


This letter was written after consultation with the Senior District Judge (Magistrates' Courts). The issue resulted from the introduction by the DfES of a new fast track procedure to bring prosecutions for truancy, which was expected to increase the workload of the courts. The assistance of a District Judge was offered "if it were considered appropriate." The DCA and the Justices' Clerks Society were both represented on a working group considering these initiative.


The "Operation Payback" planning document was in no way intended to interfere with due legal process. It was intended as a guidance framework for Magistrates' Courts committees to assist with their local planning. The document suggested that a Bench representative and legal advisor be present at a "confirmation" meeting 24 hours before the event. This meeting was primarly a communications meeting to ensure that those in the court were aware that the initiative was taking place and therefore aware of any subsequent increase in business that might occur. When DCA was made aware of concerns by both the Justices' Clerks Society and the Senior Presiding Judge, these were addressed.


The Justices' Clerks Society was one of several stakeholders to whom the draft document was circulated in order to safeguard against administrative or legal inaccuracies. A number of these stakeholders, in addition to the Justices' Clerks Society, raised concerns that the document needed to be more explicit that the decision to transfer a fine was a judicial one, and the document was duly amended to clarify this.


The guidance contained in the letter had been provided by the Justices' Clerks Society itself in response to a complaint received by Christopher Leslie MP concerning a school visit to a Magistrates' Court that had not been handled well by court staff. Following a request for clarification to the guidance given in that letter, the Society has considered the matter further and provided the DCA with advice which will be issued shortly.

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