Select Committee on Constitutional Reform Bill Written Evidence

Letter from the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the DEA

I consulted the Master of the Faculties about his matter. We are, for the most part, content with the proposals save that, whilst it would be acceptable for the Chancellor of the High Court to nominate another Judge to exercise his functions under the section, it would not be appropriate for a Master to do so. These are after all functions belonging at present to the Office of the Lord Chancellor. Moreover, this is by way of an appeal against the decision of the senior judge of the Church of England. The Master and I, therefore, feel strongly that the words "or master" should be removed. This would also make for consistency with the proposal concerning section 5 of the Public Notaries Act 1843.

With regard to the repeal of section 8 of the 1533 Act, the Master and I are somewhat disappointed with your response. I can do no better than to refer you back to my letter of 29 March and also the Master's submission dated 21 April. It is clear from research done in this office and in the Faculty Office archives at Lambeth Palace that this section has not been used for over three centuries and is clearly otiose. It is my understanding that it is the policy of the Government to repeal legislation which has not been utilised for a long period and which no longer has any useful purpose. I hope, therefore, that this matter can be reconsidered.

29 April 2004

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